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Another Lie debunked-IG report concludes FBI did not spy on trump campaign

trump has violated laws. If he is re elected you will come to understand what kind of mistake allowing him power is.

which ones, give us the statutes by number. Nadler and Schiff couldn't find any or they would have put them in their impeachment report.

So, for the last time, which laws has Trump broken?

You can stop trying to repeat republican talking points. You know what laws trump has broken. Your ass is Perry Mason when it comes to democrats even after investigations show no crime was committed. Therefore you know what crimes trump has committed but you don't care because he's a republican.

If its so obvious why are there no broken laws cited in the impeachment bill? Abuse of power and contempt of congress are not crimes. If they were then every previous president has committed them and 90% of americans currently hold congress in contempt.

So, one final time. Give us the numbers of the US statutes that Trump has violated. the Nadler and Schiff committees couldn't do it so I'm sure they would appreciate your help.
This is a political stunt, not a serious attempt to removed the President.

As such, it is an abuse of power, BY CONGRESS
That's a classic Trumpian tactic. Turn the table on your accuser by accusing him of what you did.
Congress is abusing it's impeachment power, just as the Framers feared. They have NO statutory crime, much less Treason, Bribery or ANY High Crime, or even a Misdemeanor. They have ZERO chance of removing him from office, there will be a partisan vote to impeach and a losing bipartisan vote Not to impeach in the House followed by a bipartisan vote Not to remove from office with a losing partisan vote to remove.

In both cases the bipartisan vote supports the President. With no chance for success, this is an abuse of power by the House and nothing more than a cheap electoral stunt, that if punished by the voters will not become a pattern.

We are exactly where the Framers hoped we would never be when they added the impeachment clauses to the Constitution: in a governing system in which impeachment has been trivialized into a partisan weapon for straitjacketing the incumbent administration, rather than being reserved as a nuclear option for misconduct so egregious that Congress must act, transcending partisan, factional, or ideological considerations.

Democrats’ impeachment inquiry has chewed up an inordinate amount of committee and floor time. Even so, the House appears to have reached agreement with the White House on a new trade deal with Canada and Mexico, as well as government spending for fiscal 2020. No one is taking impeachment all that seriously.

This has been obvious on Capitol Hill and the Beltway media. The Sunday political talk shows first ponder the tactical maneuvering toward impeachment and such concerns as the potential effect on Democrats holding seats in Trump-friendly districts. Then, after a commercial break, that panel returns to analyze the state of the 2020 race — which Democrat will emerge to challenge President Trump. Everyone knows that the impeachment machinations they just discussed are irrelevant. Trump is not going to be removed, he is going to be the GOP nominee. No one thinks impeachment will render him less formidable; in fact, the main attribute most Democrats look for in a candidate is electability against Trump, not issue consistency or ideological purity.

President Trump Impeachment & Democrats -- The Costs of Trivializing Impeachment | National Review
I was referring to his Schiff etc. fantasy.

I make no predictions about the election. When the will of the people can be subverted so easily by Russia...
A fake news Fairy Tale.
and the Electoral College, it’s a fools game.
Every President that has ever served in the World's Longest Surviving Democracy were elected by The Electoral College.

You folks are in deep need of yet another Electoral Ass Kicking.


Tired of the Left Refusing to Accept The Outcome of Free and Fair Elections.

Russian interference was fake news? Have you told all our intelligence agencies?
The Russian interfered to no avail, for their own purposes.
The Ukrainians interfered in collusion with the Democrats, who failed to affect the election and will soon completely fail to overturn the election.

And the most vicious collusion was between the FBI and the DNC

MUST WATCH: Senator Josh Hawley Calls Out The FBI Over Their Collusion With The DNC

You know the Ukrainian story is a lie created by Russia, right?

Charges of Ukrainian Meddling? A Russian Operation, U.S. Intelligence Says
Gees, you guys think Putin is omnipotent.

There are several claims of Ukraine meddling some that have been debunked, others that have not. Russia, where it can attempts to blame Ukraine for it's own meddling, the simple-minded then ignore the evidence and claim Ukraine is as pure as new snow.

There are two big differences between Russian meddling and Ukraine meddling. Russia did it's meddling for its own purposes, Ukraine meddled in conspiracy with Democrats.

