Another family friendly pit bull story

YOu REALLY think the dogs didn't LOVE the bell? You think they just sat around nonchalantly after hearing the conditioned stimulus? I mean, salivating sure the hell IS an apathetic response!


I promise you.. your daughters guinea pigs and the rest of psychology have about as much in common as Mani and any given heterosexual male.
mmkay, if you can't use your noodle properly, why don't you google around and prove your theory. Prove that the dogs love the bell.

I advocate spaying and neutering pets because we have way to many strays and unwanted pets in shelters. Also, because it's better for the animals health. And because unneutered male dogs are the most dangerous of all dogs.

As far as letting a breed die out, how would you do that without spaying and neutering?
No idea. Your ideas just seem a bit loopy to me, that's all.
Pit bulls take more work than many dogs and people are usually lazy. If you have 2 pit bulls in the same house you have to train them correctly when one dogs strives to be the dominant dog. You have to be the pack leader and not let the dog become the pack leader. Most people dont get their dogs enough exercise and this can be a big issue with Pits because exercise will wear them out and keep them from being aggressive. I know many people with Pits and some have kids and they have no issues because they never let the dogs run around the house with their kids when they cant keep an eye on them. Also if your dog is not socialized then you are in for some trouble. Pit Bulls are great dogs but they need great owners and unfortunately people are not willing to put the work in the make a successful existence between the animals and the household. Its not a dog for everyone, just like not everyone is cut out to be a parent.

You can substitute any breed or just DOG for "pit bull" in your post and it would still be just as true.

The problem with people giving into irrational fears about the scary breed of dog du jour is that it detracts from the fact that responsible ownership and animal training skills are necessary with any dog. Thus people people get all freaked out about this or that type of dog and the issues of legislating proper and humane animal care get tossed by the wayside. The problem of vicious dogs does not get solved when the facts are ignored.
You can substitute any breed or just DOG for "pit bull" in your post and it would still be just as true.

The problem with people giving into irrational fears about the scary breed of dog du jour is that it detracts from the fact that responsible ownership and animal training skills are necessary with any dog. Thus people people get all freaked out about this or that type of dog and the issues of legislating proper and humane animal care get tossed by the wayside. The problem of vicious dogs does not get solved when the facts are ignored.

Sorry Ang, but that's a crock of shit.

You can be an irresponsible owner of say, a golden retriever, and what you get is a dog that might shit in the house, chase cars or tear up your carpet. But you don't get a dog with any predisposition whatsover to ripping a kid's face off. I agree that responsible ownership can GREATLY reduce the likelihood of a pit bull going postal. However, it's just as true that irresponsible ownership of a pit bull results in a much higher risk than with other breeds.
Right. It doesn't demonstrate that any dogs are "prone" to attack without warning. Just that more than 2/3 of the fatal attacks in the study were by dogs that had never shown aggressive behavior. So quite simply, the assertion that there exists not one shred of evidence demonstrating that seemingly mild mannered dogs sometimes snap, is wholly bogus. And that "sometimes" seems to occur more often in pits and rotty's.

What study? Something this lawyer trying to drum up business conducted?

Who determined that the dogs showed no warnings? People who don't understand how to read a dog's face and body language?

Sure dogs sometimes give no warning - especially when they are eating and another dog or kid gets to close to the food bowl - and pits and rottweilers are among them, but nothing indicates that this is a particular characteristic of the pit bull breeds.
No idea. Your ideas just seem a bit loopy to me, that's all.

Not sure what idea you're talking about. It's common knowledge that people need to be responsable about their pets and not let them add to the unwanted pet population.
mmkay, if you can't use your noodle properly, why don't you google around and prove your theory. Prove that the dogs love the bell.


Have you ever noticed that certain stimuli, such as the smell of a cologne or perfume, a certain song, a specific day of the year, results in fairly intense emotions? It's not that the smell or the song are the cause of the emotion, but rather what that smell or song has been paired with...perhaps an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, the death of a loved one, or maybe the day you met your corrent husband or wife. We make these associations all the time and often don't realize the power that these connections or pairings have on us. But, in fact, we have been classically conditioned.(Psychology 101 online)
Classical conditioning - WikEd

Now, of course, im assuming that a thousand dollars and orgasms are some positive reinforcers for you. Clearly, you may prefer the double dong dildo and a jeep ride to the softball game.. to each their own, I guess.
Pits and rotties are more dangerous, period. They have shorter tempers and they are bred to be more deadly.

