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Another Lie debunked-IG report concludes FBI did not spy on trump campaign

Gees, you guys think Putin is omnipotent.

There are several claims of Ukraine meddling some that have been debunked, others that have not. Russia, where it can attempts to blame Ukraine for it's own meddling, the simple-minded then ignore the evidence and claim Ukraine is as pure as new snow.

There are two big differences between Russian meddling and Ukraine meddling. Russia did it's meddling for its own purposes, Ukraine meddled in conspiracy with Democrats.

Trump believes, with no supporting evidence that I'm aware of, that it was Ukraine, rather than Russia, that conducted cyber-espionage against Democratic email accounts. He also clearly believes that the hacked DNC server is hidden in Ukraine. No one else knows it's location and the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine it so that Russian interference could have been confirmed. I know of no evidence to support Trump's theory that it is in the Ukraine other than Crowd Strike, also a Hillary Clinton Contractor, examined the server and is owned by a Ukrainian. Now Trump has the right to believe whatever he likes and say what he wants, it wasn't until Dems went hysterical and tried to criminalize this belief that I began to wonder if maybe Trump was on to something, but, I'm willing to wait for the evidence before jumping to conclusions.

As for Ukraine efforts on Hillary's behalf, we had public professions of support for Clinton and opposition to Trump by Ukrainian officials. Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.

A Ukrainian court, in late 2018, concluded that two Ukrainian officials meddled in the election. More recently this decision was reversed, and I do not know on what grounds.

In 2018 House testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant. So Ukraine had a hand in this lurid, Hillary purchased piece of oppo crap that was used repeatedly by The Corrupt FBI to fool the FISA Court into authorize illegal spying by the Federal Government on the Trump campaign, Transition and Administration.

When Republicans and most Trump supporters refer to evidence of Ukrainian collusion in the 2016 election, it is this that they are generally speaking about. This is in no way mutually exclusive with the finding that Russia hacked the DNC accounts — it has nothing to do with the hacking.

There is nothing illogical in believing both that Russia hacked the Democrats and that Ukraine supported the Democrats.

Ukraine didn’t meddle. You’re repeating Trump’s (and Putin’s) lie.
Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.

A Ukrainian court, in late 2018, concluded that two Ukrainian officials meddled in the election. More recently this decision was reversed, and I do not know on what grounds.

In 2018 House testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant.

Nellie Ohr is a Putin agent?


Politifact repeatedly rated Obama's Lie of the Year, first True, then mostly true, and then finally false when it was undeniable. It was false and a lie the whole time. Politifact is Fake News.

Further, this "factcheck" does not address the following points, which are indisputable:

Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

i)Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.​

ii)In 2018 House SWORN testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant.​

It is beyond weak to attack the source, especially when all you have are debunked tinfoil theories.
These are facts:

Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

i)Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.

ii)In 2018 House SWORN testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant.
Ukraine didn’t meddle. You’re repeating Trump’s (and Putin’s) lie.
Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.

A Ukrainian court, in late 2018, concluded that two Ukrainian officials meddled in the election. More recently this decision was reversed, and I do not know on what grounds.

In 2018 House testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant.

Nellie Ohr is a Putin agent?


Politifact repeatedly rated Obama's Lie of the Year, first True, then mostly true, and then finally false when it was undeniable. It was false and a lie the whole time. Politifact is Fake News.

Further, this "factcheck" does not address the following points, which are indisputable:

Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

i)Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.​

ii)In 2018 House SWORN testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant.​

It is beyond weak to attack the source, especially when all you have are debunked tinfoil theories.
These are facts:

Ukrainian investigators openly acknowledge that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

i)Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.

ii)In 2018 House SWORN testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — admitted that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant.


Leshchenko, an anti-corruption activist who continued to work as a journalist while serving in parliament, has never been, as Castor suggested, a pillar of Ukraine’s establishment, so the idea that his publication of pages from the ledger was akin to Russia’s interference in the 2016 election is absurd.

Leshchenko himself explained in a September Washington Post opinion piece that his motivation for exposing Manafort’s corruption was not, as Republicans now claim, part of a Ukrainian government plot to defeat Trump.

“I will always be angry at Manafort,” Leshchenko wrote. “His work contributed greatly to Yanukovych’s election victory in 2010; Yanukovych then used his position as president to enrich himself and his inner circle. I have no doubt that Yanukovych paid Manafort for his services out of the funds he robbed from Ukrainian taxpayers.”

