Another GOP Mayor slashing cops/firemen. Necessary?

Cut the defense budget we don't need a military. Don't cut the cops salaries, those are okay.

Suppose property taxes can't be raised by executive order but must be subject to a vote from people who say not another dime.
You could just hire Mezkins to hang out at the station and lift weights. They'd do it for $60/week plus a bed and unlimited tacos.

we hire Costa Ricans up here to do that.....the cheap version of a Mexican....
You TP'ers really just dont get the point.

I decide to vote against the trend of radical right wingers........and now I'm a commie who should move to the Middle East and get my head cut off.

Let me all probably will say I'm a tree hugging fag who wants to marry a hybrid car right?

I may not be a Democrat (just voting for them this year)............but thank God I'm not a Republican.

So according to you, politicians that keep their word are "radical"? Gotcha. :cuckoo:

I recall when Christie was elected, a petition was circulating to raise the millionaire's tax (which is already 9%) on Day One of his governorship. I was saying to my colleagues "But he was elected on "no new taxes" and people looked at my like I was some kind of right wing radical. I don't care what side you are on. "No new taxes" is a pretty simple concept.
I have to look at it and think .........someone, somewhere had the conscious forethought to say:

"I am going to join an anon message board as one party only to change to the opposition when I feel the opportune time. People will be so impressed and moved by my conversion and logic, they too will change and I have done my part to sway public opinion and thus the election. All under the "credibility" of my previous party affiliation which I can use to deride my former "fellow" party and its members"
You TP'ers really just dont get the point.

I decide to vote against the trend of radical right wingers........and now I'm a commie who should move to the Middle East and get my head cut off.

Let me all probably will say I'm a tree hugging fag who wants to marry a hybrid car right?

I may not be a Democrat (just voting for them this year)............but thank God I'm not a Republican.

So according to you, politicians that keep their word are "radical"? Gotcha. :cuckoo:

I recall when Christie was elected, a petition was circulating to raise the millionaire's tax (which is already 9%) on Day One of his governorship. I was saying to my colleagues "But he was elected on "no new taxes" and people looked at my like I was some kind of right wing radical. I don't care what side you are on. "No new taxes" is a pretty simple concept.

Somehow I dont remember many Tea Party types in 2010 running for office on the slogan "We're gonna fuck over the cops and firemen!!! Vote for me!!"
Matthew Tully: Indy's budget crunch offers opportunity to have serious discussion about public safety | Indianapolis Star |

The GOP mayor of Indianapolis took a stand and said police and fire are gonna have to take a slashing on behalf of Indy's broken budget. Is it necessary? Article said non-fatal violent crime (stabbings, assaults, etc) are up, murders are down, and the Indy PD is woefully understaffed already.

The summary:

Indy PD and FD are unionized. They likely have far better pay/benefits than the non-union depts of the South, so I understand they've had it pretty good for a while.

Artical says a property tax increase of 0.2 %, thats right, two/tenths of a percent, would fix the entire shortfall.

But rather than support the 0.2% increase (which is $200 for a 100K earner), the mayor wants to look to the cops and firemen to make ends meet.

Right? Wrong? Well, it is union, and I know they've made far more than "normal" for cops nationwide.

But the problem is.......everytime a mayor like this takes a stand to cut police/fire, there are dozens of GOP mayors in NON UNION cities that dont have the crippling union contracts that some others do....who believe this is a valid reason for them to also cut police and fire, even if it isn't necessary for their city.

It's slowly become a well accepted trend in the Tea Party/GOP circles that putting cops and firemen on the govt chopping block is A-OK!!!! Necessary or not.

What idiot wrote this nonsense. Property tax is not based on income! I suspect a bit of class warfare was the agenda.
Matthew Tully: Indy's budget crunch offers opportunity to have serious discussion about public safety | Indianapolis Star |

The GOP mayor of Indianapolis took a stand and said police and fire are gonna have to take a slashing on behalf of Indy's broken budget. Is it necessary? Article said non-fatal violent crime (stabbings, assaults, etc) are up, murders are down, and the Indy PD is woefully understaffed already.

The summary:

Indy PD and FD are unionized. They likely have far better pay/benefits than the non-union depts of the South, so I understand they've had it pretty good for a while.

Artical says a property tax increase of 0.2 %, thats right, two/tenths of a percent, would fix the entire shortfall.

