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Another Lie debunked-IG report concludes FBI did not spy on trump campaign

I can think of a lot of ways. For starters, fewer people with capital is less ability for other people to compete. A poorer population is easier to employ for cheap.

The number one determinant of your economic prosperity is your parent’s economic prosperity and that correlation is getting stronger and stronger. Think about that. We like to think of ourselves as a level playing field where anyone can get ahead but reality seems far from it.
Nobody said being rich isn't cooler than being poor.

I asked for someone to tell me how me becoming less wealthy benefits them economically.

You can't answer that because it doesn't.

Income inequality only effects your ego. Not your wallet.

You are just playing around with words. Less wealth is neither good nor bad if you have enough of it. Most with "Enough" really don't feel they have "Enough" and want more and usually get it.

As for poor, being less poor is another problem. Getting more Poor means you have either a negative cash flow for living expenses or you have less disposable income. When you check out the disposable income of people making Min Wage in 1968, you find they actually had a small amount after cost of living. Today working one full time job at min wage, there is a negative cash flow for disposable cash flow. In fact, there is a negative cash flow for cost of living. In order to equal the same scale, a min wage worker would need one full time and at least one part time job. The difference is, the cost of living index today is 37% higher versus min wages than it was in 1968. In fact, even at 15 bucks an hour, it's still 37% higher today with the comparable wage than it was in 1968. The same goes for workers in high wage and high cost of living areas making even 21 bucks an hour.

We now spend less growing food. We spend less manufacturing necessities. Let's face it, production costs less. One would think that the disposable income would go higher for people on the lower scale of wage. It isn't. It's higher. Where is that Profit going? It's not going to the worker, that's for sure. The Cost of Living has been affected by a greed factor by those in the higher wage earner brackets that control the cost of living. Oh, it's usually not done all at once. They sneak it by a little at a time with small increases just a small percentage higher than the cost of living indexes. Each year, the lower income people lose a little more. I am seeing that where I live. In fact, the place is emptying out due to some pretty high increases and some pretty stupid draconian rules that are being imposed by a large corporation. The old owner was a private venture, not a nation wide corporation. They have been told that the place is going to empty out and there is going to be a high rate of evictions but they say they don't care. Yes, they are right. They don't care. I have a feeling where I live right now will make a wonderful Apartment Building or Shopping center but they aren't telling us that.

The facts remain that the Rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. And the lower middle class will slowly move to the poor. The American Dream may not be dead but it's severely wounded.
You are just playing around with words. Less wealth is neither good nor bad if you have enough of it. Most with "Enough" really don't feel they have "Enough" and want more and usually get it.

As for poor, being less poor is another problem. Getting more Poor means you have either a negative cash flow for living expenses or you have less disposable income. When you check out the disposable income of people making Min Wage in 1968, you find they actually had a small amount after cost of living. Today working one full time job at min wage, there is a negative cash flow for disposable cash flow. In fact, there is a negative cash flow for cost of living. In order to equal the same scale, a min wage worker would need one full time and at least one part time job. The difference is, the cost of living index today is 37% higher versus min wages than it was in 1968. In fact, even at 15 bucks an hour, it's still 37% higher today with the comparable wage than it was in 1968. The same goes for workers in high wage and high cost of living areas making even 21 bucks an hour.

We now spend less growing food. We spend less manufacturing necessities. Let's face it, production costs less. One would think that the disposable income would go higher for people on the lower scale of wage. It isn't. It's higher. Where is that Profit going? It's not going to the worker, that's for sure. The Cost of Living has been affected by a greed factor by those in the higher wage earner brackets that control the cost of living. Oh, it's usually not done all at once. They sneak it by a little at a time with small increases just a small percentage higher than the cost of living indexes. Each year, the lower income people lose a little more. I am seeing that where I live. In fact, the place is emptying out due to some pretty high increases and some pretty stupid draconian rules that are being imposed by a large corporation. The old owner was a private venture, not a nation wide corporation. They have been told that the place is going to empty out and there is going to be a high rate of evictions but they say they don't care. Yes, they are right. They don't care. I have a feeling where I live right now will make a wonderful Apartment Building or Shopping center but they aren't telling us that.

The facts remain that the Rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. And the lower middle class will slowly move to the poor. The American Dream may not be dead but it's severely wounded.
My point stands.

A rich person getting less rich helps nobody.