“My desire to expose Manafort’s doings was motivated by the desire for justice,” he continued. “Neither Hillary Clinton, nor Joe Biden, nor John Podesta, nor George Soros asked me to publish the information from the black ledger. I wanted to obtain accountability for the lobbyist whose client immersed Ukraine in a blood bath during the Revolution of Dignity and the subsequent war in eastern Ukraine, when Yanukovych called on Russia to send troops.”​

Leshchenko, an anti-corruption activist who continued to work as a journalist while serving in parliament, has never been, as Castor suggested, a pillar of Ukraine’s establishment, so the idea that his publication of pages from the ledger was akin to Russia’s interference in the 2016 election is absurd.

Leshchenko himself explained in a September Washington Post opinion piece that his motivation for exposing Manafort’s corruption was not, as Republicans now claim, part of a Ukrainian government plot to defeat Trump.

“I will always be angry at Manafort,” Leshchenko wrote. “His work contributed greatly to Yanukovych’s election victory in 2010; Yanukovych then used his position as president to enrich himself and his inner circle. I have no doubt that Yanukovych paid Manafort for his services out of the funds he robbed from Ukrainian taxpayers.”

“My desire to expose Manafort’s doings was motivated by the desire for justice,” he continued. “Neither Hillary Clinton, nor Joe Biden, nor John Podesta, nor George Soros asked me to publish the information from the black ledger. I wanted to obtain accountability for the lobbyist whose client immersed Ukraine in a blood bath during the Revolution of Dignity and the subsequent war in eastern Ukraine, when Yanukovych called on Russia to send troops.”​
Trump's re-election will result in part, from Americans grateful for the good job Trump did with Ukraine, spotlighting the Bidens' corruption.
I guess we will find out next week. Care to bet on how many dems vote with the republicans? My guess is 8-10. It will still pass and the senate will still kill it, but its fun watching the dems self destruct.

We know Republicans in the Senate will abdicate their duty. Moscow Mitch, beholden to Putin, already said so...but Trump will go down in history as the 3rd president to be impeached regardless of whether Senate Republicans ignore their constitutional duty or not.

do you ever post anything that has an inkling of truth? did the dems on the house committees abdicate their duty when they voted for impeachment on party lines with no evidence of any crime? did they abdicate their duty when they started the impeachment charade on election day?

The only people in DC beholding to Putin are the clintons, remember that plastic reset button? the uranium one deal? paying for the russian dossier of lies?

the constitutional duty of the senators is to vote based on the evidence presented, and they will do that, unlike the democrats on the house committees.

Nixon was not impeached, he resigned
Clinton was impeached by the house due to evidence of crimes and perjury.

The current fiasco is nothing like either of those.

Facts not in dispute:

Trump held up foreign aid to a country under attack from Russia. He did it for the sole reason of digging up dirt on a political rival.

There is a reason Republicans won’t answer whether or not pressuring a foreign country to help you win an election is okay to do. They know it isn’t but Trump won’t let them say so.

Trump abused his power. If it were a Democrat, Republicans would be impeaching them. To say otherwise is a flat out, bald faced lie.

at least you are consistent. another post without and inkling of truth. If those things are not in dispute why are they not in the bill passed by Nadler's committee? Why did they leave those "facts" out of their impeachment bill? Answer: because even those idiots know that those are not facts.

No lying fishy. These are facts. Trump did those things. He admitted it. Mulvany admitted it. Try actually arguing facts, not conspiracy theories.

Abuse of power is the first article, moron.

abuse of power is a very generalized term, it could mean almost anything. The lying dems didn't include anything specific because they have no evidence of specific crimes.

your heroine Pelosi admitted last week that this impeachment charade was not based on the Ukraine stuff but that it had been going on for 2 1/2 years.

Its total bullshit and the senate will end it and make the dems in the house look like the fools that they are.

At least two house dems have already announced that they are changing parties because of this criminal effort to overturn the will of the people.

from the video:

Comey said, “Horowitz’s right. I was wrong. I was overconfident as director in our procedures of the FBI and Justice have built over 20 years years. I thought they were robust enough. It’s incredibly hard to get a FISA. I was overconfident in those because he’s right, there was real sloppiness — 17 things that should have been in the application or at least discussed and characterized differently. It was not acceptable, so he’s right. I was wrong.”

It was all on him and he is trying to put the blame on his underlings.
We know Republicans in the Senate will abdicate their duty. Moscow Mitch, beholden to Putin, already said so...but Trump will go down in history as the 3rd president to be impeached regardless of whether Senate Republicans ignore their constitutional duty or not.

do you ever post anything that has an inkling of truth? did the dems on the house committees abdicate their duty when they voted for impeachment on party lines with no evidence of any crime? did they abdicate their duty when they started the impeachment charade on election day?

