Another illegal Obama scheme exposed. DACA ruled unconstitutional.

No more DACA kids allowed. About time.

Get ready for all the sob stories about how illegal wetbacks have to leave after breaking U.S. law for decades.


They are lucky we don't immediately execute them.
And the likelihood of a GOP congress doing that is nil.

Now with a Dem House and a Senate that has enough Dems to get rid of the gets passed.
Why would any sane America want it passed? Perhaps in exchange for the wall.
I can get behind their working to codify it.... executive orders are not something we should be relying on.
Of course you can….you’re a Leftist….you’ll “get behind“ ANYTHING that causes degradation and compromises America.
Of course, in a case such as this to where someone who has never been to Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, etc.. is supposed to be deported back to a county they have never been in seems like something a less-than-great nation would do.
Great nations are founded and built on law and order….great nations NEVER allow children to benefit from their parents criminal acts.
I guess that really crystalizes the differences in the parties and those who vote for those parties.... the blood thirsty right vs. the compassionate left.
The “compassionate” Left is always quick to fuck over Americans to help foreigners compromise our nation…it’s what you do…Pretend to be noble while fucking over your countrymen….How does that work exactly?
I’m behind the rule of law and the Constitution, it has not to do with political parties.which most Americans like myself will not belong to.
Same here.

But since Congress won't make a law that addresses this unique situation and the constitution doesn't address people brought here without having the autonomy to say "yes" or "no" to coming here outside of indentured servitude (i.e. slaves), what was the President supposed to do? Just say..."Well, life sucks kid... you've been here for 15 years, have no family in Mexico...but we've got to deport you even though it wasn't your choice to come here in the first place?"
DACA was created in a 2012 memorandum issued by former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. The program does not grant legal immigration status to its beneficiaries, but it does protect them from deportation and allows them to apply for work permits and a Social Security number.

These protections and benefits are provided in two-year renewable intervals.

To qualify for DACA, a person must have arrived in the U.S. before their 16th birthday and before June 15, 2007. Immigrants are ineligible for the program if they have been convicted of a felony, a significant misdemeanor like domestic violence or sexual abuse, or three or more misdemeanor offenses. They also cannot be deemed a threat to national security or public safety.

Thank you for that.

The CACA “kids” have been awesome for our nation…Americans have benefitted from them big-time.

More Than 100,000 DACA Applicants Have Been Arrested—Murder, Rape, DUI - Judicial Watch
DACA was created in a 2012 memorandum issued by former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. The program does not grant legal immigration status to its beneficiaries, but it does protect them from deportation and allows them to apply for work permits and a Social Security number.
That's illegal, moron. The law specifically states that work permits shall not be issued to illegal aliens.

These protections and benefits are provided in two-year renewable intervals.

To qualify for DACA, a person must have arrived in the U.S. before their 16th birthday and before June 15, 2007. Immigrants are ineligible for the program if they have been convicted of a felony, a significant misdemeanor like domestic violence or sexual abuse, or three or more misdemeanor offenses. They also cannot be deemed a threat to national security or public safety.

So? The law says they should be on a bus to Tijuana.
how is a President violating the Constitution and using dictator like authority a good thing?
Issuing an EO stating all Democrats' US citizenship is revoked from 'this' moment on and they shall not be allowed to hold political office or vote?!
LOL. So, you have no intention of fixing the problem, even when it is obviously getting worse and worse?

Its getting worse and worse?

Before the blob ran for office and called Mexicans rapists, immigration was polling at 3%.

Outside of lending voice to bigotry, the situation has not gotten much "worse" than it was before the blob was here.

I think anyone here illegally should be deported if they don't have a bona fide indicator that they will be harmed if they were to be sent back.

There is a way to be humane about it. And then there is the GOP recommendations that are borderline genocide.
Same here.

But since Congress won't make a law that addresses this unique situation and the constitution doesn't address people brought here without having the autonomy to say "yes" or "no" to coming here outside of indentured servitude (i.e. slaves), what was the President supposed to do? Just say..."Well, life sucks kid... you've been here for 15 years, have no family in Mexico...but we've got to deport you even though it wasn't your choice to come here in the first place?"
It is not the President’s decision to make, this Congress didn’t think enough of these people to enact a law, no Congress in 50 years made a law solidifying Roe v Wade. Apparently we are electing the wrong people or they are representing the will of the people and most don’t think it is an issue. I’d write your Congressional members and ask them to do their job and negotiate for their constituents. We need to hold Congress accountable instead of blaming the other guy. We created a political climate where nothing gets done and we need to undo what we voters did.
It is not the President’s decision to make, this Congress didn’t think enough of these people to enact a law, no Congress in 50 years made a law solidifying Roe v Wade. Apparently we are electing the wrong people or they are representing the will of the people and most don’t think it is an issue. I’d write your Congressional members and ask them to do their job and negotiate for their constituents. We need to hold Congress accountable instead of blaming the other guy. We created a political climate where nothing gets done and we need to undo what we voters did.

Okee doakee.

And in the mean time...what do you say to someone who is like 28 who was brought here when they were 14 and has no family in Panama--where her parents were from?

Do they get to stay or do they have to go?

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