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Another Lie debunked-IG report concludes FBI did not spy on trump campaign

That isn’t what the IG report concluded.
Horowitz Reported 17 acts of misconduct misleading where the Corrupt FBI misled the FISA Court in order to illegally spy on Trump:

I cover the first above: They hid the fact that Carter Page was an approved source FOR the CIA reporting on the Russians to assist The National Security of the United States. Naturally, this required interactions with Russian Intelligence, which they had been repeatedly informed, in writing, by Brennan. They even inserted wording to those warning, to reverse the meaning, and used it in the FISA submission!

The Second was they LIED about how reliable a source Steele was.

Now for the 3rd of 17 swindles perpetuated on The Court by The Corrupt FBI:

Omitted information relevant to the reliability of Person 1, a key Steele sub-source (who, as previously noted, was attributed with providing the information in Report 95 and some of the information in Reports 80 and 102 relied upon in the application), namely that (1) Steele himself told members of the Crossfire Hurricane team that Person 1 was a “boaster” and an “egoist” and “may engage in some embellishment” and (2) [redacted]
So Steele himself told The Corrupt FBI that his own source, and Source ONE, no less, had serious credibility issues. Naturally they the Corrupt FBI hid this from the Court, had they told the truth, they wouldn't have been authorized to illegally spy on a US Presidential Campaign.

IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ‘Inaccuracies And Omissions’ In The FBI’s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page


IG report: As we describe in Chapter Three, the FBI opened Crossfire Hurricane on July 31, 2016, just days after its receipt of information from a Friendly Foreign Government (FFG) reporting that, in May 2016, during a meeting with the FFG, then Trump campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos “suggested the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion from Russia that it could assist this process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to Mrs. Clinton (and President Obama).” The FBI Electronic Communication (EC) opening the Crossfire Hurricane investigation stated that, based on the FFG information, “this investigation is being opened to determine whether individual(s) associated with the Trump campaign are witting of and/or coordinating activities with the Government of Russia.”

IG report: These officials, though, did not become aware of Steele’s election reporting until weeks later and we therefore determined that Steele’s reports played no role in the Crossfire Hurricane opening.

After the FBI opened an investigation in late July 2016, the FBI used four confidential human sources and “a few” undercover employees that “resulted in interactions with Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and a high-level Trump campaign official who was not a subject of the investigation.”

However, the report said the interactions between the Trump campaign aides and the FBI’s confidential sources “received the necessary FBI approvals” and were “consensually monitored and recorded by the FBI.”

Lastly, the report said it learned that the FBI had “several other” confidential sources “with either a connection to candidate Trump or a role in the Trump campaign.” But they “were not tasked as part of the” investigation.

One such FBI source who “knew candidate Trump” gave the FBI “general information” about Page that was already publicly available. “We found no evidence that any members of the Crossfire Hurricane team ever suggested inserting this [confidential human source] into the Trump campaign to gather investigative information,” the report said.

Another FBI source “held a position in the Trump campaign,” but did not tell the FBI about his or her role until after leaving the campaign.

IG report: We concluded that Priestap’s exercise of discretion in opening the investigation was in compliance with Department and FBI policies, and we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced his decision. We similarly found that, while the formal documentation opening each of the four individual investigations was approved by Strzok (as required by the DIOG), the decisions to do so were reached by a consensus among the Crossfire Hurricane agents and analysts who identified individuals associated with the Trump campaign who had recently traveled to Russia or had other alleged ties to Russia.

IG report: We therefore concluded the FBI met the requirement in the AG Guidelines and the DIOG that Crossfire Hurricane be opened for an “authorized purpose,” namely “to detect, obtain information about, or prevent or protect against federal crimes or threats to the national security or to collect foreign intelligence.” We also determined that, although the investigation had the potential to impact constitutionally protected activity, the FBI’s decision to open the investigation was permissible under both Department and FBI policies because there was a legitimate law enforcement purpose associated with the investigation.​

all of that simply says that the OPENING of the investigation was proper. thats all it says

Which is in direct contrast to what Crooked Donnie kept saying over and over and over.

The FISA court is going to get an overhaul. Good. It’s needed one since 9/11 and the bullshit “patriot act”.

wrong again, Trump has consistently said that the investigation was improper and not based on facts, or on made up facts. The IG report confirmed that. Sorry, you libs lose again
Trump was wrong on every one of his lying claims. The IG report YOU told me to wait for said exactly what the leaks of the report said it would...and it was not what you or Trump thought it would be. Now, like the Trump sucking sycophant you are, you say "wait for the next report". And when that doesn't say there was a partisan illegal start to the Russia Investigation, that it wasn't a witch hunt? What will your lame excuse be then, fishy?
Horowitz Reported 17 acts of misconduct misleading where the Corrupt FBI misled the FISA Court in order to illegally spy on Trump:

I cover the first above: They hid the fact that Carter Page was an approved source FOR the CIA reporting on the Russians to assist The National Security of the United States. Naturally, this required interactions with Russian Intelligence, which they had been repeatedly informed, in writing, by Brennan. They even inserted wording to those warning, to reverse the meaning, and used it in the FISA submission!

The Second was they LIED about how reliable a source Steele was.

Now for the 3rd of 17 swindles perpetuated on The Court by The Corrupt FBI:

Omitted information relevant to the reliability of Person 1, a key Steele sub-source (who, as previously noted, was attributed with providing the information in Report 95 and some of the information in Reports 80 and 102 relied upon in the application), namely that (1) Steele himself told members of the Crossfire Hurricane team that Person 1 was a “boaster” and an “egoist” and “may engage in some embellishment” and (2) [redacted]
So Steele himself told The Corrupt FBI that his own source, and Source ONE, no less, had serious credibility issues. Naturally they the Corrupt FBI hid this from the Court, had they told the truth, they wouldn't have been authorized to illegally spy on a US Presidential Campaign.

IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ‘Inaccuracies And Omissions’ In The FBI’s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page


IG report: As we describe in Chapter Three, the FBI opened Crossfire Hurricane on July 31, 2016, just days after its receipt of information from a Friendly Foreign Government (FFG) reporting that, in May 2016, during a meeting with the FFG, then Trump campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos “suggested the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion from Russia that it could assist this process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to Mrs. Clinton (and President Obama).” The FBI Electronic Communication (EC) opening the Crossfire Hurricane investigation stated that, based on the FFG information, “this investigation is being opened to determine whether individual(s) associated with the Trump campaign are witting of and/or coordinating activities with the Government of Russia.”

IG report: These officials, though, did not become aware of Steele’s election reporting until weeks later and we therefore determined that Steele’s reports played no role in the Crossfire Hurricane opening.

After the FBI opened an investigation in late July 2016, the FBI used four confidential human sources and “a few” undercover employees that “resulted in interactions with Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and a high-level Trump campaign official who was not a subject of the investigation.”

However, the report said the interactions between the Trump campaign aides and the FBI’s confidential sources “received the necessary FBI approvals” and were “consensually monitored and recorded by the FBI.”

Lastly, the report said it learned that the FBI had “several other” confidential sources “with either a connection to candidate Trump or a role in the Trump campaign.” But they “were not tasked as part of the” investigation.

One such FBI source who “knew candidate Trump” gave the FBI “general information” about Page that was already publicly available. “We found no evidence that any members of the Crossfire Hurricane team ever suggested inserting this [confidential human source] into the Trump campaign to gather investigative information,” the report said.

Another FBI source “held a position in the Trump campaign,” but did not tell the FBI about his or her role until after leaving the campaign.

IG report: We concluded that Priestap’s exercise of discretion in opening the investigation was in compliance with Department and FBI policies, and we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced his decision. We similarly found that, while the formal documentation opening each of the four individual investigations was approved by Strzok (as required by the DIOG), the decisions to do so were reached by a consensus among the Crossfire Hurricane agents and analysts who identified individuals associated with the Trump campaign who had recently traveled to Russia or had other alleged ties to Russia.

IG report: We therefore concluded the FBI met the requirement in the AG Guidelines and the DIOG that Crossfire Hurricane be opened for an “authorized purpose,” namely “to detect, obtain information about, or prevent or protect against federal crimes or threats to the national security or to collect foreign intelligence.” We also determined that, although the investigation had the potential to impact constitutionally protected activity, the FBI’s decision to open the investigation was permissible under both Department and FBI policies because there was a legitimate law enforcement purpose associated with the investigation.​

all of that simply says that the OPENING of the investigation was proper. thats all it says

Which is in direct contrast to what Crooked Donnie kept saying over and over and over.

The FISA court is going to get an overhaul. Good. It’s needed one since 9/11 and the bullshit “patriot act”.

wrong again, Trump has consistently said that the investigation was improper and not based on facts, or on made up facts. The IG report confirmed that. Sorry, you libs lose again
...doesn't say there was a partisan illegal start to the Russia Investigation...
Oh, the FBI was presumed to be of the highest integrity and so are given the broadest possible latitude to open an investigation, the question is not whether they COULD but whether they SHOULD.

But even stipulating that they could START the investigation, certainly no one defends the Corrupt FBI submitting a forgery into the FISA application!

The Corrupt FBI did notify the FISC that it terminated Steele as a source; it’s just that the Corrupt FBI hadn’t actually terminated him, instead using DOJ attorney Bruce Ohr as a conduit. Or as the IG put it, “the use of Ohr as a conduit between the FBI and Steele created a relationship by proxy” with Steele.
... that it wasn't a witch hunt?...
Oh it was most certainly a Witch Hunt. With these folks it's all lies and pretense, take the current "debate" in the House on the articles. There is no debate, the outcome is preordained, it's a bunch of repetition and meaningless posturing, that's why the ratings are so terrible, the American People are sick of the Democrat's abuse of authority and antics of a spoiled child.

The IG thoroughly chastised the Corrupt FBI for not questioning “Steele about his role in a September 23, 2016 Yahoo News article entitled, U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump advisor and Kremlin.” It was not just the Corrupt FBI’s uncanny lack of curiosity the IG condemned, but that “the FBI assessed in the Carter Page FISA applications, without any support, that Steele had not ‘directly provided’ that information to Yahoo News.”

That's lying. And we don't want the Corrupt FBI lying to the FISA judges so they can illegally spy on American Citizens.

Steele’s primary sub-source “contradicted key assertions” related to the alleged meeting between Page and the Kremlin-connected Igor Sechin.

Two of the renewal applications summarized the Corrupt FBI’s discussion with the sub-source deceptively, stating: “In an effort to further corroborate Steele’s reporting,” the FISA applications stated they met with the primary sub-source and found him to be “truthful and cooperative.” The IG found that including this statement without also noting that the primary sub-source had contradicted key assertions in Steele’s reporting, “left a misimpression that the Primary Sub-source had corroborated the Steele reporting.”

That's is, the Corrupt FBI told the FISC yet another lie.

IG Report Proves Schiff Has Been Lying About Spygate Since Beginning


It would be really nice if the FBI stuck to the truth and the Democrats quit trying to overturn the 2016 election. Their time would be much better spent working for the American People who are enjoying an unpredicted holiday season of unparalleled prosperity even as the Santa Claus Rally rings in the Election Year!
Our FISA regulations didn't anticipate a thoroughly corrupt FBI lying to and concealing evidence from the Court. What Comey etal have shown is that the FISA court is powerless to protect our civil liberties in the face of a Venal FBI willing to lie, conceal and withhold.

These are exparte proceedings, that is, they are secret. Most people that are spied on, never know it, and they expected Hillary to win, meaning that no one was ever going to know about this.

As casually as Comey is responding to this, it appears this level of dishonesty by the FBI is routine.


Would like to see the FBI staffed only with those of the highest integrity, moral character, and known for exercising the soundest of judgment.
I say again...if the rules for FISA warrants get revamped because of this, great. Never would have happened otherwise.

The fact that they are not supposed to lie, forge documents and hide exculpatory evidence isn't going to change.

