Another Muslim In Oklahoma Arrested For Threatening To Behead Coworker

I don't know man , things are getting too complicated even for 70 year olds that are born and lived in the USA all their lives . Papers here and papers there , ID for everything but voting [funny] . Me , I'd rather stop importation of select groups !!
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yeah , but the few lefties that I mention in passing look at shariah as unthreatening to the USA but that's just my opinion as I read their cwazy comments Bodecca !!


Sharia offers no threat to the US. Our system of laws and constitution prevent that. There is virtually no (if any) support within the US Muslim community for the imposition of Sharia over state and constitutional law. Given that Christian groups have been trying for decades to impose religion into our system of laws and despite their overwelming demographic majority - have failed, I think it's hysterical that anyone would be concerned about Sharia in this country.

The threat which shariah presents to the US is MOSTLY that some people consider that system DIVINE. Persons who adhere to
shariah law------do not see the killing of an
apostate as WRONG ---because divine law
allows it A person who adheres to shariah law is likely to HIDE ---a person who kills "legally"--------a phenomenon which marked the murder by one "BAZ"-----of Ari Halberstam-------and which galvanized the
murders committed at FORT HOOD.
There is no question that some people who have killed abortionists also believed
that they were doing something "divine"----but shariah law is not an aberration----it is considered DIVINE by hundreds of millions of people
No shit?
You've got to ask what the hell has been going on in Oklahoma.
Remember this from last year ?

Judge Bars Oklahoma From Implementing Anti-Sharia Law
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Judge Bars Oklahoma From Implementing Anti-Sharia Law

Reuters 08/17/13 11:00 AM ET

Aug 16 (Reuters) - Oklahoma's attorney general said on Friday he was reviewing the decision of a U.S. judge that barred the state from adopting a measure that would ban its state courts from considering Sharia law under any circumstances.

"We have received the order and, as always, we are in the process of carefully reviewing the judge's decision," said Oklahoma Attorney General E. Scott Pruitt. He did not say if the state would appeal the decision.

U.S. District Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange ruled on Thursday that the measure, contained in an amendment to the Oklahoma state constitution, violated the freedom of religion provisions of the U.S. Constitution. Sharia law is based on Muslim principles.

"It is abundantly clear that the primary purpose of the amendment was to specifically target and outlaw Sharia law," she wrote.

Oklahoma voters approved the measure, called "Save Our State Amendment," in 2010. The judge's ruling will prevent the state's election board from certifying the results of that 2010 vote, in which the measure passed with 70 percent support.

The lawsuit challenging the measure was brought by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of Muneer Awad, a Muslim man living in Oklahoma City and the former director of the Oklahoma Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and also other Oklahoma Muslims.

Gadeir Abbas, staff attorney for the Council, said that dozens of similarly discriminatory and unconstitutional bills had been introduced in other state legislatures.

"It is our hope that, in finding this anti-Islam law unconstitutional, lawmakers in other states will think twice about proposing anti-Muslim laws of their own," said Abbas.

Defenders of the amendment have said they want to prevent foreign laws in general, and Islamic Sharia law in particular, from overriding state or U.S. laws. (Reporting by Mary Wisniewski; Editing by Scott Malone, Toni Reinhold)
Judge Bars Oklahoma From Implementing Anti-Sharia Law
You've got to ask what the hell has been going on in Oklahoma.
Remember this from last year ?

Judge Bars Oklahoma From Implementing Anti-Sharia Law
News Entertainment Lifestyle Tech & Innovation All SectionsFeedbackView DesktopTermsPrivacy Policy

Copyright © 2014, Inc. | "The Huffington Post" is a registered trademark of, Inc. All rights reserved.


Judge Bars Oklahoma From Implementing Anti-Sharia Law

Reuters 08/17/13 11:00 AM ET

Aug 16 (Reuters) - Oklahoma's attorney general said on Friday he was reviewing the decision of a U.S. judge that barred the state from adopting a measure that would ban its state courts from considering Sharia law under any circumstances.

"We have received the order and, as always, we are in the process of carefully reviewing the judge's decision," said Oklahoma Attorney General E. Scott Pruitt. He did not say if the state would appeal the decision.

