Another Fake Poll on how many Wear Masks in Public

i'll say i see maybe 1 outa 50 not wearing one while inside a store & i make sure to ask why they aren't... most times they won't even answer because they know they have no acceptable answer. occasionally i get an 'i'm sorry ' & then i tell them not to apologise to me - but they should apologise to everybody else who doesn't have the guts to call them out on it.
What happen to the pro-choice people and it's my body argument?

because science has proven it's not YOUR BODY that mask is protecting dumbass.

your mask protects ME - just like my mask protects YOU.
This is just silly.

Go out to an outdoor mall and watch and count how many people are wearing masks and how many are not. I did this last Sunday and there are easily two people for every one that wears a mask (count was 51 to 23).

These polls are FAKE and used to manipulate peoples sense of what 'everybody thinks' and they then conform to it.

These 'Biden leads Trump by 50 gazzillion percent' are the same way. They are push polls intending to make people feel ashamed for voting for Trump, nothing more.

Wearing a mask is something that you do for your fellow human beings. It is something that the medical community (not trashy politicians) recommends that we do to stop the spread of this disease.

The people who voted for trump should be ashamed. They were out to hurt our nation and so far have been successful, unfortunately.
Bull shit... Both both Fauci and the SG have both said that wearing a mask will not protect you or prevent the transmission covid.

WHY do you commie leftards keep LYING? All you little radical, brain washed sheeple that have appointed yourselves FACE MASK NAZIS are nothing more than a typical, garden variety, democrat sticking your nose into someone's else's business and freedom of choice, without knowing WTF you're talking about.

Your first 2 links are from March. The third link is to a very small study and the link specifically points out that it didn't study whether masks are effective in limiting droplet travel distance. The last link is about an op-ed, and one based on the idea that no studies have been done showing masks are effective in slowing the spread of COVID-19. There have been such studies now. For example:

Early on it was believed that this virus spread largely through touch. It is now believed to mainly be airborne. Your videos are a bit out of date.
You want to wear a mask, wear one. You don't want to wear a mask, don't. That's the real point of all this. People should be able to have freedom to chose. That's America. We're supposed to be free to make our own choices.

If you leftists think everyone should be wearing a mask, then you wear them, and if you see someone not wearing a mask, well what difference does it make to you if you think you're mask is going to magically save you?
Let's get to the bottom of this. People who refuse to wear masks are trashy ignorant pigs who have no interest in their own fellow human beings, communities, and our country. Your "freedom to chose" thing is a pile of shit. You just don't care. You just want to be a disease spreader, as this disease is airborne. What happened to the "personal responsibility" thing?
A mask outside of a hospital room is nothing more than a brand to identify who the livestock are.

Good job guy.
I call it a test run for the chip implanting
That will not end well...............No one will put a chip in me.,.........they will wish they had BLM again.
I was inside an area TJ Maxx today most I saw had a mask on I overheard a person say he's not wearing a mask. I responded with damn right

People's choice
Besides if the government is allowing statue to be defiled and building burned with no repercussions. They thy cannot say shit if I wear a mask or not...

I'm pretty sure that the one thing has nothing to do with the other. ;)

Besides, whether or not the government can enforce wearing a mask, there's the question of if you care enough about other Americans to suffer a minor inconvenience to try keeping them from contracting a potentially deadly virus.
i'll say i see maybe 1 outa 50 not wearing one while inside a store & i make sure to ask why they aren't... most times they won't even answer because they know they have no acceptable answer. occasionally i get an 'i'm sorry ' & then i tell them not to apologise to me - but they should apologise to everybody else who doesn't have the guts to call them out on it.
What happen to the pro-choice people and it's my body argument?

because science has proven it's not YOUR BODY that mask is protecting dumbass.

your mask protects ME - just like my mask protects YOU.
I see it is still me, me me with you libs
most people do not care enough about you
i'll say i see maybe 1 outa 50 not wearing one while inside a store & i make sure to ask why they aren't... most times they won't even answer because they know they have no acceptable answer. occasionally i get an 'i'm sorry ' & then i tell them not to apologise to me - but they should apologise to everybody else who doesn't have the guts to call them out on it.
What happen to the pro-choice people and it's my body argument?