And, once again, that is not what the IG report concluded. You're left with nothing but Deep State nonsense.
Actually it is:

Everything Schiff Said about Steele Was Also False
Another fabricated theme in Schiff’s “Correcting the Record” memorandum concerned the Steele dossier. The DOJ “made only narrow use of information from Steele’s sources about Page’s specific activities in 2016, chiefly his suspected July 2016 meeting in Moscow with Russian officials,” Schiff claimed.

But as the IG report made clear, the Steele dossier made the FISA case. Prior to receiving the dossier, the FBI had consulted the various offices charged with determining the propriety of a FISA warrant. At that point, they “determined that more information was needed to support probable cause that Page was an agent of a foreign power.”​

Receipt of the Steele dossier changed everything: “Immediately after the Crossfire Hurricane team received Steele’s election reporting,” the IG report explained, the team “reinitiated” its attempt to obtain a FISA surveillance order, and ultimately obtained the first order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) on October 21. Or, as the IG put it, Steele’s election reporting “played a central and essential role in the FBI’s and Department’s decision to seek the FISA order.”​

IG Report Proves Schiff Has Been Lying About Spygate Since Beginning

You keep harping on the one thing only dealing with one guy (who is a known Russian stooge).
Actually there are 17 things.
...But ignoring that Trump was wrong about everything...
Trump knew the Dossier was a pack of lies, now we all do.
... Not a witch hunt...
It most certainly was a witch hunt.
... Not started because of the Steele memos...
No, it was started on the supposed suggestion of a suggestion to Papadopoulous, that Milford swears he never suggested!
... Not partisan and completely justified.
Not Partisan? ALL 18 of Dirty Bob's witch hunters were Democrats, Clinton Lawyers or Clinton Donors! Not MOST, but ALL! If that isn't partisan, what is?

The IG’s report made it clear that “the FBI did not have information corroborating the specific allegations against Carter Page in Steele’s reporting when it relied upon his reports in the first FISA application or subsequent renewal applications.” To the contrary, the IG found that the Corrupt FBI had interviewed Steele and two of his sub-sources that those interviews “revealed potentially serious problems with Steele’s description of information in his reports.” For instance, in January 2017, the FBI interviewed Steele’s primary sub-source and determined his statements “were inconsistent with multiple sections of the Steele reports, including some that were relied upon in the FISA applications.”

That is very bad. To lie to the FISA court and claim that Steele's work that was submitted in the FISA applications was VERIFIED when in fact they had found serious problems with his work and multiple inconsistencies is very bad, very crooked and very unethical of the Corrupt FBI.

IG Report Proves Schiff Has Been Lying About Spygate Since Beginning


It would be really nice if the FBI acted with integrity and the Democrats quit trying to overturn the choice of the electorate. Hopefully this dies quickly in the Sensible US Senate and we can get on with enjoying the Holiday Season and all the prosperity as the Santa Claus Rally rings in the Election Year!
Trump was wrong on every one of his lying claims. The IG report YOU told me to wait for said exactly what the leaks of the report said it would...and it was not what you or Trump thought it would be. Now, like the Trump sucking sycophant you are, you say "wait for the next report". And when that doesn't say there was a partisan illegal start to the Russia Investigation, that it wasn't a witch hunt? What will your lame excuse be then, fishy?
I went back and read the Epoch Times article about Obama spying on Trump. I don't see where Trump is wrong.
Trump was wrong on every one of his lying claims. The IG report YOU told me to wait for said exactly what the leaks of the report said it would...and it was not what you or Trump thought it would be. Now, like the Trump sucking sycophant you are, you say "wait for the next report". And when that doesn't say there was a partisan illegal start to the Russia Investigation, that it wasn't a witch hunt? What will your lame excuse be then, fishy?
I went back and read the Epoch Times article about Obama spying on Trump. I don't see where Trump is wrong.
Trump' dead right on this.

Democrats aren't getting away with this one, but, it's going to be a very thorough and lengthy process. Durham's report won't be out until June. There will be lots of other things to do and think about until then. For one thing, this Horowitz report is filled with nuggets. Have you heard about footnote 461?

And with his delivery and mannerism, he has solid credibility with the entire country. There is a great deal to be digested from this report.
Horowitz Reported 17 acts of misconduct misleading where the Corrupt FBI misled the FISA Court in order to illegally spy on Trump:

I cover the first above: They hid the fact that Carter Page was an approved source FOR the CIA reporting on the Russians to assist The National Security of the United States. Naturally, this required interactions with Russian Intelligence, which they had been repeatedly informed, in writing, by Brennan. They even inserted wording to those warning, to reverse the meaning, and used it in the FISA submission!

The Second was they LIED about how reliable a source Steele was.

Now for the 3rd of 17 swindles perpetuated on The Court by The Corrupt FBI:

Omitted information relevant to the reliability of Person 1, a key Steele sub-source (who, as previously noted, was attributed with providing the information in Report 95 and some of the information in Reports 80 and 102 relied upon in the application), namely that (1) Steele himself told members of the Crossfire Hurricane team that Person 1 was a “boaster” and an “egoist” and “may engage in some embellishment” and (2) [redacted]
So Steele himself told The Corrupt FBI that his own source, and Source ONE, no less, had serious credibility issues. Naturally they the Corrupt FBI hid this from the Court, had they told the truth, they wouldn't have been authorized to illegally spy on a US Presidential Campaign.

IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ‘Inaccuracies And Omissions’ In The FBI’s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page


IG report: As we describe in Chapter Three, the FBI opened Crossfire Hurricane on July 31, 2016, just days after its receipt of information from a Friendly Foreign Government (FFG) reporting that, in May 2016, during a meeting with the FFG, then Trump campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos “suggested the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion from Russia that it could assist this process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to Mrs. Clinton (and President Obama).” The FBI Electronic Communication (EC) opening the Crossfire Hurricane investigation stated that, based on the FFG information, “this investigation is being opened to determine whether individual(s) associated with the Trump campaign are witting of and/or coordinating activities with the Government of Russia.”

IG report: These officials, though, did not become aware of Steele’s election reporting until weeks later and we therefore determined that Steele’s reports played no role in the Crossfire Hurricane opening.

After the FBI opened an investigation in late July 2016, the FBI used four confidential human sources and “a few” undercover employees that “resulted in interactions with Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and a high-level Trump campaign official who was not a subject of the investigation.”