Income inequality doesn't matter.
Really, doing it to non-suspects would be called what? Keep playing the semantics game, that's what losers do.


You are the one playing silly games. The FBI conducted a legal, valid investigation into Trump Campaign contacts with Russia. Contacts that were too numerous to count and that they lied about at every turn.

The Mueller report is here — here are all the known contacts between the campaign and Russian government-linked people or entities

There are now more than 101 known points of contact between the Trump campaign and Russian-government linked people or entities, including 23 meetings or calls.

Sixteen Trump campaign officials are known to have had direct contact with a Russian government official or a Russian-linked operative, and at least an additional nine campaign officials were aware of these contacts.

Trump campaign officials had meetings, calls, and digital correspondence with high-level Russian government officials, billionaires linked to Putin, an accused Russian spy, and hackers enlisted by Russian intelligence to meddle in the 2016 elections.

Did you watch the hearings today? Graham's committee is bringing out the truth and the dems are scrambling like toads on a hotplate trying to spin the facts, but they are losing big time.

You obviously were not watching any hearings. You're only watching what Hannity shows you.

I watched a lot of it, but it was very boring. Obviously you only watched CNN who cut to commercial every time one of the republicans asked real questions or refuted the dem lies.

and for the record, I don't watch Hannity. but you must since you know what he says.

Stop lying. You didn't watch the hearings. Some right wing site gave you a headline and you watched a five minute video of Ms. Lindsay gradstanding.

Nothing Trump said about the "oranges" of the Russia Investigation was true. Not a hoax, not a witch hunt. You said to wait for this report. Okay, its out and none of your made up storylines were true.

I watched as much of it as I could stomach. the pathetic dems have nothing, no crimes, just "we don't like the way he talks".

the senate will kill this hoax. and the dems will lose the house because of it. the american people are fed up with morons like Schiff, Nadler, and mama Pelosi.
The facts remain that the Rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. And the lower middle class will slowly move to the poor. The American Dream may not be dead but it's severely wounded.

Your socialist mentality comes straight from Karl Marx, a lazy bum who never worked and seldom bathed.
1. America is doing far better now under President Trump. Don't admit it. It's still true.
2. Eighty percent of people in the top fifth of income/wealth started in the bottom 20%. So countless "poor" people become very comfortable if not "rich" by whatever measure you select. I am a perfect example.
3. If you graduate high school, get married and stay married, you will do well. I know that's hard for Leftists to fathom but it's true.
4. Thou shalt not covet anything that is thy neighbors. This is a Biblical commandment which is utterly ignored by the hateful left.
5. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. This too is a Biblical commandment which is utterly ignored by the lying left. That's why there is so much divisiveness in America today.

Based on your nonsense prattle, I will create a new thread exposing your covetousness and mendacity.
tell us specifically what obozo did to reduce unemployment----cash for clunkers? stimulus to Solyndra? apologizing for america?

second, the was no "worst economic disaster" in 2008. We had a market correction driven by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats, nothing more.

Stimulus, TARP, auto maker loans, efficient tax policy, solid governance, economic confidence, strengthening foreign partnerships.

LOL, yeah right, all those shovel ready jobs that he doubled the national debt to create but never happened.

face it dude, Obama was the worst president in our history, he is the primary reason that we are all pissed at each other today, he divided this country like never before. Its what socialists always do---divide and conquer, but the country saw through it and thats why we have Trump.
I don’t know if you know this but Obama added millions of jobs to the economy as we recovered from the worst recession in a generation. Obviously he did otherwise Trump wouldn’t have started at 4.7% unemployment and act like he did it all himself.

I don’t know why y’all hate Obama so much but the right wing ratcheted the irrational rage up to unprecedented levels during that election.

I don't hate anyone. But the truth is that Obama had the opportunity as the first black president to really do great things to bring this country together, but instead he divided us like never before, apologized for our accomplishments, weakened our military, and made us an international laughing stock, laughed at and disrespected. I can only assume that he did these things because deep down he hates this country and everything it stands for. Why else would anyone try to destroy it?

What we see from the dems today is more of the same, destroying the country in a failed attempt to remove a duly elected president. And why? because he is getting things done and exposing the long time corruption in the DC establishment (both parties and the entire media).

Have another slug of that Orange Koolaid.

and what is it that you drink from pencil neck Schiff and Nadler (toad boy)
Perhaps Eddie can show us where Barry set those records for lowest unemployment numbers in history?