The only people in DC beholding to Putin are the clintons, remember that plastic reset button? the uranium one deal? paying for the russian dossier of lies?

the constitutional duty of the senators is to vote based on the evidence presented, and they will do that, unlike the democrats on the house committees.

Nixon was not impeached, he resigned
Clinton was impeached by the house due to evidence of crimes and perjury.

The current fiasco is nothing like either of those.

Facts not in dispute:

Trump held up foreign aid to a country under attack from Russia. He did it for the sole reason of digging up dirt on a political rival.

There is a reason Republicans won’t answer whether or not pressuring a foreign country to help you win an election is okay to do. They know it isn’t but Trump won’t let them say so.

Trump abused his power. If it were a Democrat, Republicans would be impeaching them. To say otherwise is a flat out, bald faced lie.

at least you are consistent. another post without and inkling of truth. If those things are not in dispute why are they not in the bill passed by Nadler's committee? Why did they leave those "facts" out of their impeachment bill? Answer: because even those idiots know that those are not facts.

No lying fishy. These are facts. Trump did those things. He admitted it. Mulvany admitted it. Try actually arguing facts, not conspiracy theories.

Abuse of power is the first article, moron.

abuse of power is a very generalized term, it could mean almost anything. The lying dems didn't include anything specific because they have no evidence of specific crimes.

your heroine Pelosi admitted last week that this impeachment charade was not based on the Ukraine stuff but that it had been going on for 2 1/2 years.

Its total bullshit and the senate will end it and make the dems in the house look like the fools that they are.

At least two house dems have already announced that they are changing parties because of this criminal effort to overturn the will of the people.
The FBI clearly abused it's power.
Schiff clearly abused his power.
The House is clearly misusing it's impeachment power.
Yep cut the tax breaks for billionaires and cut military spending by 67 percent

Ask any leftists what can we cut, and the only answer is that which actually protects us....

because leftists steal, which is why they are opposed to cutting anything..... because that would be cutting what they are stealing.
We know Republicans in the Senate will abdicate their duty. Moscow Mitch, beholden to Putin, already said so...but Trump will go down in history as the 3rd president to be impeached regardless of whether Senate Republicans ignore their constitutional duty or not.

do you ever post anything that has an inkling of truth? did the dems on the house committees abdicate their duty when they voted for impeachment on party lines with no evidence of any crime? did they abdicate their duty when they started the impeachment charade on election day?

The only people in DC beholding to Putin are the clintons, remember that plastic reset button? the uranium one deal? paying for the russian dossier of lies?

the constitutional duty of the senators is to vote based on the evidence presented, and they will do that, unlike the democrats on the house committees.

Nixon was not impeached, he resigned
Clinton was impeached by the house due to evidence of crimes and perjury.

The current fiasco is nothing like either of those.

Facts not in dispute:

Trump held up foreign aid to a country under attack from Russia. He did it for the sole reason of digging up dirt on a political rival.

There is a reason Republicans won’t answer whether or not pressuring a foreign country to help you win an election is okay to do. They know it isn’t but Trump won’t let them say so.

Trump abused his power. If it were a Democrat, Republicans would be impeaching them. To say otherwise is a flat out, bald faced lie.

at least you are consistent. another post without and inkling of truth. If those things are not in dispute why are they not in the bill passed by Nadler's committee? Why did they leave those "facts" out of their impeachment bill? Answer: because even those idiots know that those are not facts.

No lying fishy. These are facts. Trump did those things. He admitted it. Mulvany admitted it. Try actually arguing facts, not conspiracy theories.

Abuse of power is the first article, moron.

abuse of power is a very generalized term, it could mean almost anything. The lying dems didn't include anything specific because they have no evidence of specific crimes.

your heroine Pelosi admitted last week that this impeachment charade was not based on the Ukraine stuff but that it had been going on for 2 1/2 years.

Its total bullshit and the senate will end it and make the dems in the house look like the fools that they are.

At least two house dems have already announced that they are changing parties because of this criminal effort to overturn the will of the people.

To go with the numerous Ex Republicans that left the GOP over Rump.
We know Republicans in the Senate will abdicate their duty. Moscow Mitch, beholden to Putin, already said so...but Trump will go down in history as the 3rd president to be impeached regardless of whether Senate Republicans ignore their constitutional duty or not.

do you ever post anything that has an inkling of truth? did the dems on the house committees abdicate their duty when they voted for impeachment on party lines with no evidence of any crime? did they abdicate their duty when they started the impeachment charade on election day?

The only people in DC beholding to Putin are the clintons, remember that plastic reset button? the uranium one deal? paying for the russian dossier of lies?

the constitutional duty of the senators is to vote based on the evidence presented, and they will do that, unlike the democrats on the house committees.

