ANOTHER Failure By The Pretender!

Hmmm . . . troops out of Iraq, winding down of Afghanistan, Khadaffi gone, PC's boy Osama gone. Down on the Syrian dictator. Hmmm . . . PC has an obvious, failed OP.
Yay Obama!

Right, Jake?

Goddamned Right!!!!!!! After your failed President let Bin Laden go free for 7 years, President Obama simply stated that he would see him killed or captured. No silly cowboy rhetoric, and he did exactly that. President Obama stated that he would see the various terrorist networks destroyed, and he is doing that.

When the Libyans had all they could take of Gaddafi, President Obama enlisted the aid of NATO, and together we aided the Libyan people in getting rid of the odious dicatator, a man with American blood on his hands. Where ever remotely possible, when there are American citizens held against their will, President Obama has authorized their rescue, and the killing of their captors.

Your President handed this nation an economic catastrophe, that was rapidly descending into the Second Great Republican Depression. Now we are gradually pulling out of that debacle, in spite of the obstructionism of the GOP, which would rather see this nation fail, than see President Obama succeed.

I see no reason to put the people back in charge that have so egreriously failed this nation, in the manner we saw from 2001 to 2009. I see no reason why a single one of the present Teabagger Congressmen and women should be re-elected. They failed on all their promises concerning job creation, and have opposed everything that would create jobs. Failure is the present legecy of the GOP and it Teabagger controllers.

So Bush did it all by himself????

Makes sense......sense you feel everything bad that happened was his fault.

On the other hand you probably think everything good that's happening is because of Obama.
There is, I am sure, medication for your condition.
Ask your doctor if it is right for you.

I've heard Haldol works well for delusion. We might as well put it in the water in places like NYC and CA.
The truth is Bush had few failures, Obama has few successes.

Speaking of "the water in places like NYC and CA," do you recall that the the 'Science Czar' selected by Barack Obama, no doubt because of his insight and foresight, John P. Holdren, advocated for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obama’s top advisor also called for,”Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.”
Holdren added that the sterilant must meet stiff requirements in that it must only affect humans and not livestock.

“It must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock,” wrote Holdren with co-authors Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich.

Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will “seems to horrify people” and yet it doesn’t seem to bother him too much, amidst the myriad of other totalitarian Dr. Strangelove style ideas that are put forward in the book as a way to carry out an aggressive agenda of population reduction.» » Obama Science Czar’s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply Already Happening Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Certainly this was not a problem for the President, either, as he saw no problem in allowing babies born as a result of botched abortions to simply lie there until they died.

Amazing how the Left 'loves mankind', but hates people.
That's because they can't see people as individuals.
Your post cheers a diplomatic setback and then goes into some oft repeated reasons why we should mass kill Iranians, that's disgusting as hell.

You're disgusting as hell. The President is clearly at sea, out of his depth, with no one competent to help him. His Iran policy is a failure. His Afghan policy is a failure. Hs Russian policy is a failure. There is not a single foreign policy success he can point to.
Aren't you concerned that your country is being led by a gross incompetent?
But hes learning and now has the hang of it ... hahahhaha
The brilliance of Obama:cuckoo:

Mr Obama named Robert Ford as the new ambassador to Syria, an appointment process that he began in February.

Senators had stalled on nominating an ambassador, arguing it would reward the country for good behaviour.

The BBC's Iain Mackenzie in Washington says the White House has long argued that re-engaging with Syria is the best way of tackling extremist groups and ensuring its involvement is the search for peace in the Middle East.

The last American ambassador was withdrawn in 2005 after Syria was implicated in the assassination of the Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri.

BBC News - Obama bypasses Senate with ambassador appointments
The GOP's obstructionism of the president's foreign policy efforts to engage Syria hurts our country.

A coterie of GOP senators engaged in obstructionism reveals their interest only in power not good government.
I can see why you'd be loathe to talk about Obama.

Why would I be loathe to talk about a person, who while not the best president you have ever had still shits on Bush as far as being a capable president. On his worst day, Obama is better than Bush on his best....

There is, I am sure, medication for your condition.
Ask your doctor if it is right for you.

Translation of PC's post: "I got nothin', so I'll just throw in the ad hom"...
Why am I not surprised...
US Embassy in Syria Closed, Diplomats Evacuated ABC News* - 1 day ago A US official said that talks are ongoing with Poland to serve as the American protecting power in Syria while the US embassy is closed.

Sounds very dangerous for Americans there.
Indeed. Syria's a shithole. Now, why are you blaming the GOP? Oh, yeah -- because you're a leftist.

You are neither a conservative nor an American. The Congress, dem and pub, have to work on this together. China and Russia are backing Syria, which encourages Iran and Hezbollah. The Arab League itself is going to have force Abad out. How that is going to happen, I don't know. I do know your anti-American posturing endangers the world.
When the MEN in China and Russia told our Boy King to sit down and shut up, he ordered the embassy closed. What else could he do? Adults told him to go to his room.
When the MEN in China and Russia told our Boy King to sit down and shut up, he ordered the embassy closed. What else could he do? Adults told him to go to his room.

katzndogz is neither conservative nor pro-America. What a stupid ass comment.
Well...isn't it clear?

He should have gone on the "Great Apology Tour,"

...bowed even lower than last tour,

....and begged forgiveness for America's very existence.

At that moment, looking back after a "long," "difficult" "journey" which he would take "with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations" it would be remembered as the night at which the earth began to heal and the rise of the oceans began to slow,”


OK...the real answer: find a worthy President.

So you accuse the President of having done the wrong things in 6 examples,

but you have no clue what the right things to do would have been.

Can anyone help this woman?

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

John McCrae

"If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow"

I know you don't know the poem, but I wonder if your overlord knows the sentiment.

You can waste our time as much as you want with drivel,

but the fact remains, you've yet to post the right things the president should have done.

Which can probably be most simply explained by the fact that the president probably did as well as anyone could have done.
When the MEN in China and Russia told our Boy King to sit down and shut up, he ordered the embassy closed. What else could he do? Adults told him to go to his room.

And tell us, specifically, in detail, exactly what we should be doing over Syria.

If we were Diplomats with access to all the information that they have available to them we probably could tell you what we should be doing. The results we are seeing is telling us that what ever they are doing is wrong...........
US Embassy in Syria Closed, Diplomats Evacuated ABC News* - 1 day ago A US official said that talks are ongoing with Poland to serve as the American protecting power in Syria while the US embassy is closed.

Sounds very dangerous for Americans there.
Indeed. Syria's a shithole. Now, why are you blaming the GOP? Oh, yeah -- because you're a leftist.

You are neither a conservative nor an American. The Congress, dem and pub, have to work on this together. China and Russia are backing Syria, which encourages Iran and Hezbollah. The Arab League itself is going to have force Abad out. How that is going to happen, I don't know. I do know your anti-American posturing endangers the world.
So now I'm anti-American. :lol:

I agree, if by "American", you mean "drooling idiot leftists".

You know, like you.
When the MEN in China and Russia told our Boy King to sit down and shut up, he ordered the embassy closed. What else could he do? Adults told him to go to his room.

katzndogz is neither conservative nor pro-America. What a stupid ass comment.
Obama's cheerleaders propbably aren't the people best equipped to define who is and who isn't conservative.

Your grand pronouncements are horseshit.

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