People should be able to have them if they like them, but it's stupid and irresponsible to pretend they're no more dangerous than golden retrievers or poodles.
Sorry Ang, but that's a crock of shit.

You can be an irresponsible owner of say, a golden retriever, and what you get is a dog that might shit in the house, chase cars or tear up your carpet. But you don't get a dog with any predisposition whatsover to ripping a kid's face off. I agree that responsible ownership can GREATLY reduce the likelihood of a pit bull going postal. However, it's just as true that irresponsible ownership of a pit bull results in a much higher risk than with other breeds.

you really think a golden retriever WONT bite a fucking kid if treated like Mike Vick treated his dogs? REally?
I guess it's easier to disregard the evidence as biased rather than supplying your own. :eusa_whistle:

Whatever you say, JACK THOMSPON.

you really think a golden retriever WONT bite a fucking kid if treated like Mike Vick treated his dogs? REally?

I see a difference between being merely irresponsible and actually torturing the fucking dogs...idiot. :cuckoo:
A golden retriever MIGHT bite a kid, though I haven't seen many that would even if they were mistreated....but I'm fairly certain even a really wound up retriever wouldn't kill a kid.
Sorry Ang, but that's a crock of shit.

You can be an irresponsible owner of say, a golden retriever, and what you get is a dog that might shit in the house, chase cars or tear up your carpet. But you don't get a dog with any predisposition whatsover to ripping a kid's face off. I agree that responsible ownership can GREATLY reduce the likelihood of a pit bull going postal. However, it's just as true that irresponsible ownership of a pit bull results in a much higher risk than with other breeds.

Mani you still haven't posted any of that "ample empirical evidence" claim exist to show that pit bulls have a predisposition for ripping kid's faces off. Even that article you linked to was a joke. It leaves out pertinant information and it quotes some upset neighbor as the expert on dogs and even gives misinformation concerning other dog attacts in the area. On the other hand it does report that the dogs who killed the baby gave ample warnings which were ignored that they should not be left in a situation where they could harm the child.

Why do you think that the Centers for Disease Control, all major American Veterinary Associations and SPCAS all have denounced breed specific laws? What evidence do you have that is more scientific than theirs?

Claiming Golden Retreivers aren't dangerous and pit bulls are is like saying white people are to be trusted but black people not.
Pits and rotties are more dangerous, period. They have shorter tempers and they are bred to be more deadly.

People should be able to have them if they like them, but it's stupid and irresponsible to pretend they're no more dangerous than golden retrievers or poodles.

Prove that statement is based on anything other than your own biases.
Another recent "unprovoked" attack...

LOWELL -- Slaps, kicks, cane strikes and pepper spray.

None of it could get a pit bull to loosen its grip on a service dog downtown yesterday.

It took a burst from a fire extinguisher for the canine to finally let go.

"It was definitely disturbing," said Steve Syverson, who owns the art-supplies store Van Gogh's Gear. "It seemed like there was nothing we could do."

Middle Street resident Alfred "Fred" Roberts said he was out on one of his daily walks with Vinny, his wife's service dog, when the attack unfolded near the Life Alive restaurant around noon.

"I saw a pit bull across Middle Street with three people," Roberts recalled last night. "For no reason at all, he charged right across the street and latched onto my dog's throat."

As his black English Labrador repeatedly yelped out, Roberts started beating the pit bull with his cane, to no avail. He said he also injured one of his fingers when he tried to pry the dog's mouth open.

"It sounded like a donkey squealing," Debbie Janes from the New England Quilt Museum said of the Labrador's cries. "It was a strange noise."

Other bystanders quickly joined in the melee, kicking the pit bull as they tried to help.

"There was a lot of commotion," said Gary Rogers, owner of Rogers Pool, Patio and Toy Co. "Someone punched and booted the dog to get it to let go of its neck."

Service dog injured in Lowell pit-bull attack - Lowell Sun Online
A golden retriever MIGHT bite a kid, though I haven't seen many that would even if they were mistreated....but I'm fairly certain even a really wound up retriever wouldn't kill a kid.

I know a guy whose nose was ripped of by a gorgeous golden when he was a kid. He stuck his face in the dog's face and gave him a raspberry. They put his nose back together and you can't hardly see any scars but the golden was put down that day.
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A golden retriever MIGHT bite a kid, though I haven't seen many that would even if they were mistreated....but I'm fairly certain even a really wound up retriever wouldn't kill a kid.

I'm sorry and your opinoin means what, exactly? You can't fathom a golden retriever made so mean that it would kill your kid? Oh well.. Im glad we solved THIS issue...


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