Another horrendous school shooting....What will the Left do NOW?

"We need to protect our school children with armed security guards. Millions of Veterans & retired cops will volunteer. Teachers need rights to carry guns in school." - President Trump
I am glad that I didn't grow up in a world that thinks teachers should be armed. That's what security guards are paid for. This "arm the teachers" idea/rant is stupid bullshit. My teachers had arms for hugs.
I assume you’ll support large wage increases for teachers who’s job description will now include grabbing your gun and confronting threats?
You should try googling if students have ever stolen guns from their teachers. Short answer: yes.

Old School Says....
"A man went to the moon.....therefore....ALL men went to the moon....."


You must lead a very miserable life is every bad thing that EVER happened still haunts you like this

Why don't you Google to see if Guns ever saved lives.
You say “A gun law didn’t work......therefore..... all gun laws don’t work”
No he did not laws a do NOT prevent things from happening they punish the criminal for doing the crime. Firearms laws punish law abiding citizens while doing NOTHING to prevent criminals from getting and using firearms.
They do a lot to make it more difficult for criminals to get guns but you refuse to be honest about it.

Circulating guns is more important to you than even preventing people with mental illness and people on the no fly list from getting guns. And so the Parkland massacre is acceptable price to you cons for ignoring “well regulated” in the 2nd amendment.
The no fly list is Unconstitutional and illegal. It can not be used to deny a right because it has NO safe guards anyone for any reason can be put on the list with no oversight or accountability for some nameless faceless cog in the Government machine.As for mental illness that is already covered and in this case was ignored by the FBI because they were to busy undermining a sitting President.
After the dust settles from the last one.....and all the Gun Grabbers and the Left media have marched, screamed and protested....and after the 2nd Amendment side suffers even more restrictions......

What next?

Do you think the Left will EVER concede there are enough laws on the books?

We ALL know that no matter what, even if ALL guns were totally confiscated, that school shootings will never be completely eradicated by Gun Control measures.

We also know that the Left RESISTS any suggestion that we need to focus on the human factor.

So how many "Inches" do we surrender after every shooting to Gun Grabbers?

Inches make Feet and Feet make Miles. If they get a few inches after EVERY incident, it won't be long before they've achieved their goals.

I propose that for ANY and EVERY concession made to Gun Grabbers, an equal or better concession MUST be made to lawful and law abiding gun owners.

For example, IF the Pro-Gun side allows the age restriction to be raised, then the Anti-Gun side Must agree to no limits on magazine size.

If the Pro Gun side agrees to more stringent background checks, the Left MUST agree (in written law) that states like California CANNOT write their own anti-gun laws.

We cannot continue to give give give without concessions from the other side. Who the hell in their right mind would ever agree to a strategy like that and have any hope of staying in the game?
Claiming the left thinks they can prevent all shootings is a straw man argument. What they do claim is that restricting guns would probably make the frequency go down and more then likely the damage done when these attacks do happen will be less severe. But that's a harder argument for you to win, so you rather revert to this old chestnut.
except that when they did do it back in 1994 it didn't so there is precedence that it won't do what they want. No law on the books today would have prevented any of the shootings this year, Mark Rubio and backed by fact check. So exactly what is it will prevent it since all the laws on the books won't?
I want the left to stop fking grand standing and discuss this like human fking beings. Not some political ass wipe group,.
I assume you’ll support large wage increases for teachers who’s job description will now include grabbing your gun and confronting threats?
You should try googling if students have ever stolen guns from their teachers. Short answer: yes.

Old School Says....
"A man went to the moon.....therefore....ALL men went to the moon....."


You must lead a very miserable life is every bad thing that EVER happened still haunts you like this

Why don't you Google to see if Guns ever saved lives.
You say “A gun law didn’t work......therefore..... all gun laws don’t work”
No he did not laws a do NOT prevent things from happening they punish the criminal for doing the crime. Firearms laws punish law abiding citizens while doing NOTHING to prevent criminals from getting and using firearms.
They do a lot to make it more difficult for criminals to get guns but you refuse to be honest about it.

Circulating guns is more important to you than even preventing people with mental illness and people on the no fly list from getting guns. And so the Parkland massacre is acceptable price to you cons for ignoring “well regulated” in the 2nd amendment.
The no fly list is Unconstitutional and illegal. It can not be used to deny a right because it has NO safe guards anyone for any reason can be put on the list with no oversight or accountability for some nameless faceless cog in the Government machine.As for mental illness that is already covered and in this case was ignored by the FBI because they were to busy undermining a sitting President.
It would have been shorter for you to type “gun massacres are an acceptable cost for ease of access to guns.”
Old School Says....
"A man went to the moon.....therefore....ALL men went to the moon....."