Trump Is Falling Almost 1 Million Jobs Short Vs. Obama

Articles like that one never fail to make me laugh, Seawytch! You can't show us where Barry set a record for low unemployment...and you can't tell me what Obama economic policies created jobs...but you CAN cherry pick numbers to try and make a President who was terrible with the economy look good!

What is laughable is Trump starting with unemployment below 5% and you think Trump is awesome because the drop that began under Obama has continued under Trump. What was the unemployment rate at the start of Obama's presidency and what was it at the end? How do you spin that as terrible?

what was the best UE rate during obama's 8 years? what is it today? Now, after posting those you can STFU
That's complete bullshit?

He testified to the exact OPPOSITE

No bis. No politics involved

Horowitz said he couldn't confirm bias, of course he also said he got no satisfactory explanations why all the mistakes, lies and omissions only advantaged the investigation.

Senator Kennedy said it best, the absence of evidence, is not evidence of absence.

It's pretty obvious. We will get fuller information from Durham.

On Wednesday during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) dropped a bomb about FBI interference in the 2016 election while questioning Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz about his report regarding misconduct in the espionage operation against the Trump campaign in 2016.

“Is it worse to have a foreign government trying to meddle in our elections, or is it worse to have our own government meddling in the election?” asked Hawley. Referring to the report, Hawley continued: "It shows that our government, the most powerful law enforcement agency in the nation, the FBI, effectively meddled in an ongoing presidential campaign."​

Hawley then called out the Democratic National Committee for instigating the whole mess.

“The DNC pays for the Steele dossier, solicits the Steele dossier, and then gets the Federal Bureau of Investigation to go get FISA warrants, surveil an American citizen, and surveil a presidential campaign all on the basis of this manufactured garbage that they paid for. I mean that’s extraordinary," he complained. "That has got to be a first time in history. In fact, let me just ask you, Mr. Horowitz, are you aware ever of another presidential campaign being targeted by the FBI like the Trump campaign was?”
Horowitz had to answer in the negative and also confirmed what we all knew was the case: that the DNC did pay for the Steele dossier that has been proven to be false and defamatory nonsense that was used to justify the spying.

"To me, this is the untold story of the 2016 campaign," continued Hawley. "I don't know who at the DNC hatched this, but I suppose they ought to take a victory lap, but certainly they should be remembered for it; to get the FBI to pursue surveillance of a rival presidential campaign and then into the newly elected president's term I think is just extraordinary."​

Hawley then grilled Horowitz about why the criminals at the FBI involved in this are still employed. No one knows. Hawley closed with this bombshell: "I think the collusion here was between the DNC and the FBI."


Watch Senator Hawley’s full exchange Michael Horowitz:

Yeah, Comey claims the the report vindicated him, Horowitz said it doesn't vindicate anyone who touched that pile of shit, including Comey.


Comey is a tall pile of crap and dirtier than Mueller and J Edgar Hoover. Trump was absolutely dead on the money on this clown and right to fire him.

It did result in the Muller Investigation, which found nothing on Trump or the campaign.
And when that failed, we got Schiff and Whistleblower crap.
That will soon fail and finally Trump will have all this nonsense behind him.

Interesting point from Horowitz, going all the way back before the election, they ONLY found exculpatory evidence, they NEVER found incriminating evidence of the Russian/Trump collusion. It was ALWAYS a giant pile of lies, that collapsed well before the election, was resurrected on the Clinton dossier of Kremlin disinformation, and with lies and deceit laundered into 3 year witch hunt, when they never had anything and they all knew it. Today it continues as the Shiff/Whistleblower impeachment.

Impeach Trump: The Democrat Party’s 2020 Election Concession Speech.

They know they can’t convict or remove him from office, and they know they can’t beat him in November.

trump has violated laws. If he is re elected you will come to understand what kind of mistake allowing him power is.

which ones, give us the statutes by number. Nadler and Schiff couldn't find any or they would have put them in their impeachment report.

So, for the last time, which laws has Trump broken?
I can think of a lot of ways. For starters, fewer people with capital is less ability for other people to compete. A poorer population is easier to employ for cheap.

The number one determinant of your economic prosperity is your parent’s economic prosperity and that correlation is getting stronger and stronger. Think about that. We like to think of ourselves as a level playing field where anyone can get ahead but reality seems far from it.
Nobody said being rich isn't cooler than being poor.

