Another female teacher caught having sex with children

Hardly a week goes by that one of these teacher pedophiles doesn't get busted.
In this example the teacher is not a pedophile because the student is age fifteen and presumably post-pubescent (sexually mature). She would be considered a pedophile if she engaged in sexual activity with a pre-pubescent infant.

She is whatever is the female equivalent of a pederast.

Its still fucking creepy and illegal.
Achieving a healthy sexual orientation calls for a reasoned understanding of how and why the laws of Nature are affected by the laws of Man.

There is no female equivalent of a pederast. A pederast is an adult male who engages in anal intercourse with an adolescent or pre-pubescent boy.

While this teacher's action is illegal, whether it is "creepy" depends on one's understanding of human sexuality.
Yeah, kind of splitting hairs though. I've seen a lot of kids this age that are no where near ready to handle this kind of situation.

Punishing the majority for the inability of the minority isn't how laws usually work. Have only to look at other civilized nations with lower ages of consent to see all the proof you may require that having sex at younger ages doesn't correlate into trauma or harm. How our society denounces sex and especially older-younger relationships is what causes the harm, not the act itself.
You're starting to creep me out with your seemingly pro view of this kind of behavior regarding adults sexual relationships with children.
That observation calls for a better understanding of what we mean by children. Many fifteen year-old boys are perfectly capable of serving as soldiers in combat, as many did on both sides during our Civil War, and most are capable of impregnating women. Those two considerations effectively remove most fifteen year-old boys from the category of children -- except perhaps in the minds of their parents.
There is a significant difference between finding an adolescent sexually attractive, as many adolescents are, and acting on one's natural impulse, the key factor being the degree of the adolescent's apparent maturity. Keep in mind that Tracy Lord became a celebrated porn queen at age fifteen by presenting a fake birth certificate to the producers of her films. At age fifteen Tracy was exceptionally mature, as are many adolescents.
I'm not familiar with her but if you are a grown man and you find a 15yo sexually attractive you are sick, some wires got crossed in your head somehow.
In this example the teacher is not a pedophile because the student is age fifteen and presumably post-pubescent (sexually mature). She would be considered a pedophile if she engaged in sexual activity with a pre-pubescent infant.

She is whatever is the female equivalent of a pederast.

Its still fucking creepy and illegal.
Achieving a healthy sexual orientation calls for a reasoned understanding of how and why the laws of Nature are affected by the laws of Man.

There is no female equivalent of a pederast. A pederast is an adult male who engages in anal intercourse with an adolescent or pre-pubescent boy.

While this teacher's action is illegal, whether it is "creepy" depends on one's understanding of human sexuality.

I don't if it is "creepy" more than it is sad, but I do know that is wrong.

She is there to teach and mentor, not to be a paramour.
Hardly a week goes by that one of these teacher pedophiles doesn't get busted.
In this example the teacher is not a pedophile because the student is age fifteen and presumably post-pubescent (sexually mature). She would be considered a pedophile if she engaged in sexual activity with a pre-pubescent infant.

Yeah, kind of splitting hairs though. I've seen a lot of kids this age that are no where near ready to handle this kind of situation.
Sexual maturity of the contemporary human male exists when he is able to achieve erection, experience orgasm, and ejaculate active semen, i.e., full sexual potency. At this stage of life, usually around age fourteen, the boy is post-pubescent and according to the laws of Nature he is ready to engage in sexual activity. The means by which the laws of Man are imposed on this natural occurence will impact his future sexual development.
There is a significant difference between finding an adolescent sexually attractive, as many adolescents are, and acting on one's natural impulse, the key factor being the degree of the adolescent's apparent maturity. Keep in mind that Tracy Lord became a celebrated porn queen at age fifteen by presenting a fake birth certificate to the producers of her films. At age fifteen Tracy was exceptionally mature, as are many adolescents.
I'm not familiar with her but if you are a grown man and you find a 15yo sexually attractive you are sick, some wires got crossed in your head somehow.
If you are a mature male and you do not find a known fifteen year-old female who looks like Tracy Lords sexually attractive it is you whose wires are crossed. Knowing her age, the important thing within our contemporary social order is whether or not you act on your natural impulse.
If you are a mature male and you do not find a known fifteen year-old female who looks like Tracy Lords sexually attractive it is you whose wires are crossed. Knowing her age, the important thing within our contemporary social order is whether or not you act on your natural impulse.
Wrong. I can tell if a gal is 15,16,17, it isn't rocket science. Quit trying to justify pedophilia.
There is a significant difference between finding an adolescent sexually attractive, as many adolescents are