You must lead a very miserable life is every bad thing that EVER happened still haunts you like this

Why don't you Google to see if Guns ever saved lives.
You say “A gun law didn’t work......therefore..... all gun laws don’t work”
No he did not laws a do NOT prevent things from happening they punish the criminal for doing the crime. Firearms laws punish law abiding citizens while doing NOTHING to prevent criminals from getting and using firearms.
They do a lot to make it more difficult for criminals to get guns but you refuse to be honest about it.

Circulating guns is more important to you than even preventing people with mental illness and people on the no fly list from getting guns. And so the Parkland massacre is acceptable price to you cons for ignoring “well regulated” in the 2nd amendment.
The no fly list is Unconstitutional and illegal. It can not be used to deny a right because it has NO safe guards anyone for any reason can be put on the list with no oversight or accountability for some nameless faceless cog in the Government machine.As for mental illness that is already covered and in this case was ignored by the FBI because they were to busy undermining a sitting President.
It would have been shorter for you to type “gun massacres are an acceptable cost for ease of access to guns.”
what's your solution? really white that you are so hip to accuse others of something you don't have a solution for. don't post such nonsense unless you have a qualified solution to offer up.
After the dust settles from the last one.....and all the Gun Grabbers and the Left media have marched, screamed and protested....and after the 2nd Amendment side suffers even more restrictions......

What next?

Do you think the Left will EVER concede there are enough laws on the books?

We ALL know that no matter what, even if ALL guns were totally confiscated, that school shootings will never be completely eradicated by Gun Control measures.

We also know that the Left RESISTS any suggestion that we need to focus on the human factor.

So how many "Inches" do we surrender after every shooting to Gun Grabbers?

Inches make Feet and Feet make Miles. If they get a few inches after EVERY incident, it won't be long before they've achieved their goals.

I propose that for ANY and EVERY concession made to Gun Grabbers, an equal or better concession MUST be made to lawful and law abiding gun owners.

For example, IF the Pro-Gun side allows the age restriction to be raised, then the Anti-Gun side Must agree to no limits on magazine size.

If the Pro Gun side agrees to more stringent background checks, the Left MUST agree (in written law) that states like California CANNOT write their own anti-gun laws.

We cannot continue to give give give without concessions from the other side. Who the hell in their right mind would ever agree to a strategy like that and have any hope of staying in the game?

And don't be stupid and say something like "Gun control is not a game" (in your PeeWee Herman voice)'s a metaphor.

We're all in this together.

Unless you're so butt ugly no man will fuck and you'll never have kids.

Then we understand your bitterness. (sort of)

Lose some weight.
I am glad that I didn't grow up in a world that thinks teachers should be armed. That's what security guards are paid for. This "arm the teachers" idea/rant is stupid bullshit. My teachers had arms for hugs.

Yes, growing up in a Conservatives world WAS nice wasn't it?

Now that we live in a "Liberal" world, we need armed teachers. THANKS! :rolleyes:
After the dust settles from the last one.....and all the Gun Grabbers and the Left media have marched, screamed and protested....and after the 2nd Amendment side suffers even more restrictions......

What next?

We cannot continue to give give give without concessions from the other side. Who the hell in their right mind would ever agree to a strategy like that and have any hope of staying in the game?

And don't be stupid and say something like "Gun control is not a game" (in your PeeWee Herman voice)'s a metaphor.

What exactly has been "given"?
Old School Says....
"A man went to the moon.....therefore....ALL men went to the moon....."


You must lead a very miserable life is every bad thing that EVER happened still haunts you like this

Why don't you Google to see if Guns ever saved lives.
You say “A gun law didn’t work......therefore..... all gun laws don’t work”
No he did not laws a do NOT prevent things from happening they punish the criminal for doing the crime. Firearms laws punish law abiding citizens while doing NOTHING to prevent criminals from getting and using firearms.
They do a lot to make it more difficult for criminals to get guns but you refuse to be honest about it.

Circulating guns is more important to you than even preventing people with mental illness and people on the no fly list from getting guns. And so the Parkland massacre is acceptable price to you cons for ignoring “well regulated” in the 2nd amendment.
The no fly list is Unconstitutional and illegal. It can not be used to deny a right because it has NO safe guards anyone for any reason can be put on the list with no oversight or accountability for some nameless faceless cog in the Government machine.As for mental illness that is already covered and in this case was ignored by the FBI because they were to busy undermining a sitting President.
It would have been shorter for you to type “gun massacres are an acceptable cost for ease of access to guns.”
As few as occur and as few people as are effected, I agree. You don't want us to call Muslims terrorists cause literally 100000's of thousands are because you claim that would be bad for the rest of the Muslims but you sure don't mind tarring and feathering MILLIONS of legal firearms owners that have never committed a crime ever with this brush.
After the dust settles from the last one.....and all the Gun Grabbers and the Left media have marched, screamed and protested....and after the 2nd Amendment side suffers even more restrictions......