But rather than support the 0.2% increase (which is $200 for a 100K earner), the mayor wants to look to the cops and firemen to make ends meet.

Right? Wrong? Well, it is union, and I know they've made far more than "normal" for cops nationwide.

But the problem is.......everytime a mayor like this takes a stand to cut police/fire, there are dozens of GOP mayors in NON UNION cities that dont have the crippling union contracts that some others do....who believe this is a valid reason for them to also cut police and fire, even if it isn't necessary for their city.

It's slowly become a well accepted trend in the Tea Party/GOP circles that putting cops and firemen on the govt chopping block is A-OK!!!! Necessary or not.

What idiot wrote this nonsense. Property tax is not based on income! I suspect a bit of class warfare was the agenda.

If someone owns a home and can pay property taxes, they are rich, no matter what their real circumstances.
There it is folks. The arrogant attitude the right wing has adopted towards ALL government workers (except the beloved military, of course, they'd never ever, ever, ever dare utter one critical word about the military).

You know.......that gives me an idea.

Part of what the military does is to protect your right to make an asshole of yourself, which I might add you are doing a splendid job of.

Yeah yeah, I know. If it wasn't for the military, I wouldn't even have the right to open my car door or turn on my shower. I know all the right wing praise for the military.

But.....who is it that protects you...I mean literally, would be there literally saving your flesh ass, if you practiced your right to say stupid shit to a lot of people in the street and they wanted to fuck you up? OH THATS RIGHT.....the Army would send someone right over to protect you!

Nope. After they beat me up a cop would want me to give them a description of the gang from my hospital bed.
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Matthew Tully: Indy's budget crunch offers opportunity to have serious discussion about public safety | Indianapolis Star |

The GOP mayor of Indianapolis took a stand and said police and fire are gonna have to take a slashing on behalf of Indy's broken budget. Is it necessary? Article said non-fatal violent crime (stabbings, assaults, etc) are up, murders are down, and the Indy PD is woefully understaffed already.

The summary:

Indy PD and FD are unionized. They likely have far better pay/benefits than the non-union depts of the South, so I understand they've had it pretty good for a while.

Artical says a property tax increase of 0.2 %, thats right, two/tenths of a percent, would fix the entire shortfall.

But rather than support the 0.2% increase (which is $200 for a 100K earner), the mayor wants to look to the cops and firemen to make ends meet.

Right? Wrong? Well, it is union, and I know they've made far more than "normal" for cops nationwide.

But the problem is.......everytime a mayor like this takes a stand to cut police/fire, there are dozens of GOP mayors in NON UNION cities that dont have the crippling union contracts that some others do....who believe this is a valid reason for them to also cut police and fire, even if it isn't necessary for their city.

It's slowly become a well accepted trend in the Tea Party/GOP circles that putting cops and firemen on the govt chopping block is A-OK!!!! Necessary or not.

What idiot wrote this nonsense. Property tax is not based on income! I suspect a bit of class warfare was the agenda.

He's not just any idiot!

He used to be a Conservative until the Tea Party ticked him off and now he's voting Progressive, because the Tea Party betrayed him! They said they were for smaller government and they meant it! That's a betrayal! So now he's voting Obama

Does that make any sense to you?
Matthew Tully: Indy's budget crunch offers opportunity to have serious discussion about public safety | Indianapolis Star |

The GOP mayor of Indianapolis took a stand and said police and fire are gonna have to take a slashing on behalf of Indy's broken budget. Is it necessary? Article said non-fatal violent crime (stabbings, assaults, etc) are up, murders are down, and the Indy PD is woefully understaffed already.

The summary:

Indy PD and FD are unionized. They likely have far better pay/benefits than the non-union depts of the South, so I understand they've had it pretty good for a while.

Artical says a property tax increase of 0.2 %, thats right, two/tenths of a percent, would fix the entire shortfall.

But rather than support the 0.2% increase (which is $200 for a 100K earner), the mayor wants to look to the cops and firemen to make ends meet.

Right? Wrong? Well, it is union, and I know they've made far more than "normal" for cops nationwide.

But the problem is.......everytime a mayor like this takes a stand to cut police/fire, there are dozens of GOP mayors in NON UNION cities that dont have the crippling union contracts that some others do....who believe this is a valid reason for them to also cut police and fire, even if it isn't necessary for their city.

It's slowly become a well accepted trend in the Tea Party/GOP circles that putting cops and firemen on the govt chopping block is A-OK!!!! Necessary or not.

