Another Fine Example Of Conservative Values

Is anyone really surprised that a GOP Speaker of the House turned out to be a child molester?

Not really. I won't be surprised to hear their spin on the whole sleaze thing, either. Watch them call him a "liberal hiding behind the Republican party" - :eek:
A liberal? No. Homosexual pervert, obviously so. I think it was shame that drove him to try to make up for the illness.

Still a Republican, you know, the ones that tout "family values".
He lied but the party is at fault? WTF?

Nobody said the party is at fault.......where did you read that? What is being broadcast here is that Republicans seem to think that only liberals do those kind of things...and when a Republican is caught, they offer all kinds of you're trying to do. excuses...we send our sexual predators to guys....have him campaign for your presidential candidates.......
Is anyone really surprised that a GOP Speaker of the House turned out to be a child molester?

Not really. I won't be surprised to hear their spin on the whole sleaze thing, either. Watch them call him a "liberal hiding behind the Republican party" - :eek:
A liberal? No. Homosexual pervert, obviously so. I think it was shame that drove him to try to make up for the illness.

Still a Republican, you know, the ones that tout "family values".

And everyone on the right agrees he is a POS. But it is interesting that the hypocritical left uses this for their political BS when it is the left that rationalizes sodomy and every other perversion.

The only reason you are claiming he is a POS is because there is obviously no chance of covering up his shit.....but it wasn't that long ago there were a bunch of Republican/conservatives on this forum defending Josh Duggar.....claiming he had changed and was ashamed of his sexual deviance....that is, until it came out later that he was one of the many on the "Madam's" list, addicted to porn and unfaithful to his wife.... so don't try to pull that fake righteous indignation. Republicans accuse the left of rationalizing sodomy and every other perversion, like you just did, when members of the Republican party are doing the same while being vocal about being against such.

The left doesn't hide behind mantras of "morality" and "family values" other words, they're not hypocrites.

The Shameful Record of Republican Sexual Misconduct:

You can't be a hypocrite if you embrace the activity whole heartedly......and you guys embrace rape and sexual assault as a perk for voting for abortion....
Is anyone really surprised that a GOP Speaker of the House turned out to be a child molester?

Not really. I won't be surprised to hear their spin on the whole sleaze thing, either. Watch them call him a "liberal hiding behind the Republican party" - :eek:
A liberal? No. Homosexual pervert, obviously so. I think it was shame that drove him to try to make up for the illness.

Still a Republican, you know, the ones that tout "family values".

And everyone on the right agrees he is a POS. But it is interesting that the hypocritical left uses this for their political BS when it is the left that rationalizes sodomy and every other perversion.

The only reason you are claiming he is a POS is because there is obviously no chance of covering up his shit.....but it wasn't that long ago there were a bunch of Republican/conservatives on this forum defending Josh Duggar.....claiming he had changed and was ashamed of his sexual deviance....that is, until it came out later that he was one of the many on the "Madam's" list, addicted to porn and unfaithful to his wife.... so don't try to pull that fake righteous indignation. Republicans accuse the left of rationalizing sodomy and every other perversion, like you just did, when members of the Republican party are doing the same while being vocal about being against such.

The left doesn't hide behind mantras of "morality" and "family values" other words, they're not hypocrites.

The Shameful Record of Republican Sexual Misconduct:

Wow, those on the left are not hypocrites because they are moral degenerates. That is really hard to argue against.
Since when has the left wing worried about morals? OH right, when it isn't one of them sexually harassing women in the Whitehouse.
Raping young boys is worse. Where's your outrage?
Maybe they don't think it IS worse.

I guess calling Hasert a POS isn't outrage enough. I guess being glad they are sending him to jail isn't outrage enough. Once you folks latch onto talking points it is really hard to get you to stop. Reason doesn't work and I have found nothing else that does.
Still a Republican, you know, the ones that tout "family values".

He lied but the party is at fault? WTF?

Nobody said the party is at fault.......where did you read that?
Right there.

Pretty freaking amazing that the argument is that since the left wing are moral degenerates somehow that makes their morality more acceptable....because they are not hypocrites. What in the hell is happening to this country?
Not really. I won't be surprised to hear their spin on the whole sleaze thing, either. Watch them call him a "liberal hiding behind the Republican party" - :eek:
A liberal? No. Homosexual pervert, obviously so. I think it was shame that drove him to try to make up for the illness.
Still a Republican, you know, the ones that tout "family values".
He lied but the party is at fault? WTF?

