Another family friendly pit bull story

Seems to me the generally accepted wisdom is that pit bulls are more dangerous than other breeds. I'm not particularly motivated to prove to you that which is obvious to the reasonable, objective person. If you think this is a misperception, then I'd say the burden of proof is on you to prove it. I've seen you allude to several studies now by prominant governing bodies but not one single link. :eusa_whistle:

Oh, and you're welcome. :D

I've quoted those studies ad nauseum in other threads. You should have no trouble googling the evidence. If you want to continue believing old wives tales there is nothing I can do to help you. Some people just need something to point fingers at. Pit bulls are popular in that sense. It'll be another breed in a few years. It's always changing.

The reason you avoid providing proof of your claims is that you have none.

Bad boy, now go mope in the dog house.
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OK ... but I just want to let Ravi know I totally forgive her.
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The Soggification of Anguille

Chapter 4
A Very Blond Day

Anguille pranced happily down the stairs, perfectly cheerful this morning, as it was her second day of teaching dog obedience at the ASPCA. "Monsieur," she trilled to M. Anguille, "thank you so much for brewing my favorite tea! I'm brimming over with sunshine today! And, I have a splendid idea for my next project!"

M. Anguille had his face buried in the sports section, but he absentmindedly murmured, "hmmmm?"

Anguille, not noticing that M. Anguille was otherwise occupied, launched into a description of her latest scheme. "I was thinking about those poor pit bulls that those nasty five year old boys attacked, and I came up with a brilliant idea. We'll find a way to breed the devilment out of boys!" M. Anguille looked up to grab his coffee and noticed that Anguille's hair was five shades blonder than normal. "My dear," he said, "did you forget and use too much peroxide again?"

Anguille giggled. "You know how absent minded I get. I was thinking about those poor pit bulls, and I just plain forgot I'd already bleached my hair once and did it again. But that's not important! Listen to what I came up with..."

M. Anguille, hoping to distract her, said, "Oh, let's save that idea for another time. Why don't you tell me what you'll be teaching at obedience class today?"

"Oh!" exclaimed Anguille. "You'll be happy to know that I've been chatting with my friend Soggie, you know, that nice man at USMB, and we've discovered that you can condition assertiveness right out of dogs! Dogs have no innate tendency to be vicious; it's simply bad human training. It's never the dog's fault! Only the human's!"

"That's interesting, dear. Perhaps you can apply that logic to our own lovable mutt and get her to stop barking and peeing on the floor whenever she's bored."

"Oh, heavens no, Monsieur, barking and peeing are innate behaviors, natural to all dogs. You can't train a dog to act against its own instincts!"

"Well, be sure to bring your evidence, you know how some people think that dogs are prone to violence," M. Anguille counselled.

"Evidence? Evidence?" mused Anguille. "Oh, it's posted on another thread somewhere at the forum. They are perfectly welcome to google for it and


I don't dislike any breed and I think all the dog banners are idiots but anyone who's worked with dogs will agree that German Shepherds and Rotties tend to be the worst as far as human aggression goes.

german shepherds are nervous biters who are territoral....rotties....are very protective and tend to be one person dogs....i think your statement that anyone working in rescue will back you up is wrong...i work in rescue the dog that bites me the most...feral puppies....

people need to research the breed before getting it and understand why that dog has been breed for certain traits etc. As for the dogs you mentioned you wanted to get? Why? Do you want them for the noteriaty or do you have a use for them?
The Soggification of Anguille


I am so flattered, Ravi!

Here is a thank you gift!

I don't dislike any breed and I think all the dog banners are idiots but anyone who's worked with dogs will agree that German Shepherds and Rotties tend to be the worst as far as human aggression goes.

german shepherds are nervous biters who are territoral....rotties....are very protective and tend to be one person dogs....i think your statement that anyone working in rescue will back you up is wrong...i work in rescue the dog that bites me the most...feral puppies....

people need to research the breed before getting it and understand why that dog has been breed for certain traits etc. As for the dogs you mentioned you wanted to get? Why? Do you want them for the noteriaty or do you have a use for them?