because science has proven it's not YOUR BODY that mask is protecting dumbass.

your mask protects ME - just like my mask protects YOU.
I see it is still me, me me with you libs
most people do not care enough about you



^ that's all on y-o-u.
i'll say i see maybe 1 outa 50 not wearing one while inside a store & i make sure to ask why they aren't... most times they won't even answer because they know they have no acceptable answer. occasionally i get an 'i'm sorry ' & then i tell them not to apologise to me - but they should apologise to everybody else who doesn't have the guts to call them out on it.

No need to be a busy body.

lol... bullshit. i don't know if it will make a difference to even one person - BUT guaranteed, if it CONtinues to be ignored - then you will see more & more people going into public places without them.

just wait until winter when people tend to stay indoors more. why do you think colds & flu are more prevalent that time of year?

the ones that get away with it will allow others to feel like they can too. i want to make them uncomfortable. & anybody who feels they are a 'busy body' if they speak out - that's silly. i won't feel ashamed for doing the right thing...

look at the racists blatantly being assholes...& how empowered they have become. why? because they were allowed to by the creature in the whitehouse giving them full tilt permission to do it.

this is exactly the same thing. is donny wearing a mask? is he basically telling his base, that they shouldn't either?

Then his base will catch Covid-19 and die. Karma. Public shaming is only going to cause Cult45 chuckle fucks to double down on their stupidity or worse.
i'll say i see maybe 1 outa 50 not wearing one while inside a store & i make sure to ask why they aren't... most times they won't even answer because they know they have no acceptable answer. occasionally i get an 'i'm sorry ' & then i tell them not to apologise to me - but they should apologise to everybody else who doesn't have the guts to call them out on it.
What happen to the pro-choice people and it's my body argument?

because science has proven it's not YOUR BODY that mask is protecting dumbass.

your mask protects ME - just like my mask protects YOU.
I see it is still me, me me with you libs
most people do not care enough about you



^ that's all on y-o-u.
Yawn........0.2%..........and the DNC mayors have the rights to killing granny in Nursing homes..........DNC leaders failed miserably.

Go play Fear with those that still care.
I only wear one when I am at work and its because we have to.

God bless you always!!!

if wearing a mask saves lives - you should be wearing one whenever you are in close enough contact with others out in public, such as a grocery store.

lol ... i would think you would be concerned enough for yer fellow man to brave a little inCONvenience & be more caring, especially if some of those people you may cross paths with are pregnant.

LOL! so much for being 'pro life'.
If being the operative word. How much of a difference does wearing a mask really make?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. One thing that I will point out is that they do keep cigarette smoke out of one's face for the most part when in the presence of those who can't quit lighting up for two seconds which brings me to this question. Anyone one who smokes, drinks, gets high, has unprotected sex, etc. but then all of a suddenly is out there wearing a mask, could you be anymore of a hypocrite?
i'll say i see maybe 1 outa 50 not wearing one while inside a store & i make sure to ask why they aren't... most times they won't even answer because they know they have no acceptable answer. occasionally i get an 'i'm sorry ' & then i tell them not to apologise to me - but they should apologise to everybody else who doesn't have the guts to call them out on it.
What happen to the pro-choice people and it's my body argument?

because science has proven it's not YOUR BODY that mask is protecting dumbass.

your mask protects ME - just like my mask protects YOU.
well dumb ass if you're stupid enough to wear it no one is stopping you
It's your body and the choice is all yours
i'll say i see maybe 1 outa 50 not wearing one while inside a store & i make sure to ask why they aren't... most times they won't even answer because they know they have no acceptable answer. occasionally i get an 'i'm sorry ' & then i tell them not to apologise to me - but they should apologise to everybody else who doesn't have the guts to call them out on it.
What happen to the pro-choice people and it's my body argument?

because science has proven it's not YOUR BODY that mask is protecting dumbass.

your mask protects ME - just like my mask protects YOU.
I see it is still me, me me with you libs
most people do not care enough about you



^ that's all on y-o-u.
Yawn........0.2%..........and the DNC mayors have the rights to killing granny in Nursing homes..........DNC leaders failed miserably.

