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Another Lie debunked-IG report concludes FBI did not spy on trump campaign

Still waiting to hear that Strzok, Comey, Mueller, Clinton, and Obama have been frog marched off to jail...

be patient, its coming. I don't think clinton and obama will ever be charged no matter how much guilt is exposed. They are above the law, we all know that.

How do you folks say shit like "Just be patient, it's coming..." -- and in the very next second say "They'll never be charged no matter what, we all know that"

If you know that, then why the fuk are you telling people they will be arrested???

Right after the Starr report was release and it was all about sex, ken starr was asked if there was ever going to be indictments or charges for real crimes beyond a lie about consensual oral sex with an adult woman. starr said to be patient, the charges are coming.

I'm still waiting.

For years we were told that Hillary was about to be indicted.

I'm still waiting.

So your patience must be able to last for decades to see any of those people be arrested much less frog marched to jail. It's never going to happen. The far right radical extremists know this yet still repeat the pathetic lies. Over and over and over again. They will never stop.
Still waiting to hear that Strzok, Comey, Mueller, Clinton, and Obama have been frog marched off to jail...

be patient, its coming. I don't think clinton and obama will ever be charged no matter how much guilt is exposed. They are above the law, we all know that.

How do you folks say shit like "Just be patient, it's coming..." -- and in the very next second say "They'll never be charged no matter what, we all know that"

If you know that, then why the fuk are you telling people they will be arrested???

Right after the Starr report was release and it was all about sex, ken starr was asked if there was ever going to be indictments or charges for real crimes beyond a lie about consensual oral sex with an adult woman. starr said to be patient, the charges are coming.

I'm still waiting.

For years we were told that Hillary was about to be indicted.

I'm still waiting.

So your patience must be able to last for decades to see any of those people be arrested much less frog marched to jail. It's never going to happen. The far right radical extremists know this yet still repeat the pathetic lies. Over and over and over again. They will never stop.
Let's wait for Durham's report to be released.
I gave a choice of two things and then asked which was more believable. Somehow you translated that into "take my word for it"...yet you think "I" have a problem with English comprehension? Stick with calling me a "lying con tool", Faun! It's sophomoric but at least you don't come across as a complete buffoon!

Lying con yool, the two choices were your claim versus mine, followed by you asking, "now which do you think is more likely?" Since you were promoting your claim over mine, that can only mean you found your claim believable, not mine.

That means you're saying your claim is believable. But you offer no proof whatsoever to backup your claim. That's the same as you saying, take my word for it, since you presented no evidence other than you saying it.

No, that's me asking which is more likely...your claim...or mine! It's not saying "take my word for it". You had two choices and that seems to be too difficult for you to comprehend!
Lying con tool, who do you think you're fooling into believing you don't think your claim is not true??


Who do you think you're fooling when you "paraphrase"?
What's the matter, lying con tool? You don't want to answer my question because you realize the answer exposes my paraphrasing accurately depicts your sentiment?

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As far as me fooling anyone, I'm not the one making unsubstantiated claims and trying to convince the forum to believe me based on nothing but me saying them. That would be you. You're the one claiming Hillary paid Steele to leak his dossier to the press while you're in possession of literal squat to back that up.
I gave a choice of two things and then asked which was more believable. Somehow you translated that into "take my word for it"...yet you think "I" have a problem with English comprehension? Stick with calling me a "lying con tool", Faun! It's sophomoric but at least you don't come across as a complete buffoon!

Lying con yool, the two choices were your claim versus mine, followed by you asking, "now which do you think is more likely?" Since you were promoting your claim over mine, that can only mean you found your claim believable, not mine.

That means you're saying your claim is believable. But you offer no proof whatsoever to backup your claim. That's the same as you saying, take my word for it, since you presented no evidence other than you saying it.

No, that's me asking which is more likely...your claim...or mine! It's not saying "take my word for it". You had two choices and that seems to be too difficult for you to comprehend!
Lying con tool, who do you think you're fooling into believing you don't think your claim is not true??


Who do you think you're fooling when you "paraphrase"?
What's the matter, lying con tool? You don't want to answer my question because you realize the answer exposes my paraphrasing accurately depicts your sentiment?

View attachment 293478

As far as me fooling anyone, I'm not the one making unsubstantiated claims and trying to convince the forum to believe me based on nothing but me saying them. That would be you. You're the one claiming Hillary paid Steele to leak his dossier to the press while you're in possession of literal squat to back that up.

You don't paraphrase to provide greater clarity, Faun...you do so to try and change what I've said into something completely different!