Trump believes, with no supporting evidence that I'm aware of, that it was Ukraine, rather than Russia, that conducted cyber-espionage against Democratic email accounts. He also clearly believes that the hacked DNC server is hidden in Ukraine. No one else knows it's location and the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine it so that Russian interference could have been confirmed. I know of no evidence to support Trump's theory that it is in the Ukraine other than Crowd Strike, also a Hillary Clinton Contractor, examined the server and is owned by a Ukrainian. Now Trump has the right to believe whatever he likes and say what he wants, it wasn't until Dems went hysterical and tried to criminalize this belief that I began to wonder if maybe Trump was on to something, but, I'm willing to wait for the evidence before jumping to conclusions.

As for Ukraine efforts on Hillary's behalf, we had public professions of support for Clinton and opposition to Trump by Ukrainian officials. Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.

A Ukrainian court, in late 2018, concluded that two Ukrainian officials meddled in the election. More recently this decision was reversed, and I do not know on what grounds.

In 2018 House testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant. So Ukraine had a hand in this lurid, Hillary purchased piece of oppo crap that was used repeatedly by The Corrupt FBI to fool the FISA Court into authorize illegal spying by the Federal Government on the Trump campaign, Transition and Administration.

When Republicans and most Trump supporters refer to evidence of Ukrainian collusion in the 2016 election, it is this that they are generally speaking about. This is in no way mutually exclusive with the finding that Russia hacked the DNC accounts — it has nothing to do with the hacking.

There is nothing illogical in believing both that Russia hacked the Democrats and that Ukraine supported the Democrats.

Ukraine didn’t meddle. You’re repeating Trump’s (and Putin’s) lie.
A fake news Fairy Tale.
Every President that has ever served in the World's Longest Surviving Democracy were elected by The Electoral College.

You folks are in deep need of yet another Electoral Ass Kicking.


Tired of the Left Refusing to Accept The Outcome of Free and Fair Elections.

Russian interference was fake news? Have you told all our intelligence agencies?
The Russian interfered to no avail, for their own purposes.
The Ukrainians interfered in collusion with the Democrats, who failed to affect the election and will soon completely fail to overturn the election.

And the most vicious collusion was between the FBI and the DNC

MUST WATCH: Senator Josh Hawley Calls Out The FBI Over Their Collusion With The DNC

You know the Ukrainian story is a lie created by Russia, right?

Charges of Ukrainian Meddling? A Russian Operation, U.S. Intelligence Says
Gees, you guys think Putin is omnipotent.

There are several claims of Ukraine meddling some that have been debunked, others that have not. Russia, where it can attempts to blame Ukraine for it's own meddling, the simple-minded then ignore the evidence and claim Ukraine is as pure as new snow.

There are two big differences between Russian meddling and Ukraine meddling. Russia did it's meddling for its own purposes, Ukraine meddled in conspiracy with Democrats.

Trump believes, with no supporting evidence that I'm aware of, that it was Ukraine, rather than Russia, that conducted cyber-espionage against Democratic email accounts. He also clearly believes that the hacked DNC server is hidden in Ukraine. No one else knows it's location and the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine it so that Russian interference could have been confirmed. I know of no evidence to support Trump's theory that it is in the Ukraine other than Crowd Strike, also a Hillary Clinton Contractor, examined the server and is owned by a Ukrainian. Now Trump has the right to believe whatever he likes and say what he wants, it wasn't until Dems went hysterical and tried to criminalize this belief that I began to wonder if maybe Trump was on to something, but, I'm willing to wait for the evidence before jumping to conclusions.

As for Ukraine efforts on Hillary's behalf, we had public professions of support for Clinton and opposition to Trump by Ukrainian officials. Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.

A Ukrainian court, in late 2018, concluded that two Ukrainian officials meddled in the election. More recently this decision was reversed, and I do not know on what grounds.

In 2018 House testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant. So Ukraine had a hand in this lurid, Hillary purchased piece of oppo crap that was used repeatedly by The Corrupt FBI to fool the FISA Court into authorize illegal spying by the Federal Government on the Trump campaign, Transition and Administration.

When Republicans and most Trump supporters refer to evidence of Ukrainian collusion in the 2016 election, it is this that they are generally speaking about. This is in no way mutually exclusive with the finding that Russia hacked the DNC accounts — it has nothing to do with the hacking.

