Another female teacher caught having sex with children

We're actually conditioned by media and advertising to find adolescents sexually attractive. .

Nature has nothing to do with it?

Biologically, there's no reason to desire teenaged mates. It's actually a myth that very young mates are more virile or better at making babies. This has been disproven ad infinitum. And historically, though very young mates were a thing, for reproduction older mates were usually the ones having babies. I think it's mostly a 'forbidden fruit' thing. We naturally desire what we're forbidden to have.
I think it might not be 'some teens are sexually attractive' since I like to think we all know how illegal it is and how giving in to that temptation will royally screw up your life thereafter, and more some teens are simply attractive. For myself, there are young teens around here who've I've noticed, but also knowing the laws of my state I don't entertain any sexual ideas about them. Why let your mind go there if you know how serious the penalties are, you're just torturing yourself. But appreciating the beauty of the human form is normal and artists have done that trying to capture that beauty in their works for millenia. But as with other things, there's a line between appreciation of something beautiful, and creeping the hell outta people. :)

There's a line between fantacy and reality. "Noticing" attractive people < 18 years of age is OK. TOUCHING them, is justifiably illegal.
I think it might not be 'some teens are sexually attractive' since I like to think we all know how illegal it is and how giving in to that temptation will royally screw up your life thereafter, and more some teens are simply attractive. For myself, there are young teens around here who've I've noticed, but also knowing the laws of my state I don't entertain any sexual ideas about them. Why let your mind go there if you know how serious the penalties are, you're just torturing yourself. But appreciating the beauty of the human form is normal and artists have done that trying to capture that beauty in their works for millenia. But as with other things, there's a line between appreciation of something beautiful, and creeping the hell outta people. :)

There's a line between fantacy and reality. "Noticing" attractive people < 18 years of age is OK. TOUCHING them, is justifiably illegal.

Indeed. That's the thing. Too many confuse fantasy with reality as believing they're in love with younger people. It's not love, it's lust or obsession. How can an adult love a teenager whose music makes you wanna throttle them? :)
We're actually conditioned by media and advertising to find adolescents sexually attractive. .

Nature has nothing to do with it?

Biologically, there's no reason to desire teenaged mates. It's actually a myth that very young mates are more virile or better at making babies. This has been disproven ad infinitum. And historically, though very young mates were a thing, for reproduction older mates were usually the ones having babies. I think it's mostly a 'forbidden fruit' thing. We naturally desire what we're forbidden to have.

Intuitively, your argument is absurd.

Biologically there is every reason to believe that a mate exhibiting physical characteristics allowing successful reproduction is most desireable, regardless of age.
In my case, I don't have to try hard at all. There never has been a 15 year old boy I found, as an adult, sexually attractive. Perhaps you are also one of those people who, because you lie, think others also lie. I don't need to lie. I don't need to try too hard. Fifteen year old boys are not attractive, never. They are children. What you need to do is believe other people and not assume that because you have one vision of reality, everyone has the same vision.

If you could be honest about it, I could easily prove that you are mistaken. But I do not think you can be.

You are being so completely ridiculous. I am being honest about it, that's what I'm trying to tell you. Wow. You are very closed minded. Again, you have your vision of reality, others have theirs. They may not share yours. Don't you realize not all people see and feel things the way you do? I am being honest, totally honest. The idea of a 15 year old boy being sexually attractive not only doesn't exist for me, it is repulsive. You don't want to believe that, says a lot about you and nothing about me. Whatever goes on inside your head is yours. It does not mean everyone sees things from the same perspective. You need to read some philosophy.
In my case, I don't have to try hard at all. There never has been a 15 year old boy I found, as an adult, sexually attractive. Perhaps you are also one of those people who, because you lie, think others also lie. I don't need to lie. I don't need to try too hard. Fifteen year old boys are not attractive, never. They are children. What you need to do is believe other people and not assume that because you have one vision of reality, everyone has the same vision.

If you could be honest about it, I could easily prove that you are mistaken. But I do not think you can be.

You are being so completely ridiculous. I am being honest about it, that's what I'm trying to tell you. Wow. You are very closed minded. Again, you have your vision of reality, others have theirs. They may not share yours. Don't you realize not all people see and feel things the way you do? I am being honest, totally honest. The idea of a 15 year old boy being sexually attractive not only doesn't exist for me, it is repulsive. You don't want to believe that, says a lot about you and nothing about me.