What next?

Do you think the Left will EVER concede there are enough laws on the books?

We ALL know that no matter what, even if ALL guns were totally confiscated, that school shootings will never be completely eradicated by Gun Control measures.

We also know that the Left RESISTS any suggestion that we need to focus on the human factor.

So how many "Inches" do we surrender after every shooting to Gun Grabbers?

Inches make Feet and Feet make Miles. If they get a few inches after EVERY incident, it won't be long before they've achieved their goals.

I propose that for ANY and EVERY concession made to Gun Grabbers, an equal or better concession MUST be made to lawful and law abiding gun owners.

For example, IF the Pro-Gun side allows the age restriction to be raised, then the Anti-Gun side Must agree to no limits on magazine size.

If the Pro Gun side agrees to more stringent background checks, the Left MUST agree (in written law) that states like California CANNOT write their own anti-gun laws.

We cannot continue to give give give without concessions from the other side. Who the hell in their right mind would ever agree to a strategy like that and have any hope of staying in the game?
Claiming the left thinks they can prevent all shootings is a straw man argument. What they do claim is that restricting guns would probably make the frequency go down and more then likely the damage done when these attacks do happen will be less severe. But that's a harder argument for you to win, so you rather revert to this old chestnut.
What they do claim is that restricting guns would probably make the frequency go down and more then likely the damage done when these attacks do happen will be less severe.
Tip leads to seizure of drugs, AK-47 at Fayetteville home ::
During a search of the home, officers found 4.5 units of oxycodone, 17 units of Adderall, 125 grams of marijuana, an AK-47, two handguns, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and drug paraphernalia, police said.
So we restrict all the LAWFUL gun owners from getting guns, but what can your government GUARANTEE that illegal guns can stop crossing the southern border? I mean you guys don't want a wall, and want those who just want to do jobs some Americans wont do, but those like MS-13 will go out of their way to kill US, and like the 39 times the police were called and the FBI was notified the school shooting still happened. I will rely on my own self and my God given abilities to protect my self and my own family and not rely on some government failure to allow such shootings.

Liberal compassion ends up killing people...

The real reason why liberals want US citizens disarmed, is to they can come take our stuff and rape our women.. That is the real reason and without weapons, we cant stop them. Liberalism is EVIL...

The real reason why liberals want US citizens disarmed, is to they can come take our stuff and rape our women.. That is the real reason and without weapons, we cant stop them. Liberalism is EVIL...
You say “A gun law didn’t work......therefore..... all gun laws don’t work”
No he did not laws a do NOT prevent things from happening they punish the criminal for doing the crime. Firearms laws punish law abiding citizens while doing NOTHING to prevent criminals from getting and using firearms.
They do a lot to make it more difficult for criminals to get guns but you refuse to be honest about it.

Circulating guns is more important to you than even preventing people with mental illness and people on the no fly list from getting guns. And so the Parkland massacre is acceptable price to you cons for ignoring “well regulated” in the 2nd amendment.
The no fly list is Unconstitutional and illegal. It can not be used to deny a right because it has NO safe guards anyone for any reason can be put on the list with no oversight or accountability for some nameless faceless cog in the Government machine.As for mental illness that is already covered and in this case was ignored by the FBI because they were to busy undermining a sitting President.
It would have been shorter for you to type “gun massacres are an acceptable cost for ease of access to guns.”
As few as occur and as few people as are effected, I agree. You don't want us to call Muslims terrorists cause literally 100000's of thousands are because you claim that would be bad for the rest of the Muslims but you sure don't mind tarring and feathering MILLIONS of legal firearms owners that have never committed a crime ever with this brush.
You have a point. Strong background checks with actual complete information would be a huge first step. ERPO's would be another. There are suicide risk tools that can be used universally in schools to help deflect some of these depressed/enraged kids from getting to the murder stage.
Gun control alone will do nothing.
That’s a terrible idea and not how the world works. Just stick to your argument that the massacre of children is nothing more than a small price to pay for gun rights.