There is nothing illogical in believing both that Russia hacked the Democrats and that Ukraine supported the Democrats.

Ukraine didn’t meddle. You’re repeating Trump’s (and Putin’s) lie.
Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.

A Ukrainian court, in late 2018, concluded that two Ukrainian officials meddled in the election. More recently this decision was reversed, and I do not know on what grounds.

In 2018 House testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant.

Nellie Ohr is a Putin agent?
there is no evidence of the commission of any crimes by the president.
Except for the evidence he solicited foreign assistance in a US election and withheld congressionally appropriated military aid for Ukraine. You mean except for that evidence?

The only way you get that dog to hunt, Berg is if you assume that asking for an investigation into an apparent Quid Pro Quo situation with the Biden's fits the description of "foreign assistance in a US election"! If it was simply a US President asking the Ukraine to look into something that appeared to be shady then it doesn't fit that description at all! Since when is a President withholding appropriated aid for any country a "crime"? The President sets foreign policy...not Congress! If the President doesn't want to give aid that Congress has appropriated then the President is well within his rights to do so!
your first cite confirms that what the hillary campaign and the DNC did was illegal--------paying for a russian dossier of lies about their political rival.
There is no comparison between a campaign hiring a research firm to do work on Trump's activities in Russia, done by someone who did not know who he was working for, and neither did the campaign know who was doing the research or how he was doing it.......................to Trump directly asking the leader of a foreign nation to initiate an investigation of a likely political rival. The comparison is inane and only made to convince Trumpette's what Don did was "perfect."

You're right...there IS no comparison to the Clinton campaign and the DNC funding a phony dossier that is prepared by foreign agents to smear the opposition party's candidate and Trump asking the Ukraine to investigate the Hunter Biden "payoff"! What Clinton and the DNC did was sleazy and an affront to American voters! What Trump did was an affront to the Bidens!
there is no evidence of the commission of any crimes by the president.
Except for the evidence he solicited foreign assistance in a US election and withheld congressionally appropriated military aid for Ukraine. You mean except for that evidence?

The only way you get that dog to hunt, Berg is if you assume that asking for an investigation into an apparent Quid Pro Quo situation with the Biden's fits the description of "foreign assistance in a US election"! If it was simply a US President asking the Ukraine to look into something that appeared to be shady then it doesn't fit that description at all! Since when is a President withholding appropriated aid for any country a "crime"? The President sets foreign policy...not Congress! If the President doesn't want to give aid that Congress has appropriated then the President is well within his rights to do so!
Democrats’ latest impeachment line: Investigating corruption is ‘election interference’.

According to Democrats, any investigation of possible Democratic corruption, or of Democratic collusion with foreign officials to interfere in our elections, is itself impeachable interference in our elections.


Democrats have had trouble identifying a crime. That’s why they appear to have settled on a vague “abuse of power” standard that would make every future president impeachable. Without being able to articulate egregious executive misbehavior, they are nevertheless racing ahead.

The public wonders: What’s the rush? After all, Democrats apparently didn’t think the “crisis” was so dire that their Thanksgiving holiday should be postponed. In 11 months, the American people will be able to boot President Trump from office if they believe he is unfit. So why should the political class be permitted to pre-empt voters?

Finally, Democrats have come up with an answer: Trump must be removed, because he is bent on colluding with foreign powers to interfere in our elections; he will do it “again” if he isn’t stripped of power.

“Again,” of course, hearkens back to the Democrats’ Russia “collusion” narrative. They can’t let go of that narrative, notwithstanding the fact that the Mueller probe debunked it.

Democrats regard as impeachable “interference” any effort to investigate or draw attention to their known or suspected misconduct.

Democrats have repeated to numbing effect the refrain that Trump wanted the Ukrainians to conduct investigations “that would help him politically.” You aren’t supposed to ask why such investigations might have hurt Democrats.

By the Democrats lights, it makes no difference whether Trump was asking for an investigation out of good-faith reasons. It cannot be that there was something that cried out to be investigated.

That’s nonsense. For starters, Trump didn’t ask Ukraine for a “favor” and then cut right to the Bidens, as Democrats claim. Trump’s first ask was for help on Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election.

It’s a fact that Ukrainian officials did collude with Democrats in 2016. There is reason to believe that the Obama administration’s enforcement agencies leaned on their Ukrainian counterparts to investigate Paul Manafort, who served for a time as the Trump campaign’s chairman.

