Another healthy athlete collapses on the ground with chest pain

Here's your link

'When I saw what happened in New York City, almost over-running of our healthcare systems, and that's when it became very clear that the decision we made on January 10 to go all out and develop a vaccine, may have been the best decision that I've ever made with regard to intervention as the director of the institute,' Fauci said."

And, again, Fauci said the fast tracking would be just fine, no problem, and Trump didn't test it, approve it or try to mandate it. FDA is responsible for vaccine safety/approval.
Long-term vaccine planning includes the fact that Fauci (Fau Chi) testified to the U.S. Senate on "Dual Use" the day that the sick Mojiang miners went into the Kunming Hospital, 26 Ap 2012.

'Eco Health Alliance appears to have had some awareness that it was dealing in an area of research with a military application. An email sent by EcoHealth Alliance's Vice President for Science and Outreach, Jonathan Epstein, states that the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) "wants a written section on communicating dual-use information." French intelligence was also highly concerned about the Wuhan Institute of Virology's growing ties to the PLA
DiNanno says that as the US official in charge of determining whether or not China is in compliance with a treaty you cannot dismiss documents like this written by 18 PLA scientists at a university conducting classified defense research.'
(Markson, What Really Happened in Wuhan, p. 314)
I didn't see a video. I just read the article. Cat watch videos at work.

This is up to debate and contradicted by Trump himself.

Who should I believe? What Trump supporters call a known liar or Trump?

Trump was president. He was responsible.
Not my problem you can't watch videos and it is not 'up for debate' that the NIH, FDA and the rest that are actually responsible for vaccine safety/efficacy study and approval signed off on the process and these vaccines.

There isn't a debate here. This is nothing but one of your favorite 'gotcha' toys- and it's nonsense.
Not my problem you can't watch videos and it is not 'up for debate' that the NIH, FDA and the rest that are actually responsible for vaccine safety/efficacy study and approval signed off on the process and these vaccines.

There isn't a debate here. This is nothing but one of your favorite 'gotcha' toys- and it's nonsense.
I'll watch the video after work and get back to you.
the link i posted is then

and so is your link cats

all it proves is Fauci changes his tune like the weather

Further, the man's history provides many examples
I responded to your link, not your meme.

Fauci is a scientist with no legal power and he pissed Trump off so of course your pro Trump media outlets feed you anti fauci propaganda. Same with the IRS. Same with the FBI. Same with judges. Same with everything that pisses Trump off.

Fauci is a scientist with no legal power and he pissed Trump off so of course your pro Trump media outlets
I've never been 'pro Trump' , and your insistence of articles being partisan is simply bargaining>>>>


best of luck (which is 1 out of 5)

Someone should exhume FloJo's body for an investigation....

While you're at it exhume all of these folks too...

Billions of people have been vaccinated. The only thing weird, and I really mean weird, is your propaganda. Imagine if what you’re saying were actually true. Thank God you’re full of shit.
You shouldnt be so quick to dismiss evidence. Do you know the difference in athlete heart issues prior to the COVID vaccine and after? Thats a trick question. No one knows the answer to that question. Do you know why? Its because people like you call it propaganda and demonize anyone who raises any questions. Someone will look into it now though.

That demonization isnt working as much anymore, so doctors and scientists are actually starting to dig into the evidence and propose counter theories. You know, the "scientific method" that we used to use before COVID.
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Weird.................getting weirder.
The athletes will be first, but not last.
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Someone should exhume FloJo's body for an investigation....

While you're at it exhume all of these folks too...

That list is as long as just the last 2 years
That list is as long as just the last 2 years
Of course what you don't know/admit to is that up until recently with the onset of the internet and worthless trolls like yourself is that athlete deaths in the 80's and 90's were not universally covered unless it was professional or major college athletes.

I'm sure you're upset that the player from Buffalo survived. Better luck next time.
Of course what you don't know/admit to is that up until recently with the onset of the internet and worthless trolls like yourself is that athlete deaths in the 80's and 90's were not universally covered unless it was professional or major college athletes.

I'm sure you're upset that the player from Buffalo survived. Better luck next time.
It used to be rare when athletes died from heart attacks. Now we are told by Democrats that this is common.

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