Another female teacher caught having sex with children

I don't know what fairy tale land people think existed in the past, but this sort of stuff isn't new:

"As a high school student — precocious, lonely, overweight — Newt secretly romanced his geometry teacher, a buxom, matronly woman named Jackie Battley. The furtive romance with his 24-year-old teacher included nighttime sessions in the back of a car in remote areas of Fort Benning, Ga."

Newt's glass house -

It wasn't pervasive in the public schools as it is today.

and you know this how? oh you dont
Were you under the impression I'm someone unfamilar with legal issues?

(1) A person is guilty of rape of a child in the third degree when the person has sexual intercourse with another who is at least fourteen years old but less than sixteen years old and not married to the perpetrator and the perpetrator is at least forty-eight months older than the victim.

(2) Rape of a child in the third degree is a class C felony.
RCW 9A.44.079: Rape of a child in the third degree.

There are two other 'child rape' statutes relating to age, the most serious of which is for those under 12 as would be involving a pedophilic relationship.

"Pedophilia is a clinical diagnosis usually made by a psychiatrist or psychologist. It is not a criminal or legal term, such as forcible sexual offense, which is a legal term often used in criminal statistics (1, 2)."
PsychiatryOnline | FOCUS: The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry | A Profile of Pedophilia: Definition, Characteristics of Offenders, Recidivism, Treatment Outcomes, and Forensic Issues

Consequently, you don't see the term in legal statutes. Just the corresponding ages involved. It's like 'insanity' in this regard. Insanity though IS a legal term, and not a psychiatric one.

None of that is relevant. All that is relevant is the victim.

Dare say if we could ask the 15yo if he feels victimized the answer'd be a resounding NO!

Many female rape victims will have an orgasm. That doesn't mean they consented, that they wanted it, or that they liked it. It is a physiological reaction. If a 15 year old doesn't feel victimized by an older perp it is a matter of immaturity and judgment. I doubt they would want the same thing to happen to their children, male or female.

But the bottom line is that there is a power gradient in a situation with an authority figure, and violating a sacred boundary relocates that power gradient to a very dangerous place for both victim and perp.

Keep on defending pedophiles.
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Then we decided that adulthood was 18 or 21 instead of 16 as it had traditionally been. Sadly, someone didn't share that memo with teenage hormones...

Most teens lose their virginity by 17.

Did anyone share that with 24 year olds' hormones? Or the colleges that offer degrees in education? Having sex with your students is a no-no. If this was a 24 year old man having sex with 15 year old female students I'm sure you wouldn't be defending him.

Women in these crimes have gotten of pretty easy in the past. A man would be imprisoned. But a female, not so much. If I were a guy and I saw women getting preferential treatment in these situations I would be as mad as hell.
There are laws protecting people even adults anywhere where there is an equity in power. A child of 12-17 years is protected from people like Delta who would call rape, love or lust.


That is true. Yet, men (and some women) will come on these threads and defend the perp because of the sex drive of young males. They will make comments indicating they think there was no damage or the young males were 'thrilled.' It is pretty well documented that the sex drive of males in their late teens is a force to be reckoned with, and I think, because of that elevated sex drive, it likely makes them easier targets than young females in that they will 'consent' more easily even though they have not achieved the age to legally consent. But the heightened sex drive of older teen boys in no way justifies this kind of thing, and the women should be punished the same as the male perps.

I've seen that mindset before. My friend from a softball team my nephew was on had a teacher who came to watch her son play. He was maybe 10 but an adorable kid. My friend just had a wry smile when I asked what the teacher was doing there and she told me she had thought about the possibility the teacher was getting too close.

I also knew she would watch her son but sometimes you just don't think it can happen to your family until it's done. Female and male teachers should be held accountable and go to prison for their abuse of children who are in their care.

I agree, and the women should not get off light.
She's not a beauty queen but what high-testerone young man wouldn't want to play between the sheets with her?