Ukrainian officials were in consultation with a Democratic political operative and Fusion GPS, the research firm that concocted the discredited Steele dossier at the Democratic National Committee’s and Clinton’s behest. Ukrainians were also complicit in the leaking of information that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign.

Moreover, when Trump and the Ukrainian president did get around to discussing the Bidens, Trump didn’t ask for information to be manufactured. Burisma, a notoriously corrupt Ukrainian energy company, had recruited then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son to its board. Hunter Biden had no relevant experience, yet Burisma lavishly compensated him. At the time, Biden was Team Obana’s point man on Ukraine policy. Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor who says he was trying to investigate Burisma.

It is absurd to insist that seeking to probe Democratic misadventures that warrant probing is somehow impeachable conduct. Yet in its push to undo the outcome of the 2016 election, the Democratic Party has learned to embrace absurdity.

I watched as much of it as I could stomach. the pathetic dems have nothing, no crimes, just "we don't like the way he talks".

the senate will kill this hoax. and the dems will lose the house because of it. the american people are fed up with morons like Schiff, Nadler, and mama Pelosi.

No, the Senate will abdicate their duty to the Constitution and their country in favor of a vulgar, authoritarian with a pattern of corrupt behavior and obstruction.

the house committee vote was strictly on partisan lines, the vote in the entire house will have democrats voting no with all of the republicans. I suspect that the vote in the senate to deny the bill will also be bi-partisan because there is no evidence of the commission of any crimes by the president.

However, there is evidence of crimes by Schiff, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Steele, the clinton campaign, and the DNC. If you think this is over, you are very wrong. the dems are destroying themselves in their blood lust to remove Trump.

Nothing in what you posted even vaguely resembles reality. Find new sources of information. The ones you have are lying to you. Trump lies to you.

I guess we will find out next week. Care to bet on how many dems vote with the republicans? My guess is 8-10. It will still pass and the senate will still kill it, but its fun watching the dems self destruct.

We know Republicans in the Senate will abdicate their duty. Moscow Mitch, beholden to Putin, already said so...but Trump will go down in history as the 3rd president to be impeached regardless of whether Senate Republicans ignore their constitutional duty or not.

do you ever post anything that has an inkling of truth? did the dems on the house committees abdicate their duty when they voted for impeachment on party lines with no evidence of any crime? did they abdicate their duty when they started the impeachment charade on election day?

The only people in DC beholding to Putin are the clintons, remember that plastic reset button? the uranium one deal? paying for the russian dossier of lies?

the constitutional duty of the senators is to vote based on the evidence presented, and they will do that, unlike the democrats on the house committees.

Nixon was not impeached, he resigned
Clinton was impeached by the house due to evidence of crimes and perjury.

The current fiasco is nothing like either of those.
Russian interference was fake news? Have you told all our intelligence agencies?
The Russian interfered to no avail, for their own purposes.
The Ukrainians interfered in collusion with the Democrats, who failed to affect the election and will soon completely fail to overturn the election.

And the most vicious collusion was between the FBI and the DNC

MUST WATCH: Senator Josh Hawley Calls Out The FBI Over Their Collusion With The DNC

You know the Ukrainian story is a lie created by Russia, right?

Charges of Ukrainian Meddling? A Russian Operation, U.S. Intelligence Says
Gees, you guys think Putin is omnipotent.

There are several claims of Ukraine meddling some that have been debunked, others that have not. Russia, where it can attempts to blame Ukraine for it's own meddling, the simple-minded then ignore the evidence and claim Ukraine is as pure as new snow.

There are two big differences between Russian meddling and Ukraine meddling. Russia did it's meddling for its own purposes, Ukraine meddled in conspiracy with Democrats.

Trump believes, with no supporting evidence that I'm aware of, that it was Ukraine, rather than Russia, that conducted cyber-espionage against Democratic email accounts. He also clearly believes that the hacked DNC server is hidden in Ukraine. No one else knows it's location and the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine it so that Russian interference could have been confirmed. I know of no evidence to support Trump's theory that it is in the Ukraine other than Crowd Strike, also a Hillary Clinton Contractor, examined the server and is owned by a Ukrainian. Now Trump has the right to believe whatever he likes and say what he wants, it wasn't until Dems went hysterical and tried to criminalize this belief that I began to wonder if maybe Trump was on to something, but, I'm willing to wait for the evidence before jumping to conclusions.