I asked for someone to tell me how me becoming less wealthy benefits them economically.

You can't answer that because it doesn't.

Income inequality only effects your ego. Not your wallet.
I answered with my first sentence of the reply.

I’ll repeat it here in the hopes you won’t ignore it again.

I can think of a lot of ways. For starters, fewer people with capital is less ability for other people to compete. A poorer population is easier to employ for cheap.
Horowitz said he couldn't confirm bias, of course he also said he got no satisfactory explanations why all the mistakes, lies and omissions only advantaged the investigation.

Senator Kennedy said it best, the absence of evidence, is not evidence of absence.

It's pretty obvious. We will get fuller information from Durham.

On Wednesday during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) dropped a bomb about FBI interference in the 2016 election while questioning Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz about his report regarding misconduct in the espionage operation against the Trump campaign in 2016.

“Is it worse to have a foreign government trying to meddle in our elections, or is it worse to have our own government meddling in the election?” asked Hawley. Referring to the report, Hawley continued: "It shows that our government, the most powerful law enforcement agency in the nation, the FBI, effectively meddled in an ongoing presidential campaign."​

Hawley then called out the Democratic National Committee for instigating the whole mess.

“The DNC pays for the Steele dossier, solicits the Steele dossier, and then gets the Federal Bureau of Investigation to go get FISA warrants, surveil an American citizen, and surveil a presidential campaign all on the basis of this manufactured garbage that they paid for. I mean that’s extraordinary," he complained. "That has got to be a first time in history. In fact, let me just ask you, Mr. Horowitz, are you aware ever of another presidential campaign being targeted by the FBI like the Trump campaign was?”
Horowitz had to answer in the negative and also confirmed what we all knew was the case: that the DNC did pay for the Steele dossier that has been proven to be false and defamatory nonsense that was used to justify the spying.

"To me, this is the untold story of the 2016 campaign," continued Hawley. "I don't know who at the DNC hatched this, but I suppose they ought to take a victory lap, but certainly they should be remembered for it; to get the FBI to pursue surveillance of a rival presidential campaign and then into the newly elected president's term I think is just extraordinary."​

Hawley then grilled Horowitz about why the criminals at the FBI involved in this are still employed. No one knows. Hawley closed with this bombshell: "I think the collusion here was between the DNC and the FBI."


Watch Senator Hawley’s full exchange Michael Horowitz:

Yeah, Comey claims the the report vindicated him, Horowitz said it doesn't vindicate anyone who touched that pile of shit, including Comey.


Comey is a tall pile of crap and dirtier than Mueller and J Edgar Hoover. Trump was absolutely dead on the money on this clown and right to fire him.

It did result in the Muller Investigation, which found nothing on Trump or the campaign.
And when that failed, we got Schiff and Whistleblower crap.
That will soon fail and finally Trump will have all this nonsense behind him.

Interesting point from Horowitz, going all the way back before the election, they ONLY found exculpatory evidence, they NEVER found incriminating evidence of the Russian/Trump collusion. It was ALWAYS a giant pile of lies, that collapsed well before the election, was resurrected on the Clinton dossier of Kremlin disinformation, and with lies and deceit laundered into 3 year witch hunt, when they never had anything and they all knew it. Today it continues as the Shiff/Whistleblower impeachment.

Impeach Trump: The Democrat Party’s 2020 Election Concession Speech.

They know they can’t convict or remove him from office, and they know they can’t beat him in November.

trump has violated laws. If he is re elected you will come to understand what kind of mistake allowing him power is.

which ones, give us the statutes by number. Nadler and Schiff couldn't find any or they would have put them in their impeachment report.

So, for the last time, which laws has Trump broken?

You can stop trying to repeat republican talking points. You know what laws trump has broken. Your ass is Perry Mason when it comes to democrats even after investigations show no crime was committed. Therefore you know what crimes trump has committed but you don't care because he's a republican.
You know what laws trump has broken.

Your side has yet to pass the "law" you want, that it is ILLEGAL to investigate DEMOCRATS for STEALING from the US taxpayer, which is what Hunter and Low IQ Joe did..... KICKBACK style.
Perhaps Eddie can show us where Barry set those records for lowest unemployment numbers in history?

Trump Is Falling Almost 1 Million Jobs Short Vs. Obama

Articles like that one never fail to make me laugh, Seawytch! You can't show us where Barry set a record for low unemployment...and you can't tell me what Obama economic policies created jobs...but you CAN cherry pick numbers to try and make a President who was terrible with the economy look good!

