Another female teacher caught having sex with children

Look, just so as you know (and I'm speaking the truth here): regardless of their being a liberal or conservative, almost every male reader opened this thread in the eager hope that the 'criminal' is a fox. Turns out she ain't that bad.

Not bad at all, eh, fellas?

Though I'm probably the only male here who opened this thread, having at one time been the target of a female teacher who sought a sexual relationship with him while in high school. So instead of trying to sound high and mighty as if you have some kind of special wisdom that negates basic logic, maybe just shut up before you make yourself look more like a fool?
It's interesting that you are offended by what is a rather typical heterosexual male observation. Did you ever serve in the military?

I should add that I had my first sexual experience at age fifteen. It took place with the visiting (British) aunt of my best friend, a voluptuous woman whom I estimate was somewhere between forty and fifty. It happened a total of nine times before she returned home and it was the most wonderfully erotic experience of my life -- not to mention extremely educational. I am seventy-seven now, the father of three healthy and happy women. During my youth I was told by several women that I am an exceptionally good lover, which I attribute to my good fortune at age fifteen.

That's disgusting.
You know Justin Bieber?


He is 19. Legal age.

Correct, but I think we can agree that he was 15?

Well, when I ask for the senior deals, I get carded because no one believes me. When I was 20 I looked about 13. It's not a curse your entire life.
He is 19. Legal age.

Correct, but I think we can agree that he was 15?

Well, when I ask for the senior deals, I get carded because no one believes me. When I was 20 I looked about 13. It's not a curse your entire life.

The point of the post was to illustrate that Justin Bieber at 15 appeared unlikely to handle well a blow-job from his math teacher during a school assembly.
Correct, but I think we can agree that he was 15?

Well, when I ask for the senior deals, I get carded because no one believes me. When I was 20 I looked about 13. It's not a curse your entire life.

The point of the post was to illustrate that Justin Bieber at 15 appeared unlikely to handle well a blow-job from his math teacher during a school assembly.

I think we will learn in the future that Justin Beiber won't handle many things well even as an adult.
Look, just so as you know (and I'm speaking the truth here): regardless of their being a liberal or conservative, almost every male reader opened this thread in the eager hope that the 'criminal' is a fox. Turns out she ain't that bad.

Not bad at all, eh, fellas?

Though I'm probably the only male here who opened this thread, having at one time been the target of a female teacher who sought a sexual relationship with him while in high school. So instead of trying to sound high and mighty as if you have some kind of special wisdom that negates basic logic, maybe just shut up before you make yourself look more like a fool?

I've heard the whole I was just talking to an uber-intelligent black woman schtick when trying to deflect accusations of racism, but pulling your [vague] "having at one time been the target of a female teacher who sought a sexual relationship with him while in high school" trump/rebuttal is a new one on me.

One that I don't happen to believe, I hasten to add.

Sure, go ahead. Choose to not believe whatever you like. We can already see that ignoring reality and basic common sense is your forte.
Fuck. This is an anonymous forum. Please......stop lying.

You know who you are.

There are 15 year olds who are sexually attractive. To say otherwise is to lie. The phrase "You're shittin' me! He/she's only 15??!!" has been uttered millions of times by very normal, responsible humans. Looks can be deceiving.

Act on become abnormal.

In addition.....the way we view this shit differs depending on the sex of the participants. Any man saying that they feel the same way about a 17 year old boy being seduced by an adult woman as they do about a 17 year old girl being seduced by an adult not being honest.

Speak truth, please. It makes this place much more interesting.

From a female point of view, I can't imagine any 15 year old boy being sexually attractive. The idea is repulsive. I can see that some adult males who are immature may think a 15 year old girl is sexually attractive, especially when she is all made up to look like a woman, but any man who is fooled by the strutt, the clothes, and the makeup into thinking she is a desirable woman has something wrong with him, immaturity obviously, but something else, something that is not right about him emotionally, mentally, sexually. It is not much different than a pedophile being turned on by little girls prancing around seductively at baby beauty pageants.