As for the rest of your nonsense? Anyone at this point that DOESN'T know that Hillary paid Steele to leak his dossier to the press is wearing political "blinders"! You actually think Clinton shelled out all that money for "opposition research"...research that Steele promises us was never supposed to be used? If you buy that story you're about as naïve as they come!
No trips to the island as you and liar Trump claimed.

No wittle fishy, that is what Trump said what happened. Trump lies multiple times an hour.


vanity fair-------------wow, that proves it!!!!

are you really that stupid?

No, but you certainly are. The article has links...something you never provide.

links to lies--------------yeah that proves it.

you continue to display your ignorance.

I'm sorry Trumpian acolyte, your projection doesn't work. Everyone can see how deluded and 100% fact free you are.

Here are a few FACTS for you

1. Trump beat hillary in 2016
2. Trump will beat whoever the dems run in 2020
3. We have had record low unemployment numbers under Trump
4. the stock market is at record highs
5. Everyone with a 401K or any kind of retirement account has benefitted from that
6. the impeachment crap is nothing but poltical bullshit because the dems know that they cannot beat him and are looking for a talking point for the campaign.
7. If Trump was a democrat the impeachment BS would never have started.
8. You are a partisan idiot.

I think we did this drill once already this thread the last time you were getting your ass handed to you with facts.

[URL="http://www.usmessageboard.com/posts/23578187/"]Another Lie debunked-IG report concludes FBI did not spy on trump campaign[/URL]
Wrong, guppy. I’ve provided actual facts while you have stated your feelings.

Hillary Clinton paid for legal opposition research. She did nothing illegal...unlike Trump.


and now you cite NPR as a legitimate source, I give up, you are either terminally stupid or totally brainwashed, or both.

Paying a foreign entity for dirt on your opponent is not illegal???? WTF is wrong with you?
But are you actually trying to claim, that if a Campaign caters a luncheon for campaign purposes or potential donors, and writes it off as a designated campaign expense,

if the caterer had a bunch of Mexicans that he paid to make the burritos and Rice and beans for the campaign luncheon,

this campaign would be breaking campaign finance law, because it was Mexican citizens that the Campaign indirectly paid through the Caterer, to help them with their campaign function?

where in the USA do Mexican citizens run catering services?

your attempt at analogy is a good try, but I must give you an F. Sorry.
Where did I say the Mexicans ran it? They simply were paid by the American caterer, to make the food. I give you an F for comprehension of what you read! :D

OK. let me rephrase the question: where in the USA do mexican citizens work legally in catering services? note the word "legally".

Everywhere. Trump especially liked to outsource labor.

3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.
No, but you certainly are. The article has links...something you never provide.

links to lies--------------yeah that proves it.

you continue to display your ignorance.

I'm sorry Trumpian acolyte, your projection doesn't work. Everyone can see how deluded and 100% fact free you are.

Here are a few FACTS for you

1. Trump beat hillary in 2016
2. Trump will beat whoever the dems run in 2020
3. We have had record low unemployment numbers under Trump
4. the stock market is at record highs
5. Everyone with a 401K or any kind of retirement account has benefitted from that
6. the impeachment crap is nothing but poltical bullshit because the dems know that they cannot beat him and are looking for a talking point for the campaign.
7. If Trump was a democrat the impeachment BS would never have started.
8. You are a partisan idiot.

Do you really want me to parse your facts? I might give you one out of the 8 but all the rest are wrong, your personal opinion or a prediction. Yet you present them as facts. Yes, out of the mouth of the Party of the Rump.

which ones do you disagree with? bring it!

it's been covered over and over. You need to do some reading and leave the funny button alone for a change.
the clinton campaign through Fusion GPS paid Russians to create the dossier of lies about Trump and timed its release in an attempt to damage him just before the election. They failed but the illegality of what they did remains.

Will anyone ever be held to account for it? probably not and we should all be very concerned about that.
One, no Russians were paid for the dossier.
Two, it wasn’t released before the election.
Three, there’s nothing illegal about paying for opposition research.


you are a victim of left wing propaganda.
1. Where’s the evidence that Russians were paid?
2. The dossier was released by Buzzfeed on Jan 10 2017. That was AFTER the election.
3. If it’s illegal to conduct opposition research, can you show me the law that says so?

1. already established, common knowledge
2. it was leaked before the election
3. you libs are accusing Trump of it today, if its not illegal why are you doing that?

1. it’s a common fallacy. You believe it without questioning it. Time to question it. Where’s the evidence?
2. Who leaked it and when?
3. Trump is using government authority to force Ukraine to announce a phony investigation. That’s not opposition research. It’s corruption.