As for Ukraine efforts on Hillary's behalf, we had public professions of support for Clinton and opposition to Trump by Ukrainian officials. Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.

A Ukrainian court, in late 2018, concluded that two Ukrainian officials meddled in the election. More recently this decision was reversed, and I do not know on what grounds.

In 2018 House testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant. So Ukraine had a hand in this lurid, Hillary purchased piece of oppo crap that was used repeatedly by The Corrupt FBI to fool the FISA Court into authorize illegal spying by the Federal Government on the Trump campaign, Transition and Administration.

When Republicans and most Trump supporters refer to evidence of Ukrainian collusion in the 2016 election, it is this that they are generally speaking about. This is in no way mutually exclusive with the finding that Russia hacked the DNC accounts — it has nothing to do with the hacking.

There is nothing illogical in believing both that Russia hacked the Democrats and that Ukraine supported the Democrats.

Ukraine didn’t meddle. You’re repeating Trump’s (and Putin’s) lie.
Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.

A Ukrainian court, in late 2018, concluded that two Ukrainian officials meddled in the election. More recently this decision was reversed, and I do not know on what grounds.

In 2018 House testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant.

Nellie Ohr is a Putin agent?


No, the Senate will abdicate their duty to the Constitution and their country in favor of a vulgar, authoritarian with a pattern of corrupt behavior and obstruction.

the house committee vote was strictly on partisan lines, the vote in the entire house will have democrats voting no with all of the republicans. I suspect that the vote in the senate to deny the bill will also be bi-partisan because there is no evidence of the commission of any crimes by the president.

However, there is evidence of crimes by Schiff, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Steele, the clinton campaign, and the DNC. If you think this is over, you are very wrong. the dems are destroying themselves in their blood lust to remove Trump.

Nothing in what you posted even vaguely resembles reality. Find new sources of information. The ones you have are lying to you. Trump lies to you.

I guess we will find out next week. Care to bet on how many dems vote with the republicans? My guess is 8-10. It will still pass and the senate will still kill it, but its fun watching the dems self destruct.

We know Republicans in the Senate will abdicate their duty. Moscow Mitch, beholden to Putin, already said so...but Trump will go down in history as the 3rd president to be impeached regardless of whether Senate Republicans ignore their constitutional duty or not.

do you ever post anything that has an inkling of truth? did the dems on the house committees abdicate their duty when they voted for impeachment on party lines with no evidence of any crime? did they abdicate their duty when they started the impeachment charade on election day?

The only people in DC beholding to Putin are the clintons, remember that plastic reset button? the uranium one deal? paying for the russian dossier of lies?

the constitutional duty of the senators is to vote based on the evidence presented, and they will do that, unlike the democrats on the house committees.

Nixon was not impeached, he resigned
Clinton was impeached by the house due to evidence of crimes and perjury.

The current fiasco is nothing like either of those.

Facts not in dispute:

Trump held up foreign aid to a country under attack from Russia. He did it for the sole reason of digging up dirt on a political rival.

There is a reason Republicans won’t answer whether or not pressuring a foreign country to help you win an election is okay to do. They know it isn’t but Trump won’t let them say so.

Trump abused his power. If it were a Democrat, Republicans would be impeaching them. To say otherwise is a flat out, bald faced lie.
the house committee vote was strictly on partisan lines, the vote in the entire house will have democrats voting no with all of the republicans. I suspect that the vote in the senate to deny the bill will also be bi-partisan because there is no evidence of the commission of any crimes by the president.

However, there is evidence of crimes by Schiff, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Steele, the clinton campaign, and the DNC. If you think this is over, you are very wrong. the dems are destroying themselves in their blood lust to remove Trump.

Nothing in what you posted even vaguely resembles reality. Find new sources of information. The ones you have are lying to you. Trump lies to you.

I guess we will find out next week. Care to bet on how many dems vote with the republicans? My guess is 8-10. It will still pass and the senate will still kill it, but its fun watching the dems self destruct.

We know Republicans in the Senate will abdicate their duty. Moscow Mitch, beholden to Putin, already said so...but Trump will go down in history as the 3rd president to be impeached regardless of whether Senate Republicans ignore their constitutional duty or not.

do you ever post anything that has an inkling of truth? did the dems on the house committees abdicate their duty when they voted for impeachment on party lines with no evidence of any crime? did they abdicate their duty when they started the impeachment charade on election day?