I'm not sure I would compare it to pedophilia. But I definitely agree that what he is saying is ridiculous. I've had this conversation more than once, and truth be told pretty much all of my male friends (at least, the real friends as opposed to acquaintances) all agree that as we get older, the look of a young girl naturally stopped being appealing. Myself personally, I have an instant association with the image of a young girl, compared to a woman closer to my age. Maybe that's a bit prejudiced. But the truth is that if I see a young girl, I'm instantaneously cognizant of all the bullshit that surrounds them. By the time I was 22, I ran with a quickness away from any woman my own age simply because 22 year old women were so obnoxious and devoid of any substance whatsoever. Now that my 20s are well behind me, the very thought of a girl who is 22, much less 16, is just insanity. No matter how mature she seems to be. Though, to be honest, I'd probably make an exception for Samantha Barks because I'm so very impressed with her artistic talents.
Fuck. This is an anonymous forum. Please......stop lying.

You know who you are.

There are 15 year olds who are sexually attractive. To say otherwise is to lie. The phrase "You're shittin' me! He/she's only 15??!!" has been uttered millions of times by very normal, responsible humans. Looks can be deceiving.

Act on become abnormal.

In addition.....the way we view this shit differs depending on the sex of the participants. Any man saying that they feel the same way about a 17 year old boy being seduced by an adult woman as they do about a 17 year old girl being seduced by an adult not being honest.

Speak truth, please. It makes this place much more interesting.

From a female point of view, I can't imagine any 15 year old boy being sexually attractive. The idea is repulsive. I can see that some adult males who are immature may think a 15 year old girl is sexually attractive, especially when she is all made up to look like a woman, but any man who is fooled by the strutt, the clothes, and the makeup into thinking she is a desirable woman has something wrong with him, immaturity obviously, but something else, something that is not right about him emotionally, mentally, sexually. It is not much different than a pedophile being turned on by little girls prancing around seductively at baby beauty pageants.

I'm not sure I would compare it to pedophilia. But I definitely agree that what he is saying is ridiculous. I've had this conversation more than once, and truth be told pretty much all of my male friends (at least, the real friends as opposed to acquaintances) all agree that as we get older, the look of a young girl naturally stopped being appealing. Myself personally, I have an instant association with the image of a young girl, compared to a woman closer to my age. Maybe that's a bit prejudiced. But the truth is that if I see a young girl, I'm instantaneously cognizant of all the bullshit that surrounds them. By the time I was 22, I ran with a quickness away from any woman my own age simply because 22 year old women were so obnoxious and devoid of any substance whatsoever. Now that my 20s are well behind me, the very thought of a girl who is 22, much less 16, is just insanity. No matter how mature she seems to be. Though, to be honest, I'd probably make an exception for Samantha Barks because I'm so very impressed with her artistic talents.

And it is unfathomable why an adult woman would get involved with a teenager. I would not want a husband I would have to raise.
Hardly a week goes by that one of these teacher pedophiles doesn't get busted.
In this example the teacher is not a pedophile because the student is age fifteen and presumably post-pubescent (sexually mature). She would be considered a pedophile if she engaged in sexual activity with a pre-pubescent infant.


Still illegal.
Yes, it's still illegal. So is smoking marijuana. But the semantics in this situation refer to a vast difference in circumstances.

While there is something absolutely loathsome about an adult sexually imposing himself or herself on an innocent pre-pubescent infant, an adult who intimately consorts with a willing, sexually mature adolescent isn't held in such contempt. Especially if the adolescent happens to be alluring and seductive, which is often the case where female adolescents are concerned. As for adolescent boys, with very few exceptions they are aglow with the effects of testosterone and so are preoccupied with erotic thoughts. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either naïve, ignorant, or simply refuses to accept this reality.

