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Another Lie debunked-IG report concludes FBI did not spy on trump campaign

1. Where’s the evidence that Russians were paid?
2. The dossier was released by Buzzfeed on Jan 10 2017. That was AFTER the election.
3. If it’s illegal to conduct opposition research, can you show me the law that says so?

1. already established, common knowledge
2. it was leaked before the election
3. you libs are accusing Trump of it today, if its not illegal why are you doing that?

1. it’s a common fallacy. You believe it without questioning it. Time to question it. Where’s the evidence?
2. Who leaked it and when?
3. Trump is using government authority to force Ukraine to announce a phony investigation. That’s not opposition research. It’s corruption.

Biden bragged about holding up a 1 billion payment if a prosecutor looking into his son's involvement with Burisma was not fired. THAT, my friend, is corruption. THAT is quid pro quo. But you don't care about that, do you? Because whatever the corrupt dems do is just hunky dorry with you, right? Trump did not ask for anything, did not hold up the money, the Ukrainian president has stated numerous times that he was not pressure and that there was no quid pro quo.

I am so sick of the partisan bullshit hypocrisy from you libs.
No one who actually knows anything Ukraine believes Shokin was looking into Burisma. No one who actually knows anything about Ukraine believes Shokin was a good prosecutor general.

This is a bullshit story.

then why did Biden hold up money to get him fired? Sorry dude, but sleepy/creepy uncle Joe is on tape bragging about it and that's not going away.
As has been explained a million times. Biden was holding up the money to get him fired because he was corrupt. Why won’t anyone acknowledge this?
Are you trying to convince yourself? You aren't going to convince me. Unlike you, I rely on facts and evidence, not wild fantasy.

I don't need convincing, I am capable of looking at things objectively, unlike you. We shall see who is right in November 2020.

You have created a persona for yourself in your head that simply does not match reality.

coming from someone who lives in dem/lib fantasy land, that's really funny.

tell me witchey, is the lowest unemployment rate ever for blacks a fantasy? is the stock market record a fantasy? Is the growth in your 401K a fantasy? were the meetings with Kim a fantasy? was bringing our troops home a fantasy? were the tax cuts a fantasy? are the crowds at Trump rallys a fantasy?

1. Trump has continued the lowering of the unemployment under Barack Obama.

The most dramatic drop in black unemployment came under President Barack Obama, when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 to 7.8 percent in January 2017.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump on unemployment for blacks, Latinos

2. Same thing as above. The S&P 500 Is at an All Time High—But It Still Performed Far Better Under Obama Than Trump

3. Answer is the same as 2

4. No, unfortunately the "meeting with Kim" was not a fantasy...how you spin it as positive is beyond me.
5. Say again your last, over. Oh, and shall I dig up some of your old posts from when Obama wanted to bring troops home?
6. The tax cut that benefited the 1%? Again, how are you possibly spinning that as a positive? It added to the deficit, businesses have not responded as "advertised" and the middle class has seen zero benefit. How is this a good thing?
7. What do the sycophants at his ego fests have anything to do with anything? Bernie draws big crowds too but he'll never be President.

one at a time

6. the tax cuts benefitted everyone that pays taxes. Yes, it did nothing for the 50% who pay no taxes, its hard to cut zero. and yes, 5% of 1 million is more than 5% of 50 thousand-------------so fricken what?

7. Bernie has never drawn a crowd of 30,000, Trump does it at every rally.

Wrong. The tax cuts didn't do anything except pay off the donor class.

The 2017 Tax Cuts Didn't Work, The Data Prove It

Column: A devastating analysis of the tax cut shows it’s done virtually no economic good

Fishy, Trump lies. He lies easier than that obese blog breathes. He's lying to you.

Elizabeth Warren vs Donald Trump: Whose 2020 rallies draw the biggest crowds?
Are you trying to convince yourself? You aren't going to convince me. Unlike you, I rely on facts and evidence, not wild fantasy.

I don't need convincing, I am capable of looking at things objectively, unlike you. We shall see who is right in November 2020.