However, the report said the interactions between the Trump campaign aides and the FBI’s confidential sources “received the necessary FBI approvals” and were “consensually monitored and recorded by the FBI.”

Lastly, the report said it learned that the FBI had “several other” confidential sources “with either a connection to candidate Trump or a role in the Trump campaign.” But they “were not tasked as part of the” investigation.

One such FBI source who “knew candidate Trump” gave the FBI “general information” about Page that was already publicly available. “We found no evidence that any members of the Crossfire Hurricane team ever suggested inserting this [confidential human source] into the Trump campaign to gather investigative information,” the report said.

Another FBI source “held a position in the Trump campaign,” but did not tell the FBI about his or her role until after leaving the campaign.

IG report: We concluded that Priestap’s exercise of discretion in opening the investigation was in compliance with Department and FBI policies, and we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced his decision. We similarly found that, while the formal documentation opening each of the four individual investigations was approved by Strzok (as required by the DIOG), the decisions to do so were reached by a consensus among the Crossfire Hurricane agents and analysts who identified individuals associated with the Trump campaign who had recently traveled to Russia or had other alleged ties to Russia.

IG report: We therefore concluded the FBI met the requirement in the AG Guidelines and the DIOG that Crossfire Hurricane be opened for an “authorized purpose,” namely “to detect, obtain information about, or prevent or protect against federal crimes or threats to the national security or to collect foreign intelligence.” We also determined that, although the investigation had the potential to impact constitutionally protected activity, the FBI’s decision to open the investigation was permissible under both Department and FBI policies because there was a legitimate law enforcement purpose associated with the investigation.​

all of that simply says that the OPENING of the investigation was proper. thats all it says

Which is in direct contrast to what Crooked Donnie kept saying over and over and over.

The FISA court is going to get an overhaul. Good. It’s needed one since 9/11 and the bullshit “patriot act”.

wrong again, Trump has consistently said that the investigation was improper and not based on facts, or on made up facts. The IG report confirmed that. Sorry, you libs lose again
Trump was wrong on every one of his lying claims. The IG report YOU told me to wait for said exactly what the leaks of the report said it would...and it was not what you or Trump thought it would be. Now, like the Trump sucking sycophant you are, you say "wait for the next report". And when that doesn't say there was a partisan illegal start to the Russia Investigation, that it wasn't a witch hunt? What will your lame excuse be then, fishy?

geez, witchey, are you really as ignorant as your posts indicate, or is it simply partisan stupidity?

the IG report said that there were grounds to START an investigation into russian influence in 2016 elections. It concluded that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA spying applications and that they should not have been processed. If found bias in the FBI leadership, specifically Comey, Strzok, and McCabe.

The FISA judge has given the FBI until January 15 to correct those falsehoods, and show how they will prevent this kind of corruption in the future.

the bottom line of Russia 2016 is that Yes, there was Russian influence, bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign via Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie LLP.

and lets not forget that Horowitz was appointed by Obama.

IG report: As we describe in Chapter Three, the FBI opened Crossfire Hurricane on July 31, 2016, just days after its receipt of information from a Friendly Foreign Government (FFG) reporting that, in May 2016, during a meeting with the FFG, then Trump campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos “suggested the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion from Russia that it could assist this process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to Mrs. Clinton (and President Obama).” The FBI Electronic Communication (EC) opening the Crossfire Hurricane investigation stated that, based on the FFG information, “this investigation is being opened to determine whether individual(s) associated with the Trump campaign are witting of and/or coordinating activities with the Government of Russia.”

IG report: These officials, though, did not become aware of Steele’s election reporting until weeks later and we therefore determined that Steele’s reports played no role in the Crossfire Hurricane opening.

After the FBI opened an investigation in late July 2016, the FBI used four confidential human sources and “a few” undercover employees that “resulted in interactions with Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and a high-level Trump campaign official who was not a subject of the investigation.”

However, the report said the interactions between the Trump campaign aides and the FBI’s confidential sources “received the necessary FBI approvals” and were “consensually monitored and recorded by the FBI.”

Lastly, the report said it learned that the FBI had “several other” confidential sources “with either a connection to candidate Trump or a role in the Trump campaign.” But they “were not tasked as part of the” investigation.

One such FBI source who “knew candidate Trump” gave the FBI “general information” about Page that was already publicly available. “We found no evidence that any members of the Crossfire Hurricane team ever suggested inserting this [confidential human source] into the Trump campaign to gather investigative information,” the report said.

Another FBI source “held a position in the Trump campaign,” but did not tell the FBI about his or her role until after leaving the campaign.

IG report: We concluded that Priestap’s exercise of discretion in opening the investigation was in compliance with Department and FBI policies, and we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced his decision. We similarly found that, while the formal documentation opening each of the four individual investigations was approved by Strzok (as required by the DIOG), the decisions to do so were reached by a consensus among the Crossfire Hurricane agents and analysts who identified individuals associated with the Trump campaign who had recently traveled to Russia or had other alleged ties to Russia.

IG report: We therefore concluded the FBI met the requirement in the AG Guidelines and the DIOG that Crossfire Hurricane be opened for an “authorized purpose,” namely “to detect, obtain information about, or prevent or protect against federal crimes or threats to the national security or to collect foreign intelligence.” We also determined that, although the investigation had the potential to impact constitutionally protected activity, the FBI’s decision to open the investigation was permissible under both Department and FBI policies because there was a legitimate law enforcement purpose associated with the investigation.​

all of that simply says that the OPENING of the investigation was proper. thats all it says

Which is in direct contrast to what Crooked Donnie kept saying over and over and over.

The FISA court is going to get an overhaul. Good. It’s needed one since 9/11 and the bullshit “patriot act”.

wrong again, Trump has consistently said that the investigation was improper and not based on facts, or on made up facts. The IG report confirmed that. Sorry, you libs lose again
Trump was wrong on every one of his lying claims. The IG report YOU told me to wait for said exactly what the leaks of the report said it would...and it was not what you or Trump thought it would be. Now, like the Trump sucking sycophant you are, you say "wait for the next report". And when that doesn't say there was a partisan illegal start to the Russia Investigation, that it wasn't a witch hunt? What will your lame excuse be then, fishy?

geez, witchey, are you really as ignorant as your posts indicate, or is it simply partisan stupidity?

the IG report said that there were grounds to START an investigation into russian influence in 2016 elections. It concluded that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA spying applications and that they should not have been processed. If found bias in the FBI leadership, specifically Comey, Strzok, and McCabe.

