Another Fake Poll on how many Wear Masks in Public

This is just silly.

Go out to an outdoor mall and watch and count how many people are wearing masks and how many are not. I did this last Sunday and there are easily two people for every one that wears a mask (count was 51 to 23).

These polls are FAKE and used to manipulate peoples sense of what 'everybody thinks' and they then conform to it.

These 'Biden leads Trump by 50 gazzillion percent' are the same way. They are push polls intending to make people feel ashamed for voting for Trump, nothing more.

Wearing a mask is something that you do for your fellow human beings. It is something that the medical community (not trashy politicians) recommends that we do to stop the spread of this disease.

The people who voted for trump should be ashamed. They were out to hurt our nation and so far have been successful, unfortunately.
Bull shit... Both both Fauci and the SG have both said that wearing a mask will not protect you or prevent the transmission covid.

WHY do you commie leftards keep LYING? All you little radical, brain washed sheeple that have appointed yourselves FACE MASK NAZIS are nothing more than a typical, garden variety, democrat sticking your nose into someone's else's business and freedom of choice, without knowing WTF you're talking about.

Your first 2 links are from March. The third link is to a very small study and the link specifically points out that it didn't study whether masks are effective in limiting droplet travel distance. The last link is about an op-ed, and one based on the idea that no studies have been done showing masks are effective in slowing the spread of COVID-19. There have been such studies now. For example:

Early on it was believed that this virus spread largely through touch. It is now believed to mainly be airborne. Your videos are a bit out of date.
You want to wear a mask, wear one. You don't want to wear a mask, don't. That's the real point of all this. People should be able to have freedom to chose. That's America. We're supposed to be free to make our own choices.

If you leftists think everyone should be wearing a mask, then you wear them, and if you see someone not wearing a mask, well what difference does it make to you if you think you're mask is going to magically save you?
You sound like you don’t have a clue about the reason for masks.
It’s not about magically saving me. Masks are to try slowing the spread of the virus. People can be asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic and spread the virus.

Why is it so important to you not to wear a mask? Yes, they are annoying. If they slow the spread, though, isn’t that a worthwhile thing?
While people have freedom to make choices, America isn’t an anarchy. Sometimes there are rules. During a public health crisis, there can be unusual rules. And honestly, I find the personal freedom argument when it comes to masks often seems like an excuse, a mask over people who simply don’t want to be inconvenienced and couldn’t give a shit about anyone else’s health.
This is just silly.

Go out to an outdoor mall and watch and count how many people are wearing masks and how many are not. I did this last Sunday and there are easily two people for every one that wears a mask (count was 51 to 23).

These polls are FAKE and used to manipulate peoples sense of what 'everybody thinks' and they then conform to it.

These 'Biden leads Trump by 50 gazzillion percent' are the same way. They are push polls intending to make people feel ashamed for voting for Trump, nothing more.

Wearing a mask is something that you do for your fellow human beings. It is something that the medical community (not trashy politicians) recommends that we do to stop the spread of this disease.

The people who voted for trump should be ashamed. They were out to hurt our nation and so far have been successful, unfortunately.
Bull shit... Both both Fauci and the SG have both said that wearing a mask will not protect you or prevent the transmission covid.

WHY do you commie leftards keep LYING? All you little radical, brain washed sheeple that have appointed yourselves FACE MASK NAZIS are nothing more than a typical, garden variety, democrat sticking your nose into someone's else's business and freedom of choice, without knowing WTF you're talking about.

Your first 2 links are from March. The third link is to a very small study and the link specifically points out that it didn't study whether masks are effective in limiting droplet travel distance. The last link is about an op-ed, and one based on the idea that no studies have been done showing masks are effective in slowing the spread of COVID-19. There have been such studies now. For example:

Early on it was believed that this virus spread largely through touch. It is now believed to mainly be airborne. Your videos are a bit out of date.
You want to wear a mask, wear one. You don't want to wear a mask, don't. That's the real point of all this. People should be able to have freedom to chose. That's America. We're supposed to be free to make our own choices.

If you leftists think everyone should be wearing a mask, then you wear them, and if you see someone not wearing a mask, well what difference does it make to you if you think you're mask is going to magically save you?
Let's get to the bottom of this. People who refuse to wear masks are trashy ignorant pigs who have no interest in their own fellow human beings, communities, and our country. Your "freedom to chose" thing is a pile of shit. You just don't care. You just want to be a disease spreader, as this disease is airborne. What happened to the "personal responsibility" thing?
i'll say i see maybe 1 outa 50 not wearing one while inside a store & i make sure to ask why they aren't... most times they won't even answer because they know they have no acceptable answer. occasionally i get an 'i'm sorry ' & then i tell them not to apologise to me - but they should apologise to everybody else who doesn't have the guts to call them out on it.