You have created a persona for yourself in your head that simply does not match reality.

coming from someone who lives in dem/lib fantasy land, that's really funny.

tell me witchey, is the lowest unemployment rate ever for blacks a fantasy? is the stock market record a fantasy? Is the growth in your 401K a fantasy? were the meetings with Kim a fantasy? was bringing our troops home a fantasy? were the tax cuts a fantasy? are the crowds at Trump rallys a fantasy?

1. Trump has continued the lowering of the unemployment under Barack Obama.

The most dramatic drop in black unemployment came under President Barack Obama, when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 to 7.8 percent in January 2017.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump on unemployment for blacks, Latinos

2. Same thing as above. The S&P 500 Is at an All Time High—But It Still Performed Far Better Under Obama Than Trump

3. Answer is the same as 2

4. No, unfortunately the "meeting with Kim" was not a fantasy...how you spin it as positive is beyond me.
5. Say again your last, over. Oh, and shall I dig up some of your old posts from when Obama wanted to bring troops home?
6. The tax cut that benefited the 1%? Again, how are you possibly spinning that as a positive? It added to the deficit, businesses have not responded as "advertised" and the middle class has seen zero benefit. How is this a good thing?
7. What do the sycophants at his ego fests have anything to do with anything? Bernie draws big crowds too but he'll never be President.

1. FACT, the UE rate is at a 50 year low and all time low for african americans, hispanics, and women.

2. the DOW has broken records under Trump, another FACT. Yes, we have had good DOW years under Barry, George, and Bubba, but we now have record highs.

4. No other US president has had a face to face meeting with the Korean dictator, like it or not, that is progress.

5. Obozo talked about bringing troops home, Trump has done it.

You just repeated the same thing. Everything Trump takes (and you give) him credit for, Obama did better.

The S&P 500 Is at an All Time High—But It Still Performed Far Better Under Obama Than Trumpor

There is a reason nobody met with North Korea dictators. Trump was too fucking stupid to adhere to it. I even hoped his blundering dotard actions might work...they didnt.

Trump is not "bringing troops home". Stop believing his lies. He is lying to you.

Pentagon sends new wave of troops to Saudi Arabia even as Trump calls for ending wars
1. already established, common knowledge
2. it was leaked before the election
3. you libs are accusing Trump of it today, if its not illegal why are you doing that?

1. it’s a common fallacy. You believe it without questioning it. Time to question it. Where’s the evidence?
2. Who leaked it and when?
3. Trump is using government authority to force Ukraine to announce a phony investigation. That’s not opposition research. It’s corruption.

Biden bragged about holding up a 1 billion payment if a prosecutor looking into his son's involvement with Burisma was not fired. THAT, my friend, is corruption. THAT is quid pro quo. But you don't care about that, do you? Because whatever the corrupt dems do is just hunky dorry with you, right? Trump did not ask for anything, did not hold up the money, the Ukrainian president has stated numerous times that he was not pressure and that there was no quid pro quo.

I am so sick of the partisan bullshit hypocrisy from you libs.
No one who actually knows anything Ukraine believes Shokin was looking into Burisma. No one who actually knows anything about Ukraine believes Shokin was a good prosecutor general.

This is a bullshit story.

then why did Biden hold up money to get him fired? Sorry dude, but sleepy/creepy uncle Joe is on tape bragging about it and that's not going away.
As has been explained a million times. Biden was holding up the money to get him fired because he was corrupt. Why won’t anyone acknowledge this?

Everyone DOES. The only people who don't are the Trump Cultists.
these words from the cite in the OP say it all:

" citing people familiar with a draft of the report."

second hand, from unnamed sources "familiar with a draft"

in other words--------------------bullshit!

Keep trying to convince yourself. :lol:
1. already established, common knowledge
2. it was leaked before the election
3. you libs are accusing Trump of it today, if its not illegal why are you doing that?

1. it’s a common fallacy. You believe it without questioning it. Time to question it. Where’s the evidence?
2. Who leaked it and when?
3. Trump is using government authority to force Ukraine to announce a phony investigation. That’s not opposition research. It’s corruption.

