Another family friendly pit bull story

Yeah...but sometimes those darned russells have it coming....

Joking. I have a Parson Russell. My son's German Shepherd almost killed her. When he was there, she was fine out in the yard with the German Shepherd and the hound he had. But he ran to the store unbeknownst to me, and left the dogs out in the yard and his dog grabbed mine (who was seriously antagonizing her, of course) and it was almost lights out. Luckily a friend of his was there. He didn't have much control over Raja but he did manage to kick my russell away long enough to get ahold of Raja and for me to grab my dog.

Dogs will fight. I'd think pit bulls and terriers are a dangerous combination at any rate....terriers are scrappy and annoying and pit bulls will eventually lose it. I've seen my son's pit bull get ticked with my russell, but we mostly just keep them apart now he's grown. He used to just run over her again and again and again. Now he gets a little pucker and we just keep them separate.

well, my jack russell will be blind in his right eye, and the pit bull was put down that very day, I was on the deck when it happened so I know for a fact it was unprovoked..
Why do you think it was the pitbull in him and not the Black Lab?

well, I cannot be certain of that, but I know that pit bulls are bred to fight other dogs, we adopted this baby from the humane society and like a lot of people thought if we raised him with gentleness it would be different. a bad bad mistake on our part.
I'm not disagreeing with you entirely, not at all. what I'm saying is the parents don't deserve jail. we raised a mixture of black lab and pit bull from baby, raised with love and kindness. When he was 14 months old for no obvious reason he attacked our little jack russell and almost killed him. Pit bulls because of their breeding should not be trusted at all.

Was he neutered? was the Jack Russel neutered. Young males of any breed or mix, especially unneutered are the most likely to be aggressive.
Animals are bred for certain traits, then people like to pretend that breeding won't affect their behavior.

You breed dogs to hunt birds, they're going to go after birds. You breed them to hunt rodents, they're going to chase little animals. You breed them to fight to the death...guess what? It's going to happen.
Animals are bred for certain traits, then people like to pretend that breeding won't affect their behavior.

You breed dogs to hunt birds, they're going to go after birds. You breed them to hunt rodents, they're going to chase little animals. You breed them to fight to the death...guess what? It's going to happen.

Except it rarely happens.
Was he neutered? was the Jack Russel neutered. Young males of any breed or mix, especially unneutered are the most likely to be aggressive.

both were neutered, jrt was an old dog, pit was a baby 14 months actually when he attacked.
well, my jack russell will be blind in his right eye, and the pit bull was put down that very day, I was on the deck when it happened so I know for a fact it was unprovoked..

I thought you said it was half Black Lab?

One of the most dangerous dogs I ever took care of was a half Black Lab half Brittany Spaniel. He came from AKC Champions.
Never neutered because the owner was a idiot.
He couldn't be trusted near children or other males. It's only by luck and quick action that he never seriously harmed either.

After he was about 4 he calmed down and actually learned to like kids. Never much liked other unneutered males but he stopped provoking fights.
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Animals are bred for certain traits, then people like to pretend that breeding won't affect their behavior.

You breed dogs to hunt birds, they're going to go after birds. You breed them to hunt rodents, they're going to chase little animals. You breed them to fight to the death...guess what? It's going to happen.

yep, I'm admitting we made a bad mistake. I did talk to the vet about this when I took the pup in for his first check up. He was hopeful that the black lab would outweigh the pit. The next thing I would say is this, the pit might have been a wonderful dog had he been the only dog.
I thought you said it was half Balck Lab?

One of the most dangerous dogs I ever took care of was a half Black Lab half Brittany Spaniel. He came from AKC Champions.
Never neutered because the owner was a idiot.
He couldn't be trusted near children or other males. It's only by luck and quick action that he never seriously harmed either.

he was, half lab half pit, or so that is what the card at the humane society claimed.
What a nice looking dog!!! Sorry you lost him. It must have been heartbreaking to make the decision you did.
He does look half and half but you really can't tell with out a DNA test or pedigee.
One of the sad things about breed specific laws is that some laws say that if the dog even resembles a pit bull, the law applies.
Since Denver's anti pit bull law was enacted in 2005 something like 2000 pit bulls have been euthanized.
Just for being pit bulls, whatever that is.
What a nice looking dog!!! Sorry you lost him. It must have been heartbreaking to make the decision you did.
He does look half and half but you really can't tell with out a DNA test or pedigee.
One of the sad things about breed specific laws is that some laws say that if the dog even resembles a pit bull, the law applies.
Since Denver's anti pit bull law was enacted in 2005 something like 2000 pit bulls have been euthanized.
Just for being pit bulls, whatever that is.

it was sad, my husband cried like a baby, I was sad too cause I didn't think it was Bear's fault, he could not help being what he was, but he could not be trusted.
At least you gave him a good and loving home and he got to enjoy his short life.
and why didn't they get rid of them when they started acting aggressively?

Exactly, pit bulls dont just get aggressive out of nowhere. Its interesting that this was america's dog in the early US years. You would see banners and posters and political materials with these dogs on it and now they have been made to look as they are killers. The thing I dont understand is that the family never takes any responsibility and they always say that the dog was never aggressive before and thats just not typical with this breed. Obviously I feel terrible they lost their child but you should not have any dog unsupervised around a child because this is what happens.

I am so flattered, Ravi!

Here is a thank you gift!

You're welcome ;)
Sorry, I don't buy it. You can't condition someone to LIKE something, which is what you claimed. You could feed me peas on a daily basis and you might eventually get me to eat them, but you'll never get me to LIKE them.

This is silly, especially coming from someone who is convinced that violent video games do not cause people to commit violent acts.

you clearly have no clue how classical conditioning works. If I gave you a thousand dollars every time you ate peas you'd fucking LOVE peas. If I gave you an orgasm every time you ate peas your fucking LOVE peas.

and no. violent video games do not cause anyone to act out anything. Millions of gamers are not wrong.
you clearly have no clue how classical conditioning works. If I gave you a thousand dollars every time you ate peas you'd fucking LOVE peas. If I gave you an orgasm every time you ate peas your fucking LOVE peas.

and no. violent video games do not cause anyone to act out anything. Millions of gamers are not wrong.
No, I wouldn't love them. I'd love the result of eating them. I know you can't see the difference, but it exists.
Not true. Health problem can cause a dog to snap, no matter how good its training. So can other factors.

Overbred dogs are like overbred people, unpredictable and prone to mental issues.

health reasons are not merely a pit bull issue. If lassie gets the rabies the CLEARLY lassie is going to react to having fucking rabies. WE are talking about a violent predisposition in pits. YOU can't find a single piece of evidence of an otherwise midl mannered pit bull all of a sudden going into batshit crazy attack attack mode without provocation or having been violently conditioned. which, again, applies to all breeds of dogs.

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