Another Fine Example Of Conservative Values

Is anyone really surprised that a GOP Speaker of the House turned out to be a child molester?

The GOP is on the verge of electing someone with New York values who has been a life long Progressive, so nothing surprises me anymore about the GOP.

It is a party that has continued to ignore conservatives and snubbed their noses at them. During 8 long years of Obama they have literally done nothing but whine and moan about being forced to go along with Obama.

Fuck the GOP.
Supposedly he would rape then in his limo and secret service reluctantly would keep an eye out and keep people away from his rapemobile

make fun of the victims..........

It should be "alleged victims" ... In other words YOU ARE UNABLE TO DOCUMENT ANY RAPES whatsoever

Show me the documents on dennis hastert and bill cosby genius........

19 women are lying that bill clinton raped or sexually assaulted them and only bill clinton is telling the truth...him and his convicted rapist/pedophile good friend.....

Show me the documents on dennis hastert and bill cosby genius........

You go on and on for pages spouting bullshit and offering no proof of your claims. You have zero credibility.

Judge calls Hastert 'serial child molester,' gives him 15 months in prison

"It took nearly 40 years, but in a packed Chicago courtroom on Wednesday, Hastert finally, reluctantly, admitted to his dark past.

In a raspy voice, Hastert, once the third most powerful elected leader in the country, acknowledged he sexually abused several boys he coached on the Yorkville High School wrestling team in the 1960s and 1970s."
His students called him coach Asshurt
He was often seen doing special one on one coaching with Ben Dover.
Is anyone really surprised that a GOP Speaker of the House turned out to be a child molester?

Your question should be, is anyone surprised that GOP members aren't all child molesters, it seems to run deep with these nuts that love the lord and cling to their bibles.
More proof of Conservative values
KKK Leader Endorses Trump: '.
I know what you mean.

that was 150 years ago...this is now

Still no apologies and denouncements from 150 years ago from the democrat party for their party hate

Excuses are like assholes...everybody has one.


Is anyone really surprised that a GOP Speaker of the House turned out to be a child molester?

Notice conservatives immediately want to change the subject and/or defend this guy. Rather than just saying yes he was a vile POS and thank god he's paying for his crimes.
Is anyone really surprised that a GOP Speaker of the House turned out to be a child molester?

Your question should be, is anyone surprised that GOP members aren't all child molesters, it seems to run deep with these nuts that love the lord and cling to their bibles.

I wouldn't be surprised if Paul Ryan was a pedophile. The guys straight up creepy. John McCain too. But John justifies it by only raping Asian boys. He's just "getting them back". It's why him and Lindsay Graham are such pals.

Jeb bush? Most certainly Ben carson molests boys. That's where the GOP found him at a nambla meeting.

Chris Christy, huckabee, rubio. It's all one big nambla convention
Is anyone really surprised that a GOP Speaker of the House turned out to be a child molester?

Notice conservatives immediately want to change the subject and/or defend this guy. Rather than just saying yes he was a vile POS and thank god he's paying for his crimes.

They want to change the subject immediately.

They don't have a problem throwing Dennis asshurt under the bus and pretend he's not the norm.
Liberals are so ignorant. The KKK is a dream child of the Democrat party. You had one in the Senate. A grand dragon of the highest order. Senator Byrd was his name.
This is what the NAACP said about Byrd on his death...that is the "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People"..
Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization.
NAACP mourns Byrd's death | TheHill

“Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation,” stated NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous. “Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country.

None of which negates the fact that the KKK was born in the Democrat party. Now what?
David Duke was a Democrat, Prior to 1989, but he and the rest of the Klan became Republican.
Liberals are so ignorant. The KKK is a dream child of the Democrat party. You had one in the Senate. A grand dragon of the highest order. Senator Byrd was his name.
This is what the NAACP said about Byrd on his death...that is the "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People"..
Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization.
NAACP mourns Byrd's death | TheHill

“Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation,” stated NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous. “Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country.

None of which negates the fact that the KKK was born in the Democrat party. Now what?
David Duke was a Democrat, Prior to 1989, but he and the rest of the Klan became Republican.

Prove it.
No sweetie Byrd wasn't alive 159 years ago. Now what?

This is what ...Racist bastard

Eugene Robinson - Robert Byrd: A story of change and redemption ...
Sen. Robert Byrd had long since repented, of course. The West Virginian, who died Monday at 92, deeply regretted his segregationist past, which included a year as a member of the Ku Klux Klan and at least several more years as a Klan sympathizer. He eventually became a passionate advocate for civil rights, and he was one of the most vocal supporters of legislation making the birthday of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. a national holiday.