Biden bragged about holding up a 1 billion payment if a prosecutor looking into his son's involvement with Burisma was not fired. THAT, my friend, is corruption. THAT is quid pro quo. But you don't care about that, do you? Because whatever the corrupt dems do is just hunky dorry with you, right? Trump did not ask for anything, did not hold up the money, the Ukrainian president has stated numerous times that he was not pressure and that there was no quid pro quo.

I am so sick of the partisan bullshit hypocrisy from you libs.
No one who actually knows anything Ukraine believes Shokin was looking into Burisma. No one who actually knows anything about Ukraine believes Shokin was a good prosecutor general.

This is a bullshit story.

then why did Biden hold up money to get him fired? Sorry dude, but sleepy/creepy uncle Joe is on tape bragging about it and that's not going away.
As has been explained a million times. Biden was holding up the money to get him fired because he was corrupt. Why won’t anyone acknowledge this?

yeah, and pigs with wings can fly.. why can't you comprehend that he was bribing the Ukrainian government to take the heat off of his son?

Sure the guy was corrupt, the entire Ukrainian government was corrupt, that's why Biden was able to bribe them.
1. it’s a common fallacy. You believe it without questioning it. Time to question it. Where’s the evidence?
2. Who leaked it and when?
3. Trump is using government authority to force Ukraine to announce a phony investigation. That’s not opposition research. It’s corruption.

Biden bragged about holding up a 1 billion payment if a prosecutor looking into his son's involvement with Burisma was not fired. THAT, my friend, is corruption. THAT is quid pro quo. But you don't care about that, do you? Because whatever the corrupt dems do is just hunky dorry with you, right? Trump did not ask for anything, did not hold up the money, the Ukrainian president has stated numerous times that he was not pressure and that there was no quid pro quo.

I am so sick of the partisan bullshit hypocrisy from you libs.
No one who actually knows anything Ukraine believes Shokin was looking into Burisma. No one who actually knows anything about Ukraine believes Shokin was a good prosecutor general.

This is a bullshit story.

then why did Biden hold up money to get him fired? Sorry dude, but sleepy/creepy uncle Joe is on tape bragging about it and that's not going away.
As has been explained a million times. Biden was holding up the money to get him fired because he was corrupt. Why won’t anyone acknowledge this?

yeah, and pigs with wings can fly.. why can't you comprehend that he was bribing the Ukrainian government to take the heat off of his son?

Sure the guy was corrupt, the entire Ukrainian government was corrupt, that's why Biden was able to bribe them.
Wait, so are you acknowledging that Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor who Biden had dismissed was corrupt.
I don't need convincing, I am capable of looking at things objectively, unlike you. We shall see who is right in November 2020.

You have created a persona for yourself in your head that simply does not match reality.

coming from someone who lives in dem/lib fantasy land, that's really funny.

tell me witchey, is the lowest unemployment rate ever for blacks a fantasy? is the stock market record a fantasy? Is the growth in your 401K a fantasy? were the meetings with Kim a fantasy? was bringing our troops home a fantasy? were the tax cuts a fantasy? are the crowds at Trump rallys a fantasy?

1. Trump has continued the lowering of the unemployment under Barack Obama.

The most dramatic drop in black unemployment came under President Barack Obama, when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 to 7.8 percent in January 2017.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump on unemployment for blacks, Latinos

2. Same thing as above. The S&P 500 Is at an All Time High—But It Still Performed Far Better Under Obama Than Trump

3. Answer is the same as 2

4. No, unfortunately the "meeting with Kim" was not a fantasy...how you spin it as positive is beyond me.
5. Say again your last, over. Oh, and shall I dig up some of your old posts from when Obama wanted to bring troops home?
6. The tax cut that benefited the 1%? Again, how are you possibly spinning that as a positive? It added to the deficit, businesses have not responded as "advertised" and the middle class has seen zero benefit. How is this a good thing?
7. What do the sycophants at his ego fests have anything to do with anything? Bernie draws big crowds too but he'll never be President.

one at a time

6. the tax cuts benefitted everyone that pays taxes. Yes, it did nothing for the 50% who pay no taxes, its hard to cut zero. and yes, 5% of 1 million is more than 5% of 50 thousand-------------so fricken what?