Shame all the prudes get their panties wadded up over stuff like this?

What male poster on this forum did not have the hots for one of his teachers?

Be honest. [I know I did. Freshman algebra class. Couldn't stand the subject but wouldn't have minded being asked to stay after class with her]

What woman doesn't want a Cartier diamond. Stealing it is still illegal.
Another angle about these AoC laws and their being too high is the discrimination aspect. If a sixteen year old can get a driver's license then the law is recognizing that being sufficient age to do that. But if the state's AoC is higher than 16 then it's in effect discriminating based on age. And that's against Federal laws (though admittedly more about the opposite end of the age spectrum.) So unless the state can prove how 16's ok to drive and make life and death mature decisions doing that, but not capable of making similar decisions to have sex, the law should be ammended down to 16.

Until the laws are changed, it's a crime....PERIOD. No matter what you think, Delta.

Age has nothing to do with it. We don't send our children to school so teachers can get it on with them. Minors are mandated to be in school. Teachers don't have the right to fuck them.

Colleges discourage relationships between students and teachers, but they can't do a thing about it because the students are of age.
Another angle about these AoC laws and their being too high is the discrimination aspect. If a sixteen year old can get a driver's license then the law is recognizing that being sufficient age to do that. But if the state's AoC is higher than 16 then it's in effect discriminating based on age. And that's against Federal laws (though admittedly more about the opposite end of the age spectrum.) So unless the state can prove how 16's ok to drive and make life and death mature decisions doing that, but not capable of making similar decisions to have sex, the law should be ammended down to 16.

Until the laws are changed, it's a crime....PERIOD. No matter what you think, Delta.

Not disputing it being a crime. Just saying it's one of many that needs to be updated to better reflect reality.

So it needs to be updated to allow teachers to have sex with children who are under their supervision involuntarily. Groovy.

I don't know what kind of fucked up world you live in, but I suggest you don't hold your breath until that happens. If anything the laws will become more stringent.
I have a pretty good kid toucher radar, I knew the two assholes in scouts who were prrobably kid touchers, and kept our younger kids the hell away from them. Turns out both of them got pinched years later.

And keep brushing that wide brush of yours because you have a seperate axe to grind with the church. And keep defending school unions that defend the assholes in the schools who do this, because of course, it fits your political agenda.

Neddit and JoeB are disgusting. They strut out for the pedos every damned time.

It's interesting to note, that it's usually liberals who are the ones that have no problem with teachers who hump their adolescent students.

Not all. We do have some libs on here who are not doing that and who are quite verbal in the other direction.
Neddit and JoeB are disgusting. They strut out for the pedos every damned time.

It's interesting to note, that it's usually liberals who are the ones that have no problem with teachers who hump their adolescent students.

And Congressmen humping their Pages is? :)

Subject to civil and criminal penalties under the EEOC.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment

It is unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person’s sex. Harassment can include “sexual harassment” or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.

Harassment does not have to be of a sexual nature, however, and can include offensive remarks about a person’s sex. For example, it is illegal to harass a woman by making offensive comments about women in general.

Both victim and the harasser can be either a woman or a man, and the victim and harasser can be the same sex.

Although the law doesn’t prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that are not very serious, harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted).

The harasser can be the victim's supervisor, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or someone who is not an employee of the employer, such as a client or customer.
In this example the teacher is not a pedophile because the student is age fifteen and presumably post-pubescent (sexually mature). She would be considered a pedophile if she engaged in sexual activity with a pre-pubescent infant.

Yeah, kind of splitting hairs though. I've seen a lot of kids this age that are no where near ready to handle this kind of situation.

You know Justin Bieber?


He is 19. Legal age.
In this example the teacher is not a pedophile because the student is age fifteen and presumably post-pubescent (sexually mature). She would be considered a pedophile if she engaged in sexual activity with a pre-pubescent infant.