The only people in DC beholding to Putin are the clintons, remember that plastic reset button? the uranium one deal? paying for the russian dossier of lies?

the constitutional duty of the senators is to vote based on the evidence presented, and they will do that, unlike the democrats on the house committees.

Nixon was not impeached, he resigned
Clinton was impeached by the house due to evidence of crimes and perjury.

The current fiasco is nothing like either of those.

Facts not in dispute:

Trump held up foreign aid to a country under attack from Russia. He did it for the sole reason of digging up dirt on a political rival.

There is a reason Republicans won’t answer whether or not pressuring a foreign country to help you win an election is okay to do. They know it isn’t but Trump won’t let them say so.

Trump abused his power. If it were a Democrat, Republicans would be impeaching them. To say otherwise is a flat out, bald faced lie.

at least you are consistent. another post without and inkling of truth. If those things are not in dispute why are they not in the bill passed by Nadler's committee? Why did they leave those "facts" out of their impeachment bill? Answer: because even those idiots know that those are not facts.
Nothing in what you posted even vaguely resembles reality. Find new sources of information. The ones you have are lying to you. Trump lies to you.

I guess we will find out next week. Care to bet on how many dems vote with the republicans? My guess is 8-10. It will still pass and the senate will still kill it, but its fun watching the dems self destruct.

We know Republicans in the Senate will abdicate their duty. Moscow Mitch, beholden to Putin, already said so...but Trump will go down in history as the 3rd president to be impeached regardless of whether Senate Republicans ignore their constitutional duty or not.

do you ever post anything that has an inkling of truth? did the dems on the house committees abdicate their duty when they voted for impeachment on party lines with no evidence of any crime? did they abdicate their duty when they started the impeachment charade on election day?

The only people in DC beholding to Putin are the clintons, remember that plastic reset button? the uranium one deal? paying for the russian dossier of lies?

the constitutional duty of the senators is to vote based on the evidence presented, and they will do that, unlike the democrats on the house committees.

Nixon was not impeached, he resigned
Clinton was impeached by the house due to evidence of crimes and perjury.

The current fiasco is nothing like either of those.

Facts not in dispute:

Trump held up foreign aid to a country under attack from Russia. He did it for the sole reason of digging up dirt on a political rival.

There is a reason Republicans won’t answer whether or not pressuring a foreign country to help you win an election is okay to do. They know it isn’t but Trump won’t let them say so.

Trump abused his power. If it were a Democrat, Republicans would be impeaching them. To say otherwise is a flat out, bald faced lie.

at least you are consistent. another post without and inkling of truth. If those things are not in dispute why are they not in the bill passed by Nadler's committee? Why did they leave those "facts" out of their impeachment bill? Answer: because even those idiots know that those are not facts.

No lying fishy. These are facts. Trump did those things. He admitted it. Mulvany admitted it. Try actually arguing facts, not conspiracy theories.

Abuse of power is the first article, moron.
The Russian interfered to no avail, for their own purposes.
The Ukrainians interfered in collusion with the Democrats, who failed to affect the election and will soon completely fail to overturn the election.

And the most vicious collusion was between the FBI and the DNC

MUST WATCH: Senator Josh Hawley Calls Out The FBI Over Their Collusion With The DNC

You know the Ukrainian story is a lie created by Russia, right?

Charges of Ukrainian Meddling? A Russian Operation, U.S. Intelligence Says
Gees, you guys think Putin is omnipotent.

There are several claims of Ukraine meddling some that have been debunked, others that have not. Russia, where it can attempts to blame Ukraine for it's own meddling, the simple-minded then ignore the evidence and claim Ukraine is as pure as new snow.

There are two big differences between Russian meddling and Ukraine meddling. Russia did it's meddling for its own purposes, Ukraine meddled in conspiracy with Democrats.