7. Bernie has never drawn a crowd of 30,000, Trump does it at every rally.

Wrong. The tax cuts didn't do anything except pay off the donor class.

The 2017 Tax Cuts Didn't Work, The Data Prove It

Column: A devastating analysis of the tax cut shows it’s done virtually no economic good

Fishy, Trump lies. He lies easier than that obese blog breathes. He's lying to you.

Elizabeth Warren vs Donald Trump: Whose 2020 rallies draw the biggest crowds?

the tax cuts for small businesses and corporations are part of the reason for the low UE rate and the growth in the stock market. and yes, a 5% across the board tax cut saves more for a guy making 20 million than for a guy making 50 thousand. So what? and its also true that tax cuts have no affect on someone who is paying zero taxes (50% of america). again, so fricken what?

Tell us when and where Warren has ever had a crowd of 30,000 or more, give us the place and date and proof of the headcount.
Biden bragged about holding up a 1 billion payment if a prosecutor looking into his son's involvement with Burisma was not fired. THAT, my friend, is corruption. THAT is quid pro quo. But you don't care about that, do you? Because whatever the corrupt dems do is just hunky dorry with you, right? Trump did not ask for anything, did not hold up the money, the Ukrainian president has stated numerous times that he was not pressure and that there was no quid pro quo.

I am so sick of the partisan bullshit hypocrisy from you libs.
No one who actually knows anything Ukraine believes Shokin was looking into Burisma. No one who actually knows anything about Ukraine believes Shokin was a good prosecutor general.

This is a bullshit story.

then why did Biden hold up money to get him fired? Sorry dude, but sleepy/creepy uncle Joe is on tape bragging about it and that's not going away.
As has been explained a million times. Biden was holding up the money to get him fired because he was corrupt. Why won’t anyone acknowledge this?

yeah, and pigs with wings can fly.. why can't you comprehend that he was bribing the Ukrainian government to take the heat off of his son?

Sure the guy was corrupt, the entire Ukrainian government was corrupt, that's why Biden was able to bribe them.
Wait, so are you acknowledging that Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor who Biden had dismissed was corrupt.

Not what I said. I said the entire Ukrainian government had a history of corruption, thats why the people elected Zelensky----to fight that long term corruption. Some of the corruption was involving Burisma, the gas company that was paying the kids of Biden, Pleosi, Kerry, and Romney 50,000 per month to sit on their board and do nothing. So tell me, why do you think that company paid those kids that money? to get access to the US government, Thats why. Are you really so stupid and partisan that you cannot understand that?
1. it’s a common fallacy. You believe it without questioning it. Time to question it. Where’s the evidence?
2. Who leaked it and when?
3. Trump is using government authority to force Ukraine to announce a phony investigation. That’s not opposition research. It’s corruption.

Biden bragged about holding up a 1 billion payment if a prosecutor looking into his son's involvement with Burisma was not fired. THAT, my friend, is corruption. THAT is quid pro quo. But you don't care about that, do you? Because whatever the corrupt dems do is just hunky dorry with you, right? Trump did not ask for anything, did not hold up the money, the Ukrainian president has stated numerous times that he was not pressure and that there was no quid pro quo.

I am so sick of the partisan bullshit hypocrisy from you libs.
No one who actually knows anything Ukraine believes Shokin was looking into Burisma. No one who actually knows anything about Ukraine believes Shokin was a good prosecutor general.

This is a bullshit story.

then why did Biden hold up money to get him fired? Sorry dude, but sleepy/creepy uncle Joe is on tape bragging about it and that's not going away.
As has been explained a million times. Biden was holding up the money to get him fired because he was corrupt. Why won’t anyone acknowledge this?

Everyone DOES. The only people who don't are the Trump Cultists.