No need to be a busy body.
You sound like you don’t have a clue about the reason for masks.
It’s not about magically saving me. Masks are to try slowing the spread of the virus. People can be asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic and spread the virus.
I see a lot of irony there - - ^ ^ There is ample proof they don't slow anything, but you people just absolutely refuse to admit it.

Why is it so important to you not to wear a mask? Yes, they are annoying. If they slow the spread, though, isn’t that a worthwhile thing?
Problem is, they don't.

While people have freedom to make choices, America isn’t an anarchy. Sometimes there are rules. During a public health crisis, there can be unusual rules. And honestly, I find the personal freedom argument when it comes to masks often seems like an excuse, a mask over people who simply don’t want to be inconvenienced and couldn’t give a shit about anyone else’s health.
That's a very interesting comment. Where's all the democrats that believe that but are completely silent during all these violent democrat anarchist riots? Lots of people not wearing masks or social distancing. They're pretty much just ignoring ALL your mentioned protocol, but I don't see any democrats bitching about that. No, all I see is you people badgering some old lady alone in a grocery store that isn't wearing a mask. Always pick on the weak when all you are in a pack... right? That's really brave.
This is just silly.

Go out to an outdoor mall and watch and count how many people are wearing masks and how many are not. I did this last Sunday and there are easily two people for every one that wears a mask (count was 51 to 23).

These polls are FAKE and used to manipulate peoples sense of what 'everybody thinks' and they then conform to it.

These 'Biden leads Trump by 50 gazzillion percent' are the same way. They are push polls intending to make people feel ashamed for voting for Trump, nothing more.

Wearing a mask is something that you do for your fellow human beings. It is something that the medical community (not trashy politicians) recommends that we do to stop the spread of this disease.

The people who voted for trump should be ashamed. They were out to hurt our nation and so far have been successful, unfortunately.
You lost that argument when democrats condoned protesters and rioters out in the hundreds of thousands.
This is just silly.

Go out to an outdoor mall and watch and count how many people are wearing masks and how many are not. I did this last Sunday and there are easily two people for every one that wears a mask (count was 51 to 23).

These polls are FAKE and used to manipulate peoples sense of what 'everybody thinks' and they then conform to it.

These 'Biden leads Trump by 50 gazzillion percent' are the same way. They are push polls intending to make people feel ashamed for voting for Trump, nothing more.

Wearing a mask is something that you do for your fellow human beings. It is something that the medical community (not trashy politicians) recommends that we do to stop the spread of this disease.

The people who voted for trump should be ashamed. They were out to hurt our nation and so far have been successful, unfortunately.
You lost that argument when democrats condoned protesters and rioters out in the hundreds of thousands.

When were rioters "out in the hundreds of thousands"? The protesters are okay given the right to protest in this country? When did Democrats condone rioters? Which Democrats?
You sound like you don’t have a clue about the reason for masks.
It’s not about magically saving me. Masks are to try slowing the spread of the virus. People can be asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic and spread the virus.
I see a lot of irony there - - ^ ^ There is ample proof they don't slow anything, but you people just absolutely refuse to admit it.

Why is it so important to you not to wear a mask? Yes, they are annoying. If they slow the spread, though, isn’t that a worthwhile thing?
Problem is, they don't.

While people have freedom to make choices, America isn’t an anarchy. Sometimes there are rules. During a public health crisis, there can be unusual rules. And honestly, I find the personal freedom argument when it comes to masks often seems like an excuse, a mask over people who simply don’t want to be inconvenienced and couldn’t give a shit about anyone else’s health.
That's a very interesting comment. Where's all the democrats that believe that but are completely silent during all these violent democrat anarchist riots? Lots of people not wearing masks or social distancing. They're pretty much just ignoring ALL your mentioned protocol, but I don't see any democrats bitching about that. No, all I see is you people badgering some old lady alone in a grocery store that isn't wearing a mask. Always pick on the weak when all you are in a pack... right? That's really brave.

I already provided you with a couple of studies, done much more recently than the links you provided, showing that masks do in fact slow transmission of the virus. The lack of admission here seems to be from you. I'm not sure why you would believe some comments made in March, when there was a lot less known about the COVID-19 virus; an article that said it didn't study whether masks limit droplet travel distance; and an op-ed that was based on there being no studies showing masks can be effective, which there now are. When you focus on months-old evidence and ignore more recent studies, you appear to be the one refusing to admit.

The silence during the protests has been the height of hypocrisy. I'm sure the protests have led to more transmission of the virus. You won't find any comments from me saying anything different. It's a glaring example of how much this pandemic has been politicized. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter; too many people are making it about politics rather than health.