It's really a shame that people continue to finance the pet for profit industry, especially the puppy mills.
There are so many dogs in shelters waiting for someone to take them home.
I wouldn't leave my 4 month old in a room with any dog...and dogs in groups are more dangerous still.

Pit bulls are potentially more deadly than other dogs because of the mechanics of their jaws but anyone who has two pit bulls around a baby and isn't right on top of it all time has got some issues.

My son has a pit bull that weighs around 70 lbs, he's a tough looking cream puff. But they don't leave him alone in the house or in a room with the baby. Ever.
Well, I'm not want to start a ruckus or nuttin, but for those of you who have no pity on the parents let me say that I do. For starters I did not read that they left the baby alone, they left grandma to babysit, and she was injured too. That said, I agree with the person who said, the dead baby is punishment enough, a terribe terrible lack of good judgement. Now those asshole in SF that let their two big dogs kill the neighbor? they deserved jail. and in the end go off. There is no justice.
I wouldn't leave two pitbulls with a granny and a baby.
And there were apparently people who are claiming the dogs had behaved aggressively.

I feel for the parents, too. But I don't feel that bad for them. To have a pair of pitbulls around a 4 month old baby is taking a chance that shouldn't be taken, period. I don't believe in making the breed illegal, but honest, people just need to be responsible. I don't let infants crawl around the feet of even the most gentle horses....because a horse has the potential to kill them. Same with the dogs.
I wouldn't leave two pitbulls with a granny and a baby.
And there were apparently people who are claiming the dogs had behaved aggressively.

I feel for the parents, too. But I don't feel that bad for them. To have a pair of pitbulls around a 4 month old baby is taking a chance that shouldn't be taken, period. I don't believe in making the breed illegal, but honest, people just need to be responsible. I don't let infants crawl around the feet of even the most gentle horses....because a horse has the potential to kill them. Same with the dogs.

I'm not disagreeing with you entirely, not at all. what I'm saying is the parents don't deserve jail. we raised a mixture of black lab and pit bull from baby, raised with love and kindness. When he was 14 months old for no obvious reason he attacked our little jack russell and almost killed him. Pit bulls because of their breeding should not be trusted at all.
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Well let's just say hopefully justice will be served, fairly, with no hysteria and no examples made. I'm not for imprisoning people and throwing away the key based on sensationalist stories one gets 2nd and 3rd hand.
I'm not disagreeing with you entirely, not at all. what I'm saying is the parents don't deserve jail. we raised a mixture of black lab and pit bull from baby, raised with love and kindness. When he was 14 months old for no obvious reason he attacked our little jack russell and almost killed him. Pit bulls because of their breeding should not be trused at all.

Yeah...but sometimes those darned russells have it coming....

Joking. I have a Parson Russell. My son's German Shepherd almost killed her. When he was there, she was fine out in the yard with the German Shepherd and the hound he had. But he ran to the store unbeknownst to me, and left the dogs out in the yard and his dog grabbed mine (who was seriously antagonizing her, of course) and it was almost lights out. Luckily a friend of his was there. He didn't have much control over Raja but he did manage to kick my russell away long enough to get ahold of Raja and for me to grab my dog.

Dogs will fight. I'd think pit bulls and terriers are a dangerous combination at any rate....terriers are scrappy and annoying and pit bulls will eventually lose it. I've seen my son's pit bull get ticked with my russell, but we mostly just keep them apart now he's grown. He used to just run over her again and again and again. Now he gets a little pucker and we just keep them separate.
I'm not disagreeing with you entirely, not at all. what I'm saying is the parents don't deserve jail. we raised a mixture of black lab and pit bull from baby, raised with love and kindness. When he was 14 months old for no obvious reason he attacked our little jack russell and almost killed him. Pit bulls because of their breeding should not be trusted at all.

Why do you think it was the pitbull in him and not the Black Lab?

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