At age fifteen I was big, strong, good-looking, and extremely horny. When my first opportunity presented itself I thanked God and all the Saints -- as any good Catholic school student should do. And to this day I consider myself enviably fortunate for the experience I was blessed with. A movie could be made about it.

The most relevant thing I can say about this situation, Sunshine, is boys are different from girls. very different in matters of sexual intimacy. And the main reason for this is we can't get pregnant, nor can we be raped.
In this example the teacher is not a pedophile because the student is age fifteen and presumably post-pubescent (sexually mature). She would be considered a pedophile if she engaged in sexual activity with a pre-pubescent infant.


Still illegal.
Yes, it's still illegal. So is smoking marijuana. But the semantics in this situation refer to a vast difference in circumstances.

While there is something absolutely loathsome about an adult sexually imposing himself or herself on an innocent pre-pubescent infant, an adult who intimately consorts with a willing, sexually mature adolescent isn't held in such contempt. Especially if the adolescent happens to be alluring and seductive, which is often the case where female adolescents are concerned. As for adolescent boys, with very few exceptions they are aglow with the effects of testosterone and so are preoccupied with erotic thoughts. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either naïve, ignorant, or simply refuses to accept this reality.

At age fifteen I was big, strong, good-looking, and extremely horny. When my first opportunity presented itself I thanked God and all the Saints -- as any good Catholic school student should do. And to this day I consider myself enviably fortunate for the experience I was blessed with. A movie could be made about it.

The most relevant thing I can say about this situation, Sunshine, is boys are different from girls. very different in matters of sexual intimacy. And the main reason for this is we can't get pregnant, nor can we be raped.

We are talking about a person in an AUTHORITY position, using that AUTHORITY to victimize a person who is mandated by the state to be UNDER HER AUTHORITY.

WTF don't you get about that?
The issue is NOT what age someone has sex. The issue is a person in AUTHORITY having sex with a SUBORDINATE. School. Workplace. Doesn't matter.
And therein lies the tale!

You have hit upon what I believe to be the critical factor in the phenomenon of female school teachers who engage in sexual relations with adolescent male students. But before presenting my theory it is necessary for those who might be interested to understand just how common these controversial relationships are. So before indulging what I have to say it is important to first go here and prepare for a surprise:

The big list: Female teachers with students

I believe that female sexual expression is in large measure inhibited by their resentment and latent fear of male dominance within the ordinary social order. This is so because Nature has imparted to male humans the role of sexual aggressor, a circumstance which requires the female to assume a defensive and withdrawn sexual attitude. But in the classroom a female teacher is endowed with complete authority over a number of maturing young males and is therefore subconsciously afforded a rare and tantalizing opportunity.

The dominance factor is reversed in the example of female teacher/male student and the female teacher's libido is liberated. And we must consider that the long list of examples are those which are known. Imagine how many more there are which have never been revealed.
The issue is NOT what age someone has sex. The issue is a person in AUTHORITY having sex with a SUBORDINATE. School. Workplace. Doesn't matter.
And therein lies the tale!

You have hit upon what I believe to be the critical factor in the phenomenon of female school teachers who engage in sexual relations with adolescent male students. But before presenting my theory it is necessary for those who might be interested to understand just how common these controversial relationships are. So before indulging what I have to say it is important to first go here and prepare for a surprise:

The big list: Female teachers with students

I believe that female sexual expression is in large measure inhibited by their resentment and latent fear of male dominance within the ordinary social order. This is so because Nature has imparted to male humans the role of sexual aggressor, a circumstance which requires the female to assume a defensive and withdrawn sexual attitude. But in the classroom a female teacher is endowed with complete authority over a number of maturing young males and is therefore subconsciously afforded a rare and tantalizing opportunity.

The dominance factor is reversed in the example of female teacher/male student and the female teacher's libido is liberated. And we must consider that the long list of examples are those which are known. Imagine how many more there are which have never been revealed.

You are incapable of seeing the issue here. And Dr. Freud has been dead for years, and his theories relegated to the dung heap. Give it up.
Correct, but I think we can agree that he was 15?