Nixon was not impeached, he resigned
Clinton was impeached by the house due to evidence of crimes and perjury.

The current fiasco is nothing like either of those.

Facts not in dispute:

Trump held up foreign aid to a country under attack from Russia. He did it for the sole reason of digging up dirt on a political rival.

There is a reason Republicans won’t answer whether or not pressuring a foreign country to help you win an election is okay to do. They know it isn’t but Trump won’t let them say so.

Trump abused his power. If it were a Democrat, Republicans would be impeaching them. To say otherwise is a flat out, bald faced lie.

at least you are consistent. another post without and inkling of truth. If those things are not in dispute why are they not in the bill passed by Nadler's committee? Why did they leave those "facts" out of their impeachment bill? Answer: because even those idiots know that those are not facts.

No lying fishy. These are facts. Trump did those things. He admitted it. Mulvany admitted it. Try actually arguing facts, not conspiracy theories.

Abuse of power is the first article, moron.

abuse of power is a very generalized term, it could mean almost anything. The lying dems didn't include anything specific because they have no evidence of specific crimes.

your heroine Pelosi admitted last week that this impeachment charade was not based on the Ukraine stuff but that it had been going on for 2 1/2 years.

Its total bullshit and the senate will end it and make the dems in the house look like the fools that they are.

At least two house dems have already announced that they are changing parties because of this criminal effort to overturn the will of the people.

They were very specific. You haven't read diddly.

Donald J. Trump has abused the powers of the Presidency, in that:

Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election.

He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage.

President Trump also sought to pressure the Government of Ukraine to take these steps by conditioning official United States Government acts of significant value to Ukraine on its public announcement of the investigations.

President Trump engaged in this scheme or course of conduct for corrupt purposes in pursuit of personal political benefit.

In so doing, President Trump used the powers of the Presidency in a manner that compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process. He thus ignored and injured the interests of the Nation.

President Trump engaged in this scheme or course of conduct through the following means:

(1) President Trump—acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Government—corruptly solicited the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into—

(A) a political opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.; and

(B) a discredited theory promoted by Russia alleging that Ukraine—rather than Russia—interfered in the 2016 United States Presidential election.

(2) With the same corrupt motives, President Trump—acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Government—conditioned two official acts on the public announcements that he had requested—

(A) the release of $391 million of United States taxpayer funds that Congress had appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to Ukraine to oppose Russian aggression and which President Trump had ordered suspended; and

(B) a head of state meeting at the White House, which the President of Ukraine sought to demonstrate continued United States support for the Government of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.

(3) Faced with the public revelation of his actions, President Trump ultimately released the military and security assistance to the Government of Ukraine, but has persisted in openly and corruptly urging and soliciting Ukraine to undertake investigations for his personal political benefit.

These actions were consistent with President Trump’s previous invitations of foreign interference in United States elections.

In all of this, President Trump abused the powers of the Presidency by ignoring and injuring national security and other vital national interests to obtain an improper personal political benefit. He has also betrayed the Nation by abusing his high office to enlist a foreign power in corrupting democratic elections.

Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law. President Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.

do you ever post anything that has an inkling of truth? did the dems on the house committees abdicate their duty when they voted for impeachment on party lines with no evidence of any crime? did they abdicate their duty when they started the impeachment charade on election day?

The only people in DC beholding to Putin are the clintons, remember that plastic reset button? the uranium one deal? paying for the russian dossier of lies?

the constitutional duty of the senators is to vote based on the evidence presented, and they will do that, unlike the democrats on the house committees.

Nixon was not impeached, he resigned
Clinton was impeached by the house due to evidence of crimes and perjury.

The current fiasco is nothing like either of those.

Facts not in dispute:

Trump held up foreign aid to a country under attack from Russia. He did it for the sole reason of digging up dirt on a political rival.

There is a reason Republicans won’t answer whether or not pressuring a foreign country to help you win an election is okay to do. They know it isn’t but Trump won’t let them say so.

Trump abused his power. If it were a Democrat, Republicans would be impeaching them. To say otherwise is a flat out, bald faced lie.

at least you are consistent. another post without and inkling of truth. If those things are not in dispute why are they not in the bill passed by Nadler's committee? Why did they leave those "facts" out of their impeachment bill? Answer: because even those idiots know that those are not facts.

No lying fishy. These are facts. Trump did those things. He admitted it. Mulvany admitted it. Try actually arguing facts, not conspiracy theories.

Abuse of power is the first article, moron.

abuse of power is a very generalized term, it could mean almost anything. The lying dems didn't include anything specific because they have no evidence of specific crimes.

your heroine Pelosi admitted last week that this impeachment charade was not based on the Ukraine stuff but that it had been going on for 2 1/2 years.