I could post a picture of a 15 year old kid who has a full beard and looks 25. You could look at it and tell me you could tell that he was 15. Then I would have to call you a liar. Is it worth the trouble? I think not.
If you could be honest about it, I could easily prove that you are mistaken. But I do not think you can be.

You are being so completely ridiculous. I am being honest about it, that's what I'm trying to tell you. Wow. You are very closed minded. Again, you have your vision of reality, others have theirs. They may not share yours. Don't you realize not all people see and feel things the way you do? I am being honest, totally honest. The idea of a 15 year old boy being sexually attractive not only doesn't exist for me, it is repulsive. You don't want to believe that, says a lot about you and nothing about me.

I could post a picture of a 15 year old kid who has a full beard and looks 25. You could look at it and tell me you could tell that he was 15. Then I would have to call you a liar. Is it worth the trouble? I think not.

This is completely not the point and you are truly being an idiot. I'm not stupid enough to be tricked by beards and such to think a 15 year old is attractive or desirable as a sexual partner. It's in the eyes, it's in the expression, it is in the way they think and talk and their own maturity. If an adult male is stupid enough, immature enough to be fooled by a superficial appearance and cannot see beyong that and thus finds himself attracted to a 15 year old, there is something wrong with him.
Men over 60 'have healthier babies than teen fathers' | Mail Online

"Older men have healthier babies than their teenage counterparts, says a study.

Even if the man is in his 60s, the health risks for the child are no higher than average.

In contrast, babies with fathers in their teens have more chance of arriving prematurely or dying before their first birthday. "

"Teen mothers are more likely than
mothers over age 20 to give birth
prematurely (before 37 completed
weeks of pregnancy). Between
2003 and 2005, preterm birth rates
averaged 14.5 percent for women
under age 20 compared to 11.9
percent for women ages 20 to 29.5
Babies born prematurely face an
increased risk of newborn health
problems, long-term disabilities and
even death.

What are the health risks to babies
of teen mothers?
A baby born to a teenage mother is
at higher risk than a baby born to
an older mother for premature birth,
low birthweight, other serious health
problems and death.
Babies of teenage mothers are more
likely to die in the first year of life
than babies of women in their twenties
and thirties. The risk is highest for
babies of mothers under age 15.
In 2005, 16.4 out of every 1,000
babies of women under age 15 died,
compared to 6.8 per 1,000 for babies
of women of all ages.9
Teenage mothers are more likely to
have a low-birthweight baby. Most
low-birthweight babies are born
prematurely. The earlier a baby is
born, the less she is likely to weigh.
In 2006, 10 percent of mothers ages
15 to 19 had a low-birthweight baby,
compared to 8.3 percent for mothers
of all ages.2 The risk is higher for
younger mothers:
• 11.7 percent of 15-year-old mothers
had a low-birthweight baby in 2006;
18,403 babies were born to girls this
age, with 2,153 of low birthweight.2
• 9.5 percent of 19-year-old mothers
had a low-birthweight baby in
2006; 172,999 babies were born to
these women, with 16,362 of low
You are being so completely ridiculous. I am being honest about it, that's what I'm trying to tell you. Wow. You are very closed minded. Again, you have your vision of reality, others have theirs. They may not share yours. Don't you realize not all people see and feel things the way you do? I am being honest, totally honest. The idea of a 15 year old boy being sexually attractive not only doesn't exist for me, it is repulsive. You don't want to believe that, says a lot about you and nothing about me.

I could post a picture of a 15 year old kid who has a full beard and looks 25. You could look at it and tell me you could tell that he was 15. Then I would have to call you a liar. Is it worth the trouble? I think not.

This is completely not the point and you are truly being an idiot. I'm not stupid enough to be tricked by beards and such to think a 15 year old is attractive or desirable as a sexual partner. It's in the eyes, it's in the expression, it is in the way they think and talk and their own maturity. If an adult male is stupid enough, immature enough to be fooled by a superficial appearance and cannot see beyong that and thus finds himself attracted to a 15 year old, there is something wrong with him.

Last time. I have not said anything about TALKING to anyone. I spoke only about appearance. It is you who is being an idiot. I am not telling you that I think it is OK to have sex with a 15 year old. I am ONLY discussing physical appearance. The rest of that shit you just said is coming from you.
Hardly a week goes by that one of these teacher pedophiles doesn't get busted.

