ANOTHER Failure By The Pretender!

Your post cheers a diplomatic setback and then goes into some oft repeated reasons why we should mass kill Iranians, that's disgusting as hell.

Just more of the Anti-American rhetoric that IS the Conservative/Tea Party. Why do they hate America so much that they would root AGAINST their President, even if they don't like him?

I've never, ever rooted against Bush. I didn't agree, but I was hoping I was wrong and he had more information at his disposal than I did.

You fuckers are disgusting.

The far right are not conservatives and they root for America's failure. That's all you need to know about the haters until they apologize.
The GOP's obstructionism of the president's foreign policy efforts to engage Syria hurts our country.

A coterie of GOP senators engaged in obstructionism reveals their interest only in power not good government.

What efforts to engage Syria? How did Congress interefere in those efforts? Did they tell Obama not to allow the Syrians to cheer Ambassador Ford? Did they force Obama to close the embassy?

FYI, Congress cannot dictate to the Executive branch about foreign policy. Face it Jake, you are on the wrong side of this one, just admit he screwed up and move on. Even Obama is human.

The president, whom I oppose in most economic matters, is dead right on how he is handling Syria. Either the GOP senator obstructionists get on board, or they are going to be slammed in this and future elections for being partly responsible for civilian massacres in Syria. Rightfully so.

Again, how, specifically, are the GOP obstructing them? Give concrete examples of votes that Obama called for in Congress that the GOP opposed so I can see them, or admit that you are blowing smoke up Obama's ass.
Let's break it down. Syria is supported by China and Russia's veto of the US-proposed UN vote. Iran continues to army Syria in hopes that it confronts Israel. Only other Arab League nations can operate militarily in Syria without Iraq and Iran helping to aid and possibly send troops to support the dictator. This is going to rebound badly on the GOP presidential candidate this fall because Romney will either defend the president, and get hammered by the far right and some Republicans, or he will attack the president's handling of the affair, and get smeared with obstructionism that leads to the killing of Syrian civilians.

You masterminds of the far right and Obama haters out there should cool down and think this through carefully.

What makes you think Iran would allow the Arab League, whom they despise, to invade Syria without reacting? You should think about how Iran is reacting to US pressure to stop give up its nuclear program, calling it an act of war, and how Ahmadinejad supports Assad because he is a fellow Shiite before you offer opinions on what Syria will, or will not, do.

It was meant to be a crowning moment in which Iran put its own Islamic stamp on the Arab Spring. More than a thousand young activists were flown here earlier this week (at government expense) for a conference on "the Islamic Awakening," Tehran's effort to rebrand the popular Arab uprisings of the past year...
But there was a catch. No one was invited from Syria, whose autocratic president, Bashar al-Assad, is a crucial Iranian ally. The Syrian protesters are routinely dismissed by Tehran's government as foreign agents -- despite the fact that they are Muslims fighting a secular (and brutal) dictatorship.
That inconvenient truth soon marred the whole script. As the conference began, a young man in the audience held up a sign with the word "SYRIA?" written in English. Applause burst out in the crowd, followed by boos. Audience members began chanting the slogan of the Syrian protesters: "God, freedom and Syria!" But they were drowned out by others chanting pro-Assad slogans.
Soon afterward, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's president, took the stage to deliver his opening remarks and tackled the subject with his characteristic bluntness...
Those words drew choreographed chants of approval from a claque in the audience. But many participants clearly were not buying, and the uprising inside the conference hall seemed to have left its mark. In the afternoon, journalists were barred from the proceedings...
During a break in the proceedings, a 31-year-old Libyan named Hafez al-Razi Abdollah stood outside in the sun, holding up a Libyan flag and talking to reporters...
When asked why Iran still supported the Syrian leader, he smiled dismissively. "Ahmadinejad supports him because they're both Shiites," he said. (In fact, Mr. Assad is an Alawite, a heterodox strain of Islam, but that distinction is lost on many Arabs.)
Let's break it down. Syria is supported by China and Russia's veto of the US-proposed UN vote. Iran continues to army Syria in hopes that it confronts Israel. Only other Arab League nations can operate militarily in Syria without Iraq and Iran helping to aid and possibly send troops to support the dictator. This is going to rebound badly on the GOP presidential candidate this fall because Romney will either defend the president, and get hammered by the far right and some Republicans, or he will attack the president's handling of the affair, and get smeared with obstructionism that leads to the killing of Syrian civilians.

You masterminds of the far right and Obama haters out there should cool down and think this through carefully.

:doubt: You're so full of shit Jake, Syria is in no position to confront Israel on anything, It’s more likely there would be a confrontation with Iran via Hezbollah from Lebanon and Syrian civilians are dying by the hundreds as we speak, you’d think when we make big deals with the Russians we could get more cooperation from them on things like Iran and Syria, but Obama's failed weak foreign policy is a joke.
This is why JoeB is fun to talk to: we get to educate him. No one said a thing about Syria attacking Israel. It's about Iran and Hezbollah keeping a regime in power that threatens Syria and western influence out. Obama has been able to isolate Russia better in the ME than the neo-con Bush ever did, yet China's weight behind that of Russia gives the bad guys more traction in Syria.
The GOP's obstructionism of the president's foreign policy efforts to engage Syria hurts our country.

A coterie of GOP senators engaged in obstructionism reveals their interest only in power not good government.

What efforts to engage Syria? How did Congress interefere in those efforts? Did they tell Obama not to allow the Syrians to cheer Ambassador Ford? Did they force Obama to close the embassy?

FYI, Congress cannot dictate to the Executive branch about foreign policy. Face it Jake, you are on the wrong side of this one, just admit he screwed up and move on. Even Obama is human.