Go play Fear with those that still care.
most of the covid 19 deaths in North Carolina are in nursing homes and they don't do annual checks another democrat governor with blood on his hands.
This is just silly.

Go out to an outdoor mall and watch and count how many people are wearing masks and how many are not. I did this last Sunday and there are easily two people for every one that wears a mask (count was 51 to 23).

These polls are FAKE and used to manipulate peoples sense of what 'everybody thinks' and they then conform to it.

These 'Biden leads Trump by 50 gazzillion percent' are the same way. They are push polls intending to make people feel ashamed for voting for Trump, nothing more.

Wearing a mask is something that you do for your fellow human beings. It is something that the medical community (not trashy politicians) recommends that we do to stop the spread of this disease.

The people who voted for trump should be ashamed. They were out to hurt our nation and so far have been successful, unfortunately.
Bull shit... Both both Fauci and the SG have both said that wearing a mask will not protect you or prevent the transmission covid.

WHY do you commie leftards keep LYING? All you little radical, brain washed sheeple that have appointed yourselves FACE MASK NAZIS are nothing more than a typical, garden variety, democrat sticking your nose into someone's else's business and freedom of choice, without knowing WTF you're talking about.

Your first 2 links are from March. The third link is to a very small study and the link specifically points out that it didn't study whether masks are effective in limiting droplet travel distance. The last link is about an op-ed, and one based on the idea that no studies have been done showing masks are effective in slowing the spread of COVID-19. There have been such studies now. For example:

Early on it was believed that this virus spread largely through touch. It is now believed to mainly be airborne. Your videos are a bit out of date.
You want to wear a mask, wear one. You don't want to wear a mask, don't. That's the real point of all this. People should be able to have freedom to chose. That's America. We're supposed to be free to make our own choices.

If you leftists think everyone should be wearing a mask, then you wear them, and if you see someone not wearing a mask, well what difference does it make to you if you think you're mask is going to magically save you?
Let's get to the bottom of this. People who refuse to wear masks are trashy ignorant pigs who have no interest in their own fellow human beings, communities, and our country. Your "freedom to chose" thing is a pile of shit. You just don't care. You just want to be a disease spreader, as this disease is airborne. What happened to the "personal responsibility" thing?
A mask outside of a hospital room is nothing more than a brand to identify who the livestock are.

Good job guy.
I call it a test run for the chip implanting
That will not end well...............No one will put a chip in me.,.........they will wish they had BLM again.
I was inside an area TJ Maxx today most I saw had a mask on I overheard a person say he's not wearing a mask. I responded with damn right

crawl back under your bed American's will fix the shit you leftists fucked up
i'll say i see maybe 1 outa 50 not wearing one while inside a store & i make sure to ask why they aren't... most times they won't even answer because they know they have no acceptable answer. occasionally i get an 'i'm sorry ' & then i tell them not to apologise to me - but they should apologise to everybody else who doesn't have the guts to call them out on it.
What happen to the pro-choice people and it's my body argument?

because science has proven it's not YOUR BODY that mask is protecting dumbass.

your mask protects ME - just like my mask protects YOU.
I see it is still me, me me with you libs
most people do not care enough about you



^ that's all on y-o-u.

i was waiting for the kill granny took you long enough
Last edited:
i'll say i see maybe 1 outa 50 not wearing one while inside a store & i make sure to ask why they aren't... most times they won't even answer because they know they have no acceptable answer. occasionally i get an 'i'm sorry ' & then i tell them not to apologise to me - but they should apologise to everybody else who doesn't have the guts to call them out on it.