LOL, you two get a room. oops, forgot, you prefer women.
No one who actually knows anything Ukraine believes Shokin was looking into Burisma. No one who actually knows anything about Ukraine believes Shokin was a good prosecutor general.

This is a bullshit story.

then why did Biden hold up money to get him fired? Sorry dude, but sleepy/creepy uncle Joe is on tape bragging about it and that's not going away.
As has been explained a million times. Biden was holding up the money to get him fired because he was corrupt. Why won’t anyone acknowledge this?

yeah, and pigs with wings can fly.. why can't you comprehend that he was bribing the Ukrainian government to take the heat off of his son?

Sure the guy was corrupt, the entire Ukrainian government was corrupt, that's why Biden was able to bribe them.
Wait, so are you acknowledging that Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor who Biden had dismissed was corrupt.

Not what I said. I said the entire Ukrainian government had a history of corruption, thats why the people elected Zelensky----to fight that long term corruption. Some of the corruption was involving Burisma, the gas company that was paying the kids of Biden, Pleosi, Kerry, and Romney 50,000 per month to sit on their board and do nothing. So tell me, why do you think that company paid those kids that money? to get access to the US government, Thats why. Are you really so stupid and partisan that you cannot understand that?

You’re deflecting. Stay focused. You asked why Biden would hold up foreign aid? I answered why. Because Viktor Shokin was corrupt.

You actually agreed here:
Sure the guy was corrupt,

So, why would anyone get upset that Joe Biden forced out a prosecutor in Ukraine that we both acknowledge was corrupt?
these words from the cite in the OP say it all:

" citing people familiar with a draft of the report."

second hand, from unnamed sources "familiar with a draft"

in other words--------------------bullshit!

Keep trying to convince yourself. :lol:

is it not second hand from an unnamed source? is it not someone "assuming" what is in the report?

why don't we wait and see what it actually says on Monday?
then why did Biden hold up money to get him fired? Sorry dude, but sleepy/creepy uncle Joe is on tape bragging about it and that's not going away.
As has been explained a million times. Biden was holding up the money to get him fired because he was corrupt. Why won’t anyone acknowledge this?

yeah, and pigs with wings can fly.. why can't you comprehend that he was bribing the Ukrainian government to take the heat off of his son?

Sure the guy was corrupt, the entire Ukrainian government was corrupt, that's why Biden was able to bribe them.
Wait, so are you acknowledging that Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor who Biden had dismissed was corrupt.

Not what I said. I said the entire Ukrainian government had a history of corruption, thats why the people elected Zelensky----to fight that long term corruption. Some of the corruption was involving Burisma, the gas company that was paying the kids of Biden, Pleosi, Kerry, and Romney 50,000 per month to sit on their board and do nothing. So tell me, why do you think that company paid those kids that money? to get access to the US government, Thats why. Are you really so stupid and partisan that you cannot understand that?

You’re deflecting. Stay focused. You asked why Biden would hold up foreign aid? I answered why. Because Viktor Shokin was corrupt.

You actually agreed here:
Sure the guy was corrupt,

So, why would anyone get upset that Joe Biden forced out a prosecutor in Ukraine that we both acknowledge was corrupt?

Because the "corrupt" prosecutor was investigating Burisma and its connections to the US government.

you can't be as dumb as you appear to be.
As has been explained a million times. Biden was holding up the money to get him fired because he was corrupt. Why won’t anyone acknowledge this?

yeah, and pigs with wings can fly.. why can't you comprehend that he was bribing the Ukrainian government to take the heat off of his son?

Sure the guy was corrupt, the entire Ukrainian government was corrupt, that's why Biden was able to bribe them.
Wait, so are you acknowledging that Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor who Biden had dismissed was corrupt.

Not what I said. I said the entire Ukrainian government had a history of corruption, thats why the people elected Zelensky----to fight that long term corruption. Some of the corruption was involving Burisma, the gas company that was paying the kids of Biden, Pleosi, Kerry, and Romney 50,000 per month to sit on their board and do nothing. So tell me, why do you think that company paid those kids that money? to get access to the US government, Thats why. Are you really so stupid and partisan that you cannot understand that?