Nobody said the party is at fault.......where did you read that? What is being broadcast here is that Republicans seem to think that only liberals do those kind of things...and when a Republican is caught, they offer all kinds of you're trying to do. excuses...we send our sexual predators to guys....have him campaign for your presidential candidates.......
Josh Duggar is in prison?
Not really. I won't be surprised to hear their spin on the whole sleaze thing, either. Watch them call him a "liberal hiding behind the Republican party" - :eek:
A liberal? No. Homosexual pervert, obviously so. I think it was shame that drove him to try to make up for the illness.
Still a Republican, you know, the ones that tout "family values".
He lied but the party is at fault? WTF?

Nobody said the party is at fault.......where did you read that? What is being broadcast here is that Republicans seem to think that only liberals do those kind of things...and when a Republican is caught, they offer all kinds of you're trying to do. excuses...we send our sexual predators to guys....have him campaign for your presidential candidates.......

Sexual predator only in your own "conservative" minds. You can't claim accusations as factual.

But to make hay of your claim that you send sexual predators to prison.... I don't see Mark Foley, John Ensign or Vitter in jail.... SC Governor Sanford had an affair, used taxpayer money to visit his lover in Argentina....and you elected him to the Senate. Maybe you have blinders?
So far ZERO Rapes related to Bill Clinton

and that is what they said about dennis hastert in the 80s, 90, 2000s...too....and dittos for bill cosby....same thing.... are willing to protect bill clinton........on the belief that over 12 women are lying...and he is the only one telling the truth.....

You democrats are vile.
It's interesting how you want to throw someone in prison without an indictment or a trial....why hasn't Clinton been indicted?

Oh...and how about all those indictments of Hillary's we've been hearing about....where are they?

19 women are lying about being raped or sexually assaulted by bill clinton......bill clinton is the only one telling the truth

No , you are conflating women who have said they had affairs with Clinton as being women alleging rape. There are three women alleging rape of the women gave a sworn deposition that Clinton had not raped her...that would be Broaddrick"..."

The Pinocchio Test
Under the most generous accounting, one can find just three women who publicly came forward with claims of sexual assault, but none was ever proven in a court of law.
Paul apparently also includes Lewinsky on this list, though that is debatable given she was an adult and the fact that she never claimed that she was sexually harassed. (Indeed, she testified that the whole thing started after she flashed her thong at the president.)

Paul needs to get his facts straight, rather than cavalierly toss out claims of “dozens” or “half a dozen” women publicly claiming that Clinton was a sexual predator. That’s a very serious charge to make, which he certainly recognizes from his defense of Herman Cain. The number of public claims amounts to three — and there are enough questions about each of those claims to wonder why Paul is screaming “sexual predator” in the first place.

Three Pinocchios
Paul’s claim that ‘at least half a dozen’ women called Clinton a ‘sexual predator’

There are 9 victims of dennis hastert...not one has come out in a court of law....

There are 30 victims of bill cosby...and only one has now filed suit against him....years after the fact.......

19 women are saying bill clinton raped them or sexually assaulted them......and only bill clinton is telling the truth.....
And Hastert hasn't been charged with child molestation, has he? But he admits to it.

As for Crosby...the jury's still out on that one.

And NO...19 women have not said Clinton raped them. But we know why you lie about it.
Still a Republican, you know, the ones that tout "family values".

He lied but the party is at fault? WTF?

Nobody said the party is at fault.......where did you read that?
Right there.

Pretty freaking amazing that the argument is that since the left wing are moral degenerates somehow that makes their morality more acceptable....because they are not hypocrites. What in the hell is happening to this country?

What is freaking amazing is your inability to comprehend what is being said. Nobody is saying that immorality (you said morality but I'm sure you meant immorality) is more acceptable because it isn't hypocritical. What is being said is that Republicans are just as immoral or even more so, but because they hide behind mantras of "major morality" and "family values" they refuse to admit there is any immorality in the Republican party and some of their most immoral leaders are the ones denouncing immorality the loudest.

Try to understand what is being said before spouting off your nonsense, why don't you?

Of course, the Democratic Party has had plenty of sex scandals as well. But most of the Democrats who have become involved in major sex scandals (Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Anthony Weiner, Gary Hart, among others) had not marketed themselves as extreme moralists. Post-1970s Republicans, all too often, have been self-righteous, preachy, overbearing, holier-than-thou witch hunters—and in many cases, the ones who screamed the loudest about how godly they were turned out to be the exact opposite. Below are 20 of the top socially conservative hypocrites of the Religious Right:
Meet the religious right’s 20 biggest sex hypocrites
So far ZERO Rapes related to Bill Clinton

and that is what they said about dennis hastert in the 80s, 90, 2000s...too....and dittos for bill cosby....same thing.... are willing to protect bill clinton........on the belief that over 12 women are lying...and he is the only one telling the truth.....