Tacoma high-school teacher charged with child rape

A Tacoma high-school math teacher faces rape charges after allegedly engaging in sexual acts in her Lincoln High School classroom and sending explicit text messages to students.Meredith Claire Powell, 24, was charged Friday with two counts of third-degree rape of a child and one count of communication with a minor for immoral purposes, according to Pierce County Superior Court documents.In late January, Powell allegedly exchanged explicit text messages with two 15-year-old male students and engaged in sexual acts with both students in a classroom, according to charging documents.She also allegedly sent sexual text messages, including one containing her address, to a 17-year-old boy.Police say Powell wrote to the 17-year-old’s girlfriend apologizing for “promiscuous” and “unprofessional” comments and texts she had sent.Her trial is scheduled for April 24.
Tacoma high-school teacher charged with child rape | The Today File | Seattle Times

15 and 17 hardly children.

But it's against the law, so her life is pretty much over.
Men over 60 'have healthier babies than teen fathers' | Mail Online

"Older men have healthier babies than their teenage counterparts, says a study.

Even if the man is in his 60s, the health risks for the child are no higher than average.

In contrast, babies with fathers in their teens have more chance of arriving prematurely or dying before their first birthday. "
What's that got to do with anything?

"The study, the largest of its kind, compared data on the health of 2.6million babies born in the U.S. over a five-year period with the age of their fathers. All the babies were born to women of a similar age."
The victim being 'thrilled' does not excuse someone of committing a crime. And clearly they weren't so 'thrilled.' She got reported.

Look, just so as you know (and I'm speaking the truth here): regardless of their being a liberal or conservative, almost every male reader opened this thread in the eager hope that the 'criminal' is a fox. Turns out she ain't that bad.

Not bad at all, eh, fellas?

Though I'm probably the only male here who opened this thread, having at one time been the target of a female teacher who sought a sexual relationship with him while in high school. So instead of trying to sound high and mighty as if you have some kind of special wisdom that negates basic logic, maybe just shut up before you make yourself look more like a fool?
It's interesting that you are offended by what is a rather typical heterosexual male observation. Did you ever serve in the military?

I should add that I had my first sexual experience at age fifteen. It took place with the visiting (British) aunt of my best friend, a voluptuous woman whom I estimate was somewhere between forty and fifty. It happened a total of nine times before she returned home and it was the most wonderfully erotic experience of my life -- not to mention extremely educational. I am seventy-seven now, the father of three healthy and happy women. During my youth I was told by several women that I am an exceptionally good lover, which I attribute to my good fortune at age fifteen.
She's not a beauty queen but what high-testerone young man wouldn't want to play between the sheets with her?

Shame all the prudes get their panties wadded up over stuff like this?

What male poster on this forum did not have the hots for one of his teachers?

Be honest. [I know I did. Freshman algebra class. Couldn't stand the subject but wouldn't have minded being asked to stay after class with her]

Even in states where this would be legal, there's still the issue of her being in a position of authority.
Fuck. This is an anonymous forum. Please......stop lying.

You know who you are.

There are 15 year olds who are sexually attractive. To say otherwise is to lie. The phrase "You're shittin' me! He/she's only 15??!!" has been uttered millions of times by very normal, responsible humans. Looks can be deceiving.

Act on become abnormal.

In addition.....the way we view this shit differs depending on the sex of the participants. Any man saying that they feel the same way about a 17 year old boy being seduced by an adult woman as they do about a 17 year old girl being seduced by an adult not being honest.

Speak truth, please. It makes this place much more interesting.

From a female point of view, I can't imagine any 15 year old boy being sexually attractive. The idea is repulsive. I can see that some adult males who are immature may think a 15 year old girl is sexually attractive, especially when she is all made up to look like a woman, but any man who is fooled by the strutt, the clothes, and the makeup into thinking she is a desirable woman has something wrong with him, immaturity obviously, but something else, something that is not right about him emotionally, mentally, sexually. It is not much different than a pedophile being turned on by little girls prancing around seductively at baby beauty pageants.
You have outlined your sexuality, which clearly has been shaped by contemporary social mores. But the fact remains one's age has nothing at all to do with one's appeal to the opposite gender, because Nature does not acknowledge birth dates.