You’re deflecting. Stay focused. You asked why Biden would hold up foreign aid? I answered why. Because Viktor Shokin was corrupt.

You actually agreed here:
Sure the guy was corrupt,

So, why would anyone get upset that Joe Biden forced out a prosecutor in Ukraine that we both acknowledge was corrupt?

Because the "corrupt" prosecutor was investigating Burisma and its connections to the US government.

you can't be as dumb as you appear to be.

Really? You think the corrupt prosecutor was actually investigating a billionaire Ukrainian oligarch?

The only person claiming Shokin was investigating Burisma is the guy you acknowledge is corrupt.

Tell me that is what you’re saying. I dare you.
1. already established, common knowledge
2. it was leaked before the election
3. you libs are accusing Trump of it today, if its not illegal why are you doing that?

1. it’s a common fallacy. You believe it without questioning it. Time to question it. Where’s the evidence?
2. Who leaked it and when?
3. Trump is using government authority to force Ukraine to announce a phony investigation. That’s not opposition research. It’s corruption.

Biden bragged about holding up a 1 billion payment if a prosecutor looking into his son's involvement with Burisma was not fired. THAT, my friend, is corruption. THAT is quid pro quo. But you don't care about that, do you? Because whatever the corrupt dems do is just hunky dorry with you, right? Trump did not ask for anything, did not hold up the money, the Ukrainian president has stated numerous times that he was not pressure and that there was no quid pro quo.

I am so sick of the partisan bullshit hypocrisy from you libs.
No one who actually knows anything Ukraine believes Shokin was looking into Burisma. No one who actually knows anything about Ukraine believes Shokin was a good prosecutor general.

This is a bullshit story.

then why did Biden hold up money to get him fired? Sorry dude, but sleepy/creepy uncle Joe is on tape bragging about it and that's not going away.
As has been explained a million times. Biden was holding up the money to get him fired because he was corrupt. Why won’t anyone acknowledge this?
You are accurate, colfax-m, and I noticed you're new to USMB. Welcome, and hope you enjoy the boards. It's not easy to enjoy fighting slattern DNC narratives, but if it prevents us from losing our constitutional freedoms, it's worth every voice, every effort. Good bless you and hope you keep fighting the good fight. The truth is that lying is a bad thing and defending the Founders of this nation is the only thing that will keep us free, for the truth is on our side.
yeah, and pigs with wings can fly.. why can't you comprehend that he was bribing the Ukrainian government to take the heat off of his son?

Sure the guy was corrupt, the entire Ukrainian government was corrupt, that's why Biden was able to bribe them.
Wait, so are you acknowledging that Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor who Biden had dismissed was corrupt.

Not what I said. I said the entire Ukrainian government had a history of corruption, thats why the people elected Zelensky----to fight that long term corruption. Some of the corruption was involving Burisma, the gas company that was paying the kids of Biden, Pleosi, Kerry, and Romney 50,000 per month to sit on their board and do nothing. So tell me, why do you think that company paid those kids that money? to get access to the US government, Thats why. Are you really so stupid and partisan that you cannot understand that?

You’re deflecting. Stay focused. You asked why Biden would hold up foreign aid? I answered why. Because Viktor Shokin was corrupt.

You actually agreed here:
Sure the guy was corrupt,

So, why would anyone get upset that Joe Biden forced out a prosecutor in Ukraine that we both acknowledge was corrupt?

Because the "corrupt" prosecutor was investigating Burisma and its connections to the US government.

you can't be as dumb as you appear to be.

Really? You think the corrupt prosecutor was actually investigating a billionaire Ukrainian oligarch?

The only person claiming Shokin was investigating Burisma is the guy you acknowledge is corrupt.

Tell me that is what you’re saying. I dare you.

None of us know the depth of corruption in the Ukraine before the election of Zelensky. What we do know is that Biden bribed the previous government leaders to fire the prosecutor that was investigating Burisma and its connections to the US government, did he have ulterior motives? maybe, maybe not. It really doesn't matter.

