Another Muslim In Oklahoma Arrested For Threatening To Behead Coworker

Take it as a warning ....
Time to get that Concealed Carry Permit.
Be wary of those that try to disarm you.

the mask of sharto said:
What good would that do?

If you were actually unfortunately found in a situation in which you had to use it on some Muzzie scum who was trying to behead one of your family members or friends, the media would just have all kinds of fun making you out to be the second coming of George Zimmerman.

I don't see the point.

Learn to stab people instead, the way I see it.

mudwhistle said:
Well, in Iraq they let the family have a crack at them first.

No wonder they don't want to become the 51st state. :badgrin:
[QUOTE="Mojo2, post: 9881681, member:

where I vote-----all you have to do is give them an ADDRESS----nearby. ------that's it.----but to get into the city municipal building---you have to have a PICTURE ID----
and undergo a METAL check. -------I had to take my little beanie off my head ---IT WAS A BAD HAIR DAY------little crocheted beanie------thin and with HOLES ---ie the spaces in crochet------what could I have possibly been hiding in the little beanie other than frizzy hair[/QUOTE]

What could the underwear or shoe bombers have been hiding in their undies or sneaks?[/QUOTE]

oh------yeah----good point-----I should have
thanked them for not checking my underwear
Take it as a warning ....
Time to get that Concealed Carry Permit.
Be wary of those that try to disarm you.

What good would that do?

If you were actually unfortunately found in a situation in which you had to use it on some Muzzie scum who was trying to behead one of your family members or friends, the media would just have all kinds of fun making you out to be the second coming of George Zimmerman.

I don't see the point.

Learn to stab people instead, the way I see it.
I'm more inclined to home made
Take it as a warning ....
Time to get that Concealed Carry Permit.
Be wary of those that try to disarm you.

What good would that do?

If you were actually unfortunately found in a situation in which you had to use it on some Muzzie scum who was trying to behead one of your family members or friends, the media would just have all kinds of fun making you out to be the second coming of George Zimmerman.

I don't see the point.

Learn to stab people instead, the way I see it.

I am more inclined to home made flame throwers...
Take it as a warning ....
Time to get that Concealed Carry Permit.
Be wary of those that try to disarm you.

shartlito's way said:
What good would that do?

If you were actually unfortunately found in a situation in which you had to use it on some Muzzie scum who was trying to behead one of your family members or friends, the media would just have all kinds of fun making you out to be the second coming of George Zimmerman.

I don't see the point.

Learn to stab people instead, the way I see it.

deltex1 said:
I am more inclined to home made flame throwers...

You mean like, with a Zippo and a can of Aqua Net?
We've got to monitor the mosques and get a clear picture of what is being preached, and what is being discussed.
You've got something there. Every talk show on TV should have a "Five Minutes With a Muzzie" segment...with straight forward honest questions so they can be put on the record.
You should contact the major news networks and pitch your idea. ..... :lol: :lol:
What questions would you ask Sunniman?
Have you ever fucked a goat sunni?


He believes in submission.

Here's some drone footage.

Sunni Man, will you narrate it for us?

yeah , its the same Constitution that secures the USA borders !! We'll see wot happens Coyote as I think that I'll be long gone before there is much for me to be concerned with . Still , I like thinking ahead and I do talk to lefties , progressives that tell me , hey , the constitution is just a piece of paper .

Don't believe everything you read from chicken-little pundits.

Do you have any evidence there is widespread support for Sharia in our system of laws or even that Sharia overides state and constitutional law?

did someone say that shariah overrides state and constitutional law in the USA?-----In the minds of lots of muslims it does-----In several muslim countries the CONSTITUTION includes a clause stating that the country will ignore any international demands that are
not in accordance with SHARIAH ----muslim countries have ---on that basis---rejected UN---universal rights of man (not that I care)

I have run into muslims who---do MUSLIM stuff that is not in accordance with----usa law.---family stuff
I don't know man , things are getting too complicated even for 70 year olds that are born and lived in the USA all their lives . Ppers here and papers there , ID for everything but voting [funny] . Me , I'd rather stop importation of select groups !!

where I vote-----all you have to do is give them an ADDRESS----nearby. ------that's it.----but to get into the city municipal building---you have to have a PICTURE ID----
and undergo a METAL check. -------I had to take my little beanie off my head ---IT WAS A BAD HAIR DAY------little crocheted beanie------thin and with HOLES ---ie the spaces in crochet------what could I have possibly been hiding in the little beanie other than frizzy hair

What could the underwear or shoe bombers have been hiding in their undies or sneaks?

Oder Eaters?

Oder is the name of a river.

Odor Eaters.

Pretty funny.

yeah , its the same Constitution that secures the USA borders !! We'll see wot happens Coyote as I think that I'll be long gone before there is much for me to be concerned with . Still , I like thinking ahead and I do talk to lefties , progressives that tell me , hey , the constitution is just a piece of paper .