I'm not a Democrat. You may be more comfortable thinking of me as "you people," but I prefer to deal with people as they are, rather than as some group they belong to or that I think they belong to. I haven't badgered any old ladies, I'm not picking on the weak (if anything, wearing a mask is an attempt to protect the weak), I'm not doing anything in a pack. I'd appreciate it if you dealt with me rather than some strawman you've created in your mind to represent me just because I disagree with you.
What's confusing Jim is that what people say they should do and what they actually do are two very different things.
Umm, that's my point, Sherlock.

Many people who are possibly or definitely voting for Trump are shamed out of saying it openly to the Voice on the Phone.

Polls are not accurate when it comes to topics that have a high amount of shame associated with them, like voting for Trump or wearing masks.

People will say what they think they are expected to say rather than what they actually do.
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i'll say i see maybe 1 outa 50 not wearing one while inside a store & i make sure to ask why they aren't... most times they won't even answer because they know they have no acceptable answer. occasionally i get an 'i'm sorry ' & then i tell them not to apologise to me - but they should apologise to everybody else who doesn't have the guts to call them out on it.
I was fine in the store til this asshole violated my space trying to Mask shame me...........

No sir......I don't know how he tripped.....maybe the wet floor .......

No sir......I don't know how the whole rack of can goods fell on him.....maybe he grabbed the shelves when he slipped........

Have a nice day.
Most of you should be wearing masks just for the simple fact that y’all are fucking ugly
I like looking like a Highwayman.

'Give me your baubles, beoch!'
What a bunch of pussies we have in this country now........bragging about mask shaming and turning in people if we don't OBEY.........

LOL......and they have brainwashed so many into this........unreal.
This is just silly.

Go out to an outdoor mall and watch and count how many people are wearing masks and how many are not. I did this last Sunday and there are easily two people for every one that wears a mask (count was 51 to 23).

These polls are FAKE and used to manipulate peoples sense of what 'everybody thinks' and they then conform to it.

These 'Biden leads Trump by 50 gazzillion percent' are the same way. They are push polls intending to make people feel ashamed for voting for Trump, nothing more.

I was at the garage yesterday getting my car inspected:
  • One fat lady customer who came in was wearing a mask. She left.
  • I wasn't wearing a mask.
  • The other two customers there weren't wearing a mask.
  • The 5 or 6 people who came in to deliver parts weren't wearing any masks.
  • Various customers who dropped off keys and cars weren't wearing a mask.
  • The two owners there running the place doing everything weren't wearing a mask.
  • None of the mechanics were wearing a mask.
You sound like you don’t have a clue about the reason for masks.
It’s not about magically saving me. Masks are to try slowing the spread of the virus. People can be asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic and spread the virus.
Why is it so important to you not to wear a mask? Yes, they are annoying. If they slow the spread, though, isn’t that a worthwhile thing?
While people have freedom to make choices, America isn’t an anarchy. Sometimes there are rules. During a public health crisis, there can be unusual rules. And honestly, I find the personal freedom argument when it comes to masks often seems like an excuse, a mask over people who simply don’t want to be inconvenienced and couldn’t give a shit about anyone else’s health.
The masks do inhibit the spread of airborne particles of spittle. When we merely talk a lot comes out of our mouths, more than most realize, and it mostly is trapped in the mask.

The virus does not often spread as a single virus, most of the time it is in a droplet of our spit.

I wear to help reduce the amount of other peoples spittle I breath in, but I doubt it is 100% effective. But with viruses, the amount you take in has a lot to do with how fast it grows in your body.
The virus does not often spread as a single virus, most of the time it is in a droplet of our spit.
Actually, the virus never spreads as a single virus, a virus is a really tiny thing! As I recall, it takes something on the order of at least 8,000 or so viruses to be enough to overcome the body's resistance and to get established as a colony in a new host.

This is just silly.

Go out to an outdoor mall and watch and count how many people are wearing masks and how many are not. I did this last Sunday and there are easily two people for every one that wears a mask (count was 51 to 23).

These polls are FAKE and used to manipulate peoples sense of what 'everybody thinks' and they then conform to it.

These 'Biden leads Trump by 50 gazzillion percent' are the same way. They are push polls intending to make people feel ashamed for voting for Trump, nothing more.

Wearing a mask is something that you do for your fellow human beings. It is something that the medical community (not trashy politicians) recommends that we do to stop the spread of this disease.

The people who voted for trump should be ashamed. They were out to hurt our nation and so far have been successful, unfortunately.
Bull shit... Both both Fauci and the SG have both said that wearing a mask will not protect you or prevent the transmission covid.

WHY do you commie leftards keep LYING? All you little radical, brain washed sheeple that have appointed yourselves FACE MASK NAZIS are nothing more than a typical, garden variety, democrat sticking your nose into someone's else's business and freedom of choice, without knowing WTF you're talking about.