Trump believes, with no supporting evidence that I'm aware of, that it was Ukraine, rather than Russia, that conducted cyber-espionage against Democratic email accounts. He also clearly believes that the hacked DNC server is hidden in Ukraine. No one else knows it's location and the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine it so that Russian interference could have been confirmed. I know of no evidence to support Trump's theory that it is in the Ukraine other than Crowd Strike, also a Hillary Clinton Contractor, examined the server and is owned by a Ukrainian. Now Trump has the right to believe whatever he likes and say what he wants, it wasn't until Dems went hysterical and tried to criminalize this belief that I began to wonder if maybe Trump was on to something, but, I'm willing to wait for the evidence before jumping to conclusions.

As for Ukraine efforts on Hillary's behalf, we had public professions of support for Clinton and opposition to Trump by Ukrainian officials. Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.

A Ukrainian court, in late 2018, concluded that two Ukrainian officials meddled in the election. More recently this decision was reversed, and I do not know on what grounds.

In 2018 House testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant. So Ukraine had a hand in this lurid, Hillary purchased piece of oppo crap that was used repeatedly by The Corrupt FBI to fool the FISA Court into authorize illegal spying by the Federal Government on the Trump campaign, Transition and Administration.

When Republicans and most Trump supporters refer to evidence of Ukrainian collusion in the 2016 election, it is this that they are generally speaking about. This is in no way mutually exclusive with the finding that Russia hacked the DNC accounts — it has nothing to do with the hacking.

There is nothing illogical in believing both that Russia hacked the Democrats and that Ukraine supported the Democrats.

Ukraine didn’t meddle. You’re repeating Trump’s (and Putin’s) lie.
Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.

A Ukrainian court, in late 2018, concluded that two Ukrainian officials meddled in the election. More recently this decision was reversed, and I do not know on what grounds.

In 2018 House testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant.

Nellie Ohr is a Putin agent?


Politifact repeatedly rated Obama's Lie of the Year, first True, then mostly true, and then finally false when it was undeniable. It was false and a lie the whole time. Politifact is Fake News.

Further, this "factcheck" does not address the following points, which are indisputable:

Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

i)Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.​

ii)In 2018 House SWORN testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant.​

from the video:

Comey said, “Horowitz’s right. I was wrong. I was overconfident as director in our procedures of the FBI and Justice have built over 20 years years. I thought they were robust enough. It’s incredibly hard to get a FISA. I was overconfident in those because he’s right, there was real sloppiness — 17 things that should have been in the application or at least discussed and characterized differently. It was not acceptable, so he’s right. I was wrong.”

from the video:

Comey said, “Horowitz’s right. I was wrong. I was overconfident as director in our procedures of the FBI and Justice have built over 20 years years. I thought they were robust enough. It’s incredibly hard to get a FISA. I was overconfident in those because he’s right, there was real sloppiness — 17 things that should have been in the application or at least discussed and characterized differently. It was not acceptable, so he’s right. I was wrong.”

Criminally wrong. Leftists never admit that.

from the video:

Comey said, “Horowitz’s right. I was wrong. I was overconfident as director in our procedures of the FBI and Justice have built over 20 years years. I thought they were robust enough. It’s incredibly hard to get a FISA. I was overconfident in those because he’s right, there was real sloppiness — 17 things that should have been in the application or at least discussed and characterized differently. It was not acceptable, so he’s right. I was wrong.”

Criminally wrong. Leftists never admit that.

If they admitted it they would also have to commit to changing to lawfully right.
You know the Ukrainian story is a lie created by Russia, right?

Charges of Ukrainian Meddling? A Russian Operation, U.S. Intelligence Says
Gees, you guys think Putin is omnipotent.

There are several claims of Ukraine meddling some that have been debunked, others that have not. Russia, where it can attempts to blame Ukraine for it's own meddling, the simple-minded then ignore the evidence and claim Ukraine is as pure as new snow.

There are two big differences between Russian meddling and Ukraine meddling. Russia did it's meddling for its own purposes, Ukraine meddled in conspiracy with Democrats.

Trump believes, with no supporting evidence that I'm aware of, that it was Ukraine, rather than Russia, that conducted cyber-espionage against Democratic email accounts. He also clearly believes that the hacked DNC server is hidden in Ukraine. No one else knows it's location and the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine it so that Russian interference could have been confirmed. I know of no evidence to support Trump's theory that it is in the Ukraine other than Crowd Strike, also a Hillary Clinton Contractor, examined the server and is owned by a Ukrainian. Now Trump has the right to believe whatever he likes and say what he wants, it wasn't until Dems went hysterical and tried to criminalize this belief that I began to wonder if maybe Trump was on to something, but, I'm willing to wait for the evidence before jumping to conclusions.