Don't believe everything you read from chicken-little pundits.

Do you have any evidence there is widespread support for Sharia in our system of laws or even that Sharia overides state and constitutional law?

did someone say that shariah overrides state and constitutional law in the USA?-----In the minds of lots of muslims it does-----In several muslim countries the CONSTITUTION includes a clause stating that the country will ignore any international demands that are
not in accordance with SHARIAH ----muslim countries have ---on that basis---rejected UN---universal rights of man (not that I care)

I have run into muslims who---do MUSLIM stuff that is not in accordance with----usa law.---family stuff

Onesies and twosies no one cares.

Thousandsies and tens of thousandsies, it becomes harder to eliminate.

Thanks for validating the report.
yeah , its the same Constitution that secures the USA borders !! We'll see wot happens Coyote as I think that I'll be long gone before there is much for me to be concerned with . Still , I like thinking ahead and I do talk to lefties , progressives that tell me , hey , the constitution is just a piece of paper .

Don't believe everything you read from chicken-little pundits.

Do you have any evidence there is widespread support for Sharia in our system of laws or even that Sharia overides state and constitutional law?

If what Pismoe says is so, what would you say to that?
Take it as a warning ....
Time to get that Concealed Carry Permit.
Be wary of those that try to disarm you.

shartlito's way said:
What good would that do?

If you were actually unfortunately found in a situation in which you had to use it on some Muzzie scum who was trying to behead one of your family members or friends, the media would just have all kinds of fun making you out to be the second coming of George Zimmerman.

I don't see the point.

Learn to stab people instead, the way I see it.

deltex1 said:
I am more inclined to home made flame throwers...

You mean like, with a Zippo and a can of Aqua Net?
Effective against small muslims...any ideas for big ones?
Shariah in iran hangs gays , drops them off cliffs and causes death to gays by other nasty means . Kansas adopts a law that say [example , guess] that a religious wedding cake maker can't be FORCED to make a cake for a gay couple . Is that about right Coyote ??
Sharia offers no threat to the US. Our system of laws and constitution prevent that.

Might that be the same "constitution" that prevents foreign-born from being President?

The same "constitution" that defined the powers of the various parts of government?

Or used to!

I don't follow conspiracy theories.

One should always be aware of, if not concerned by, the sight of smoke rising up from above the forest timbers. Especially if it is not a confirmed and authorized fire.

But, that's my view of things because I'm looking to PREVENT threats from harming the USA.

Besides unruly posters, what are you looking for?
yeah , but the few lefties that I mention in passing look at shariah as unthreatening to the USA but that's just my opinion as I read their cwazy comments Bodecca !!


Sharia offers no threat to the US. Our system of laws and constitution prevent that. There is virtually no (if any) support within the US Muslim community for the imposition of Sharia over state and constitutional law. Given that Christian groups have been trying for decades to impose religion into our system of laws and despite their overwelming demographic majority - have failed, I think it's hysterical that anyone would be concerned about Sharia in this country.

What religious laws have Christians tried to force upon us?

Just a few examples, the Kansas’ House of Representatives passed a bill that would allow people and business' to deny services to same sex couples if it violated their religious belief - effectively sanctioning discrimination against gay Americans because same sex marriage is anti-Biblical. Similar bills were pending in Mississippi, Idaho, and Arizona - not sure if they passed or not.

Santorum's comments on religion and law:

Santorum's comments opposing same sex marriage (an opposition that is almost entirely based on religion): that the laws in our country must “comport” with God’s law. Santorum also argued in opposition to marriage equality, that our nation’s values “are based on Biblical truth… And, those truths don’t change just because people’s attitudes may change.”

Huckabee (from the same source): ...proclaimed during his 2008 presidential race that our laws should be in accordance with God’s. In fact, Huckabee, an ordained Southern Baptist minister, went as far as to say: “…I believe it’s a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And that’s what we need to do is amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than trying to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view…”

Some more: The Religious Substitution Test The Progressive Cynic

Can North Carolina Declare an Official Religion

Other examples - anti-homosexual laws which fortunately have been declared unconstitutional but that hasn't stopped people from trying to get around it: Wave of new state bills Religious freedom or license to discriminate Al Jazeera America

Most of the time, attempts are not successful because they violate the Constitution.
Shariah in iran hangs gays , drops them off cliffs and causes death to gays by other nasty means . Kansas adopts a law that say [example , guess] that a religious wedding cake maker can't be FORCED to make a cake for a gay couple . Is that about right Coyote ??

Uganda's religious leaders with support from American churches have imposed strict religious laws against homosexuals, their friends and anyone who doesn't report them. The original set of laws included the death penalty but the outcry from the international community was intense enough that they backed off of it. Now they only publish homosexuals in the newspapers so the mobs can lynch them.

