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Another Lie debunked-IG report concludes FBI did not spy on trump campaign

He will be able to look into the Durham report.

No more than he looked into the Mueller report, God you're stupid.


What I am is right.


Another Lie debunked-IG report concludes FBI did not spy on trump campaign

I've already proved that a lie, I won't circle back to it and play a game of semantics. Covert surveillance, CHSs wearing recording devices, is spying. The IG reports proves that happened.

The only proven lies are the ones you're speaking.
trump lied to you. And you fell for it. There are at least 8 heads that need to roll Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, ex-national security adviser John Bolton, acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, Vice President Mike Pence, trump and I am including William Barr. There was no deep state. There was no coup. There is no witch hunt or hoax.

There was nothing but a bunch of trumps lies.

The time has come for trump.

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign
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Sonam Sheth and Eliza Relman

The Justice Department's inspector general found no evidence to support President Donald Trump's claim that the FBI inserted spies in his 2016 presidential campaign, The New York Times reported on Wednesday, citing people familiar with a draft of the report.

Trump has repeatedly and baselessly alleged that the FBI inserted covert operators in his campaign.

He also alleged, without evidence, that former President Barack Obama had intelligence officials tap his phones, a claim the report is also expected to undercut.

Sources told The Times and The Washington Post that while the report undermines Trump's most extreme claims, it also faults the FBI for making bureaucratic mistakes when applying for a warrant to surveil Carter Page, a former Trump campaign aide.

The Justice Department's inspector general found no evidence to support President Donald Trump's claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 presidential campaign while investigating whether the campaign was conspiring with the Russian government to interfere in the election, The New York Times reported on Wednesday, citing people familiar with a draft of the report.

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign
Half the idiots agree with you and half of us know you're full of it.
A perfect microcosm of the USA right now.

The problem with your half is that you're wrong.
Horowitz didn't say that.
Mmmm.. Yeah.. He did.

You need more news sources.

Inspector General Report Hearing Transcript: Michael Horowitz Testifies on FBI's Findings - Rev

M. Horowitz: (17:28)
The incident, the event, the meeting was a briefing, and the FBI considered and decided to send that agent there to do the briefing. So the agent was actually doing the briefing but also using it for the purpose of investigation.

Lindsey Graham: (17:44)
Okay, and I hope that doesn’t happen to us tomorrow. I’ll be really pissed if does. Okay, so let’s play this out. They never told Trump about the concerns. Is it fair to say there came a point that where surveilling Carter Page became unlawful?

M. Horowitz: (18:06)
I will let the court decide that. The court has this report and will make that decision.

Lindsey Graham: (18:10)
Let’s put it this way. If you don’t have a legal foundation to surveil somebody and you keep doing it, is that bad?

M. Horowitz: (18:17)

Lindsey Graham: (18:19)
Is that spying?

M. Horowitz: (18:22)
It’s illegal surveillance. It’s not court authorized surveillance under FISA.

Let me guess.... CNN?
Horowitz didn't say that.
Mmmm.. Yeah.. He did.

You need more news sources.

Inspector General Report Hearing Transcript: Michael Horowitz Testifies on FBI's Findings - Rev

M. Horowitz: (17:28)
The incident, the event, the meeting was a briefing, and the FBI considered and decided to send that agent there to do the briefing. So the agent was actually doing the briefing but also using it for the purpose of investigation.

Lindsey Graham: (17:44)
Okay, and I hope that doesn’t happen to us tomorrow. I’ll be really pissed if does. Okay, so let’s play this out. They never told Trump about the concerns. Is it fair to say there came a point that where surveilling Carter Page became unlawful?

M. Horowitz: (18:06)
I will let the court decide that. The court has this report and will make that decision.

Lindsey Graham: (18:10)
Let’s put it this way. If you don’t have a legal foundation to surveil somebody and you keep doing it, is that bad?

M. Horowitz: (18:17)

Lindsey Graham: (18:19)
Is that spying?

M. Horowitz: (18:22)
It’s illegal surveillance. It’s not court authorized surveillance under FISA.
Horowitz's answer is based on a hypothetical question, not what he reported. :eusa_doh:

"If you don’t have a legal foundation to surveil somebody and you keep doing it, is that bad?"
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Horowitz's answer is based on a hypothetical question, not what he reported. :eusa_doh:

"If you don’t have a legal foundation to surveil somebody and you keep doing it, is that bad?"
Pathetic spin.

Horowitz already said that the Steele Dossier was central to the warrant and the dossier was full of lies and the FBI knew they were lies.

You people just can't deal with reality.

How is it you didn't know this months ago?
More pain coming...

From Horowitz prepared statement. Page 4.

READ: Justice Department inspector general Michael Horowitz's Senate testimony - CNNPolitics

We concluded that similar advance notice should be required in
circumstances such as those that were present here.
Shortly after the FBI opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, the FBI
conducted several consensually monitored meetings between FBI confidential

human sources (CHS) and individuals affiliated with the Trump campaign,
including a high-level campaign official who was not a subject of the
investigation. We found that the CHS operations received the necessary approvals

In case you don't know. A "consensually monitored meeting" means the spy is wearing a transmitter and/or recording device and the person being spied on does not know it.