What does matter is that we all have seen Biden bragging about using US money to bribe the previous leaders to fire the guy. Are you going to sit there and tell us that Biden was so concerned and so knowledgeable about Ukrainian corruption that he knew exactly who to get fired?

But you never answered my question: What did Burisma expect in return for hiring the kids of Biden, Pelosi, Kerry and Romney? Not one of them had any experience with gas companies or the Ukraine, so why were they paid 50K per month to sit on that board? Try to answer honestly if you can.
Wait, so are you acknowledging that Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor who Biden had dismissed was corrupt.

Not what I said. I said the entire Ukrainian government had a history of corruption, thats why the people elected Zelensky----to fight that long term corruption. Some of the corruption was involving Burisma, the gas company that was paying the kids of Biden, Pleosi, Kerry, and Romney 50,000 per month to sit on their board and do nothing. So tell me, why do you think that company paid those kids that money? to get access to the US government, Thats why. Are you really so stupid and partisan that you cannot understand that?

You’re deflecting. Stay focused. You asked why Biden would hold up foreign aid? I answered why. Because Viktor Shokin was corrupt.

You actually agreed here:
Sure the guy was corrupt,

So, why would anyone get upset that Joe Biden forced out a prosecutor in Ukraine that we both acknowledge was corrupt?

Because the "corrupt" prosecutor was investigating Burisma and its connections to the US government.

you can't be as dumb as you appear to be.

Really? You think the corrupt prosecutor was actually investigating a billionaire Ukrainian oligarch?

The only person claiming Shokin was investigating Burisma is the guy you acknowledge is corrupt.

Tell me that is what you’re saying. I dare you.

None of us know the depth of corruption in the Ukraine before the election of Zelensky. What we do know is that Biden bribed the previous government leaders to fire the prosecutor that was investigating Burisma and its connections to the US government, did he have ulterior motives? maybe, maybe not. It really doesn't matter.

What does matter is that we all have seen Biden bragging about using US money to bribe the previous leaders to fire the guy. Are you going to sit there and tell us that Biden was so concerned and so knowledgeable about Ukrainian corruption that he knew exactly who to get fired?

But you never answered my question: What did Burisma expect in return for hiring the kids of Biden, Pelosi, Kerry and Romney? Not one of them had any experience with gas companies or the Ukraine, so why were they paid 50K per month to sit on that board? Try to answer honestly if you can.

There’s no evidence that Shokin was investigating Burisma.

I don’t know what Burisma expected in return from Hunter Biden and neither do you.
Not what I said. I said the entire Ukrainian government had a history of corruption, thats why the people elected Zelensky----to fight that long term corruption. Some of the corruption was involving Burisma, the gas company that was paying the kids of Biden, Pleosi, Kerry, and Romney 50,000 per month to sit on their board and do nothing. So tell me, why do you think that company paid those kids that money? to get access to the US government, Thats why. Are you really so stupid and partisan that you cannot understand that?

You’re deflecting. Stay focused. You asked why Biden would hold up foreign aid? I answered why. Because Viktor Shokin was corrupt.

You actually agreed here:
Sure the guy was corrupt,

So, why would anyone get upset that Joe Biden forced out a prosecutor in Ukraine that we both acknowledge was corrupt?

Because the "corrupt" prosecutor was investigating Burisma and its connections to the US government.

you can't be as dumb as you appear to be.

Really? You think the corrupt prosecutor was actually investigating a billionaire Ukrainian oligarch?

The only person claiming Shokin was investigating Burisma is the guy you acknowledge is corrupt.

Tell me that is what you’re saying. I dare you.

None of us know the depth of corruption in the Ukraine before the election of Zelensky. What we do know is that Biden bribed the previous government leaders to fire the prosecutor that was investigating Burisma and its connections to the US government, did he have ulterior motives? maybe, maybe not. It really doesn't matter.