There is nothing wrong with finding a physically mature adolescent sexually attractive. But in accordance with contemporary social attitudes it is wrong for an adult to take advantage of someone's mental immaturity in a manner which might cause them harm.
If you could be honest about it, I could easily prove that you are mistaken. But I do not think you can be.

You are being so completely ridiculous. I am being honest about it, that's what I'm trying to tell you. Wow. You are very closed minded. Again, you have your vision of reality, others have theirs. They may not share yours. Don't you realize not all people see and feel things the way you do? I am being honest, totally honest. The idea of a 15 year old boy being sexually attractive not only doesn't exist for me, it is repulsive. You don't want to believe that, says a lot about you and nothing about me.

I could post a picture of a 15 year old kid who has a full beard and looks 25. You could look at it and tell me you could tell that he was 15. Then I would have to call you a liar. Is it worth the trouble? I think not.

How about when they're in a classroom for 15 year olds, and the adult teacher knows they are a 15 year old. Is it still natural for her to be sexually attracted to the 15 year old ?
Is it still natural for her to act out her feelings ?
Hardly a week goes by that one of these teacher pedophiles doesn't get busted.

Tacoma high-school teacher charged with child rape

A Tacoma high-school math teacher faces rape charges after allegedly engaging in sexual acts in her Lincoln High School classroom and sending explicit text messages to students.Meredith Claire Powell, 24, was charged Friday with two counts of third-degree rape of a child and one count of communication with a minor for immoral purposes, according to Pierce County Superior Court documents.In late January, Powell allegedly exchanged explicit text messages with two 15-year-old male students and engaged in sexual acts with both students in a classroom, according to charging documents.She also allegedly sent sexual text messages, including one containing her address, to a 17-year-old boy.Police say Powell wrote to the 17-year-old’s girlfriend apologizing for “promiscuous” and “unprofessional” comments and texts she had sent.Her trial is scheduled for April 24.
Tacoma high-school teacher charged with child rape | The Today File | Seattle Times

15 and 17 hardly children.

But it's against the law, so her life is pretty much over.

Ahh, another lib okay with predatory teachers. Shocker.

The "point" is that there has to be consequences, and simply firing someone doesn't send out the appropriate message. As a society we have drawn legal lines, and the line was crossed here.

And by the way, overall I'll take the morals of a hundred years ago any day, over the ones of this putrid society of today.

I think that what the banksters did to the economy needs an "Appropriate message" more than a teacher who taught a horny 15 year old the facts of life.

I just don't see what good is done by sending her to prison.

Oh, 100 years ago, we had racism, imperialism, discrimination against immigrants, discrimination against Catholics, and a world war that killed millions of people.

I'll take today's morality, sloth and all, over the putrid society of a 100 years ago.
You are being so completely ridiculous. I am being honest about it, that's what I'm trying to tell you. Wow. You are very closed minded. Again, you have your vision of reality, others have theirs. They may not share yours. Don't you realize not all people see and feel things the way you do? I am being honest, totally honest. The idea of a 15 year old boy being sexually attractive not only doesn't exist for me, it is repulsive. You don't want to believe that, says a lot about you and nothing about me.

I could post a picture of a 15 year old kid who has a full beard and looks 25. You could look at it and tell me you could tell that he was 15. Then I would have to call you a liar. Is it worth the trouble? I think not.

How about when they're in a classroom for 15 year olds, and the adult teacher knows they are a 15 year old. Is it still natural for her to be sexually attracted to the 15 year old ?
Is it still natural for her to act out her feelings ?
It is illegal for her to act on her feelings. But if the boy is sexually mature, and if he appeals to her libidinous impulses, unless acting on those impulses would be harmful to him, and assuming he is willing and appropriately responsive, there is nothing unnatural about their engaging.

Illegal, yes. Immoral, perhaps. But unnatural? No.
Someone please notify Silhouette that the Church of the Female Teacher is exploiting its access to underage students.

On the serious side, adult sexual assault on a minor is criminal, and in the case of mentors such as teachers the assault becomes perverse.

Female and male teaches should be held to the exact same standards.

Matters are better overall, I hope.

I witnessed a court-martial more than thirty years ago in which a Staff Sergeant (E-6) got a grand total of seven years in the army pen for sex with his 11-year old daughter and her 10-year old friend. He has been out on the streets for the last 23 years at least.

Throw the book at the teacher.

Did you see the movie The General's Daughter? It answers the question: What's worse than rape?

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