The president, whom I oppose in most economic matters, is dead right on how he is handling Syria. Either the GOP senator obstructionists get on board, or they are going to be slammed in this and future elections for being partly responsible for civilian massacres in Syria. Rightfully so.

WTF are you talking about????:eusa_liar:
politicalchic, daveman, and katzndogs are neither conservative nor pro-American. They are douches trying to create an America that never existed before, an America that will end our civil liberties. They are connoisseurs of the Big Lie as the poorly attempt to revise the American narrative.
You certainly have swallowed blindly the left's propaganda.
And tell us, specifically, in detail, exactly what we should be doing over Syria.

Tell us, specifically, in detail, exactly what we should have done instead of the things for which you condemned Bush.

We could have not invaded Iraq. We could have not piled tax cuts on top of more and more spending and brought back the triple digit deficit.

What else?

Oh, feel free to answer MY question while you're at it.
That was detail?


You're a hypocrite. You demand that which you are not willing to do yourself.

But then, hypocrisy is a defining characteristic of leftism.
daveman and political chic and their allies are not conservatives and desire America to fail if they are not in charge. Their writings are clear and to the point. They try to revise, with their lies, the American narrative. They continue to fail and be relegated to the far margins of our political society.

The GOP's obstructionism of the president's foreign policy efforts to engage Syria hurts our country.

A coterie of GOP senators engaged in obstructionism reveals their interest only in power not good government.

What efforts to engage Syria? How did Congress interefere in those efforts? Did they tell Obama not to allow the Syrians to cheer Ambassador Ford? Did they force Obama to close the embassy?

FYI, Congress cannot dictate to the Executive branch about foreign policy. Face it Jake, you are on the wrong side of this one, just admit he screwed up and move on. Even Obama is human.

The president, whom I oppose in most economic matters, is dead right on how he is handling Syria. Either the GOP senator obstructionists get on board, or they are going to be slammed in this and future elections for being partly responsible for civilian massacres in Syria. Rightfully so.
You never explained how the GOP closed our Syrian embassy.
Your post cheers a diplomatic setback and then goes into some oft repeated reasons why we should mass kill Iranians, that's disgusting as hell.

Just more of the Anti-American rhetoric that IS the Conservative/Tea Party. Why do they hate America so much that they would root AGAINST their President, even if they don't like him?

I've never, ever rooted against Bush. I didn't agree, but I was hoping I was wrong and he had more information at his disposal than I did.

You fuckers are disgusting.
Did you similarly chastise those on the left who were rooting for Bush to fail?

Surprise me. Don't say "I never saw anything like that."
Let's break it down. Syria is supported by China and Russia's veto of the US-proposed UN vote. Iran continues to army Syria in hopes that it confronts Israel. Only other Arab League nations can operate militarily in Syria without Iraq and Iran helping to aid and possibly send troops to support the dictator. This is going to rebound badly on the GOP presidential candidate this fall because Romney will either defend the president, and get hammered by the far right and some Republicans, or he will attack the president's handling of the affair, and get smeared with obstructionism that leads to the killing of Syrian civilians.

You masterminds of the far right and Obama haters out there should cool down and think this through carefully.

Your post cheers a diplomatic setback and then goes into some oft repeated reasons why we should mass kill Iranians, that's disgusting as hell.

Just more of the Anti-American rhetoric that IS the Conservative/Tea Party. Why do they hate America so much that they would root AGAINST their President, even if they don't like him?

I've never, ever rooted against Bush. I didn't agree, but I was hoping I was wrong and he had more information at his disposal than I did.

You fuckers are disgusting.

The far right are not conservatives and they root for America's failure. That's all you need to know about the haters until they apologize.
Kid, you're about as conservative as Joe Biden. I suggest you stop making your grand pronouncements.

Unless, of course, you don't mind looking like a retard. Your call.
So you accuse the President of having done the wrong things in 6 examples,

but you have no clue what the right things to do would have been.

Can anyone help this woman?

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

John McCrae

"If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow"

I know you don't know the poem, but I wonder if your overlord knows the sentiment.

You can waste our time as much as you want with drivel,

but the fact remains, you've yet to post the right things the president should have done.

Which can probably be most simply explained by the fact that the president probably did as well as anyone could have done.

"You can waste our time as much as you want with drivel,"

"Flanders Field"...drivel?

From time to time one comes in contact with folks like you....

.... Yogurt has more culture than you do.
daveman is not a conservative or very rational. political chic is not conservative. Thye are on the far right wing trying to revise, ineffectively, the American narrative. Reminding them of their inadequacy is the least one can do. They want America to fail.
The president's handling of Syria is mightily affected by his utter weakness and ineffectuality. In effect, the adults of Russia and China told him to shut up and sit in the corner. To figure out what obama did wrong in Syria, you would have to go back to Egypt and Libya because that's where his missteps started. The first one was probably that completely asinine Cairo speech.
Why do you, Ollie, insist of defending these far right reactionaries who would tear the GOP apart?

They want America to fail if it is not America on their terms.
conservatives like PC sure are bitter/butt hurt about losing the Presidency in '08 :( GET OVER IT!!!

Dotty, Did you realize that the thread actually has a subject...or have you had a rubber stamp made up in form of your post...and you use in all the threads you can't understand?

I can only see the following possible explanations for your inane post:

a. You have no ability to put together a coherent thought that pertains to the
question at hand.

b. You realize that the OP, and the thread, indict the President, and this is
the best you could do by way of defense.

c. If you had actually considered President's endless string of failures, any argument that you might attempt to advance would fail before it started, instead of starting before it failed.

Hmmmm.....I'm going for choice d. You break out in simian gabble every night at this time.

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