Another family friendly pit bull story

Hey Ang,

I see you completely avoided the point in my post that you quoted.

Are actually going to claim that irresponsible ownership of a golden is just as risky as irresponsible ownership of a pit bull?

Just a yes or no will suffice. :badgrin:
you really think a golden retriever WONT bite a fucking kid if treated like Mike Vick treated his dogs? REally?

And yet 66 of Michael Vick's dogs were rehabilitated and adopted out into the community. Goes to show you have adaptable dogs are. I wonder if you could have that much success with 66 humans raised in that manner?
Max The Dog Put Down After Mauling Another Child
Golden Retriever Had Previously Bitten Another Boy

The dog, named Max (pictured, right, June 2004), already had been in trouble for biting one of the children in his own family. But the most recent attack was against a friend of the family, who was seriously injured.
Click here to find out more!

The dog's owner called 911 around 4:30 p.m., and officers quickly responded.

"On arrival, we had a 7-year-old male suffering from severe facial and skull lacerations as a result of the bite to the left side of his head and skull," said police Sgt. David Schepis. "He was talking, he was responsive but it appeared that the child was in great pain."

Police said the boy was rushed by ambulance to Waterbury Hospital. He was badly mauled and will need extensive cosmetic surgery.

Max The Dog Put Down After Mauling Another Child - News Story - WVIT | Hartford
And yet 66 of Michael Vick's dogs were rehabilitated and adopted out into the community.

And they all still have to be handled with extreme care and the new owners had to go through special training...yadda yadda yadda. Did you not see the dogtown episode on these dogs?
Not sure what idea you're talking about. It's common knowledge that people need to be responsable about their pets and not let them add to the unwanted pet population.
I guess I'm just mystified that on the one hand you think people are racist because they feel pit bulls should be banned and on the other you think it's just fine to surgically remove one of their sources of pleasure.

One part of you thinks dogs have as many rights as humans and another part of you thinks you should be able to dictate which rights you feel they should have.
ahh.. of COURSE you'd assume that ONLY reasonable and sane people agree with you.. Of COURSE.



In Soggy's shit-for-brains mind:

Not proprely training your dog = Torturing them and raising them to be killers.

You truly are the biggest fucking idiot here...and that's saying something.
Have you ever noticed that certain stimuli, such as the smell of a cologne or perfume, a certain song, a specific day of the year, results in fairly intense emotions? It's not that the smell or the song are the cause of the emotion, but rather what that smell or song has been paired with...perhaps an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, the death of a loved one, or maybe the day you met your corrent husband or wife. We make these associations all the time and often don't realize the power that these connections or pairings have on us. But, in fact, we have been classically conditioned.(Psychology 101 online)
Classical conditioning - WikEd

Now, of course, im assuming that a thousand dollars and orgasms are some positive reinforcers for you. Clearly, you may prefer the double dong dildo and a jeep ride to the softball game.. to each their own, I guess.
heh, you didn't even make an effort to show me that the dog loves the bell. Big surprise.

Again, no information whatsoever on the sex or age of the dog. Not indication if it was neutered or not. Not a word about the conditions in which it was raised or cared for. No proof even that it was a pit bull and not a mix as many dogs who are misidentified as pit bulss often are.

Sketchy anecdotal evidence is very useful when fear mongering but not very helpful in making a serious scientific evaluation of an entire species or breed.

In Soggy's shit-for-brains mind:

Not proprely training your dog = Torturing them and raising them to be killers.

You truly are the biggest fucking idiot here...and that's saying something.

oh wow. SHIT TALKING IN LIEU of making a valid pint! GOOD JOB JACK THOMPSON!


Pits and rotties are more dangerous, period. They have shorter tempers and they are bred to be more deadly.

People should be able to have them if they like them, but it's stupid and irresponsible to pretend they're no more dangerous than golden retrievers or poodles.

Pits and rotties are more dangerous because of their size. IF you watch dog shows you will see that small dogs bite just as much but they just cant do the same type of damage. I will never believe Pits are prone to be dangerous from birth. Its interesting when I watch the dog whisperer go out to someones home in what he calls a red zone dog(dog that bites) and after a week or 2 of training sessions the dog is completely happy and non aggressive. What is consistent in all of the cases he does is that the people who own the dogs just dont have any clue on how to manage their dogs and it always starts with the owners. Now if you get a pit bull that was trained to be a fighter then thats a completely different situation but if you watch Dogtown you will see that a majority of these animals from Michael Vicks house are being rehabilitated and adopted.
I'm sorry and your opinoin means what, exactly? You can't fathom a golden retriever made so mean that it would kill your kid? Oh well.. Im glad we solved THIS issue...


What is scary about this sort of attitude is that people think it's perfectly fine to leave goldens or black labs or other "yuppie" type dogs alone with young kids.

In my own experience, Black Labs have been the one breed that I'd consider the most dangerous if I was so ignorant as to think breeds made a difference. People who think you can scapegoat pits as being the bad dogs and goldens as being the good dogs are making a dangerous mistake.
heh, you didn't even make an effort to show me that the dog loves the bell. Big surprise.

hey.. believe what you want. If showing you labor laws doesn't phase your opinion about hiring illegal aliens then im sure going far enough to digg up pavlov and his dogs from the grave wouldn't rock your ignorant little boat.

enjoy being stupid!
Hey Ang,

I see you completely avoided the point in my post that you quoted.

Are actually going to claim that irresponsible ownership of a golden is just as risky as irresponsible ownership of a pit bull?

Just a yes or no will suffice. :badgrin:

YES!! You bigoted fear mongering uninformed mangy dog!!
What is scary about this sort of attitude is that people think it's perfectly fine to leave goldens or black labs or other "yuppie" type dogs alone with young kids.
Really? Anyone that is stupid enough to leave any animal alone with young kids is mucho stupid. Methinks you are being a fear monger.
hey.. believe what you want. If showing you labor laws doesn't phase your opinion about hiring illegal aliens then im sure going far enough to digg up pavlov and his dogs from the grave wouldn't rock your ignorant little boat.

enjoy being stupid!
I've lost track of the times you've been unable to prove one of your suppositions.

Good job, Soggy. Good job.
And they all still have to be handled with extreme care and the new owners had to go through special training...yadda yadda yadda. Did you not see the dogtown episode on these dogs?

Of course but these dogs were trained fight dogs, some had been raped and others seriously injured, the fact that some could be rehabilitated is amazing in itself and shows that these dogs dont want to hurt people and they dont want people hurting them

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