There is a significant difference between recognizing a person as attractive and actually being attracted to a person. Brad Pitt is one hell of an attractive man. I'm not attracted to him or any other man in the least.

Closer to home, my roommate's girlfriend is a very attractive woman. I am not at all attracted to her.

the key factor being the degree of the adolescent's apparent maturity.

That is an incredibly stupid thing to say. An adult should know that a child is a child. Period.

Keep in mind that Tracy Lord became a celebrated porn queen at age fifteen by presenting a fake birth certificate to the producers of her films. At age fifteen Tracy was exceptionally mature, as are many adolescents.

Using fake ID documents to become a drug addicted porn star is what you call "mature"?

In any event, we've all heard the urban legend of the neighbor girl who seduces her male neighbor into her home so that her gay brother can give him a blow job in the dark, and thinking it's the girl he loves every second of it. Deception does a healthy sexual encounter make.

The pivotal consideration here lies in the word, potential. The key factors being an adolescent's psychological orientation and the overall behavior and intentions of the adult consort.

This is the kind of weak excuse used by young girls trying to justify their being in a relationship with a guy much too old, and guys trying to justify their being in relationships with girls much too young. I think the true pivotal consideration is the apparent maturity you mentioned above. It's still nothing more than smoke and mirrors, created in the mind of the adult who is seeking an excuse to engage in inappropriate relationships with teenagers.

I believe that disposition applies more to adult men than to adult women.


Grow up and stop being a sexist.
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Sexual maturity of the contemporary human male exists when he is able to achieve erection, experience orgasm, and ejaculate active semen, i.e., full sexual potency.

You ignorant fool. If that were the case, then males achieve sexual maturity by the time they are born.
I would like to hear how the two 'victims' have suffered, because I am quite confident that they were thrilled to be having sex with a pretty cute looking lady.

The victim being 'thrilled' does not excuse someone of committing a crime. And clearly they weren't so 'thrilled.' She got reported.

Look, just so as you know (and I'm speaking the truth here): regardless of their being a liberal or conservative, almost every male reader opened this thread in the eager hope that the 'criminal' is a fox. Turns out she ain't that bad.

Not bad at all, eh, fellas?
I would like to hear how the two 'victims' have suffered, because I am quite confident that they were thrilled to be having sex with a pretty cute looking lady.

The victim being 'thrilled' does not excuse someone of committing a crime. And clearly they weren't so 'thrilled.' She got reported.

Look, just so as you know (and I'm speaking the truth here): regardless of their being a liberal or conservative, almost every male reader opened this thread in the eager hope that the 'criminal' is a fox. Turns out she ain't that bad.

Not bad at all, eh, fellas?

Though I'm probably the only male here who opened this thread, having at one time been the target of a female teacher who sought a sexual relationship with him while in high school. So instead of trying to sound high and mighty as if you have some kind of special wisdom that negates basic logic, maybe just shut up before you make yourself look more like a fool?
I would like to hear how the two 'victims' have suffered, because I am quite confident that they were thrilled to be having sex with a pretty cute looking lady.

The victim being 'thrilled' does not excuse someone of committing a crime. And clearly they weren't so 'thrilled.' She got reported.

Look, just so as you know (and I'm speaking the truth here): regardless of their being a liberal or conservative, almost every male reader opened this thread in the eager hope that the 'criminal' is a fox. Turns out she ain't that bad.

Not bad at all, eh, fellas?