Yeah, kind of splitting hairs though. I've seen a lot of kids this age that are no where near ready to handle this kind of situation.

Punishing the majority for the inability of the minority isn't how laws usually work. Have only to look at other civilized nations with lower ages of consent to see all the proof you may require that having sex at younger ages doesn't correlate into trauma or harm. How our society denounces sex and especially older-younger relationships is what causes the harm, not the act itself.

The issue is NOT what age someone has sex. The issue is a person in AUTHORITY having sex with a SUBORDINATE. School. Workplace. Doesn't matter.
A 24 year old woman who desires a sexual relationship with 15 year olds is not in a healthy state of mind. A 24 year old teacher who desires a sexual relationship with students is in an even less healthy state of mind.
There is a significant difference between finding an adolescent sexually attractive, as many adolescents are, and acting on one's natural impulse, the key factor being the degree of the adolescent's apparent maturity. Keep in mind that Tracy Lord became a celebrated porn queen at age fifteen by presenting a fake birth certificate to the producers of her films. At age fifteen Tracy was exceptionally mature, as are many adolescents.

A 15 year old who enters into a sexual relationship with said teacher is engaging in an extremely unhealthy dynamic at a pivotal stage in their human development, with the potential to substantially and negatively influence their ability develop sexually in a healthy way. Even if he "loved it" at the time.
The pivotal consideration here lies in the word, potential. The key factors being an adolescent's psychological orientation and the overall behavior and intentions of the adult consort.

An adult who chooses to be so reckless and subject a child to such circumstances commits an extreme offense against society.
I believe that disposition applies more to adult men than to adult women. There are important differences between engaging in heterosexual activity with adolescent boys and adolescent girls, beginning with the root factor of potential pregnancy. Social attitudes toward adolescent sexual activity are starkly different where girls are concerned.

Wrong. The issue is the authority the teacher has over the student.
...known as "jail bait". I suggest that some among us take some time out of this thread to remove any doubt by entering it into Google Images. Not for too long, though.
I suggest you google reality. An image is just that. If you see them in person and can't tell how young they are you need supervision.

When it comes to this issue 'strict liability' applies. You can card them and it doesn't matter if the card says they are 32. If they are underage your ass is grass.
You are being so completely ridiculous. I am being honest about it, that's what I'm trying to tell you. Wow. You are very closed minded. Again, you have your vision of reality, others have theirs. They may not share yours. Don't you realize not all people see and feel things the way you do? I am being honest, totally honest. The idea of a 15 year old boy being sexually attractive not only doesn't exist for me, it is repulsive. You don't want to believe that, says a lot about you and nothing about me.

I could post a picture of a 15 year old kid who has a full beard and looks 25. You could look at it and tell me you could tell that he was 15. Then I would have to call you a liar. Is it worth the trouble? I think not.

How about when they're in a classroom for 15 year olds, and the adult teacher knows they are a 15 year old. Is it still natural for her to be sexually attracted to the 15 year old ?
Is it still natural for her to act out her feelings ?

No. Idiot.
Men over 60 'have healthier babies than teen fathers' | Mail Online

"Older men have healthier babies than their teenage counterparts, says a study.

Even if the man is in his 60s, the health risks for the child are no higher than average.

In contrast, babies with fathers in their teens have more chance of arriving prematurely or dying before their first birthday. "

"Teen mothers are more likely than
mothers over age 20 to give birth
prematurely (before 37 completed
weeks of pregnancy). Between
2003 and 2005, preterm birth rates
averaged 14.5 percent for women
under age 20 compared to 11.9
percent for women ages 20 to 29.5
Babies born prematurely face an
increased risk of newborn health
problems, long-term disabilities and
even death.