What idiot wrote this nonsense. Property tax is not based on income! I suspect a bit of class warfare was the agenda.

If someone owns a home and can pay property taxes, they are rich, no matter what their real circumstances.

You are a bigger fool than the pissant confusing property and income taxes. He did admit he meant $100k home 'owner' rather than $100k 'earner', but couldn't be bothered to use the edit function on his original post.

Perhaps you classify everyone that buys a home rich, but that would require a definition of rich and that inane remark does make you appear to be rather stupid.
Whenever I talk to young people these days, I advice them to NOT go into public service such as fire, police, nurse, teacher. They will be underpaid, underappreciated and whenever the Right wants a scapegoat for their failings....they will be vilified first.

Who needs it?

awww, poor dears won't be put on a pedestal as if they are above the rest of us...:eusa_boohoo:

There it is folks. The arrogant attitude the right wing has adopted towards ALL government workers (except the beloved military, of course, they'd never ever, ever, ever dare utter one critical word about the military).

You know.......that gives me an idea.

What is frustrating is your avoidance of ideas that challenge your perception.

Why are you avoiding Chicago and their cutbacks which seem tough considering the population as compared to a smaller.

Is there a reason why you single out Indianapolis over Chicago?

Another poster linked a search of Democratic mayors cutting, did you look at what is going on in Scranton?
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Matthew Tully: Indy's budget crunch offers opportunity to have serious discussion about public safety | Indianapolis Star |

The GOP mayor of Indianapolis took a stand and said police and fire are gonna have to take a slashing on behalf of Indy's broken budget. Is it necessary? Article said non-fatal violent crime (stabbings, assaults, etc) are up, murders are down, and the Indy PD is woefully understaffed already.

The summary:

Indy PD and FD are unionized. They likely have far better pay/benefits than the non-union depts of the South, so I understand they've had it pretty good for a while.

Artical says a property tax increase of 0.2 %, thats right, two/tenths of a percent, would fix the entire shortfall.

But rather than support the 0.2% increase (which is $200 for a 100K earner), the mayor wants to look to the cops and firemen to make ends meet.

Right? Wrong? Well, it is union, and I know they've made far more than "normal" for cops nationwide.

But the problem is.......everytime a mayor like this takes a stand to cut police/fire, there are dozens of GOP mayors in NON UNION cities that dont have the crippling union contracts that some others do....who believe this is a valid reason for them to also cut police and fire, even if it isn't necessary for their city.

It's slowly become a well accepted trend in the Tea Party/GOP circles that putting cops and firemen on the govt chopping block is A-OK!!!! Necessary or not.

What idiot wrote this nonsense. Property tax is not based on income! I suspect a bit of class warfare was the agenda.

He's not just any idiot!

He used to be a Conservative until the Tea Party ticked him off and now he's voting Progressive, because the Tea Party betrayed him! They said they were for smaller government and they meant it! That's a betrayal! So now he's voting Obama

Does that make any sense to you?

All of it except for the part "He used to be a Conservative." I don't believe that part.
There it is folks. The arrogant attitude the right wing has adopted towards ALL government workers (except the beloved military, of course, they'd never ever, ever, ever dare utter one critical word about the military).

You know.......that gives me an idea.

Part of what the military does is to protect your right to make an asshole of yourself, which I might add you are doing a splendid job of.

Yeah yeah, I know. If it wasn't for the military, I wouldn't even have the right to open my car door or turn on my shower. I know all the right wing praise for the military.

But.....who is it that protects you...I mean literally, would be there literally saving your flesh ass, if you practiced your right to say stupid shit to a lot of people in the street and they wanted to fuck you up? OH THATS RIGHT.....the Army would send someone right over to protect you!

What a lying scumbag


Not convincing either
What idiot wrote this nonsense. Property tax is not based on income! I suspect a bit of class warfare was the agenda.

If someone owns a home and can pay property taxes, they are rich, no matter what their real circumstances.

You are a bigger fool than the pissant confusing property and income taxes. He did admit he meant $100k home 'owner' rather than $100k 'earner', but couldn't be bothered to use the edit function on his original post.

Perhaps you classify everyone that buys a home rich, but that would require a definition of rich and that inane remark does make you appear to be rather stupid.

I don't classify everyone who owns a home as rich, but democrats do. I was just pointing that out.
anyone who would sign a pledge to Grover who wants our country dead is the enemy of this country

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