Another Muslim In Oklahoma Arrested For Threatening To Behead Coworker

By the way, if a Muslim beheads an American in the forest and no one is around, will the head hitting the ground make a sound ?
I think it's time to start WWII-ish internment camps for Muzzies.

I actually have a Japanese friend who had relatives who were thrown into a camp during the War, and I've told him to his face that I'm not sorry that we interned them.

War isn't pretty.

We do what we have to do to survive in war.

We are in the thick of a war with Islam right now that threatens our culture, our survival as a people.

Time to kickstart the camps, and lock up some Muslims.

The burden of proof as to why they shouldn't be placed in camps is on them — not those of us who aren't beheading people.
We've got to monitor the mosques and get a clear picture of what is being preached, and what is being discussed.
so do drug cartels and old time Aztecs , my finger points to this guy as a muslim beheader because the guy is a muslim convert , supports isis[heard] , liked the trade center destruction[heard] . Just wot I see with MY eyes Ravi and no spin will change my opinion . The guy took the time to behead as opposed to a stab to the heart . Just my opinion !!
some of these leftie excuse makers are just cwazy and they'd be the first to be done away with under shariah . Shariah isn't even in the USA yet but already many of these lefties sound like dhimmis .

good point PIS------in fact---excellent
Seems like beheading is in vogue now. ..... :lol:

when the sharts go marching in said:
Yeah, that's just a real hoot, ain't it?

sunni man said:
You need to quit being soo judgemental and get with the times. ..... :cool:

Okay. Fair enough.

And you need to quit trying to be funny at the expense of fellow Americans who've lost family members to beheadings by your goddamned religion.

See how that works? :badgrin:
yeah , but the few lefties that I mention in passing look at shariah as unthreatening to the USA but that's just my opinion as I read their cwazy comments Bodecca !!

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