Its total bullshit and the senate will end it and make the dems in the house look like the fools that they are.

At least two house dems have already announced that they are changing parties because of this criminal effort to overturn the will of the people.

They were very specific. You haven't read diddly.

Donald J. Trump has abused the powers of the Presidency, in that:

Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election.

He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage.

President Trump also sought to pressure the Government of Ukraine to take these steps by conditioning official United States Government acts of significant value to Ukraine on its public announcement of the investigations.

President Trump engaged in this scheme or course of conduct for corrupt purposes in pursuit of personal political benefit.

In so doing, President Trump used the powers of the Presidency in a manner that compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process. He thus ignored and injured the interests of the Nation.

President Trump engaged in this scheme or course of conduct through the following means:

(1) President Trump—acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Government—corruptly solicited the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into—

(A) a political opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.; and

(B) a discredited theory promoted by Russia alleging that Ukraine—rather than Russia—interfered in the 2016 United States Presidential election.

(2) With the same corrupt motives, President Trump—acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Government—conditioned two official acts on the public announcements that he had requested—

(A) the release of $391 million of United States taxpayer funds that Congress had appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to Ukraine to oppose Russian aggression and which President Trump had ordered suspended; and

(B) a head of state meeting at the White House, which the President of Ukraine sought to demonstrate continued United States support for the Government of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.

(3) Faced with the public revelation of his actions, President Trump ultimately released the military and security assistance to the Government of Ukraine, but has persisted in openly and corruptly urging and soliciting Ukraine to undertake investigations for his personal political benefit.

These actions were consistent with President Trump’s previous invitations of foreign interference in United States elections.

In all of this, President Trump abused the powers of the Presidency by ignoring and injuring national security and other vital national interests to obtain an improper personal political benefit. He has also betrayed the Nation by abusing his high office to enlist a foreign power in corrupting democratic elections.

Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law. President Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.

There was Abuse of Power:

The Corrupt FBI abused it's power to illegally spy on the Trump Campaign.

The Venal Mueller abused his power to conduct an "investigation" of Trump Russian Collusion when he knew there was no evidence to support it, and he stretched it out for 2 and half years.

The Corrupt Schiff colluded with the "Whistle Blower".

The Corrupt House Leadership is abusing it's impeachment authority.

So yes, there is a LOT of abuse of authority going on out there.
Facts not in dispute:

Trump held up foreign aid to a country under attack from Russia. He did it for the sole reason of digging up dirt on a political rival.

There is a reason Republicans won’t answer whether or not pressuring a foreign country to help you win an election is okay to do. They know it isn’t but Trump won’t let them say so.

Trump abused his power. If it were a Democrat, Republicans would be impeaching them. To say otherwise is a flat out, bald faced lie.

at least you are consistent. another post without and inkling of truth. If those things are not in dispute why are they not in the bill passed by Nadler's committee? Why did they leave those "facts" out of their impeachment bill? Answer: because even those idiots know that those are not facts.

No lying fishy. These are facts. Trump did those things. He admitted it. Mulvany admitted it. Try actually arguing facts, not conspiracy theories.

Abuse of power is the first article, moron.

abuse of power is a very generalized term, it could mean almost anything. The lying dems didn't include anything specific because they have no evidence of specific crimes.

your heroine Pelosi admitted last week that this impeachment charade was not based on the Ukraine stuff but that it had been going on for 2 1/2 years.

Its total bullshit and the senate will end it and make the dems in the house look like the fools that they are.

At least two house dems have already announced that they are changing parties because of this criminal effort to overturn the will of the people.

They were very specific. You haven't read diddly.

Donald J. Trump has abused the powers of the Presidency, in that:

Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election.

He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage.

President Trump also sought to pressure the Government of Ukraine to take these steps by conditioning official United States Government acts of significant value to Ukraine on its public announcement of the investigations.

President Trump engaged in this scheme or course of conduct for corrupt purposes in pursuit of personal political benefit.

In so doing, President Trump used the powers of the Presidency in a manner that compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process. He thus ignored and injured the interests of the Nation.

President Trump engaged in this scheme or course of conduct through the following means:

(1) President Trump—acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Government—corruptly solicited the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into—

(A) a political opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.; and

(B) a discredited theory promoted by Russia alleging that Ukraine—rather than Russia—interfered in the 2016 United States Presidential election.

(2) With the same corrupt motives, President Trump—acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Government—conditioned two official acts on the public announcements that he had requested—

(A) the release of $391 million of United States taxpayer funds that Congress had appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to Ukraine to oppose Russian aggression and which President Trump had ordered suspended; and

(B) a head of state meeting at the White House, which the President of Ukraine sought to demonstrate continued United States support for the Government of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.