As for Ukraine efforts on Hillary's behalf, we had public professions of support for Clinton and opposition to Trump by Ukrainian officials. Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.

A Ukrainian court, in late 2018, concluded that two Ukrainian officials meddled in the election. More recently this decision was reversed, and I do not know on what grounds.

In 2018 House testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant. So Ukraine had a hand in this lurid, Hillary purchased piece of oppo crap that was used repeatedly by The Corrupt FBI to fool the FISA Court into authorize illegal spying by the Federal Government on the Trump campaign, Transition and Administration.

When Republicans and most Trump supporters refer to evidence of Ukrainian collusion in the 2016 election, it is this that they are generally speaking about. This is in no way mutually exclusive with the finding that Russia hacked the DNC accounts — it has nothing to do with the hacking.

There is nothing illogical in believing both that Russia hacked the Democrats and that Ukraine supported the Democrats.

Ukraine didn’t meddle. You’re repeating Trump’s (and Putin’s) lie.
Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.

A Ukrainian court, in late 2018, concluded that two Ukrainian officials meddled in the election. More recently this decision was reversed, and I do not know on what grounds.

In 2018 House testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant.

Nellie Ohr is a Putin agent?


Politifact repeatedly rated Obama's Lie of the Year, first True, then mostly true, and then finally false when it was undeniable. It was false and a lie the whole time. Politifact is Fake News.

Further, this "factcheck" does not address the following points, which are indisputable:

Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

i)Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.​

ii)In 2018 House SWORN testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant.​

It is beyond weak to attack the source, especially when all you have are debunked tinfoil theories.
the house committee vote was strictly on partisan lines, the vote in the entire house will have democrats voting no with all of the republicans. I suspect that the vote in the senate to deny the bill will also be bi-partisan because there is no evidence of the commission of any crimes by the president.

However, there is evidence of crimes by Schiff, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Steele, the clinton campaign, and the DNC. If you think this is over, you are very wrong. the dems are destroying themselves in their blood lust to remove Trump.

Nothing in what you posted even vaguely resembles reality. Find new sources of information. The ones you have are lying to you. Trump lies to you.

I guess we will find out next week. Care to bet on how many dems vote with the republicans? My guess is 8-10. It will still pass and the senate will still kill it, but its fun watching the dems self destruct.

We know Republicans in the Senate will abdicate their duty. Moscow Mitch, beholden to Putin, already said so...but Trump will go down in history as the 3rd president to be impeached regardless of whether Senate Republicans ignore their constitutional duty or not.

do you ever post anything that has an inkling of truth? did the dems on the house committees abdicate their duty when they voted for impeachment on party lines with no evidence of any crime? did they abdicate their duty when they started the impeachment charade on election day?

The only people in DC beholding to Putin are the clintons, remember that plastic reset button? the uranium one deal? paying for the russian dossier of lies?

the constitutional duty of the senators is to vote based on the evidence presented, and they will do that, unlike the democrats on the house committees.

Nixon was not impeached, he resigned
Clinton was impeached by the house due to evidence of crimes and perjury.

The current fiasco is nothing like either of those.

Facts not in dispute:

Trump held up foreign aid to a country under attack from Russia. He did it for the sole reason of digging up dirt on a political rival.

There is a reason Republicans won’t answer whether or not pressuring a foreign country to help you win an election is okay to do. They know it isn’t but Trump won’t let them say so.

Trump abused his power. If it were a Democrat, Republicans would be impeaching them. To say otherwise is a flat out, bald faced lie.

This whole thing is SUCH a crock of shit! Donald Trump gave the Ukraine WEAPONS to fight back against the Russians...Barack Obama gave them BLANKETS but you accuse Trump of not helping a country "under attack"? The truth is that Trump gave the Ukrainians REAL help...Barry gave them 'lip service'!

Holding up aid to a nation where there is rampant corruption because you're concerned that there was something untoward going on between Joe Biden and the Ukrainians not only isn't an impeachable offense...Donald Trump should be commended for making sure we weren't aiding in that corruption! That's a foreign policy decision and the President has the responsibility of setting foreign policy! Not Congress! Not Adam Schiff! Not Jerry Nadler! Not Nancy Pelosi!

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