No need to be a busy body.

lol... bullshit. i don't know if it will make a difference to even one person - BUT guaranteed, if it CONtinues to be ignored - then you will see more & more people going into public places without them.

just wait until winter when people tend to stay indoors more. why do you think colds & flu are more prevalent that time of year?

the ones that get away with it will allow others to feel like they can too. i want to make them uncomfortable. & anybody who feels they are a 'busy body' if they speak out - that's silly. i won't feel ashamed for doing the right thing...

look at the racists blatantly being assholes...& how empowered they have become. why? because they were allowed to by the creature in the whitehouse giving them full tilt permission to do it.

this is exactly the same thing. is donny wearing a mask? is he basically telling his base, that they shouldn't either?

Then his base will catch Covid-19 and die. Karma. Public shaming is only going to cause Cult45 chuckle fucks to double down on their stupidity or worse.

time for some darwin awards?
I only wear one when I am at work and its because we have to.

God bless you always!!!

if wearing a mask saves lives - you should be wearing one whenever you are in close enough contact with others out in public, such as a grocery store.

lol ... i would think you would be concerned enough for yer fellow man to brave a little inCONvenience & be more caring, especially if some of those people you may cross paths with are pregnant.

LOL! so much for being 'pro life'.
If being the operative word. How much of a difference does wearing a mask really make?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. One thing that I will point out is that they do keep cigarette smoke out of one's face for the most part when in the presence of those who can't quit lighting up for two seconds which brings me to this question. Anyone one who smokes, drinks, gets high, has unprotected sex, etc. but then all of a suddenly is out there wearing a mask, could you be anymore of a hypocrite?

numerous scientific studies have shown to reduce the infection rate by 75%.

that's not good enough? god ain't gonna fix this one. he's left it up to man.
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i'll say i see maybe 1 outa 50 not wearing one while inside a store & i make sure to ask why they aren't... most times they won't even answer because they know they have no acceptable answer. occasionally i get an 'i'm sorry ' & then i tell them not to apologise to me - but they should apologise to everybody else who doesn't have the guts to call them out on it.
What happen to the pro-choice people and it's my body argument?

because science has proven it's not YOUR BODY that mask is protecting dumbass.

your mask protects ME - just like my mask protects YOU.
well dumb ass if you're stupid enough to wear it no one is stopping you
It's your body and the choice is all yours

i'll say i see maybe 1 outa 50 not wearing one while inside a store & i make sure to ask why they aren't... most times they won't even answer because they know they have no acceptable answer. occasionally i get an 'i'm sorry ' & then i tell them not to apologise to me - but they should apologise to everybody else who doesn't have the guts to call them out on it.

No need to be a busy body.

lol... bullshit. i don't know if it will make a difference to even one person - BUT guaranteed, if it CONtinues to be ignored - then you will see more & more people going into public places without them.

just wait until winter when people tend to stay indoors more. why do you think colds & flu are more prevalent that time of year?

the ones that get away with it will allow others to feel like they can too. i want to make them uncomfortable. & anybody who feels they are a 'busy body' if they speak out - that's silly. i won't feel ashamed for doing the right thing...

look at the racists blatantly being assholes...& how empowered they have become. why? because they were allowed to by the creature in the whitehouse giving them full tilt permission to do it.

this is exactly the same thing. is donny wearing a mask? is he basically telling his base, that they shouldn't either?

Then his base will catch Covid-19 and die. Karma. Public shaming is only going to cause Cult45 chuckle fucks to double down on their stupidity or worse.

time for some darwin awards?

Perhaps. And nobody will need to do a fucking thing. :113: I love problems that solve themselves.
i'll say i see maybe 1 outa 50 not wearing one while inside a store & i make sure to ask why they aren't... most times they won't even answer because they know they have no acceptable answer. occasionally i get an 'i'm sorry ' & then i tell them not to apologise to me - but they should apologise to everybody else who doesn't have the guts to call them out on it.
What happen to the pro-choice people and it's my body argument?

because science has proven it's not YOUR BODY that mask is protecting dumbass.

your mask protects ME - just like my mask protects YOU.
I see it is still me, me me with you libs
most people do not care enough about you



^ that's all on y-o-u.