Your first 2 links are from March. The third link is to a very small study and the link specifically points out that it didn't study whether masks are effective in limiting droplet travel distance. The last link is about an op-ed, and one based on the idea that no studies have been done showing masks are effective in slowing the spread of COVID-19. There have been such studies now. For example:

Early on it was believed that this virus spread largely through touch. It is now believed to mainly be airborne. Your videos are a bit out of date.
You want to wear a mask, wear one. You don't want to wear a mask, don't. That's the real point of all this. People should be able to have freedom to chose. That's America. We're supposed to be free to make our own choices.

If you leftists think everyone should be wearing a mask, then you wear them, and if you see someone not wearing a mask, well what difference does it make to you if you think you're mask is going to magically save you?
Let's get to the bottom of this. People who refuse to wear masks are trashy ignorant pigs who have no interest in their own fellow human beings, communities, and our country. Your "freedom to chose" thing is a pile of shit. You just don't care. You just want to be a disease spreader, as this disease is airborne. What happened to the "personal responsibility" thing?
A mask outside of a hospital room is nothing more than a brand to identify who the livestock are.

Good job guy.
The virus does not often spread as a single virus, most of the time it is in a droplet of our spit.
Actually, the virus never spreads as a single virus, a virus is a really tiny thing! As I recall, it takes something on the order of at least 8,000 or so viruses to be enough to overcome the body's resistance and to get established as a colony in a new host.

So the masks helps to not get so many into your system at once.

Getting a handful of viruses, many likely damaged is equivalent to a crude inoculation.

Anyway, I fall into a bout six different risk categories, so I am staying at home for the most part.
i'll say i see maybe 1 outa 50 not wearing one while inside a store & i make sure to ask why they aren't... most times they won't even answer because they know they have no acceptable answer. occasionally i get an 'i'm sorry ' & then i tell them not to apologise to me - but they should apologise to everybody else who doesn't have the guts to call them out on it.
What happen to the pro-choice people and it's my body argument?
This is just silly.

Go out to an outdoor mall and watch and count how many people are wearing masks and how many are not. I did this last Sunday and there are easily two people for every one that wears a mask (count was 51 to 23).

These polls are FAKE and used to manipulate peoples sense of what 'everybody thinks' and they then conform to it.

These 'Biden leads Trump by 50 gazzillion percent' are the same way. They are push polls intending to make people feel ashamed for voting for Trump, nothing more.

Wearing a mask is something that you do for your fellow human beings. It is something that the medical community (not trashy politicians) recommends that we do to stop the spread of this disease.

The people who voted for trump should be ashamed. They were out to hurt our nation and so far have been successful, unfortunately.
Bull shit... Both both Fauci and the SG have both said that wearing a mask will not protect you or prevent the transmission covid.

WHY do you commie leftards keep LYING? All you little radical, brain washed sheeple that have appointed yourselves FACE MASK NAZIS are nothing more than a typical, garden variety, democrat sticking your nose into someone's else's business and freedom of choice, without knowing WTF you're talking about.

Your first 2 links are from March. The third link is to a very small study and the link specifically points out that it didn't study whether masks are effective in limiting droplet travel distance. The last link is about an op-ed, and one based on the idea that no studies have been done showing masks are effective in slowing the spread of COVID-19. There have been such studies now. For example:

Early on it was believed that this virus spread largely through touch. It is now believed to mainly be airborne. Your videos are a bit out of date.
You want to wear a mask, wear one. You don't want to wear a mask, don't. That's the real point of all this. People should be able to have freedom to chose. That's America. We're supposed to be free to make our own choices.

If you leftists think everyone should be wearing a mask, then you wear them, and if you see someone not wearing a mask, well what difference does it make to you if you think you're mask is going to magically save you?
Let's get to the bottom of this. People who refuse to wear masks are trashy ignorant pigs who have no interest in their own fellow human beings, communities, and our country. Your "freedom to chose" thing is a pile of shit. You just don't care. You just want to be a disease spreader, as this disease is airborne. What happened to the "personal responsibility" thing?
A mask outside of a hospital room is nothing more than a brand to identify who the livestock are.

Good job guy.
I call it a test run for the chip implanting
This is just silly.

Go out to an outdoor mall and watch and count how many people are wearing masks and how many are not. I did this last Sunday and there are easily two people for every one that wears a mask (count was 51 to 23).

These polls are FAKE and used to manipulate peoples sense of what 'everybody thinks' and they then conform to it.

These 'Biden leads Trump by 50 gazzillion percent' are the same way. They are push polls intending to make people feel ashamed for voting for Trump, nothing more.

Hey Jim by all means go out without a mask, fuck the polls and fuck the virus. Just consider the 120K people who died because they were to stupid to know the virus is fake and all this is just to get Trumpty Dumpty out of office.

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