Another girl murdered by an illegal immigrant in Virginia and barely getting any media

MS13 is an American gang. If this murdered has ties to MS13, he grew up in the USA and was deported, and came back. This kid was taught to be a rapist and a murdered in the USA. You broke it, you OWN it.
That is simply not true. MS-13 was started in the US by Salvadorian immigrants back in the 90's during their own civil war and a period of high immigration from El Salvador. When their war ended we sent a bunch of rapists and murderers back to El Salvador, which is what we need to do again. It's now an international gang.

Which means that until you know that the rapist and killer was born here, you don't know shit. He could have been but its likely he wasn't since the girl's mom is suing the Dementia Patient who allowed the murderer to come here and likely gave him a cell phone for his troubles.

Stick to dragons, lady.

Membership in Mara Salvatrucha consists primarily of Salvadorans and Salvadoran Americans, but also Hondurans, Guatemalans, Mexicans, and other Central and South Americans.

So, basically not being convicted yet as an adult, adulthood not confirmed more than the charges? I guess that makes sense.
Raping and murdering an autistic girl is a pretty heinous offense. If convicted, I hope he gets the max, at least, and it would not hurt my sensibilities, since he is here under a Federal program, to see the case play out in Federal Court on Federal Charges where the death penalty could be on the table. I have always thought, if you murder somebody, your life should be forfeit, as your life is a proven detriment to society and should be removed from the gene pool.
I'm not a moralist so I don't really have any ethical qualms about the State executing people but accounting for corruption and fallibility leads me to oppose it for practical reasons. Sometimes injustices happen and we convict the wrong person and those injustices can't really be addressed if the person is dead. Other than that yeah, rape and murder is about as heinous as it gets and if they can pile Federal charges on top of State ones so this piece of shit never get out (if he's the guy), then I'm down for that. Give him the Derek Chauvin treatment.
That is simply not true. MS-13 was started in the US by Salvadorian immigrants back in the 90's during their own civil war and a period of high immigration from El Salvador. When their war ended we sent a bunch of rapists and murderers back to El Salvador, which is what we need to do again. It's now an international gang.

Which means that until you know that the rapist and killer was born here, you don't know shit. He could have been but its likely he wasn't since the girl's mom is suing the Dementia Patient who allowed the murderer to come here and likely gave him a cell phone for his troubles.

Stick to dragons, lady.

Membership in Mara Salvatrucha consists primarily of Salvadorans and Salvadoran Americans, but also Hondurans, Guatemalans, Mexicans, and other Central and South Americans.

Dragonbreath has never been right about anything, ever.
Got a link to that?

And since when is it OK to rape and kill a girl who made a bad decision? Leftists are such idiots.
No one said it was ok.

Just not seeing how this was Biden's fault, exactly, given that the young man met the legal requirements to be released on parole until his case was heard.
Im not familiar, but that post of hers was pretty stupid. Leftsists, like sheep, are so easy to fool.

Every post she makes is stupid, I stopped reading them after about the first 5 I came across, total waste of time.
No one said it was ok.
What was your point in saying this:

This would be the girl who knowingly moved in with a teenage immigrant at a sketchy trailer park.

And where is the link, goofy?
Just not seeing how this was Biden's fault, exactly, given that the young man met the legal requirements to be released on parole until his case was heard.
LOL, of course you don't. Who set the "legal requirements"?

View attachment 913494
Meet Kayla Hamilton, a 20 year old autistic girl that was strangled to death after being raped by, not only an illegal alien, but a member of MS13, the most notoriously evil gang in the world.

What was his name? They are protecting this name. The unnamed suspect, whose identity was protected as a 17-year-old at the time, was indicted in early 2023 by a grand jury in Maryland for 11 charges in the July 27, 2022, homicide of Hamilton, including first-degree murder, robbery, and rape. He will be tried as an adult.

Nice to see his rights being protected, isn't it? Gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Anyhew, the family is suing the DOJ and President Biden because they let this fool into the country despite knowing he was part of MS13. And guess what, it's not hard to spot these freaks because they have tattoos all over the body that tell them they are apart of MS13, yet they let him in anyway.

Now we all know that just like elections, the judicial system is rigged, so don't ever expect justice from them, but at the same time, citizens should still fight the best they know how for justice, although I would argue just go buy a gun. It's instant protection and justice that the Federal government has not figured out how to take away from you yet.

DemoKKKrats (all of them) LOVE this.
LOL, of course you don't. Who set the "legal requirements"?
The people who made the asylum laws, stupid.

We can't hold a minor for more than 20 days.

That's the actual law.

He was released into the custody of a relative who was here legally. WHich is also the law.
I read you tell Dragonlady that she was wrong about MS-13 being an American gang and then you denied and then confirmed it. Want me to post it again, Short Bus?
It is NOT an American gang, big moron. It is an international gang. It was started by Salvadoran immigrants in LA and has spread.

The gang is currently active in many parts of the continental United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America. Most members are Central American — Salvadorans in particular. Wikipedia

Again read much??? I'd tell you to go to the Wiki link I provided in my original post but your reading comprehension seems pretty darned bad.
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The people who made the asylum laws, stupid.
I am not going to argue this with you. You have no understanding of Executive Orders and what Biden did to Trump's immigration orders and then what the dementia patient did when he issued his own.
We can't hold a minor for more than 20 days.
We can send him back before we open the door for him, goofy. And where is the link to this particular criminal? You keep rattling off shit that has no bearing to the facts.

Done talking to you, its a waste of time. You're stupid and avoid answering legitimate questions.
It is NOT an American gang, big moron. It is an international gang. It was started by Salvadoiran immigrants in LA and has spread.
Where is LA located Short Bus? You can do this. I believe in you. :laugh:
The gang is currently active in many parts of the continental United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America. Most members are Central American — Salvadorans in particular. Wikipedia

Again read much??? I'd tell you to go to the Wiki link I provided in my original post but your reading comprehension seems pretty darned bad.
Yea, and just because we might have Yakuza or Tongs here in the US doesn't really change the fact that they are Japanese and Chinese gangs. MS-13 was started here in the good Ole US of A. Going international doesn't really change that, Moron.

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