Biden bragged about holding up a 1 billion payment if a prosecutor looking into his son's involvement with Burisma was not fired. THAT, my friend, is corruption. THAT is quid pro quo. But you don't care about that, do you? Because whatever the corrupt dems do is just hunky dorry with you, right? Trump did not ask for anything, did not hold up the money, the Ukrainian president has stated numerous times that he was not pressure and that there was no quid pro quo.

I am so sick of the partisan bullshit hypocrisy from you libs.
links to lies--------------yeah that proves it.

you continue to display your ignorance.

I'm sorry Trumpian acolyte, your projection doesn't work. Everyone can see how deluded and 100% fact free you are.

Here are a few FACTS for you

1. Trump beat hillary in 2016
2. Trump will beat whoever the dems run in 2020
3. We have had record low unemployment numbers under Trump
4. the stock market is at record highs
5. Everyone with a 401K or any kind of retirement account has benefitted from that
6. the impeachment crap is nothing but poltical bullshit because the dems know that they cannot beat him and are looking for a talking point for the campaign.
7. If Trump was a democrat the impeachment BS would never have started.
8. You are a partisan idiot.

Do you really want me to parse your facts? I might give you one out of the 8 but all the rest are wrong, your personal opinion or a prediction. Yet you present them as facts. Yes, out of the mouth of the Party of the Rump.

which ones do you disagree with? bring it!

it's been covered over and over. You need to do some reading and leave the funny button alone for a change.

so rather than tell us what you disagree with you post a bullshit excuse. typical.
Biden bragged about holding up a 1 billion payment if a prosecutor looking into his son's involvement with Burisma was not fired. THAT, my friend, is corruption. THAT is quid pro quo. But you don't care about that, do you? Because whatever the corrupt dems do is just hunky dorry with you, right? Trump did not ask for anything, did not hold up the money, the Ukrainian president has stated numerous times that he was not pressure and that there was no quid pro quo.

I am so sick of the partisan bullshit hypocrisy from you libs.

Democrats don't care about the truth. They are Nazis motivated by hate
Do not give up, we are in the majority. Do not believe the lying media. Right will prevail.

Are you trying to convince yourself? You aren't going to convince me. Unlike you, I rely on facts and evidence, not wild fantasy.

I don't need convincing, I am capable of looking at things objectively, unlike you. We shall see who is right in November 2020.

You have created a persona for yourself in your head that simply does not match reality.

coming from someone who lives in dem/lib fantasy land, that's really funny.

tell me witchey, is the lowest unemployment rate ever for blacks a fantasy? is the stock market record a fantasy? Is the growth in your 401K a fantasy? were the meetings with Kim a fantasy? was bringing our troops home a fantasy? were the tax cuts a fantasy? are the crowds at Trump rallys a fantasy?

1. Trump has continued the lowering of the unemployment under Barack Obama.

The most dramatic drop in black unemployment came under President Barack Obama, when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 to 7.8 percent in January 2017.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump on unemployment for blacks, Latinos

2. Same thing as above. The S&P 500 Is at an All Time High—But It Still Performed Far Better Under Obama Than Trump

3. Answer is the same as 2

4. No, unfortunately the "meeting with Kim" was not a fantasy...how you spin it as positive is beyond me.
5. Say again your last, over. Oh, and shall I dig up some of your old posts from when Obama wanted to bring troops home?
6. The tax cut that benefited the 1%? Again, how are you possibly spinning that as a positive? It added to the deficit, businesses have not responded as "advertised" and the middle class has seen zero benefit. How is this a good thing?
7. What do the sycophants at his ego fests have anything to do with anything? Bernie draws big crowds too but he'll never be President.

one at a time

6. the tax cuts benefitted everyone that pays taxes. Yes, it did nothing for the 50% who pay no taxes, its hard to cut zero. and yes, 5% of 1 million is more than 5% of 50 thousand-------------so fricken what?

7. Bernie has never drawn a crowd of 30,000, Trump does it at every rally.
Do not give up, we are in the majority. Do not believe the lying media. Right will prevail.

Are you trying to convince yourself? You aren't going to convince me. Unlike you, I rely on facts and evidence, not wild fantasy.

I don't need convincing, I am capable of looking at things objectively, unlike you. We shall see who is right in November 2020.

You have created a persona for yourself in your head that simply does not match reality.

coming from someone who lives in dem/lib fantasy land, that's really funny.

tell me witchey, is the lowest unemployment rate ever for blacks a fantasy? is the stock market record a fantasy? Is the growth in your 401K a fantasy? were the meetings with Kim a fantasy? was bringing our troops home a fantasy? were the tax cuts a fantasy? are the crowds at Trump rallys a fantasy?