You have no ground to stand on - Mr. Pro Abortionist
Okay Mr. pro mass slaughters

Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

After the dust settles from the last one.....and all the Gun Grabbers and the Left media have marched, screamed and protested....and after the 2nd Amendment side suffers even more restrictions......

What next?

Do you think the Left will EVER concede there are enough laws on the books?

We ALL know that no matter what, even if ALL guns were totally confiscated, that school shootings will never be completely eradicated by Gun Control measures.

We also know that the Left RESISTS any suggestion that we need to focus on the human factor.

So how many "Inches" do we surrender after every shooting to Gun Grabbers?

Inches make Feet and Feet make Miles. If they get a few inches after EVERY incident, it won't be long before they've achieved their goals.

I propose that for ANY and EVERY concession made to Gun Grabbers, an equal or better concession MUST be made to lawful and law abiding gun owners.

For example, IF the Pro-Gun side allows the age restriction to be raised, then the Anti-Gun side Must agree to no limits on magazine size.

If the Pro Gun side agrees to more stringent background checks, the Left MUST agree (in written law) that states like California CANNOT write their own anti-gun laws.

We cannot continue to give give give without concessions from the other side. Who the hell in their right mind would ever agree to a strategy like that and have any hope of staying in the game?

And don't be stupid and say something like "Gun control is not a game" (in your PeeWee Herman voice)'s a metaphor.
For example, IF the Pro-Gun side allows the age restriction to be raised, then the Anti-Gun side Must agree to no limits on magazine size.
It's not a game so stop using that as a metaphor. This is not a contest. It's not about compromise, it's about trying everything that might work. You sound like you belong among the worthless in Congress. Go get you there and remain silent, as usual, spouting your excuses about "fair deals."

That's pretty common-sense. I'd stipulate if in the military or police, 18.

No gun laws are going to address the root of the problem, though.
The problem is not bringing kids up with the 10 commandments and Bible.
After the dust settles from the last one.....and all the Gun Grabbers and the Left media have marched, screamed and protested....and after the 2nd Amendment side suffers even more restrictions......

What next?

Do you think the Left will EVER concede there are enough laws on the books?

We ALL know that no matter what, even if ALL guns were totally confiscated, that school shootings will never be completely eradicated by Gun Control measures.

We also know that the Left RESISTS any suggestion that we need to focus on the human factor.

So how many "Inches" do we surrender after every shooting to Gun Grabbers?

Inches make Feet and Feet make Miles. If they get a few inches after EVERY incident, it won't be long before they've achieved their goals.

I propose that for ANY and EVERY concession made to Gun Grabbers, an equal or better concession MUST be made to lawful and law abiding gun owners.

For example, IF the Pro-Gun side allows the age restriction to be raised, then the Anti-Gun side Must agree to no limits on magazine size.

If the Pro Gun side agrees to more stringent background checks, the Left MUST agree (in written law) that states like California CANNOT write their own anti-gun laws.

We cannot continue to give give give without concessions from the other side. Who the hell in their right mind would ever agree to a strategy like that and have any hope of staying in the game?

And don't be stupid and say something like "Gun control is not a game" (in your PeeWee Herman voice)'s a metaphor.

Hurry up and get community organizers on scene.
No he did not laws a do NOT prevent things from happening they punish the criminal for doing the crime. Firearms laws punish law abiding citizens while doing NOTHING to prevent criminals from getting and using firearms.
They do a lot to make it more difficult for criminals to get guns but you refuse to be honest about it.

Circulating guns is more important to you than even preventing people with mental illness and people on the no fly list from getting guns. And so the Parkland massacre is acceptable price to you cons for ignoring “well regulated” in the 2nd amendment.
The no fly list is Unconstitutional and illegal. It can not be used to deny a right because it has NO safe guards anyone for any reason can be put on the list with no oversight or accountability for some nameless faceless cog in the Government machine.As for mental illness that is already covered and in this case was ignored by the FBI because they were to busy undermining a sitting President.
It would have been shorter for you to type “gun massacres are an acceptable cost for ease of access to guns.”
As few as occur and as few people as are effected, I agree. You don't want us to call Muslims terrorists cause literally 100000's of thousands are because you claim that would be bad for the rest of the Muslims but you sure don't mind tarring and feathering MILLIONS of legal firearms owners that have never committed a crime ever with this brush.
You have a point. Strong background checks with actual complete information would be a huge first step. ERPO's would be another. There are suicide risk tools that can be used universally in schools to help deflect some of these depressed/enraged kids from getting to the murder stage.
Gun control alone will do nothing.
well how about the fbi and local police do their jobs? it doesn't mean a thing unless the expected authorities actually do their jobs. Why don't you mention that ever in here?

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