Another Fine Example Of Conservative Values

No negate the facts dude! Now what?
The facts are this ,, Senator Byrd changed ..he transformed himself from KKK to man praised by the oldest and largest Civil Rights Organization in the USA...that is a fact I DOCUMENTED...

Here is another fact

The GOP has gone the other way....they became and are at this MOMENT the party of the KKK and the party of Racism

I also documented that with links

Those are the Facts

Now what LOL
Yes, the Republican Party is Racist, and here's why

Accusing someone of racism is pretty serious, and it isn't a line of attack I take lightly. However, if you look at the track record of the GOP over the past four years, it is abundantly clear that they have used racially charged rhetoric against the President and engaged in disrespectful behavior that no white politician in his position would ever have to face. Let's go through some examples:

1. At one of President Obama’s first appearances before Congress, Rep. Joe Wilson shouted "You lie!" at the top of his voice while Obama spoke on health care reform.

Turns out he did lie. Not racist.
2. House Speaker John Boehner rejected President Obama’s request to speak to a joint session of Congress. This was the first denial in the history of America - unsurprisingly directed at the first African American President.

When. Show me.
3. 'Birthers' weregiven prominent speaking rolesat the Republican convention in Tampa, Florida.

4. Mitt Romney openly courted Donald Trump, one of the most visible proponents of the Birther movement.

Democrats today are questioning Cruz birthright. They must be racist. Right?
5. Newt Gingrich labelled Obama "The greatest food stamp President in American history,” a remark clearly designed to rile up white America.

Bullshit. It means food stamps use tripled under Obama.
6. In a rant on Benghazi, Sarah Palin wrote on her facebook wall: "President Obama's shuck and jive shtick with these Benghazi lies must end." As CNN’s Roland Martin stated:

“Shucking and jiving” have long been words used as a negative assessment of African Americans, along the lines of a “foot shufflin’ Negro.” In fact, I don’t recall ever hearing the phrase used in reference to anyone white.

7. Mitt Romney's speech at the NAACP in 2012 where he lectured the audience on welfare dependency was one of the most blatant uses of the 'Southern Strategy' in modern history. As Charles Blow in the New York Times wrote:

The speech sounded like it was designed not for the audience in the room, but for those in Republican living rooms.

It sounded as though he wanted to show force and fearlessness: “Look folks, I walked into hostile territory unafraid and unbowed.” This was his version of a Daniel in the lions’ den speech.

Talk tough. Get heckled and booed for telling the truth to those who don’t want to hear it. Take the president down a couple of pegs in front of the most loyal segment of his supporters

Nope! You just want to turn disagreement with a black person into racism. Let me tell you what IS racist. When the left calls black conservatives Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimahs. Now what?
No negate the facts dude! Now what?
The facts are this ,, Senator Byrd changed ..he transformed himself from KKK to man praised by the oldest and largest Civil Rights Organization in the USA...that is a fact I DOCUMENTED...

Here is another fact

The GOP has gone the other way....they became and are at this MOMENT the party of the KKK and the party of Racism

I also documented that with links

Those are the Facts

Now what LOL

No. What you have proven is your own bigotry. Now what?

There is no excuse for an ASSHOLE like you..
.the KKK belongs to the GOP this year 2016...


Stick it to 'em libs. KKK don't need to kill blacks, the blacks are doing a fine job killing each other.







No sweetie Byrd wasn't alive 159 years ago. Now what?

This is what ...Racist bastard

Eugene Robinson - Robert Byrd: A story of change and redemption ...

Sen. Robert Byrd had long since repented, of course. The West Virginian, who died Monday at 92, deeply regretted his segregationist past, which included a year as a member of the Ku Klux Klan and at least several more years as a Klan sympathizer. He eventually became a passionate advocate for civil rights, and he was one of the most vocal supporters of legislation making the birthday of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. a national holiday.

Racist asshole!
No. What you have proven is your own bigotry. Now what?

LOL I have proven my own bigotry by proving you to be a member a supporter of the racist GOP that your position ?

Here is some more pardner there is plenty more documentation of the racism YOU SUPPORT
Former GOP leader apologizes to Obama, calls Republicans 'racist'

"Unfortunately, I found that many within the GOP have racist views and I apologize to the President for my opposition to his speech last year and my efforts to placate the extremists who dominate our Party today. My children and I look forward to the President's speech."
Now the Gish Galloping fool is taking another direction LOL I love it ...he has totally defended

1) the pedophile who was the longest serving Speaker of the House in GOP history

2) the GOP nexus with KKK 2016

Then claims I have proven my bigotry LOL
Now the Gish Galloping fool is taking another direction LOL I love it ...he has totally defended

1) the pedophile who was the longest serving Speaker of the House in GOP history

2) the GOP nexus with KKK 2016

Then claims I have proven my bigotry LOL

Tell us good man. Did Obama lie about Obamacare or not?
Nationwide Poll: Majority of Republicans Have Nakedly Racist Worldview

The biggest takeaway from the PPP [URL='']poll
is that a majority of the Republican Party’s base is living in a right-wing bubble where facts don’t matter—and it has become increasingly acceptable to publicly voice racist positions because the leading presidential candidate is modeling that behavior.

Not only did PPP find that a majority of Republicans believe the birther lie—that Obama was not actually born in Hawaii—but 51 percent of all Republicans polled want to amend the Constitution to eliminate birthright citizenship, which is granted to any person born on U.S. soil. Of Trump’s supporters, 63 percent want to eliminate that right, and a majority said undocumented children should be deported.

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