i was waiting for the kill granny took you long enough
View attachment 356359


Texas lt. governor on reopening state: 'There are more important things than living'
By Justine Coleman - 04/21/20 12:04 PM EDT

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) called for the reopening of his state and the country late Monday, saying there are "more important things than living.”
Patrick said on Fox News’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” that he was “vindicated” after being criticized for saying in March that he thought “lots of grandparents” across the country would risk their survival to keep the country afloat economically.
Texas lt. governor on reopening state: 'There are more important things than living'

Sammy Hagar playing live during coronavirus pandemic: 'I’d rather personally get sick and even die, if that’s what it takes'
'I’d rather personally get sick and even die, if that’s what it takes'
Sammy Hagar playing live during coronavirus pandemic: 'I’d rather personally get sick and even die, if that’s what it takes'


Texas orders bars closed, reduces restaurant capacity as coronavirus cases hit all-time high
The state's rolling COVID-19 infection rate hit nearly 12 percent, a figure not seen since April when the state went into lockdown
Texas orders bars closed, reduces restaurant capacity as coronavirus cases hit all-time high
i'll say i see maybe 1 outa 50 not wearing one while inside a store & i make sure to ask why they aren't... most times they won't even answer because they know they have no acceptable answer. occasionally i get an 'i'm sorry ' & then i tell them not to apologise to me - but they should apologise to everybody else who doesn't have the guts to call them out on it.

No need to be a busy body.

lol... bullshit. i don't know if it will make a difference to even one person - BUT guaranteed, if it CONtinues to be ignored - then you will see more & more people going into public places without them.

just wait until winter when people tend to stay indoors more. why do you think colds & flu are more prevalent that time of year?

the ones that get away with it will allow others to feel like they can too. i want to make them uncomfortable. & anybody who feels they are a 'busy body' if they speak out - that's silly. i won't feel ashamed for doing the right thing...

look at the racists blatantly being assholes...& how empowered they have become. why? because they were allowed to by the creature in the whitehouse giving them full tilt permission to do it.

this is exactly the same thing. is donny wearing a mask? is he basically telling his base, that they shouldn't either?

Then his base will catch Covid-19 and die. Karma. Public shaming is only going to cause Cult45 chuckle fucks to double down on their stupidity or worse.

time for some darwin awards?

Perhaps. And nobody will need to do a fucking thing. :113: I love problems that solve themselves.

i missed the sarcasm in your earlier post.... my bad.
i'll say i see maybe 1 outa 50 not wearing one while inside a store & i make sure to ask why they aren't... most times they won't even answer because they know they have no acceptable answer. occasionally i get an 'i'm sorry ' & then i tell them not to apologise to me - but they should apologise to everybody else who doesn't have the guts to call them out on it.
What happen to the pro-choice people and it's my body argument?

because science has proven it's not YOUR BODY that mask is protecting dumbass.

your mask protects ME - just like my mask protects YOU.
I see it is still me, me me with you libs
most people do not care enough about you



^ that's all on y-o-u.

i was waiting for the kill granny took you long enough
View attachment 356359


Texas lt. governor on reopening state: 'There are more important things than living'
By Justine Coleman - 04/21/20 12:04 PM EDT

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) called for the reopening of his state and the country late Monday, saying there are "more important things than living.”
Patrick said on Fox News’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” that he was “vindicated” after being criticized for saying in March that he thought “lots of grandparents” across the country would risk their survival to keep the country afloat economically.
Texas lt. governor on reopening state: 'There are more important things than living'

Sammy Hagar playing live during coronavirus pandemic: 'I’d rather personally get sick and even die, if that’s what it takes'
'I’d rather personally get sick and even die, if that’s what it takes'
Sammy Hagar playing live during coronavirus pandemic: 'I’d rather personally get sick and even die, if that’s what it takes'


Texas orders bars closed, reduces restaurant capacity as coronavirus cases hit all-time high
The state's rolling COVID-19 infection rate hit nearly 12 percent, a figure not seen since April when the state went into lockdown
Texas orders bars closed, reduces restaurant capacity as coronavirus cases hit all-time high

Dammit Sammy! :(

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