I came to this thread to see the liberals spin this issue. I haven't been disappointed. :eusa_eh:
Hardly a week goes by that one of these teacher pedophiles doesn't get busted.

Tacoma high-school teacher charged with child rape

A Tacoma high-school math teacher faces rape charges after allegedly engaging in sexual acts in her Lincoln High School classroom and sending explicit text messages to students.Meredith Claire Powell, 24, was charged Friday with two counts of third-degree rape of a child and one count of communication with a minor for immoral purposes, according to Pierce County Superior Court documents.In late January, Powell allegedly exchanged explicit text messages with two 15-year-old male students and engaged in sexual acts with both students in a classroom, according to charging documents.She also allegedly sent sexual text messages, including one containing her address, to a 17-year-old boy.Police say Powell wrote to the 17-year-old’s girlfriend apologizing for “promiscuous” and “unprofessional” comments and texts she had sent.Her trial is scheduled for April 24.
Tacoma high-school teacher charged with child rape | The Today File | Seattle Times

Oh dear, another right winged pedo bigot wishing to deny them their rights.
If you are a mature male and you do not find a known fifteen year-old female who looks like Tracy Lords sexually attractive it is you whose wires are crossed. Knowing her age, the important thing within our contemporary social order is whether or not you act on your natural impulse.
Wrong. I can tell if a gal is 15,16,17, it isn't rocket science. Quit trying to justify pedophilia.

Not always. When I was a bartender I saw some extremes on both sides - graduate students that looked like teenagers and 15-year-olds that looked 25.
I find it amusing and a bit pathetic how some find the crime acceptable depending on who is doing who a female teacher having sex with underage boys acceptable a male teacher having sex with underage girls unacceptable. So what about a female teacher having sex with underage girls or a male one having sex with underage boys acceptable or unacceptable? Where is the line drawn on adults having sex with children?

It's all unacceptable. Teachers who have any kind of sexual contact with students should be fired, their teaching license taken away, and prosecuted for molesting underage children.
The victim being 'thrilled' does not excuse someone of committing a crime. And clearly they weren't so 'thrilled.' She got reported.

Look, just so as you know (and I'm speaking the truth here): regardless of their being a liberal or conservative, almost every male reader opened this thread in the eager hope that the 'criminal' is a fox. Turns out she ain't that bad.

Not bad at all, eh, fellas?

Though I'm probably the only male here who opened this thread, having at one time been the target of a female teacher who sought a sexual relationship with him while in high school. So instead of trying to sound high and mighty as if you have some kind of special wisdom that negates basic logic, maybe just shut up before you make yourself look more like a fool?

I've heard the whole I was just talking to an uber-intelligent black woman schtick when trying to deflect accusations of racism, but pulling your [vague] "having at one time been the target of a female teacher who sought a sexual relationship with him while in high school" trump/rebuttal is a new one on me.

One that I don't happen to believe, I hasten to add.
...if you are a grown man and you find a 15yo sexually attractive you are sick, some wires got crossed in your head somehow.

I agree with this. An adult, male or female, who is sexually attracted to a 15 year old has something wrong with them. It is sick.
In this example the teacher is not a pedophile because the student is age fifteen and presumably post-pubescent (sexually mature). She would be considered a pedophile if she engaged in sexual activity with a pre-pubescent infant.

Yeah, kind of splitting hairs though. I've seen a lot of kids this age that are no where near ready to handle this kind of situation.
Sexual maturity of the contemporary human male exists when he is able to achieve erection, experience orgasm, and ejaculate active semen, i.e., full sexual potency. At this stage of life, usually around age fourteen, the boy is post-pubescent and according to the laws of Nature he is ready to engage in sexual activity. The means by which the laws of Man are imposed on this natural occurence will impact his future sexual development.

The male may be ready physically, but not all 15 year olds are ready emotionally and or mentally. Especially if they've been approached by a predatory adult with power over them.

Amazing that so many of you here seem to gloss over this. Fucking amazing in fact.

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