Another female teacher caught having sex with children

If you are a mature male and you do not find a known fifteen year-old female who looks like Tracy Lords sexually attractive it is you whose wires are crossed. Knowing her age, the important thing within our contemporary social order is whether or not you act on your natural impulse.
Wrong. I can tell if a gal is 15,16,17, it isn't rocket science. Quit trying to justify pedophilia.

Not always. When I was a bartender I saw some extremes on both sides - graduate students that looked like teenagers and 15-year-olds that looked 25.

Otherwise known as "jail bait". I suggest that some among us take some time out of this thread to remove any doubt by entering it into Google Images. Not for too long, though.
Wrong. I can tell if a gal is 15,16,17, it isn't rocket science. Quit trying to justify pedophilia.

Not always. When I was a bartender I saw some extremes on both sides - graduate students that looked like teenagers and 15-year-olds that looked 25.

Otherwise known as "jail bait". I suggest that some among us take some time out of this thread to remove any doubt by entering it into Google Images. Not for too long, though.

In this example the teacher is not a pedophile because the student is age fifteen and presumably post-pubescent (sexually mature). She would be considered a pedophile if she engaged in sexual activity with a pre-pubescent infant.

Yeah, kind of splitting hairs though. I've seen a lot of kids this age that are no where near ready to handle this kind of situation.
Sexual maturity of the contemporary human male exists when he is able to achieve erection, experience orgasm, and ejaculate active semen, i.e., full sexual potency. At this stage of life, usually around age fourteen, the boy is post-pubescent and according to the laws of Nature he is ready to engage in sexual activity. The means by which the laws of Man are imposed on this natural occurence will impact his future sexual development.

And . . . the law says the human is old enough.
Fuck. This is an anonymous forum. Please......stop lying.

You know who you are.

There are 15 year olds who are sexually attractive. To say otherwise is to lie. The phrase "You're shittin' me! He/she's only 15??!!" has been uttered millions of times by very normal, responsible humans. Looks can be deceiving.

Act on become abnormal.

In addition.....the way we view this shit differs depending on the sex of the participants. Any man saying that they feel the same way about a 17 year old boy being seduced by an adult woman as they do about a 17 year old girl being seduced by an adult not being honest.

Speak truth, please. It makes this place much more interesting.
Fuck. This is an anonymous forum. Please......stop lying.

You know who you are.

There are 15 year olds who are sexually attractive. To say otherwise is to lie. The phrase "You're shittin' me! He/she's only 15??!!" has been uttered millions of times by very normal, responsible humans. Looks can be deceiving.

Act on become abnormal.

In addition.....the way we view this shit differs depending on the sex of the participants. Any man saying that they feel the same way about a 17 year old boy being seduced by an adult woman as they do about a 17 year old girl being seduced by an adult not being honest.

Speak truth, please. It makes this place much more interesting.

...known as "jail bait". I suggest that some among us take some time out of this thread to remove any doubt by entering it into Google Images. Not for too long, though.
I suggest you google reality. An image is just that. If you see them in person and can't tell how young they are you need supervision.
Fuck. This is an anonymous forum. Please......stop lying.

You know who you are.

There are 15 year olds who are sexually attractive. To say otherwise is to lie. The phrase "You're shittin' me! He/she's only 15??!!" has been uttered millions of times by very normal, responsible humans. Looks can be deceiving.

Act on become abnormal.

In addition.....the way we view this shit differs depending on the sex of the participants. Any man saying that they feel the same way about a 17 year old boy being seduced by an adult woman as they do about a 17 year old girl being seduced by an adult not being honest.

Speak truth, please. It makes this place much more interesting.

From a female point of view, I can't imagine any 15 year old boy being sexually attractive. The idea is repulsive. I can see that some adult males who are immature may think a 15 year old girl is sexually attractive, especially when she is all made up to look like a woman, but any man who is fooled by the strutt, the clothes, and the makeup into thinking she is a desirable woman has something wrong with him, immaturity obviously, but something else, something that is not right about him emotionally, mentally, sexually. It is not much different than a pedophile being turned on by little girls prancing around seductively at baby beauty pageants.
Fuck. This is an anonymous forum. Please......stop lying.

You know who you are.

There are 15 year olds who are sexually attractive. To say otherwise is to lie. The phrase "You're shittin' me! He/she's only 15??!!" has been uttered millions of times by very normal, responsible humans. Looks can be deceiving.

Act on become abnormal.

In addition.....the way we view this shit differs depending on the sex of the participants. Any man saying that they feel the same way about a 17 year old boy being seduced by an adult woman as they do about a 17 year old girl being seduced by an adult not being honest.

Speak truth, please. It makes this place much more interesting.