U.S. District Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange ruled on Thursday that the measure, contained in an amendment to the Oklahoma state constitution, violated the freedom of religion provisions of the U.S. Constitution. Sharia law is based on Muslim principles.

"It is abundantly clear that the primary purpose of the amendment was to specifically target and outlaw Sharia law," she wrote.

Oklahoma voters approved the measure, called "Save Our State Amendment," in 2010. The judge's ruling will prevent the state's election board from certifying the results of that 2010 vote, in which the measure passed with 70 percent support.

The lawsuit challenging the measure was brought by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of Muneer Awad, a Muslim man living in Oklahoma City and the former director of the Oklahoma Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and also other Oklahoma Muslims.

Gadeir Abbas, staff attorney for the Council, said that dozens of similarly discriminatory and unconstitutional bills had been introduced in other state legislatures.

"It is our hope that, in finding this anti-Islam law unconstitutional, lawmakers in other states will think twice about proposing anti-Muslim laws of their own," said Abbas.

Defenders of the amendment have said they want to prevent foreign laws in general, and Islamic Sharia law in particular, from overriding state or U.S. laws. (Reporting by Mary Wisniewski; Editing by Scott Malone, Toni Reinhold)
Judge Bars Oklahoma From Implementing Anti-Sharia Law
Lets cut her fricken head off!!!!
I think it's time to start WWII-ish internment camps for Muzzies.

I actually have a Japanese friend who had relatives who were thrown into a camp during the War, and I've told him to his face that I'm not sorry that we interned them.

War isn't pretty.

We do what we have to do to survive in war.

We are in the thick of a war with Islam right now that threatens our culture, our survival as a people.

Time to kickstart the camps, and lock up some Muslims.

The burden of proof as to why they shouldn't be placed in camps is on them — not those of us who aren't beheading people.

You are absolutely right that we must find some way to separate the good Muslims from those who wish to undermine the USA and/or harm Americans.

The problem with that is that we do not want to violate people's Constitutional rights.

This would undermine our cause and give ammo, to those with the inclination to doubt our side represents good, to use against us to convince others to become Muslims.

Internment will not fly.

Although, it's not to say that it should be 100% removed from the table.

Never remove anything from the possibility of consideration.

And try never to reveal your hold cards.

If it were a matter of losing a segment of the USA to the enemy I certainly would consider internment!

But Shart, we have to find a more 21st Century way of doing it.

Let's say, if there WAS combat raging in our streets we should consider internment.

Why, because we must be sensitive to the plight of innocents.

If Muslims were being gunned down or stabbed or beaten on the streets of America BY American civilians angry at the rise of Islam in this country, the government would have the duty to protect them.

And at that point they might welcome internment.

Under what other circumstances would Muslims WELCOME internment?
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that's pretty poleece statey Irosie !! All in all , I think that most Americans are pretty well flocked as I look at how things are going , it sure ain't the 50s , 60s , 70s , 80s , or even the 90s any more !!
I don't know man , things are getting too complicated even for 70 year olds that are born and lived in the USA all their lives . Ppers here and papers there , ID for everything but voting [funny] . Me , I'd rather stop importation of select groups !!

where I vote-----all you have to do is give them an ADDRESS----nearby. ------that's it.----but to get into the city municipal building---you have to have a PICTURE ID----
and undergo a METAL check. -------I had to take my little beanie off my head ---IT WAS A BAD HAIR DAY------little crocheted beanie------thin and with HOLES ---ie the spaces in crochet------what could I have possibly been hiding in the little beanie other than frizzy hair
Take it as a warning ....
Time to get that Concealed Carry Permit.
Be wary of those that try to disarm you.

What good would that do?

If you were actually unfortunately found in a situation in which you had to use it on some Muzzie scum who was trying to behead one of your family members or friends, the media would just have all kinds of fun making you out to be the second coming of George Zimmerman.

I don't see the point.