(3) Faced with the public revelation of his actions, President Trump ultimately released the military and security assistance to the Government of Ukraine, but has persisted in openly and corruptly urging and soliciting Ukraine to undertake investigations for his personal political benefit.

These actions were consistent with President Trump’s previous invitations of foreign interference in United States elections.

In all of this, President Trump abused the powers of the Presidency by ignoring and injuring national security and other vital national interests to obtain an improper personal political benefit. He has also betrayed the Nation by abusing his high office to enlist a foreign power in corrupting democratic elections.

Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law. President Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.

There was Abuse of Power:

The Corrupt FBI abused it's power to illegally spy on the Trump Campaign.

The Venal Mueller abused his power to conduct an "investigation" of Trump Russian Collusion when he knew there was no evidence to support it, and he stretched it out for 2 and half years.

The Corrupt Schiff colluded with the "Whistle Blower".

The Corrupt House Leadership is abusing it's impeachment authority.

So yes, there is a LOT of abuse of authority going on out there.

That isn’t what the IG report concluded.
at least you are consistent. another post without and inkling of truth. If those things are not in dispute why are they not in the bill passed by Nadler's committee? Why did they leave those "facts" out of their impeachment bill? Answer: because even those idiots know that those are not facts.

No lying fishy. These are facts. Trump did those things. He admitted it. Mulvany admitted it. Try actually arguing facts, not conspiracy theories.

Abuse of power is the first article, moron.

abuse of power is a very generalized term, it could mean almost anything. The lying dems didn't include anything specific because they have no evidence of specific crimes.

your heroine Pelosi admitted last week that this impeachment charade was not based on the Ukraine stuff but that it had been going on for 2 1/2 years.

Its total bullshit and the senate will end it and make the dems in the house look like the fools that they are.

At least two house dems have already announced that they are changing parties because of this criminal effort to overturn the will of the people.

They were very specific. You haven't read diddly.

Donald J. Trump has abused the powers of the Presidency, in that:

Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election.

He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage.

President Trump also sought to pressure the Government of Ukraine to take these steps by conditioning official United States Government acts of significant value to Ukraine on its public announcement of the investigations.

President Trump engaged in this scheme or course of conduct for corrupt purposes in pursuit of personal political benefit.

In so doing, President Trump used the powers of the Presidency in a manner that compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process. He thus ignored and injured the interests of the Nation.

President Trump engaged in this scheme or course of conduct through the following means:

(1) President Trump—acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Government—corruptly solicited the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into—

(A) a political opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.; and

(B) a discredited theory promoted by Russia alleging that Ukraine—rather than Russia—interfered in the 2016 United States Presidential election.

(2) With the same corrupt motives, President Trump—acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Government—conditioned two official acts on the public announcements that he had requested—

(A) the release of $391 million of United States taxpayer funds that Congress had appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to Ukraine to oppose Russian aggression and which President Trump had ordered suspended; and

(B) a head of state meeting at the White House, which the President of Ukraine sought to demonstrate continued United States support for the Government of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.

(3) Faced with the public revelation of his actions, President Trump ultimately released the military and security assistance to the Government of Ukraine, but has persisted in openly and corruptly urging and soliciting Ukraine to undertake investigations for his personal political benefit.

These actions were consistent with President Trump’s previous invitations of foreign interference in United States elections.

In all of this, President Trump abused the powers of the Presidency by ignoring and injuring national security and other vital national interests to obtain an improper personal political benefit. He has also betrayed the Nation by abusing his high office to enlist a foreign power in corrupting democratic elections.

Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law. President Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.

There was Abuse of Power:

The Corrupt FBI abused it's power to illegally spy on the Trump Campaign.

The Venal Mueller abused his power to conduct an "investigation" of Trump Russian Collusion when he knew there was no evidence to support it, and he stretched it out for 2 and half years.

The Corrupt Schiff colluded with the "Whistle Blower".

The Corrupt House Leadership is abusing it's impeachment authority.

So yes, there is a LOT of abuse of authority going on out there.

That isn’t what the IG report concluded.
Horowitz Reported 17 acts of misconduct misleading where the Corrupt FBI misled the FISA Court in order to illegally spy on Trump:

I cover the first above: They hid the fact that Carter Page was an approved source FOR the CIA reporting on the Russians to assist The National Security of the United States. Naturally, this required interactions with Russian Intelligence, which they had been repeatedly informed, in writing, by Brennan. They even inserted wording to those warning, to reverse the meaning, and used it in the FISA submission!

The Second was they LIED about how reliable a source Steele was.

