Another Fake Poll on how many Wear Masks in Public

This is just silly.

Go out to an outdoor mall and watch and count how many people are wearing masks and how many are not. I did this last Sunday and there are easily two people for every one that wears a mask (count was 51 to 23).

These polls are FAKE and used to manipulate peoples sense of what 'everybody thinks' and they then conform to it.

These 'Biden leads Trump by 50 gazzillion percent' are the same way. They are push polls intending to make people feel ashamed for voting for Trump, nothing more.

Wearing a mask is something that you do for your fellow human beings. It is something that the medical community (not trashy politicians) recommends that we do to stop the spread of this disease.

The people who voted for trump should be ashamed. They were out to hurt our nation and so far have been successful, unfortunately.
Bull shit... Both both Fauci and the SG have both said that wearing a mask will not protect you or prevent the transmission covid.

WHY do you commie leftards keep LYING? All you little radical, brain washed sheeple that have appointed yourselves FACE MASK NAZIS are nothing more than a typical, garden variety, democrat sticking your nose into someone's else's business and freedom of choice, without knowing WTF you're talking about.

Why are you such an asshole? What is a "commie leftard"? You either are interested in your community or you're not. A person wears a mask to protect others. I notice that you provide a link to "the Blaze." that's total trash. As is Fox. It's glen beck, a stupid media whore. I get it that you are not interested in the USA.
Because I don't like LIARS, and that's what you people do.

There's two other links there besides the blaze and fox, but regardless, when it's FACTS, the source is irrelevant. Your reply just proves once again that you people's indoctrination is so deep that even when presented with TRUE FACTS, you're INCAPABLE of accepting them. That's why I call you leftards.

lol... your thumbs down only proves you are a poorly educated basket dweller.

stats don't lie but yer sources are deemed conspiratorial & uber fake news.

nice try though.
Of course YOUR thumbs down, that you hit me with FIRST, are just peachy.

Fuck off, idiot. If my thumbs down to you trigger your precious little ass, then don't give them to me and cry like a little baby when I return them.

lol.... stats don't lie. WE are in phase 2 of opening up safely whilst hayseed states & their spoiled dumbfuck hillbillies are now paying the price for their selfishness in wanting a steak & a haircut when they wanted.

texas AND florida just closed their bars.... in the middle of summer & tourism season.

good job!
Only Cowards wear masks
Only morons don't.
Another one - - - ^ ^ ^ - - - that's been shown FACTUAL evidence that masks don't work, but his BRAIN WASHING is so deep, he follows orders from his handlers like a good little indoctrinated sheeple.

Dingbat here think Faux News links are "factual evidence"!


funny though - how fox still has their workers home AND the few that were in the audience with hannity & donny were all wearing masks.
This is just silly.

Go out to an outdoor mall and watch and count how many people are wearing masks and how many are not. I did this last Sunday and there are easily two people for every one that wears a mask (count was 51 to 23).

These polls are FAKE and used to manipulate peoples sense of what 'everybody thinks' and they then conform to it.

These 'Biden leads Trump by 50 gazzillion percent' are the same way. They are push polls intending to make people feel ashamed for voting for Trump, nothing more.

Wearing a mask is something that you do for your fellow human beings. It is something that the medical community (not trashy politicians) recommends that we do to stop the spread of this disease.

The people who voted for trump should be ashamed. They were out to hurt our nation and so far have been successful, unfortunately.
You lost that argument when democrats condoned protesters and rioters out in the hundreds of thousands.
Covid is resurging because of mindless morons who equate wearing a mask to the size of their manhood. So we have these idiots moan and groan idiocy about freedom. What freedom? Your freedom to be pathetic losers and to endanger others.

Grow up you friggin idiots.
Covid is resurging because of mindless morons who equate wearing a mask to the size of their manhood. So we have these idiots moan and groan idiocy about freedom. What freedom? Your freedom to be pathetic losers and to endanger others.

Grow up you friggin idiots.
Nope ...because of rioters. It’s been stated as such by the LA county health department and also documented in DC and Huston.
This is just silly.

Go out to an outdoor mall and watch and count how many people are wearing masks and how many are not. I did this last Sunday and there are easily two people for every one that wears a mask (count was 51 to 23).