Learn to stab people instead, the way I see it.
I don't know man , things are getting too complicated even for 70 year olds that are born and lived in the USA all their lives . Ppers here and papers there , ID for everything but voting [funny] . Me , I'd rather stop importation of select groups !!

where I vote-----all you have to do is give them an ADDRESS----nearby. ------that's it.----but to get into the city municipal building---you have to have a PICTURE ID----
and undergo a METAL check. -------I had to take my little beanie off my head ---IT WAS A BAD HAIR DAY------little crocheted beanie------thin and with HOLES ---ie the spaces in crochet------what could I have possibly been hiding in the little beanie other than frizzy hair
Take it as a warning ....
Time to get that Concealed Carry Permit.
Be wary of those that try to disarm you.

What good would that do?

If you were actually unfortunately found in a situation in which you had to use it on some Muzzie scum who was trying to behead one of your family members or friends, the media would just have all kinds of fun making you out to be the second coming of George Zimmerman.

I don't see the point.

Learn to stab people instead, the way I see it.
Well, in Iraq they let the family have a crack at them first.
I don't know man , things are getting too complicated even for 70 year olds that are born and lived in the USA all their lives . Ppers here and papers there , ID for everything but voting [funny] . Me , I'd rather stop importation of select groups !!

where I vote-----all you have to do is give them an ADDRESS----nearby. ------that's it.----but to get into the city municipal building---you have to have a PICTURE ID----
and undergo a METAL check. -------I had to take my little beanie off my head ---IT WAS A BAD HAIR DAY------little crocheted beanie------thin and with HOLES ---ie the spaces in crochet------what could I have possibly been hiding in the little beanie other than frizzy hair

What could the underwear or shoe bombers have been hiding in their undies or sneaks?
I don't know man , things are getting too complicated even for 70 year olds that are born and lived in the USA all their lives . Ppers here and papers there , ID for everything but voting [funny] . Me , I'd rather stop importation of select groups !!

where I vote-----all you have to do is give them an ADDRESS----nearby. ------that's it.----but to get into the city municipal building---you have to have a PICTURE ID----
and undergo a METAL check. -------I had to take my little beanie off my head ---IT WAS A BAD HAIR DAY------little crocheted beanie------thin and with HOLES ---ie the spaces in crochet------what could I have possibly been hiding in the little beanie other than frizzy hair

What could the underwear or shoe bombers have been hiding in their undies or sneaks?
Poop or stanky socks.
Sharia offers no threat to the US. Our system of laws and constitution prevent that.

Might that be the same "constitution" that prevents foreign-born from being President?

The same "constitution" that defined the powers of the various parts of government?

Or used to!

I don't follow conspiracy theories.
yeah , its the same Constitution that secures the USA borders !! We'll see wot happens Coyote as I think that I'll be long gone before there is much for me to be concerned with . Still , I like thinking ahead and I do talk to lefties , progressives that tell me , hey , the constitution is just a piece of paper .

Don't believe everything you read from chicken-little pundits.

Do you have any evidence there is widespread support for Sharia in our system of laws or even that Sharia overides state and constitutional law?
Take it as a warning ....
Time to get that Concealed Carry Permit.
Be wary of those that try to disarm you.

What good would that do?

If you were actually unfortunately found in a situation in which you had to use it on some Muzzie scum who was trying to behead one of your family members or friends, the media would just have all kinds of fun making you out to be the second coming of George Zimmerman.

I don't see the point.

Learn to stab people instead, the way I see it.
Well, in Iraq they let the family have a crack at them first.

So, after I catch them I have to give them a plane ticket to Iraq?

Stabbin's easier.

I don't know man , things are getting too complicated even for 70 year olds that are born and lived in the USA all their lives . Ppers here and papers there , ID for everything but voting [funny] . Me , I'd rather stop importation of select groups !!

where I vote-----all you have to do is give them an ADDRESS----nearby. ------that's it.----but to get into the city municipal building---you have to have a PICTURE ID----
and undergo a METAL check. -------I had to take my little beanie off my head ---IT WAS A BAD HAIR DAY------little crocheted beanie------thin and with HOLES ---ie the spaces in crochet------what could I have possibly been hiding in the little beanie other than frizzy hair

What could the underwear or shoe bombers have been hiding in their undies or sneaks?

Oder Eaters?

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