Well, when I ask for the senior deals, I get carded because no one believes me. When I was 20 I looked about 13. It's not a curse your entire life.

The point of the post was to illustrate that Justin Bieber at 15 appeared unlikely to handle well a blow-job from his math teacher during a school assembly.

For the past few weeks Farmer Bill's been having a problem with his fifteen year-old son, Little Bill, who keeps disappearing and neglecting his chores. One day Bill comes upon Little Bill hiding in a haystack and masturbating. Next day he finds him in the barn yanking furiously on his pecker. Later that night he hears Little Bill going at it again in the bathroom, so he decides to do something to get the boy's mind off sex and back on the job.

Next day Bill takes Little Bill to the brothel in town where he tips the prostitute assigned to Little Bill and tells her to give him what he wants. Then he goes outside to wait for him in the truck.

On the way home when Bill asks Little Bill if the girl took good care of him, Little Bill says she did her best but her arm kept getting tired.

Well, when I ask for the senior deals, I get carded because no one believes me. When I was 20 I looked about 13. It's not a curse your entire life.

The point of the post was to illustrate that Justin Bieber at 15 appeared unlikely to handle well a blow-job from his math teacher during a school assembly.

I think we will learn in the future that Justin Beiber won't handle many things well even as an adult.

One of many double-standards in our culture:Just because you're a legal adult doesn't mean you then magically have the maturity of an adult. Conversely, just because you're a legal minor doesn't mean you lack the maturity of an adult. Yet our ociety makes a big deal about these differences in age. "A teen is incapable of giving consent to sex because they're not yet mature enough." Yet looking at Bieber at 19, he isn't mature simply because he's 19.
You are incapable of seeing the issue here. And Dr. Freud has been dead for years, and his theories relegated to the dung heap. Give it up.

The problem is his mind is fucked up. He was sexually abused as a child and never had the chance to overcome the trauma. It left him scarred and crippled in ways he's now incapable of envisioning. Just like a child who protects an abusive parent, a wife who refuses to leave an abusive spouse, a kidnapping victim who bonds with their captor, he actually endorses the kind of sexual predation that happened to him.

The "point" is that there has to be consequences, and simply firing someone doesn't send out the appropriate message. As a society we have drawn legal lines, and the line was crossed here.

And by the way, overall I'll take the morals of a hundred years ago any day, over the ones of this putrid society of today.

I think that what the banksters did to the economy needs an "Appropriate message" more than a teacher who taught a horny 15 year old the facts of life.

I just don't see what good is done by sending her to prison.

Oh, 100 years ago, we had racism, imperialism, discrimination against immigrants, discrimination against Catholics, and a world war that killed millions of people.

I'll take today's morality, sloth and all, over the putrid society of a 100 years ago.

So go start a thread about the crooked bankers then. This one is about another teacher having sex with her underage students.

So go start a thread about the crooked bankers then. This one is about another teacher having sex with her underage students.

Yes, it is.

And she was fired from teaching and will never get another job doing that.

Problem solved.
Myself personally, I have an instant association with the image of a young girl, compared to a woman closer to my age.
Yep. When I was 30 I turned down a cute 19yo that wanted a relationship but I just didn't feel right about it, the minset/lifestyle/life experiences weren't there. I think the big difference between the thinking on this is if you want a partner or a warm body. If sex is just about the mechanics then a warm body will do.
Big part of the problem is we both discourage sex but also masturbation. So teens are running around becomming clinically mental ill from sexual frustration and wind up making 'nut shot' videos. :)
Big part of the problem is we both discourage sex but also masturbation. So teens are running around becomming clinically mental ill from sexual frustration and wind up making 'nut shot' videos. :)
I didn't know about the videos, thanks for sharing. I don't know what world you live in where teens are discouraged from masterbating. It wasn't the case back in my teen years, what has changed? Discouraging them from putting it on the internet?

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