What does matter is that we all have seen Biden bragging about using US money to bribe the previous leaders to fire the guy. Are you going to sit there and tell us that Biden was so concerned and so knowledgeable about Ukrainian corruption that he knew exactly who to get fired?

But you never answered my question: What did Burisma expect in return for hiring the kids of Biden, Pelosi, Kerry and Romney? Not one of them had any experience with gas companies or the Ukraine, so why were they paid 50K per month to sit on that board? Try to answer honestly if you can.

There’s no evidence that Shokin was investigating Burisma.

I don’t know what Burisma expected in return from Hunter Biden and neither do you.

then why did Biden bribe them to fire him?

why don't we ask them what they expected? I would like one of those jobs, wouldn't you?
You’re deflecting. Stay focused. You asked why Biden would hold up foreign aid? I answered why. Because Viktor Shokin was corrupt.

You actually agreed here:
So, why would anyone get upset that Joe Biden forced out a prosecutor in Ukraine that we both acknowledge was corrupt?

Because the "corrupt" prosecutor was investigating Burisma and its connections to the US government.

you can't be as dumb as you appear to be.

Really? You think the corrupt prosecutor was actually investigating a billionaire Ukrainian oligarch?

The only person claiming Shokin was investigating Burisma is the guy you acknowledge is corrupt.

Tell me that is what you’re saying. I dare you.

None of us know the depth of corruption in the Ukraine before the election of Zelensky. What we do know is that Biden bribed the previous government leaders to fire the prosecutor that was investigating Burisma and its connections to the US government, did he have ulterior motives? maybe, maybe not. It really doesn't matter.

What does matter is that we all have seen Biden bragging about using US money to bribe the previous leaders to fire the guy. Are you going to sit there and tell us that Biden was so concerned and so knowledgeable about Ukrainian corruption that he knew exactly who to get fired?

But you never answered my question: What did Burisma expect in return for hiring the kids of Biden, Pelosi, Kerry and Romney? Not one of them had any experience with gas companies or the Ukraine, so why were they paid 50K per month to sit on that board? Try to answer honestly if you can.

There’s no evidence that Shokin was investigating Burisma.

I don’t know what Burisma expected in return from Hunter Biden and neither do you.

then why did Biden bribe them to fire him?

why don't we ask them what they expected? I would like one of those jobs, wouldn't you?

As I explained already, Biden wanted Shokin out because he was corrupt. What is so controversial?
Because the "corrupt" prosecutor was investigating Burisma and its connections to the US government.

you can't be as dumb as you appear to be.

Really? You think the corrupt prosecutor was actually investigating a billionaire Ukrainian oligarch?

The only person claiming Shokin was investigating Burisma is the guy you acknowledge is corrupt.

Tell me that is what you’re saying. I dare you.

None of us know the depth of corruption in the Ukraine before the election of Zelensky. What we do know is that Biden bribed the previous government leaders to fire the prosecutor that was investigating Burisma and its connections to the US government, did he have ulterior motives? maybe, maybe not. It really doesn't matter.

What does matter is that we all have seen Biden bragging about using US money to bribe the previous leaders to fire the guy. Are you going to sit there and tell us that Biden was so concerned and so knowledgeable about Ukrainian corruption that he knew exactly who to get fired?

But you never answered my question: What did Burisma expect in return for hiring the kids of Biden, Pelosi, Kerry and Romney? Not one of them had any experience with gas companies or the Ukraine, so why were they paid 50K per month to sit on that board? Try to answer honestly if you can.

There’s no evidence that Shokin was investigating Burisma.

I don’t know what Burisma expected in return from Hunter Biden and neither do you.

then why did Biden bribe them to fire him?

why don't we ask them what they expected? I would like one of those jobs, wouldn't you?

As I explained already, Biden wanted Shokin out because he was corrupt. What is so controversial?

LOL, why did he care? What danger did the guy pose to the USA? We know that he posed a danger to the Biden family, why are you resisting that truth?

Biden was afraid that Shokin was going to expose the corrupt bribery that was being done by Burisma by hiring the kids of powerful people in the US government.

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