The FISA judge has given the FBI until January 15 to correct those falsehoods, and show how they will prevent this kind of corruption in the future.

the bottom line of Russia 2016 is that Yes, there was Russian influence, bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign via Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie LLP.

and lets not forget that Horowitz was appointed by Obama.

Oh look, lame ass "deep state" excuses..as predicted. Surrounded by outright lies.

Russia interfered to help Trump. This is a fact not in contention.
all of that simply says that the OPENING of the investigation was proper. thats all it says

Which is in direct contrast to what Crooked Donnie kept saying over and over and over.

The FISA court is going to get an overhaul. Good. It’s needed one since 9/11 and the bullshit “patriot act”.

wrong again, Trump has consistently said that the investigation was improper and not based on facts, or on made up facts. The IG report confirmed that. Sorry, you libs lose again
Trump was wrong on every one of his lying claims. The IG report YOU told me to wait for said exactly what the leaks of the report said it would...and it was not what you or Trump thought it would be. Now, like the Trump sucking sycophant you are, you say "wait for the next report". And when that doesn't say there was a partisan illegal start to the Russia Investigation, that it wasn't a witch hunt? What will your lame excuse be then, fishy?

geez, witchey, are you really as ignorant as your posts indicate, or is it simply partisan stupidity?

the IG report said that there were grounds to START an investigation into russian influence in 2016 elections. It concluded that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA spying applications and that they should not have been processed. If found bias in the FBI leadership, specifically Comey, Strzok, and McCabe.

The FISA judge has given the FBI until January 15 to correct those falsehoods, and show how they will prevent this kind of corruption in the future.

the bottom line of Russia 2016 is that Yes, there was Russian influence, bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign via Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie LLP.

and lets not forget that Horowitz was appointed by Obama.

Oh look, lame ass "deep state" excuses..as predicted. Surrounded by outright lies.

Russia interfered to help Trump. This is a fact not in contention.
The Dossier claimed to Kremlin sourced dirt, it was purchased by the Clinton Campaign, laundered through Corrupt Comey's FBI into illegally spying on the Trump Campaign.

There still is much to dig through in the Horowitz report, for example, footnote 461.

Durham's findings should be coming out in June.

I see Trump now leads ALL Democrat candidates, this impeachment farce has really left him "weakened", you guys are geniuses!

Trump's defeating former Vice President Joe Biden by 3 percentage points, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by 5 points, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by 8 points.

Trump also led South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg by 10 points and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg by 9.

"I like Donald Trump's attitude," said Amy Locklear, 45, a retired teacher and Army veteran from Maxton, North Carolina. For many years a Democratic voter, she is now "leaning" toward the GOP. "If you say you're going to do something, he'll do it. He actually gets it done."​

Democrats For Trump!

Trump: Amid impeachment inquiry, he leads all 2020 Democratic rivals
Which is in direct contrast to what Crooked Donnie kept saying over and over and over.

The FISA court is going to get an overhaul. Good. It’s needed one since 9/11 and the bullshit “patriot act”.

wrong again, Trump has consistently said that the investigation was improper and not based on facts, or on made up facts. The IG report confirmed that. Sorry, you libs lose again
Trump was wrong on every one of his lying claims. The IG report YOU told me to wait for said exactly what the leaks of the report said it would...and it was not what you or Trump thought it would be. Now, like the Trump sucking sycophant you are, you say "wait for the next report". And when that doesn't say there was a partisan illegal start to the Russia Investigation, that it wasn't a witch hunt? What will your lame excuse be then, fishy?

geez, witchey, are you really as ignorant as your posts indicate, or is it simply partisan stupidity?

the IG report said that there were grounds to START an investigation into russian influence in 2016 elections. It concluded that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA spying applications and that they should not have been processed. If found bias in the FBI leadership, specifically Comey, Strzok, and McCabe.

The FISA judge has given the FBI until January 15 to correct those falsehoods, and show how they will prevent this kind of corruption in the future.

the bottom line of Russia 2016 is that Yes, there was Russian influence, bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign via Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie LLP.

and lets not forget that Horowitz was appointed by Obama.

Oh look, lame ass "deep state" excuses..as predicted. Surrounded by outright lies.

Russia interfered to help Trump. This is a fact not in contention.
The Dossier claimed to Kremlin sourced dirt, it was purchased by the Clinton Campaign, laundered through Corrupt Comey's FBI into illegally spying on the Trump Campaign.

There still is much to dig through in the Horowitz report, for example, footnote 461.

Durham's findings should be coming out in June.

I see Trump now leads ALL Democrat candidates, this impeachment farce has really left him "weakened", you guys are geniuses!

Trump's defeating former Vice President Joe Biden by 3 percentage points, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by 5 points, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by 8 points.

Trump also led South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg by 10 points and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg by 9.

"I like Donald Trump's attitude," said Amy Locklear, 45, a retired teacher and Army veteran from Maxton, North Carolina. For many years a Democratic voter, she is now "leaning" toward the GOP. "If you say you're going to do something, he'll do it. He actually gets it done."​

Democrats For Trump!

Trump: Amid impeachment inquiry, he leads all 2020 Democratic rivals

And when Durham's report doesn't support Trump's paranoid and false claims, there will be another goalpost or more deep state excuses.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders
Which is in direct contrast to what Crooked Donnie kept saying over and over and over.