I don't want to see that in the US either.
[QUOTE="Mojo2, post: 9881681, member:

where I vote-----all you have to do is give them an ADDRESS----nearby. ------that's it.----but to get into the city municipal building---you have to have a PICTURE ID----
and undergo a METAL check. -------I had to take my little beanie off my head ---IT WAS A BAD HAIR DAY------little crocheted beanie------thin and with HOLES ---ie the spaces in crochet------what could I have possibly been hiding in the little beanie other than frizzy hair

What could the underwear or shoe bombers have been hiding in their undies or sneaks?[/QUOTE]

oh------yeah----good point-----I should have
thanked them for not checking my underwear

Please remember to do that next time.
Take it as a warning ....
Time to get that Concealed Carry Permit.
Be wary of those that try to disarm you.

shartlito's way said:
What good would that do?

If you were actually unfortunately found in a situation in which you had to use it on some Muzzie scum who was trying to behead one of your family members or friends, the media would just have all kinds of fun making you out to be the second coming of George Zimmerman.

I don't see the point.

Learn to stab people instead, the way I see it.

deltex1 said:
I am more inclined to home made flame throwers...

the mask of sharto said:
You mean like, with a Zippo and a can of Aqua Net?

deltex1 said:
Effective against small muslims...any ideas for big ones?



Problem solved. :thup:
yeah , its the same Constitution that secures the USA borders !! We'll see wot happens Coyote as I think that I'll be long gone before there is much for me to be concerned with . Still , I like thinking ahead and I do talk to lefties , progressives that tell me , hey , the constitution is just a piece of paper .

Don't believe everything you read from chicken-little pundits.

Do you have any evidence there is widespread support for Sharia in our system of laws or even that Sharia overides state and constitutional law?

did someone say that shariah overrides state and constitutional law in the USA?-----In the minds of lots of muslims it does-----In several muslim countries the CONSTITUTION includes a clause stating that the country will ignore any international demands that are
not in accordance with SHARIAH ----muslim countries have ---on that basis---rejected UN---universal rights of man (not that I care)

I have run into muslims who---do MUSLIM stuff that is not in accordance with----usa law.---family stuff

Where talking about the US, not other countries. Since you know what Muslims think (I assumed you've talked to all of them) perhaps you can find me some evidence for significant support of Sharia over US law amongst American Muslims?
Shariah in iran hangs gays , drops them off cliffs and causes death to gays by other nasty means . Kansas adopts a law that say [example , guess] that a religious wedding cake maker can't be FORCED to make a cake for a gay couple . Is that about right Coyote ??

Uganda's religious leaders with support from American churches have imposed strict religious laws against homosexuals, their friends and anyone who doesn't report them. The original set of laws included the death penalty but the outcry from the international community was intense enough that they backed off of it. Now they only publish homosexuals in the newspapers so the mobs can lynch them.

I don't want to see that in the US either.

Have you figured out which Parental/Authority Entity will be better for your interests yet?

A nation half filled with loving Christians who are sometimes less loving than Christ might instruct them to be?

Or a nation ruled by religious zealots which forbid Homosexuality by law, upon pain of death?

I tell you, it sure wouldn't take me long to figure that one out if I were Gay.

So why do Gays continue to defend Islam and Muslims?

WTF has taken them so long to start trying to save their OWN asses?


Because they are mostly Liberals and born with Liberal hardwiring which makes them irrational. Or, in boxing lingo, they lead with their emotiuons. Not their brains.

This makes most of them unfit for positions of great responsibility at the highest levels of government.
Shariah in iran hangs gays , drops them off cliffs and causes death to gays by other nasty means . Kansas adopts a law that say [example , guess] that a religious wedding cake maker can't be FORCED to make a cake for a gay couple . Is that about right Coyote ??

Uganda's religious leaders with support from American churches have imposed strict religious laws against homosexuals, their friends and anyone who doesn't report them. The original set of laws included the death penalty but the outcry from the international community was intense enough that they backed off of it. Now they only publish homosexuals in the newspapers so the mobs can lynch them.

I don't want to see that in the US either.

Have you figured out which Parental/Authority Entity will be better for your interests yet?

A nation half filled with loving Christians who are sometimes less loving than Christ might instruct them to be?

Or a nation ruled by religious zealots which forbid Hmosexuality by law, upon pain of death?

I tell you, it sure wouldn't take me long to figure that one out if I were Gay.

So why do Gays continue to defend Islam and Muslims?

WTF has taken them so long to start trying to save their OWN asses?


Because they are mostly Liberals and born with Liberal hardwiring which makes them irrational. Or, in boxing lingo, they lead with their emotiuons. Not their brains.

This makes most of them unfit for positions of great responsibility at the highest levels of government.

A secular constitutional republic.

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