You democrats are vile.
It's interesting how you want to throw someone in prison without an indictment or a trial....why hasn't Clinton been indicted?

Oh...and how about all those indictments of Hillary's we've been hearing about....where are they?

That's a very good question. What makes the Clinton's impervious to the law?
So far ZERO Rapes related to Bill Clinton

and that is what they said about dennis hastert in the 80s, 90, 2000s...too....and dittos for bill cosby....same thing.... are willing to protect bill clinton........on the belief that over 12 women are lying...and he is the only one telling the truth.....

You democrats are vile.
It's interesting how you want to throw someone in prison without an indictment or a trial....why hasn't Clinton been indicted?

Oh...and how about all those indictments of Hillary's we've been hearing about....where are they?

That's a very good question. What makes the Clinton's impervious to the law?

Perhaps it is because it turns out that all the accusations turn out to be just empty accusations?
So far ZERO Rapes related to Bill Clinton

and that is what they said about dennis hastert in the 80s, 90, 2000s...too....and dittos for bill cosby....same thing.... are willing to protect bill clinton........on the belief that over 12 women are lying...and he is the only one telling the truth.....

You democrats are vile.
It's interesting how you want to throw someone in prison without an indictment or a trial....why hasn't Clinton been indicted?

Oh...and how about all those indictments of Hillary's we've been hearing about....where are they?

That's a very good question. What makes the Clinton's impervious to the law?

Perhaps it is because it turns out that all the accusations turn out to be just empty accusations?

I am quite certain that you think so. Being a democrat, you would never admit to immorality in those you worship.
So far ZERO Rapes related to Bill Clinton

and that is what they said about dennis hastert in the 80s, 90, 2000s...too....and dittos for bill cosby....same thing.... are willing to protect bill clinton........on the belief that over 12 women are lying...and he is the only one telling the truth.....

You democrats are vile.
It's interesting how you want to throw someone in prison without an indictment or a trial....why hasn't Clinton been indicted?

Oh...and how about all those indictments of Hillary's we've been hearing about....where are they?

That's a very good question. What makes the Clinton's impervious to the law?

Perhaps it is because it turns out that all the accusations turn out to be just empty accusations?

I am quite certain that you think so. Being a democrat, you would never admit to immorality in those you worship.

You don't go to jail for being immoral.....unless you are committing a sexual crime. Being a Republican you are condemning Democrats while defending Republicans that do the same thing, only you are a hypocrite and don't see it that way.
I am sure Bill Clinton is as innocent as the driven snow, that's why he lied on national TV, admitted to lying, was disbarred and you moral high horses elected him to a second term. Now Hillary is being investigated by the FBI, she lied to the survivors of the four killed in Benghazi because of her negligence, she destroyed evidence and you moral high horses are prepared to put her in the WH. Don't lecture Republicans, because you assholes do not have a leg to stand on.
The law students accuse their professor....the law school doesn't want a scandal...right...back in the is his word vs. theirs.....

Attorney General of Arkansas....assaults employees.....his word...the freaking Chief Law enforcement officer for the state....vs. low level clerks and secretaries.......

And Miss Arkansas.....who is raped by the Governor of Arkansas...her whole perceived future ahead of her...........and she is supposed to accuse the most powerful man in the state of rape.....?

You guys.......

19 women say bill clinton raped or sexually assaulted them......bill clinton is the only one telling the truth....
They were all certainly used and tossed away and bitches be scorned

Yes....the evidence shows he is a serial rapist and sexual have no way to deny on to attacking and making fun of the victims...after all.....bill clinton needs to be out there for hilary.....
No..the evidence does not show that, if it did, he would have been indicted and convicted. But I see you are a follower of Joseph Goebbels in this regard.
Hastert was sentenced to 15 months in a minimum security federal prison. These are called Club Fed. He will serve approximately 6 months. Not to shabby.

Six months longer than either of the Clintons.
The law does not apply to the Clintons

Too big to jail.

Have you noticed, the news about the FBI investigation has pretty much dried up? Now it is time for the left wing to trot out the VRWC BS.

Because there's nothing to report.

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