The FISA court is going to get an overhaul. Good. It’s needed one since 9/11 and the bullshit “patriot act”.

wrong again, Trump has consistently said that the investigation was improper and not based on facts, or on made up facts. The IG report confirmed that. Sorry, you libs lose again
Trump was wrong on every one of his lying claims. The IG report YOU told me to wait for said exactly what the leaks of the report said it would...and it was not what you or Trump thought it would be. Now, like the Trump sucking sycophant you are, you say "wait for the next report". And when that doesn't say there was a partisan illegal start to the Russia Investigation, that it wasn't a witch hunt? What will your lame excuse be then, fishy?

geez, witchey, are you really as ignorant as your posts indicate, or is it simply partisan stupidity?

the IG report said that there were grounds to START an investigation into russian influence in 2016 elections. It concluded that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA spying applications and that they should not have been processed. If found bias in the FBI leadership, specifically Comey, Strzok, and McCabe.

The FISA judge has given the FBI until January 15 to correct those falsehoods, and show how they will prevent this kind of corruption in the future.

the bottom line of Russia 2016 is that Yes, there was Russian influence, bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign via Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie LLP.

and lets not forget that Horowitz was appointed by Obama.

Oh look, lame ass "deep state" excuses..as predicted. Surrounded by outright lies.

Russia interfered to help Trump. This is a fact not in contention.
The Dossier claimed to Kremlin sourced dirt, it was purchased by the Clinton Campaign, laundered through Corrupt Comey's FBI into illegally spying on the Trump Campaign.

There still is much to dig through in the Horowitz report, for example, footnote 461.

Durham's findings should be coming out in June.

I see Trump now leads ALL Democrat candidates, this impeachment farce has really left him "weakened", you guys are geniuses!

Trump's defeating former Vice President Joe Biden by 3 percentage points, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by 5 points, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by 8 points.

Trump also led South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg by 10 points and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg by 9.

"I like Donald Trump's attitude," said Amy Locklear, 45, a retired teacher and Army veteran from Maxton, North Carolina. For many years a Democratic voter, she is now "leaning" toward the GOP. "If you say you're going to do something, he'll do it. He actually gets it done."​

Democrats For Trump!

Trump: Amid impeachment inquiry, he leads all 2020 Democratic rivals
Liar. Fusion GPS purchased the dossier.
all of that simply says that the OPENING of the investigation was proper. thats all it says

Which is in direct contrast to what Crooked Donnie kept saying over and over and over.

The FISA court is going to get an overhaul. Good. It’s needed one since 9/11 and the bullshit “patriot act”.

wrong again, Trump has consistently said that the investigation was improper and not based on facts, or on made up facts. The IG report confirmed that. Sorry, you libs lose again
Trump was wrong on every one of his lying claims. The IG report YOU told me to wait for said exactly what the leaks of the report said it would...and it was not what you or Trump thought it would be. Now, like the Trump sucking sycophant you are, you say "wait for the next report". And when that doesn't say there was a partisan illegal start to the Russia Investigation, that it wasn't a witch hunt? What will your lame excuse be then, fishy?

geez, witchey, are you really as ignorant as your posts indicate, or is it simply partisan stupidity?

the IG report said that there were grounds to START an investigation into russian influence in 2016 elections. It concluded that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA spying applications and that they should not have been processed. If found bias in the FBI leadership, specifically Comey, Strzok, and McCabe.

The FISA judge has given the FBI until January 15 to correct those falsehoods, and show how they will prevent this kind of corruption in the future.

the bottom line of Russia 2016 is that Yes, there was Russian influence, bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign via Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie LLP.

and lets not forget that Horowitz was appointed by Obama.

Oh look, lame ass "deep state" excuses..as predicted. Surrounded by outright lies.

Russia interfered to help Trump. This is a fact not in contention.

all of you lefties keep saying that, so here's your chance.

exactly what did the Russians do in 2016?
where did they do it? which states, precints, etc?
how many votes were changed as a result?
which states would have gone clinton but for the Russians?
why would the Russians want Trump when they had 30,000 emails to use to blackmail hillary?

I want specific answers, not bullshit talking points.
wrong again, Trump has consistently said that the investigation was improper and not based on facts, or on made up facts. The IG report confirmed that. Sorry, you libs lose again
Trump was wrong on every one of his lying claims. The IG report YOU told me to wait for said exactly what the leaks of the report said it would...and it was not what you or Trump thought it would be. Now, like the Trump sucking sycophant you are, you say "wait for the next report". And when that doesn't say there was a partisan illegal start to the Russia Investigation, that it wasn't a witch hunt? What will your lame excuse be then, fishy?

geez, witchey, are you really as ignorant as your posts indicate, or is it simply partisan stupidity?

the IG report said that there were grounds to START an investigation into russian influence in 2016 elections. It concluded that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA spying applications and that they should not have been processed. If found bias in the FBI leadership, specifically Comey, Strzok, and McCabe.

The FISA judge has given the FBI until January 15 to correct those falsehoods, and show how they will prevent this kind of corruption in the future.

the bottom line of Russia 2016 is that Yes, there was Russian influence, bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign via Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie LLP.

and lets not forget that Horowitz was appointed by Obama.

Oh look, lame ass "deep state" excuses..as predicted. Surrounded by outright lies.

Russia interfered to help Trump. This is a fact not in contention.
The Dossier claimed to Kremlin sourced dirt, it was purchased by the Clinton Campaign, laundered through Corrupt Comey's FBI into illegally spying on the Trump Campaign.

There still is much to dig through in the Horowitz report, for example, footnote 461.

Durham's findings should be coming out in June.

I see Trump now leads ALL Democrat candidates, this impeachment farce has really left him "weakened", you guys are geniuses!

Trump's defeating former Vice President Joe Biden by 3 percentage points, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by 5 points, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by 8 points.

Trump also led South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg by 10 points and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg by 9.

"I like Donald Trump's attitude," said Amy Locklear, 45, a retired teacher and Army veteran from Maxton, North Carolina. For many years a Democratic voter, she is now "leaning" toward the GOP. "If you say you're going to do something, he'll do it. He actually gets it done."​

Democrats For Trump!

Trump: Amid impeachment inquiry, he leads all 2020 Democratic rivals

And when Durham's report doesn't support Trump's paranoid and false claims, there will be another goalpost or more deep state excuses.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

who exactly are these "historians" give us their names, where they work, and party affiliation. Or, alternatively you could STFU, stop lying, and go away.
So the OP is stating his opinion that illegally obtained authorization to engage in spying on an American citizen and doing so is NOT 'illegal spying'?