These polls are FAKE and used to manipulate peoples sense of what 'everybody thinks' and they then conform to it.

These 'Biden leads Trump by 50 gazzillion percent' are the same way. They are push polls intending to make people feel ashamed for voting for Trump, nothing more.

Wearing a mask is something that you do for your fellow human beings. It is something that the medical community (not trashy politicians) recommends that we do to stop the spread of this disease.

The people who voted for trump should be ashamed. They were out to hurt our nation and so far have been successful, unfortunately.
Bull shit... Both both Fauci and the SG have both said that wearing a mask will not protect you or prevent the transmission covid.

WHY do you commie leftards keep LYING? All you little radical, brain washed sheeple that have appointed yourselves FACE MASK NAZIS are nothing more than a typical, garden variety, democrat sticking your nose into someone's else's business and freedom of choice, without knowing WTF you're talking about.

Your first 2 links are from March. The third link is to a very small study and the link specifically points out that it didn't study whether masks are effective in limiting droplet travel distance. The last link is about an op-ed, and one based on the idea that no studies have been done showing masks are effective in slowing the spread of COVID-19. There have been such studies now. For example:

Early on it was believed that this virus spread largely through touch. It is now believed to mainly be airborne. Your videos are a bit out of date.
Now what were you saying about the CDC and WHO?
WHO guidance: Healthy people should wear masks only when 'taking care of' coronavirus patients
Facemasks Won’t Protect From Coronavirus, Says CDC And WHO
WHO stands by recommendation to not wear masks if you are not sick or not caring for someone who is sick
This is just silly.

Go out to an outdoor mall and watch and count how many people are wearing masks and how many are not. I did this last Sunday and there are easily two people for every one that wears a mask (count was 51 to 23).

These polls are FAKE and used to manipulate peoples sense of what 'everybody thinks' and they then conform to it.

These 'Biden leads Trump by 50 gazzillion percent' are the same way. They are push polls intending to make people feel ashamed for voting for Trump, nothing more.

Wearing a mask is something that you do for your fellow human beings. It is something that the medical community (not trashy politicians) recommends that we do to stop the spread of this disease.

The people who voted for trump should be ashamed. They were out to hurt our nation and so far have been successful, unfortunately.

Funny you think only Trump supporters are refusing to wear masks. Tisn't the "legacy of slavery" causing it to spread disproportionately among blacks. It is because they don't wear the damn masks much either.
This is just silly.

Go out to an outdoor mall and watch and count how many people are wearing masks and how many are not. I did this last Sunday and there are easily two people for every one that wears a mask (count was 51 to 23).

These polls are FAKE and used to manipulate peoples sense of what 'everybody thinks' and they then conform to it.

These 'Biden leads Trump by 50 gazzillion percent' are the same way. They are push polls intending to make people feel ashamed for voting for Trump, nothing more.

Wearing a mask is something that you do for your fellow human beings. It is something that the medical community (not trashy politicians) recommends that we do to stop the spread of this disease.

The people who voted for trump should be ashamed. They were out to hurt our nation and so far have been successful, unfortunately.
Bull shit... Both both Fauci and the SG have both said that wearing a mask will not protect you or prevent the transmission covid.

WHY do you commie leftards keep LYING? All you little radical, brain washed sheeple that have appointed yourselves FACE MASK NAZIS are nothing more than a typical, garden variety, democrat sticking your nose into someone's else's business and freedom of choice, without knowing WTF you're talking about.

Your first 2 links are from March. The third link is to a very small study and the link specifically points out that it didn't study whether masks are effective in limiting droplet travel distance. The last link is about an op-ed, and one based on the idea that no studies have been done showing masks are effective in slowing the spread of COVID-19. There have been such studies now. For example:

Early on it was believed that this virus spread largely through touch. It is now believed to mainly be airborne. Your videos are a bit out of date.
You want to wear a mask, wear one. You don't want to wear a mask, don't. That's the real point of all this. People should be able to have freedom to chose. That's America. We're supposed to be free to make our own choices.

If you leftists think everyone should be wearing a mask, then you wear them, and if you see someone not wearing a mask, well what difference does it make to you if you think you're mask is going to magically save you?

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