Another female teacher caught having sex with children

Well, when I ask for the senior deals, I get carded because no one believes me. When I was 20 I looked about 13. It's not a curse your entire life.

The point of the post was to illustrate that Justin Bieber at 15 appeared unlikely to handle well a blow-job from his math teacher during a school assembly.

For the past few weeks Farmer Bill's been having a problem with his fifteen year-old son, Little Bill, who keeps disappearing and neglecting his chores. One day Bill comes upon Little Bill hiding in a haystack and masturbating. Next day he finds him in the barn yanking furiously on his pecker. Later that night he hears Little Bill going at it again in the bathroom, so he decides to do something to get the boy's mind off sex and back on the job.

Next day Bill takes Little Bill to the brothel in town where he tips the prostitute assigned to Little Bill and tells her to give him what he wants. Then he goes outside to wait for him in the truck.

On the way home when Bill asks Little Bill if the girl took good care of him, Little Bill says she did her best but her arm kept getting tired.


This is a serious issue concerning America's children and you are posing silly shit like this. :cuckoo:
You are incapable of seeing the issue here. And Dr. Freud has been dead for years, and his theories relegated to the dung heap. Give it up.

The problem is his mind is fucked up. He was sexually abused as a child and never had the chance to overcome the trauma. It left him scarred and crippled in ways he's now incapable of envisioning. Just like a child who protects an abusive parent, a wife who refuses to leave an abusive spouse, a kidnapping victim who bonds with their captor, he actually endorses the kind of sexual predation that happened to him.


Most insightful post. IOU rep when I can.
The point of the post was to illustrate that Justin Bieber at 15 appeared unlikely to handle well a blow-job from his math teacher during a school assembly.

I think we will learn in the future that Justin Beiber won't handle many things well even as an adult.

One of many double-standards in our culture:Just because you're a legal adult doesn't mean you then magically have the maturity of an adult. Conversely, just because you're a legal minor doesn't mean you lack the maturity of an adult. Yet our ociety makes a big deal about these differences in age. "A teen is incapable of giving consent to sex because they're not yet mature enough." Yet looking at Bieber at 19, he isn't mature simply because he's 19.

A teacher has an audience that is mandated by the state to be in her charge. Any teacher who crosses the boundary has violated the law and abused the students who the government mandates to be in her charge. She needs to go to prison for a loooooong time. This is not about sex and/ or maturity. It is about a teacher abusing a student who was mandated by the state to be in a situation where a government employee could abuse him. WTF don't you get about that?
...known as "jail bait". I suggest that some among us take some time out of this thread to remove any doubt by entering it into Google Images. Not for too long, though.
I suggest you google reality. An image is just that. If you see them in person and can't tell how young they are you need supervision.

That has not been my experience which is why I always checked IDs to anyone I was serving if they looked under 30 before it was required.

So go start a thread about the crooked bankers then. This one is about another teacher having sex with her underage students.

Yes, it is.

And she was fired from teaching and will never get another job doing that.

Problem solved.

It's solved as far as her being a threat in the future to students, but now she also has to face the potential legal consequences which could include jail time, or maybe just probation.
I suggest you google reality. An image is just that. If you see them in person and can't tell how young they are you need supervision.

That has not been my experience which is why I always checked IDs to anyone I was serving if they looked under 30 before it was required.
You can't tell if someone is 15 or 21?

Unlikely, but possible.

What is IMPOSSIBLE is for a teacher not to know whether a student is underage, or whether or not giving them a blow-job during the school's assembly is appropriate.
Big part of the problem is we both discourage sex but also masturbation. So teens are running around becomming clinically mental ill from sexual frustration and wind up making 'nut shot' videos. :)


Teens are sexually frustrated on your planet because they are discouraged from masturbating?

On my planet teens find a way to do what they want, despite being discouraged.
And it is unfathomable why an adult woman would get involved with a teenager. I would not want a husband I would have to raise.


You think she might have been looking for a husband?

Not impossible. Mary Kay Latourneau was.

After Letourneau's release from prison in 2004, Fualaau, then age 21, filed a motion in court, requesting a reversal of the no-contact order against Letourneau.[19] A few days later the request was granted.[28] Letourneau and Fualaau were married on May 20, 2005 in the city of Woodinville, Washington in a ceremony at the Columbia Winery.[3] Exclusive access to the wedding was given to the television show, Entertainment Tonight[3] and photographs were released through other media outlets. Letourneau has said that she would like to have another child and return to the teaching profession[29] and indicated that by law she is permitted to teach at private schools and community colleges.[29]

Letourneau and her husband were the DJ and hosts for three "Hot for Teacher Night" promotions at a Seattle night club.[30][31][32][33] During an Inside Edition interview Fualaau said, "I'm not a victim. I'm not ashamed of being a father. I'm not ashamed of being in love with Mary Kay."[34] Attorney Anne Bremner, who met Letourneau in 2002 during Fualaau's civil suit, said that Letourneau considered her affair with Fualaau to be "eternal and endless." According to Bremner, "Nothing could have kept the two of them apart."[19] Letourneau and Fualaau co-authored a book about their relationship in 1999, which was published in France with the title Only One Crime, Love (French: Un seul crime, l'amour).[20]
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...known as "jail bait". I suggest that some among us take some time out of this thread to remove any doubt by entering it into Google Images. Not for too long, though.
I suggest you google reality. An image is just that. If you see them in person and can't tell how young they are you need supervision.

That has not been my experience which is why I always checked IDs to anyone I was serving if they looked under 30 before it was required.

That would keep you out of trouble serving alcohol. But 'strict liability' applies to having sex with minors. The card could say they were of legal age and you will still get time. That is how 'strict liability' works.
Myself personally, I have an instant association with the image of a young girl, compared to a woman closer to my age.
Yep. When I was 30 I turned down a cute 19yo that wanted a relationship but I just didn't feel right about it, the minset/lifestyle/life experiences weren't there. I think the big difference between the thinking on this is if you want a partner or a warm body. If sex is just about the mechanics then a warm body will do.
The poor creature probably never recovered from that rejection. I'll bet it scarred her for life. How cruel of you.
And it is unfathomable why an adult woman would get involved with a teenager. I would not want a husband I would have to raise.
You relentlessly assume your sexuality is the norm for all women. And you seem to be oblivious to the fact that there is an important difference between adolescent boys and adolescent girls where sexual activity is concerned.

Just what harm do you suppose is done to a young male recipient of a blowjob by a horny female? What effect do you suppose it has -- other than making him aware that women really like doing that?
And it is unfathomable why an adult woman would get involved with a teenager. I would not want a husband I would have to raise.
You relentlessly assume your sexuality is the norm for all women. And you seem to be oblivious to the fact that there is an important difference between adolescent boys and adolescent girls where sexual activity is concerned.

Just what harm do you suppose is done to a young male recipient of a blowjob by a horny female? What effect do you suppose it has -- other than making him aware that women really like doing that?
Well, she's relentless right. Most women don't have pool boys, unless maybe they're rich, single and a power freak. The adolecent may be harmed in assuming every woman he meets wants to fall face first into his lap.

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