In the same way Joe Biden bragging on video about how he totally extorted the former Ukraine PM is NOT a videotaped confession of his engaging in the successful extortion of the previous Prime Minister of Ukraine...

Yeah, I can see that.

Which is in direct contrast to what Crooked Donnie kept saying over and over and over.

The FISA court is going to get an overhaul. Good. It’s needed one since 9/11 and the bullshit “patriot act”.

wrong again, Trump has consistently said that the investigation was improper and not based on facts, or on made up facts. The IG report confirmed that. Sorry, you libs lose again
Trump was wrong on every one of his lying claims. The IG report YOU told me to wait for said exactly what the leaks of the report said it would...and it was not what you or Trump thought it would be. Now, like the Trump sucking sycophant you are, you say "wait for the next report". And when that doesn't say there was a partisan illegal start to the Russia Investigation, that it wasn't a witch hunt? What will your lame excuse be then, fishy?

geez, witchey, are you really as ignorant as your posts indicate, or is it simply partisan stupidity?

the IG report said that there were grounds to START an investigation into russian influence in 2016 elections. It concluded that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA spying applications and that they should not have been processed. If found bias in the FBI leadership, specifically Comey, Strzok, and McCabe.

The FISA judge has given the FBI until January 15 to correct those falsehoods, and show how they will prevent this kind of corruption in the future.

the bottom line of Russia 2016 is that Yes, there was Russian influence, bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign via Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie LLP.

and lets not forget that Horowitz was appointed by Obama.

Oh look, lame ass "deep state" excuses..as predicted. Surrounded by outright lies.

Russia interfered to help Trump. This is a fact not in contention.

all of you lefties keep saying that, so here's your chance.

exactly what did the Russians do in 2016?
where did they do it? which states, precints, etc?
how many votes were changed as a result?
which states would have gone clinton but for the Russians?
why would the Russians want Trump when they had 30,000 emails to use to blackmail hillary?

I want specific answers, not bullshit talking points.
I already gave links to Russians breaking into election systems. But it started with breaking into the DNC server and weaponizing the data. That is the first thing Russia did. The broke into the RNC and the DNC but only released Democratic emails. Then they ran thousands of ads and funded a troll farm dedicated to propping up Trump and beating down Hillary...all to help Trump win. The Russians also tried to break in to elections systems in all 50 states.

Russia Targeted Election Systems in All 50 States, Report Finds

They successfully broke into at least seven.

U.S. intel: Russia compromised seven states prior to 2016 election

Since over a dozen states use voting machines that have no voter verified paper audit trail there would be zero way to know if votes were manipulated or changed by Russian intrusion. It is a problem. One that Moscow Mitch doesn't want to do anything about.
Trump was wrong on every one of his lying claims. The IG report YOU told me to wait for said exactly what the leaks of the report said it would...and it was not what you or Trump thought it would be. Now, like the Trump sucking sycophant you are, you say "wait for the next report". And when that doesn't say there was a partisan illegal start to the Russia Investigation, that it wasn't a witch hunt? What will your lame excuse be then, fishy?

geez, witchey, are you really as ignorant as your posts indicate, or is it simply partisan stupidity?

the IG report said that there were grounds to START an investigation into russian influence in 2016 elections. It concluded that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA spying applications and that they should not have been processed. If found bias in the FBI leadership, specifically Comey, Strzok, and McCabe.

The FISA judge has given the FBI until January 15 to correct those falsehoods, and show how they will prevent this kind of corruption in the future.

the bottom line of Russia 2016 is that Yes, there was Russian influence, bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign via Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie LLP.

and lets not forget that Horowitz was appointed by Obama.

Oh look, lame ass "deep state" excuses..as predicted. Surrounded by outright lies.

Russia interfered to help Trump. This is a fact not in contention.
The Dossier claimed to Kremlin sourced dirt, it was purchased by the Clinton Campaign, laundered through Corrupt Comey's FBI into illegally spying on the Trump Campaign.

There still is much to dig through in the Horowitz report, for example, footnote 461.

Durham's findings should be coming out in June.

I see Trump now leads ALL Democrat candidates, this impeachment farce has really left him "weakened", you guys are geniuses!

Trump's defeating former Vice President Joe Biden by 3 percentage points, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by 5 points, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by 8 points.

Trump also led South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg by 10 points and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg by 9.

"I like Donald Trump's attitude," said Amy Locklear, 45, a retired teacher and Army veteran from Maxton, North Carolina. For many years a Democratic voter, she is now "leaning" toward the GOP. "If you say you're going to do something, he'll do it. He actually gets it done."​

Democrats For Trump!

Trump: Amid impeachment inquiry, he leads all 2020 Democratic rivals

And when Durham's report doesn't support Trump's paranoid and false claims, there will be another goalpost or more deep state excuses.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

who exactly are these "historians" give us their names, where they work, and party affiliation. Or, alternatively you could STFU, stop lying, and go away.

Click the link. Has no one taught you how to use the internet?
geez, witchey, are you really as ignorant as your posts indicate, or is it simply partisan stupidity?

the IG report said that there were grounds to START an investigation into russian influence in 2016 elections. It concluded that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA spying applications and that they should not have been processed. If found bias in the FBI leadership, specifically Comey, Strzok, and McCabe.

The FISA judge has given the FBI until January 15 to correct those falsehoods, and show how they will prevent this kind of corruption in the future.

the bottom line of Russia 2016 is that Yes, there was Russian influence, bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign via Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie LLP.

and lets not forget that Horowitz was appointed by Obama.

Oh look, lame ass "deep state" excuses..as predicted. Surrounded by outright lies.

Russia interfered to help Trump. This is a fact not in contention.
The Dossier claimed to Kremlin sourced dirt, it was purchased by the Clinton Campaign, laundered through Corrupt Comey's FBI into illegally spying on the Trump Campaign.

There still is much to dig through in the Horowitz report, for example, footnote 461.

Durham's findings should be coming out in June.

I see Trump now leads ALL Democrat candidates, this impeachment farce has really left him "weakened", you guys are geniuses!