What is laughable is Trump starting with unemployment below 5% and you think Trump is awesome because the drop that began under Obama has continued under Trump. What was the unemployment rate at the start of Obama's presidency and what was it at the end? How do you spin that as terrible?

what was the best UE rate during obama's 8 years? what is it today? Now, after posting those you can STFU

UE has dropped by just over 1 percent during trump while Obama cut it by almost 6 percent. Those are the numbers you or trump don't want to talk about.
Perhaps Eddie can show us where Barry set those records for lowest unemployment numbers in history?

Trump Is Falling Almost 1 Million Jobs Short Vs. Obama

Articles like that one never fail to make me laugh, Seawytch! You can't show us where Barry set a record for low unemployment...and you can't tell me what Obama economic policies created jobs...but you CAN cherry pick numbers to try and make a President who was terrible with the economy look good!

What is laughable is Trump starting with unemployment below 5% and you think Trump is awesome because the drop that began under Obama has continued under Trump. What was the unemployment rate at the start of Obama's presidency and what was it at the end? How do you spin that as terrible?

what was the best UE rate during obama's 8 years? what is it today? Now, after posting those you can STFU
Best under Obama was 4.7%. It’s now 3.6%. It’s not exactly an monumental shift.
You know what laws trump has broken.

Your side has yet to pass the "law" you want, that it is ILLEGAL to investigate DEMOCRATS for STEALING from the US taxpayer, which is what Hunter and Low IQ Joe did..... KICKBACK style.
Since that didn't happen, I'll continue to let you waddle in your delusions.
You know what laws trump has broken.

Your side has yet to pass the "law" you want, that it is ILLEGAL to investigate DEMOCRATS for STEALING from the US taxpayer, which is what Hunter and Low IQ Joe did..... KICKBACK style.
You know, you can keep saying it but that doesn’t make it true. In fact, you’ve admitted you have no idea if it’s true, you just want an investigation because you just want an investigation.
  • Thanks
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you just want an investigation because

I care about AMERICA and the financial solvency of the United States. Your side doesn't. Your side wants to


and wants it to be illegal to investigate your stealing....

Cocksucker Obama ran up $9 trillion in Debt. Where did that money go??

Perhaps Eddie can show us where Barry set those records for lowest unemployment numbers in history?

Trump Is Falling Almost 1 Million Jobs Short Vs. Obama

Articles like that one never fail to make me laugh, Seawytch! You can't show us where Barry set a record for low unemployment...and you can't tell me what Obama economic policies created jobs...but you CAN cherry pick numbers to try and make a President who was terrible with the economy look good!

What is laughable is Trump starting with unemployment below 5% and you think Trump is awesome because the drop that began under Obama has continued under Trump. What was the unemployment rate at the start of Obama's presidency and what was it at the end? How do you spin that as terrible?

what was the best UE rate during obama's 8 years? what is it today? Now, after posting those you can STFU
Best under Obama was 4.7%. It’s now 3.6%. It’s not exactly an monumental shift.

They can't seem to compare the economy Obama was given to the one he gave to trump. Their disingenuous argument puts us in danger of a second trump term where he may do long lasting harm to our economy.
where he may do long lasting harm to our economy

by actually busting Democrats for STEALING and returning that money to the US Treasury....

Apparently, that is what Democrats really FEAR, a LOT MORE INVESTIGATIONS into DEMOCRATS STEALING....


Now that I've proven to a100% certainty, that the Obama FBI did in fact spy, illegally on the Trump campaign, you've both gone silent.

No one has done that. And the Obama FBI did none of what you claim. Now you can repeat that lie to yourself everyday until Durham shows nothing happened, but I am not going to keep arguing with idiots who think debate means you get to make shit up and say it over and over.
Horowitz says you are full of shit.
The only thing Jordan picked was his nose. He's holding up his picking finger to show he didn't pull out a booger. He looks rather surprised.
I noticed you missed the part that Horowitz clearly and definitively stated that the Obama FBI did in fact Spy (actually he said "Surveille") on the Trump Campaign illegally by using illegally manufactured information and DNC/Hillary purchased lies to get a warrant.


Man up. I've admitted several times I was wrong. It's not as bad as you seem to think it is.
I didn't miss jack shit.
Yes, you did.

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