Now for the 3rd of 17 swindles perpetuated on The Court by The Corrupt FBI:

Omitted information relevant to the reliability of Person 1, a key Steele sub-source (who, as previously noted, was attributed with providing the information in Report 95 and some of the information in Reports 80 and 102 relied upon in the application), namely that (1) Steele himself told members of the Crossfire Hurricane team that Person 1 was a “boaster” and an “egoist” and “may engage in some embellishment” and (2) [redacted]
So Steele himself told The Corrupt FBI that his own source, and Source ONE, no less, had serious credibility issues. Naturally they the Corrupt FBI hid this from the Court, had they told the truth, they wouldn't have been authorized to illegally spy on a US Presidential Campaign.

IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ‘Inaccuracies And Omissions’ In The FBI’s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page
Should we believe the OP, or people in the know?

<<...Obama ‘Must Have Known’ About Spying...>>>

Trump Says Obama 'Must Have Known' About Spying on His Campaign
Well if theepochtimes.com says it, it must be true, right?

No lying fishy. These are facts. Trump did those things. He admitted it. Mulvany admitted it. Try actually arguing facts, not conspiracy theories.

Abuse of power is the first article, moron.

abuse of power is a very generalized term, it could mean almost anything. The lying dems didn't include anything specific because they have no evidence of specific crimes.

your heroine Pelosi admitted last week that this impeachment charade was not based on the Ukraine stuff but that it had been going on for 2 1/2 years.

Its total bullshit and the senate will end it and make the dems in the house look like the fools that they are.

At least two house dems have already announced that they are changing parties because of this criminal effort to overturn the will of the people.

They were very specific. You haven't read diddly.

Donald J. Trump has abused the powers of the Presidency, in that:

Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election.

He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage.

President Trump also sought to pressure the Government of Ukraine to take these steps by conditioning official United States Government acts of significant value to Ukraine on its public announcement of the investigations.

President Trump engaged in this scheme or course of conduct for corrupt purposes in pursuit of personal political benefit.

In so doing, President Trump used the powers of the Presidency in a manner that compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process. He thus ignored and injured the interests of the Nation.

President Trump engaged in this scheme or course of conduct through the following means:

(1) President Trump—acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Government—corruptly solicited the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into—

(A) a political opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.; and

(B) a discredited theory promoted by Russia alleging that Ukraine—rather than Russia—interfered in the 2016 United States Presidential election.

(2) With the same corrupt motives, President Trump—acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Government—conditioned two official acts on the public announcements that he had requested—

(A) the release of $391 million of United States taxpayer funds that Congress had appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to Ukraine to oppose Russian aggression and which President Trump had ordered suspended; and

(B) a head of state meeting at the White House, which the President of Ukraine sought to demonstrate continued United States support for the Government of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.

(3) Faced with the public revelation of his actions, President Trump ultimately released the military and security assistance to the Government of Ukraine, but has persisted in openly and corruptly urging and soliciting Ukraine to undertake investigations for his personal political benefit.

These actions were consistent with President Trump’s previous invitations of foreign interference in United States elections.

In all of this, President Trump abused the powers of the Presidency by ignoring and injuring national security and other vital national interests to obtain an improper personal political benefit. He has also betrayed the Nation by abusing his high office to enlist a foreign power in corrupting democratic elections.

Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law. President Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.

There was Abuse of Power:

The Corrupt FBI abused it's power to illegally spy on the Trump Campaign.

The Venal Mueller abused his power to conduct an "investigation" of Trump Russian Collusion when he knew there was no evidence to support it, and he stretched it out for 2 and half years.

The Corrupt Schiff colluded with the "Whistle Blower".

The Corrupt House Leadership is abusing it's impeachment authority.

So yes, there is a LOT of abuse of authority going on out there.

That isn’t what the IG report concluded.
Horowitz Reported 17 acts of misconduct misleading where the Corrupt FBI misled the FISA Court in order to illegally spy on Trump:

I cover the first above: They hid the fact that Carter Page was an approved source FOR the CIA reporting on the Russians to assist The National Security of the United States. Naturally, this required interactions with Russian Intelligence, which they had been repeatedly informed, in writing, by Brennan. They even inserted wording to those warning, to reverse the meaning, and used it in the FISA submission!

The Second was they LIED about how reliable a source Steele was.

Now for the 3rd of 17 swindles perpetuated on The Court by The Corrupt FBI:

Omitted information relevant to the reliability of Person 1, a key Steele sub-source (who, as previously noted, was attributed with providing the information in Report 95 and some of the information in Reports 80 and 102 relied upon in the application), namely that (1) Steele himself told members of the Crossfire Hurricane team that Person 1 was a “boaster” and an “egoist” and “may engage in some embellishment” and (2) [redacted]
So Steele himself told The Corrupt FBI that his own source, and Source ONE, no less, had serious credibility issues. Naturally they the Corrupt FBI hid this from the Court, had they told the truth, they wouldn't have been authorized to illegally spy on a US Presidential Campaign.

IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ‘Inaccuracies And Omissions’ In The FBI’s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page


IG report: As we describe in Chapter Three, the FBI opened Crossfire Hurricane on July 31, 2016, just days after its receipt of information from a Friendly Foreign Government (FFG) reporting that, in May 2016, during a meeting with the FFG, then Trump campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos “suggested the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion from Russia that it could assist this process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to Mrs. Clinton (and President Obama).” The FBI Electronic Communication (EC) opening the Crossfire Hurricane investigation stated that, based on the FFG information, “this investigation is being opened to determine whether individual(s) associated with the Trump campaign are witting of and/or coordinating activities with the Government of Russia.”

IG report: These officials, though, did not become aware of Steele’s election reporting until weeks later and we therefore determined that Steele’s reports played no role in the Crossfire Hurricane opening.

After the FBI opened an investigation in late July 2016, the FBI used four confidential human sources and “a few” undercover employees that “resulted in interactions with Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and a high-level Trump campaign official who was not a subject of the investigation.”

However, the report said the interactions between the Trump campaign aides and the FBI’s confidential sources “received the necessary FBI approvals” and were “consensually monitored and recorded by the FBI.”

Lastly, the report said it learned that the FBI had “several other” confidential sources “with either a connection to candidate Trump or a role in the Trump campaign.” But they “were not tasked as part of the” investigation.

One such FBI source who “knew candidate Trump” gave the FBI “general information” about Page that was already publicly available. “We found no evidence that any members of the Crossfire Hurricane team ever suggested inserting this [confidential human source] into the Trump campaign to gather investigative information,” the report said.

Another FBI source “held a position in the Trump campaign,” but did not tell the FBI about his or her role until after leaving the campaign.

IG report: We concluded that Priestap’s exercise of discretion in opening the investigation was in compliance with Department and FBI policies, and we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced his decision. We similarly found that, while the formal documentation opening each of the four individual investigations was approved by Strzok (as required by the DIOG), the decisions to do so were reached by a consensus among the Crossfire Hurricane agents and analysts who identified individuals associated with the Trump campaign who had recently traveled to Russia or had other alleged ties to Russia.

IG report: We therefore concluded the FBI met the requirement in the AG Guidelines and the DIOG that Crossfire Hurricane be opened for an “authorized purpose,” namely “to detect, obtain information about, or prevent or protect against federal crimes or threats to the national security or to collect foreign intelligence.” We also determined that, although the investigation had the potential to impact constitutionally protected activity, the FBI’s decision to open the investigation was permissible under both Department and FBI policies because there was a legitimate law enforcement purpose associated with the investigation.​
Should we believe the OP, or people in the know?

<<...Obama ‘Must Have Known’ About Spying...>>>

Trump Says Obama 'Must Have Known' About Spying on His Campaign
Of course he knew. Counter Intelligence Investigations are conducted to inform The President. In the Stzok Page Texts they say that Obama wanted to know everything they were doing.

The associates of Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page said that exchange referred to the president’s wanting information on Russia election meddling, which the FBI was heavily involved in over that period. That exchange occurred just days before Mr. Obama met Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in China. Mr. Obama said in December 2016 that he had addressed the issue of tampering with the election process with Mr. Putin at that September meeting.

Text From 2016 Shows Obama’s Interest in FBI Employees’ Work
Should we believe the OP, or people in the know?

<<...Obama ‘Must Have Known’ About Spying...>>>

Trump Says Obama 'Must Have Known' About Spying on His Campaign
Of course he knew. Counter Intelligence Investigations are conducted to inform The President. In the Stzok Page Texts they say that Obama wanted to know everything they were doing.

The associates of Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page said that exchange referred to the president’s wanting information on Russia election meddling, which the FBI was heavily involved in over that period. That exchange occurred just days before Mr. Obama met Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in China. Mr. Obama said in December 2016 that he had addressed the issue of tampering with the election process with Mr. Putin at that September meeting.

Text From 2016 Shows Obama’s Interest in FBI Employees’ Work
Oh, the old unnamed "associates of" ehhh?
What's wrong with the old Fake News Favorite: Unnamed "Former and Current WH intelligence officials" followed by 3.5 years of complete lies?

Further, Counter Intelligence Investigations are undertaken FOR the President, that is their purpose. The President when these Agencies went Rogue, illegally spying on Obama's watch, occurred while Obama was President.

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