Trump's defeating former Vice President Joe Biden by 3 percentage points, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by 5 points, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by 8 points.

Trump also led South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg by 10 points and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg by 9.

"I like Donald Trump's attitude," said Amy Locklear, 45, a retired teacher and Army veteran from Maxton, North Carolina. For many years a Democratic voter, she is now "leaning" toward the GOP. "If you say you're going to do something, he'll do it. He actually gets it done."​

Democrats For Trump!

Trump: Amid impeachment inquiry, he leads all 2020 Democratic rivals

And when Durham's report doesn't support Trump's paranoid and false claims, there will be another goalpost or more deep state excuses.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

who exactly are these "historians" give us their names, where they work, and party affiliation. Or, alternatively you could STFU, stop lying, and go away.

Click the link. Has no one taught you how to use the internet?

yes, moron, I did open the link. the list consists of employees at left leaning colleges, the only significance of this list and the comments of those listed, is that they are 700 votes against Trump next year, if you think those 700 votes are going to keep Trump from winning, I have a bridge across the mighty Mississippi that I would like to sell you.

Hint: no one with any brains listens to left wing college profs who have no idea how the real world works.
Oh look, lame ass "deep state" excuses..as predicted. Surrounded by outright lies.

Russia interfered to help Trump. This is a fact not in contention.
The Dossier claimed to Kremlin sourced dirt, it was purchased by the Clinton Campaign, laundered through Corrupt Comey's FBI into illegally spying on the Trump Campaign.

There still is much to dig through in the Horowitz report, for example, footnote 461.

Durham's findings should be coming out in June.

I see Trump now leads ALL Democrat candidates, this impeachment farce has really left him "weakened", you guys are geniuses!

Trump's defeating former Vice President Joe Biden by 3 percentage points, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by 5 points, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by 8 points.

Trump also led South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg by 10 points and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg by 9.

"I like Donald Trump's attitude," said Amy Locklear, 45, a retired teacher and Army veteran from Maxton, North Carolina. For many years a Democratic voter, she is now "leaning" toward the GOP. "If you say you're going to do something, he'll do it. He actually gets it done."​

Democrats For Trump!

Trump: Amid impeachment inquiry, he leads all 2020 Democratic rivals

And when Durham's report doesn't support Trump's paranoid and false claims, there will be another goalpost or more deep state excuses.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

who exactly are these "historians" give us their names, where they work, and party affiliation. Or, alternatively you could STFU, stop lying, and go away.

Click the link. Has no one taught you how to use the internet?

yes, moron, I did open the link. the list consists of employees at left leaning colleges, the only significance of this list and the comments of those listed, is that they are 700 votes against Trump next year, if you think those 700 votes are going to keep Trump from winning, I have a bridge across the mighty Mississippi that I would like to sell you.

Hint: no one with any brains listens to left wing college profs who have no idea how the real world works.

If you clicked on the link then you could have seen all the names. The link to the list and where they work is all in the link in my signature. You obviously aren't savvy enough so I'll give you the direct link to all the names. Its well over 700 now.

Grid view - Airtable
The Dossier claimed to Kremlin sourced dirt, it was purchased by the Clinton Campaign, laundered through Corrupt Comey's FBI into illegally spying on the Trump Campaign.

There still is much to dig through in the Horowitz report, for example, footnote 461.

Durham's findings should be coming out in June.

I see Trump now leads ALL Democrat candidates, this impeachment farce has really left him "weakened", you guys are geniuses!

Trump's defeating former Vice President Joe Biden by 3 percentage points, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by 5 points, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by 8 points.

Trump also led South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg by 10 points and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg by 9.

"I like Donald Trump's attitude," said Amy Locklear, 45, a retired teacher and Army veteran from Maxton, North Carolina. For many years a Democratic voter, she is now "leaning" toward the GOP. "If you say you're going to do something, he'll do it. He actually gets it done."​

Democrats For Trump!

Trump: Amid impeachment inquiry, he leads all 2020 Democratic rivals

And when Durham's report doesn't support Trump's paranoid and false claims, there will be another goalpost or more deep state excuses.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

who exactly are these "historians" give us their names, where they work, and party affiliation. Or, alternatively you could STFU, stop lying, and go away.

Click the link. Has no one taught you how to use the internet?

yes, moron, I did open the link. the list consists of employees at left leaning colleges, the only significance of this list and the comments of those listed, is that they are 700 votes against Trump next year, if you think those 700 votes are going to keep Trump from winning, I have a bridge across the mighty Mississippi that I would like to sell you.

Hint: no one with any brains listens to left wing college profs who have no idea how the real world works.

If you clicked on the link then you could have seen all the names. The link to the list and where they work is all in the link in my signature. You obviously aren't savvy enough so I'll give you the direct link to all the names. Its well over 700 now.

Grid view - Airtable

I already looked at the list of names and places of employment------------I'm not impressed that a bunch of left wing academic loons want Trump out of office. These fools have no credibility.

No one is fooled by that BS, witchey--------------except maybe you.
And when Durham's report doesn't support Trump's paranoid and false claims, there will be another goalpost or more deep state excuses.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

who exactly are these "historians" give us their names, where they work, and party affiliation. Or, alternatively you could STFU, stop lying, and go away.

Click the link. Has no one taught you how to use the internet?

yes, moron, I did open the link. the list consists of employees at left leaning colleges, the only significance of this list and the comments of those listed, is that they are 700 votes against Trump next year, if you think those 700 votes are going to keep Trump from winning, I have a bridge across the mighty Mississippi that I would like to sell you.

Hint: no one with any brains listens to left wing college profs who have no idea how the real world works.

If you clicked on the link then you could have seen all the names. The link to the list and where they work is all in the link in my signature. You obviously aren't savvy enough so I'll give you the direct link to all the names. Its well over 700 now.

Grid view - Airtable

I already looked at the list of names and places of employment------------I'm not impressed that a bunch of left wing academic loons want Trump out of office. These fools have no credibility.

No one is fooled by that BS, witchey--------------except maybe you.

It obviously got you riled up enough to dismiss them all as "liberal professors" ...which is just another case of you doing the sour grapes dance.

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