Reality just isn't going your way.
The stimulus package? That created so few new jobs that the Obama Administration resorted to "jobs created or saved" to hide how few they actually DID create! TARP was George W. Bush's baby not Obama's. Barry primarily used TARP money to reward his political supporters and much of that money was wasted on companies that went belly up after taking our tax dollars! (like Solyndra!) How Obama handled the auto bail out was to screw over creditors and reward the auto workers unions. It ended up costing tax payers billions and is the kind of governmental overreach that makes investors leery of putting their capital into US businesses.

Bullshit. The stimulus generated millions of jobs. TARP was used by both administrations to prevent financial crisis. Creditors were always going to get screwed by bankruptcy. That’s how bankruptcy works. They got a better deal than they would have. Farm bailouts under Trump have cost twice as much as the auto bailouts, saved far fewer jobs, but y’all don’t seem to worry about government overreach when the beneficiaries are all red state toadies.

If the stimulus had actually created millions of job then they wouldn't have had to use "jobs created or saved" to mask how few they DID create!
TARP was used by both Administrations. We got repaid with interest with the TARP loans that Bush made. We got screwed out of billions on the loans that Barry made! The order of how creditors would be paid was altered by the Obama Administration so that the unions were taken care of before other creditors. That's not the way that bankruptcy works!
"If the stimulus had actually created millions of job then they wouldn't have had to use "jobs created or saved" to mask how few they DID create!"

Lying con tool, the Obama administration had been using the term, jobs created or saved, before ARRA was even passed.

Do you ever stop lying?

Ever??? :ack-1:
How often did they use it before the stimulus cratered...and how often did they use it AFTER? You're the bullshit artist when it comes to this, Faun...not I!
I didn't count, lying con tool, but it was a term they used from day one. Pretending like they only started using it after jobs numbers came in is you lying.

You don't want to count...because if you did...you'd have to admit that term was only used a few times before the Obama Administration started using it as it's go to stat when their stimulus failed miserably! You know you're as full of shit on this as the Obama Administration was when they substituted "jobs created or saved" for "jobs created"!
The stimulus package? That created so few new jobs that the Obama Administration resorted to "jobs created or saved" to hide how few they actually DID create! TARP was George W. Bush's baby not Obama's. Barry primarily used TARP money to reward his political supporters and much of that money was wasted on companies that went belly up after taking our tax dollars! (like Solyndra!) How Obama handled the auto bail out was to screw over creditors and reward the auto workers unions. It ended up costing tax payers billions and is the kind of governmental overreach that makes investors leery of putting their capital into US businesses.

Bullshit. The stimulus generated millions of jobs. TARP was used by both administrations to prevent financial crisis. Creditors were always going to get screwed by bankruptcy. That’s how bankruptcy works. They got a better deal than they would have. Farm bailouts under Trump have cost twice as much as the auto bailouts, saved far fewer jobs, but y’all don’t seem to worry about government overreach when the beneficiaries are all red state toadies.

If the stimulus had actually created millions of job then they wouldn't have had to use "jobs created or saved" to mask how few they DID create!
TARP was used by both Administrations. We got repaid with interest with the TARP loans that Bush made. We got screwed out of billions on the loans that Barry made! The order of how creditors would be paid was altered by the Obama Administration so that the unions were taken care of before other creditors. That's not the way that bankruptcy works!
If it hasn’t created millions of jobs the unemployment rate wouldn’t have been south of 5% when Trump took office.

Obama protecting them working man. God. What an asshole.
Obama did NOT protect the working man! Over the course of his administrations the rich got richer and the working class got poorer. Trump on the other hand has created jobs and increased pay for the jobs that people have. THAT protects the working man!
Yet you just went off whining that he helped union workers more than investors. Good god man, there’s no making you happy.

Just for the record, median household income rose substantially during the Obama administration. Wealth inequality has been climbing and continues to climb at a rapid pace helped in large part by Trump policies.

Did wealth inequality increase more during the Obama years...or during the Trump years, Colfax?

What I pointed out was that his auto bailout...where he placed the UAW in front of other creditors...is exactly the kind of thing that investors look at and question whether they want to invest their capital in a nation where their legal rights can be scrapped on the whim of an Administration! It was things like THAT...that had capital sitting on the sidelines during the early years of the Obama Administration!


Now that I've proven to a100% certainty, that the Obama FBI did in fact spy, illegally on the Trump campaign, you've both gone silent.


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The only thing Jordan picked was his nose. He's holding up his picking finger to show he didn't pull out a booger. He looks rather surprised.
The only thing Jordan picked was his nose. He's holding up his picking finger to show he didn't pull out a booger. He looks rather surprised.
I noticed you missed the part that Horowitz clearly and definitively stated that the Obama FBI did in fact Spy (actually he said "Surveille") on the Trump Campaign illegally by using illegally manufactured information and DNC/Hillary purchased lies to get a warrant.