Still no apologies and denouncements from 150 years ago from the democrat party for their party hate

Where is your apology and repudiation for the Racism of the GOP this year the year 2016

give examples.
The White House is making an absolutely unprecedented move by addressing the history of Republican racism via a press conference, full of their hypocrisies and lies. The fact that this came from the White House Press Secretary makes it that much more interesting. And, you know President Obama must have authorized it.

The entire press briefing appears on The White House’s YouTube channel and can be found HERE. For just the relevant parts, watch the video below.
White House Releases Official Statement, Calls The Entire Republican Party Racist (VIDEO)

The 10 Most Racist Moments of the GOP Primary (So Far) | Altern
“There’s also a dark — a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party. What do I mean by that? I mean by that that they still sort of look down on minorities. How can I evidence that?

When I see a former governor say that the President is “shuckin’ and jivin’,” that’s racial era slave term. When I see another former governor after the president’s first debate where he didn’t do very well, says that the president was lazy. He didn’t say he was slow. He was tired. He didn’t do well. He said he was lazy. Now, it may not mean anything to most Americans, but to those of us who are African Americans, the second word is shiftless and then there’s a third word that goes along with that. The birther, the whole birther movement. Why do senior Republican leaders tolerate this kind of discussion within the party?”

Yes, the Republican Party is Racist, and here's why

Accusing someone of racism is pretty serious, and it isn't a line of attack I take lightly. However, if you look at the track record of the GOP over the past four years, it is abundantly clear that they have used racially charged rhetoric against the President and engaged in disrespectful behavior that no white politician in his position would ever have to face. Let's go through some examples:

1. At one of President Obama’s first appearances before Congress, Rep. Joe Wilson shouted "You lie!" at the top of his voice while Obama spoke on health care reform.

2. House Speaker John Boehner rejected President Obama’s request to speak to a joint session of Congress. This was the first denial in the history of America - unsurprisingly directed at the first African American President.

3. 'Birthers' weregiven prominent speaking rolesat the Republican convention in Tampa, Florida.

4. Mitt Romney openly courted Donald Trump, one of the most visible proponents of the Birther movement.

5. Newt Gingrich labelled Obama "The greatest food stamp President in American history,” a remark clearly designed to rile up white America.

6. In a rant on Benghazi, Sarah Palin wrote on her facebook wall: "President Obama's shuck and jive shtick with these Benghazi lies must end." As CNN’s Roland Martin stated:

“Shucking and jiving” have long been words used as a negative assessment of African Americans, along the lines of a “foot shufflin’ Negro.” In fact, I don’t recall ever hearing the phrase used in reference to anyone white.

7. Mitt Romney's speech at the NAACP in 2012 where he lectured the audience on welfare dependency was one of the most blatant uses of the 'Southern Strategy' in modern history. As Charles Blow in the New York Times wrote:

The speech sounded like it was designed not for the audience in the room, but for those in Republican living rooms.

It sounded as though he wanted to show force and fearlessness: “Look folks, I walked into hostile territory unafraid and unbowed.” This was his version of a Daniel in the lions’ den speech.

Talk tough. Get heckled and booed for telling the truth to those who don’t want to hear it. Take the president down a couple of pegs in front of the most loyal segment of his supporters

Merle Haggard

It’s really almost criminal what they do with our President. There seems to be no shame or anything. They call him all kinds of names all day long, saying he’s doing certain things that he’s not. It’s just a big old political game that I don’t want to be part of. There are people spending their lives putting him down. I’m sure some of it’s true and some of it’s not. I was very surprised to find the man very humble and he had a nice handshake. His wife was very cordial to the guests and especially me. They made a special effort to make me feel welcome. It was not at all the way the media described him to be.
No sweetie Byrd wasn't alive 159 years ago. Now what?

This is what ...Racist bastard

Eugene Robinson - Robert Byrd: A story of change and redemption ...

Sen. Robert Byrd had long since repented, of course. The West Virginian, who died Monday at 92, deeply regretted his segregationist past, which included a year as a member of the Ku Klux Klan and at least several more years as a Klan sympathizer. He eventually became a passionate advocate for civil rights, and he was one of the most vocal supporters of legislation making the birthday of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. a national holiday.
No negate the facts dude! Now what?

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