What are the health risks to babies
of teen mothers?
A baby born to a teenage mother is
at higher risk than a baby born to
an older mother for premature birth,
low birthweight, other serious health
problems and death.
Babies of teenage mothers are more
likely to die in the first year of life
than babies of women in their twenties
and thirties. The risk is highest for
babies of mothers under age 15.
In 2005, 16.4 out of every 1,000
babies of women under age 15 died,
compared to 6.8 per 1,000 for babies
of women of all ages.9
Teenage mothers are more likely to
have a low-birthweight baby. Most
low-birthweight babies are born
prematurely. The earlier a baby is
born, the less she is likely to weigh.
In 2006, 10 percent of mothers ages
15 to 19 had a low-birthweight baby,
compared to 8.3 percent for mothers
of all ages.2 The risk is higher for
younger mothers:
• 11.7 percent of 15-year-old mothers
had a low-birthweight baby in 2006;
18,403 babies were born to girls this
age, with 2,153 of low birthweight.2
• 9.5 percent of 19-year-old mothers
had a low-birthweight baby in
2006; 172,999 babies were born to
these women, with 16,362 of low


Nothing in the data referring to WHAT THE MOTHERS LOOKED LIKE.
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In my case, I don't have to try hard at all. There never has been a 15 year old boy I found, as an adult, sexually attractive. Perhaps you are also one of those people who, because you lie, think others also lie. I don't need to lie. I don't need to try too hard. Fifteen year old boys are not attractive, never. They are children. What you need to do is believe other people and not assume that because you have one vision of reality, everyone has the same vision.

If you could be honest about it, I could easily prove that you are mistaken. But I do not think you can be.

You are being so completely ridiculous. I am being honest about it, that's what I'm trying to tell you. Wow. You are very closed minded. Again, you have your vision of reality, others have theirs. They may not share yours. Don't you realize not all people see and feel things the way you do? I am being honest, totally honest. The idea of a 15 year old boy being sexually attractive not only doesn't exist for me, it is repulsive. You don't want to believe that, says a lot about you and nothing about me. Whatever goes on inside your head is yours. It does not mean everyone sees things from the same perspective. You need to read some philosophy.

And they all smell like little Billy goats~!
If you could be honest about it, I could easily prove that you are mistaken. But I do not think you can be.

You are being so completely ridiculous. I am being honest about it, that's what I'm trying to tell you. Wow. You are very closed minded. Again, you have your vision of reality, others have theirs. They may not share yours. Don't you realize not all people see and feel things the way you do? I am being honest, totally honest. The idea of a 15 year old boy being sexually attractive not only doesn't exist for me, it is repulsive. You don't want to believe that, says a lot about you and nothing about me.

I could post a picture of a 15 year old kid who has a full beard and looks 25. You could look at it and tell me you could tell that he was 15. Then I would have to call you a liar. Is it worth the trouble? I think not.

Students are registered at their schools. The teachers know the ages of their students.
You are being so completely ridiculous. I am being honest about it, that's what I'm trying to tell you. Wow. You are very closed minded. Again, you have your vision of reality, others have theirs. They may not share yours. Don't you realize not all people see and feel things the way you do? I am being honest, totally honest. The idea of a 15 year old boy being sexually attractive not only doesn't exist for me, it is repulsive. You don't want to believe that, says a lot about you and nothing about me.

I could post a picture of a 15 year old kid who has a full beard and looks 25. You could look at it and tell me you could tell that he was 15. Then I would have to call you a liar. Is it worth the trouble? I think not.

This is completely not the point and you are truly being an idiot. I'm not stupid enough to be tricked by beards and such to think a 15 year old is attractive or desirable as a sexual partner. It's in the eyes, it's in the expression, it is in the way they think and talk and their own maturity. If an adult male is stupid enough, immature enough to be fooled by a superficial appearance and cannot see beyong that and thus finds himself attracted to a 15 year old, there is something wrong with him.

Every male celeb I've ever seen on talk shows who has married a much younger woman, 20 - 30 years younger, will say, 'Oh she's VERY mature.' LMAO. You gotta be shitting me. If they wanted a 'mature' woman they would have found a 'mature' woman.

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