From a female point of view, I can't imagine any 15 year old boy being sexually attractive. The idea is repulsive. I can see that some adult males who are immature may thing a 15 year old girl is sexually attractive, especially when she is all made up to look like a woman, but any man who is fooled by the strutt, the clothes, and the makeup into thinking she is a desirable woman has something wrong with him, immaturity obviously, but something else, something that is not right about him emotionally, mentally, sexually. It is not much different than a pedophile being turned on by little girls prancing around seductively at baby beauty pageants.

You are making huge leaps. Which is why we have laws.
Fuck. This is an anonymous forum. Please......stop lying.

You know who you are.

There are 15 year olds who are sexually attractive.
Speak for yourself perv.

You are a dishonest person. I am shocked.

I think this is one of those cases where something is so natural to a person, they think everyone is like them, and if people deny it, they must be lying. The truth is, everyone is not like you and they are not lying. Just because you think something is normal or natural, that does not mean everyone feels the same way.
We're actually conditioned by media and advertising to find adolescents sexually attractive. Most professional models are teenagers, and how many 'young adult' demographic tv shows are supposedly about teens? They're featured in sexual situations "like real life" but then the laws make such things with the adult-aged audience illegal. We're basically setting up legal adults by making our entertainment about adolescent sex.

It used to be more subtle, but now it's very overt as with reality shows. This latest one with the southern 'metrosexual' Christie and his teenaged son making some remark about teaching his father how to have sex is the most out-in-open one I've heard about in a long time. That's the sort of thing our media is exploiting to make a buck. And the message it's sending out is teens are ready, willing, and able to have sex. Shouldn't be any wonder then weak-minded adults are availing themselves of eager young lovers. "It must be ok, I saw it on tv."

The FCC is mostly to blame. They allow that kind of content, grotesque violence, and increasingly profanity. Yet actual sex and nudity is still the taboo so to show sexual titilation shows are becomming very suggestive and those suggestions are effecting people's minds in ways they don't fully appreciate because it worms its way in there over time, not all at once. Then some horny person gets a come-on from some kid and their off to the races. Then when others find out it blows up into the most horrible thing. Yet we've allowed it to happen by not censoring tv content. Condition people to feel certain ways about certain things and eventually they're gonna seek out what they've been conditioned to desire.
Speak for yourself perv.

You are a dishonest person. I am shocked.

I think this is one of those cases where something is so natural to a person, they think everyone is like them, and if people deny it, they must be lying. The truth is, everyone is not like you and they are not lying. Just because you think something is normal or natural, that does not mean everyone feels the same way.

You are trying hard....but failing. It is a fact that there are 15 year old humans who look much older than they are. I said nothing about talking to them or knowing them. Based on appearance alone, there are 15 year olds who are sexually attractive. It is what it is.
In my case, I don't have to try hard at all. There never has been a 15 year old boy I found, as an adult, sexually attractive. Perhaps you are also one of those people who, because you lie, think others also lie. I don't need to lie. I don't need to try too hard. Fifteen year old boys are not attractive, never. They are children. What you need to do is believe other people and not assume that because you have one vision of reality, everyone has the same vision.
From a female point of view, I can't imagine any 15 year old boy being sexually attractive. The idea is repulsive. I can see that some adult males who are immature may think a 15 year old girl is sexually attractive, especially when she is all made up to look like a woman, but any man who is fooled by the strutt, the clothes, and the makeup into thinking she is a desirable woman has something wrong with him, immaturity obviously, but something else, something that is not right about him emotionally, mentally, sexually. It is not much different than a pedophile being turned on by little girls prancing around seductively at baby beauty pageants.
Well said. Sounds better coming from a woman.
I think it might not be 'some teens are sexually attractive' since I like to think we all know how illegal it is and how giving in to that temptation will royally screw up your life thereafter, and more some teens are simply attractive. For myself, there are young teens around here who've I've noticed, but also knowing the laws of my state I don't entertain any sexual ideas about them. Why let your mind go there if you know how serious the penalties are, you're just torturing yourself. But appreciating the beauty of the human form is normal and artists have done that trying to capture that beauty in their works for millenia. But as with other things, there's a line between appreciation of something beautiful, and creeping the hell outta people. :)
In my case, I don't have to try hard at all. There never has been a 15 year old boy I found, as an adult, sexually attractive. Perhaps you are also one of those people who, because you lie, think others also lie. I don't need to lie. I don't need to try too hard. Fifteen year old boys are not attractive, never. They are children. What you need to do is believe other people and not assume that because you have one vision of reality, everyone has the same vision.

If you could be honest about it, I could easily prove that you are mistaken. But I do not think you can be.

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