1. Trump has continued the lowering of the unemployment under Barack Obama.

The most dramatic drop in black unemployment came under President Barack Obama, when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 to 7.8 percent in January 2017.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump on unemployment for blacks, Latinos

2. Same thing as above. The S&P 500 Is at an All Time High—But It Still Performed Far Better Under Obama Than Trump

3. Answer is the same as 2

4. No, unfortunately the "meeting with Kim" was not a fantasy...how you spin it as positive is beyond me.
5. Say again your last, over. Oh, and shall I dig up some of your old posts from when Obama wanted to bring troops home?
6. The tax cut that benefited the 1%? Again, how are you possibly spinning that as a positive? It added to the deficit, businesses have not responded as "advertised" and the middle class has seen zero benefit. How is this a good thing?
7. What do the sycophants at his ego fests have anything to do with anything? Bernie draws big crowds too but he'll never be President.

1. FACT, the UE rate is at a 50 year low and all time low for african americans, hispanics, and women.

2. the DOW has broken records under Trump, another FACT. Yes, we have had good DOW years under Barry, George, and Bubba, but we now have record highs.

4. No other US president has had a face to face meeting with the Korean dictator, like it or not, that is progress.

5. Obozo talked about bringing troops home, Trump has done it.
The cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief used Homeland Security assets for political campaign purposes..... because he wants to stay


Michael Obama. Why are there no pictures of her pregnant if those girls are "hers"?
these words from the cite in the OP say it all:

" citing people familiar with a draft of the report."

second hand, from unnamed sources "familiar with a draft"

in other words--------------------bullshit!
One, no Russians were paid for the dossier.
Two, it wasn’t released before the election.
Three, there’s nothing illegal about paying for opposition research.


you are a victim of left wing propaganda.
1. Where’s the evidence that Russians were paid?
2. The dossier was released by Buzzfeed on Jan 10 2017. That was AFTER the election.
3. If it’s illegal to conduct opposition research, can you show me the law that says so?

1. already established, common knowledge
2. it was leaked before the election
3. you libs are accusing Trump of it today, if its not illegal why are you doing that?

1. it’s a common fallacy. You believe it without questioning it. Time to question it. Where’s the evidence?
2. Who leaked it and when?
3. Trump is using government authority to force Ukraine to announce a phony investigation. That’s not opposition research. It’s corruption.

Biden bragged about holding up a 1 billion payment if a prosecutor looking into his son's involvement with Burisma was not fired. THAT, my friend, is corruption. THAT is quid pro quo. But you don't care about that, do you? Because whatever the corrupt dems do is just hunky dorry with you, right? Trump did not ask for anything, did not hold up the money, the Ukrainian president has stated numerous times that he was not pressure and that there was no quid pro quo.

I am so sick of the partisan bullshit hypocrisy from you libs.
No one who actually knows anything Ukraine believes Shokin was looking into Burisma. No one who actually knows anything about Ukraine believes Shokin was a good prosecutor general.

This is a bullshit story.

you are a victim of left wing propaganda.
1. Where’s the evidence that Russians were paid?
2. The dossier was released by Buzzfeed on Jan 10 2017. That was AFTER the election.
3. If it’s illegal to conduct opposition research, can you show me the law that says so?

1. already established, common knowledge
2. it was leaked before the election
3. you libs are accusing Trump of it today, if its not illegal why are you doing that?

1. it’s a common fallacy. You believe it without questioning it. Time to question it. Where’s the evidence?
2. Who leaked it and when?
3. Trump is using government authority to force Ukraine to announce a phony investigation. That’s not opposition research. It’s corruption.

Biden bragged about holding up a 1 billion payment if a prosecutor looking into his son's involvement with Burisma was not fired. THAT, my friend, is corruption. THAT is quid pro quo. But you don't care about that, do you? Because whatever the corrupt dems do is just hunky dorry with you, right? Trump did not ask for anything, did not hold up the money, the Ukrainian president has stated numerous times that he was not pressure and that there was no quid pro quo.

I am so sick of the partisan bullshit hypocrisy from you libs.
No one who actually knows anything Ukraine believes Shokin was looking into Burisma. No one who actually knows anything about Ukraine believes Shokin was a good prosecutor general.

This is a bullshit story.

then why did Biden hold up money to get him fired? Sorry dude, but sleepy/creepy uncle Joe is on tape bragging about it and that's not going away.

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