Man up. I've admitted several times I was wrong. It's not as bad as you seem to think it is.


Now that I've proven to a100% certainty, that the Obama FBI did in fact spy, illegally on the Trump campaign, you've both gone silent.

No one has done that. And the Obama FBI did none of what you claim. Now you can repeat that lie to yourself everyday until Durham shows nothing happened, but I am not going to keep arguing with idiots who think debate means you get to make shit up and say it over and over.
The only thing Jordan picked was his nose. He's holding up his picking finger to show he didn't pull out a booger. He looks rather surprised.
I noticed you missed the part that Horowitz clearly and definitively stated that the Obama FBI did in fact Spy (actually he said "Surveille") on the Trump Campaign illegally by using illegally manufactured information and DNC/Hillary purchased lies to get a warrant.


Man up. I've admitted several times I was wrong. It's not as bad as you seem to think it is.
I didn't miss jack shit.

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The only thing Jordan picked was his nose. He's holding up his picking finger to show he didn't pull out a booger. He looks rather surprised.

You dim bitches are getting your asses handed to you. You all just keep saying the same thing. This week it’s “abuse of power “. Weak. It’s like the gay mafia.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The only thing Jordan picked was his nose. He's holding up his picking finger to show he didn't pull out a booger. He looks rather surprised.
I noticed you missed the part that Horowitz clearly and definitively stated that the Obama FBI did in fact Spy (actually he said "Surveille") on the Trump Campaign illegally by using illegally manufactured information and DNC/Hillary purchased lies to get a warrant.


Man up. I've admitted several times I was wrong. It's not as bad as you seem to think it is.
I didn't miss jack shit.
Well comment on the fact that Horowitz found exactly what Rush, Nunes, Hannity, and I (and lots of others) told you that Horowitz would find:

1. The Steele Dossier was central to the FISA warrant to spy on Page and his past, which included his emails and other electronic data from when he was a member of the Trump Campaign.
2. The Steele Dossier was paid for by Clinton/DNC.
3. The Steele Dossier was easily proven false.
4. The Obama FBI did not tell the FISA Judge that the dossier was false.
5. The Obama FBI did not tell the FISA Judge that the dossier was paid for by Hillary/DNC.
6. The Obama FBI used electronic surveillance, thanks to the illegal warrant, to spy on the Trump Campaign.

The only BIG thing I learned by the Horowitz report/Hearing was that the Obama FBI actually manufactured evidence (Changed an email from "was a CIA informant" to "was not a CIA informant") to keep renewing the FISA warrants.

Really... Man up and admit you were misinformed by your anti-Trump news sources and you swallowed the hook.

Like I said. I've admitted I was wrong before. It's OK.

Some Libtards will call you "Uncle Tom" or something similar for being honest, but I think you can take it.
The only thing Jordan picked was his nose. He's holding up his picking finger to show he didn't pull out a booger. He looks rather surprised.
I noticed you missed the part that Horowitz clearly and definitively stated that the Obama FBI did in fact Spy (actually he said "Surveille") on the Trump Campaign illegally by using illegally manufactured information and DNC/Hillary purchased lies to get a warrant.


Man up. I've admitted several times I was wrong. It's not as bad as you seem to think it is.

Obama is chillin in his new mansion, with all the money he got paid.

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The only thing Jordan picked was his nose. He's holding up his picking finger to show he didn't pull out a booger. He looks rather surprised.
I noticed you missed the part that Horowitz clearly and definitively stated that the Obama FBI did in fact Spy (actually he said "Surveille") on the Trump Campaign illegally by using illegally manufactured information and DNC/Hillary purchased lies to get a warrant.


Man up. I've admitted several times I was wrong. It's not as bad as you seem to think it is.
I didn't miss jack shit.
Well comment on the fact that Horowitz found exactly what Rush, Nunes, Hannity, and I (and lots of others) told you that Horowitz would find:

1. The Steele Dossier was central to the FISA warrant to spy on Page and his past, which included his emails and other electronic data from when he was a member of the Trump Campaign.
2. The Steele Dossier was paid for by Clinton/DNC.
3. The Steele Dossier was easily proven false.
4. The Obama FBI did not tell the FISA Judge that the dossier was false.
5. The Obama FBI did not tell the FISA Judge that the dossier was paid for by Hillary/DNC.
6. The Obama FBI used electronic surveillance, thanks to the illegal warrant, to spy on the Trump Campaign.

The only BIG thing I learned by the Horowitz report/Hearing was that the Obama FBI actually manufactured evidence (Changed an email from "was a CIA informant" to "was not a CIA informant") to keep renewing the FISA warrants.

Really... Man up and admit you were misinformed by your anti-Trump news sources and you swallowed the hook.

Like I said. I've admitted I was wrong before. It's OK.

Some Libtards will call you "Uncle Tom" or something similar for being honest, but I think you can take it.

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