Another Muslim In Oklahoma Arrested For Threatening To Behead Coworker

yeah , but the few lefties that I mention in passing look at shariah as unthreatening to the USA but that's just my opinion as I read their cwazy comments Bodecca !!


Sharia offers no threat to the US. Our system of laws and constitution prevent that. There is virtually no (if any) support within the US Muslim community for the imposition of Sharia over state and constitutional law. Given that Christian groups have been trying for decades to impose religion into our system of laws and despite their overwelming demographic majority - have failed, I think it's hysterical that anyone would be concerned about Sharia in this country.
Sharia offers no threat to the US. Our system of laws and constitution prevent that.

Might that be the same "constitution" that prevents foreign-born from being President?

The same "constitution" that defined the powers of the various parts of government?

Or used to!
We've got to monitor the mosques and get a clear picture of what is being preached, and what is being discussed.
You've got something there. Every talk show on TV should have a "Five Minutes With a Muzzie" segment...with straight forward honest questions so they can be put on the record.
don't know if its an act of terrorism but the beheading sure looks like a muslim beheading to me !!
If islamic terrorism was not the motive, wouldn't a simple stabbing or shooting be a whole lot simpler?
No one beheads his victims but jihadists and immortal Scottish dudes named Connor MacLeod.
Jamaicans do.
No, they be-heading out to smoke some Gonga mann.
don't know if its an act of terrorism but the beheading sure looks like a muslim beheading to me !!
If islamic terrorism was not the motive, wouldn't a simple stabbing or shooting be a whole lot simpler?
No one beheads his victims but jihadists and immortal Scottish dudes named Connor MacLeod.
Jamaicans do.
No, they be-heading out to smoke some Gonga mann.
That too.
We've got to monitor the mosques and get a clear picture of what is being preached, and what is being discussed.
You've got something there. Every talk show on TV should have a "Five Minutes With a Muzzie" segment...with straight forward honest questions so they can be put on the record.
You should contact the major news networks and pitch your idea. ..... :lol: :lol:
yeah , but the few lefties that I mention in passing look at shariah as unthreatening to the USA but that's just my opinion as I read their cwazy comments Bodecca !!


Sharia offers no threat to the US. Our system of laws and constitution prevent that. There is virtually no (if any) support within the US Muslim community for the imposition of Sharia over state and constitutional law. Given that Christian groups have been trying for decades to impose religion into our system of laws and despite their overwelming demographic majority - have failed, I think it's hysterical that anyone would be concerned about Sharia in this country.
how about some non hysterical examples of that, GERTRUDE...and I hope its not all gay shit.
If Oklahoman citizens don't stop this beheading bullshit, we might have to do something.
yeah , but the few lefties that I mention in passing look at shariah as unthreatening to the USA but that's just my opinion as I read their cwazy comments Bodecca !!


Sharia offers no threat to the US. Our system of laws and constitution prevent that. There is virtually no (if any) support within the US Muslim community for the imposition of Sharia over state and constitutional law. Given that Christian groups have been trying for decades to impose religion into our system of laws and despite their overwelming demographic majority - have failed, I think it's hysterical that anyone would be concerned about Sharia in this country.

Christians have been trying to impose a CHURCH MEDIATED SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT? ------when and where?---
would that be CANON LAW? -----
A system of law that criminalizes conversion from Christianity to Buddhism? -----or outlaws atheism? -----renders it a capital offense.?
I think that some people have -----a kinda religion mediated morality that they would
support in law------like TEMPERANCE-----
but I know of no group of Christians who demand that -----EPISCOPALIAN law
become the LAW OF THE LAND-----and
would send CROMWELL out to hang catholics
I think it's time to start WWII-ish internment camps for Muzzies.

I actually have a Japanese friend who had relatives who were thrown into a camp during the War, and I've told him to his face that I'm not sorry that we interned them.

War isn't pretty.

We do what we have to do to survive in war.

We are in the thick of a war with Islam right now that threatens our culture, our survival as a people.

Time to kickstart the camps, and lock up some Muslims.

The burden of proof as to why they shouldn't be placed in camps is on them — not those of us who aren't beheading people.
Not a bad idea Shart...but first we have to get OBABBLE to get in the war...he is leading so far from behind I am not sure too many american muzzies are aware of the problem.
yeah , its the same Constitution that secures the USA borders !! We'll see wot happens Coyote as I think that I'll be long gone before there is much for me to be concerned with . Still , I like thinking ahead and I do talk to lefties , progressives that tell me , hey , the constitution is just a piece of paper .
some of these leftie excuse makers are just cwazy and they'd be the first to be done away with under shariah . Shariah isn't even in the USA yet but already many of these lefties sound like dhimmis . here on USMB calling for Sharia Law isn't even close to being a Leftie.
Sharia law for big mouth fat assed dykes only :fu:
yeah , but the few lefties that I mention in passing look at shariah as unthreatening to the USA but that's just my opinion as I read their cwazy comments Bodecca !!


Sharia offers no threat to the US. Our system of laws and constitution prevent that. There is virtually no (if any) support within the US Muslim community for the imposition of Sharia over state and constitutional law. Given that Christian groups have been trying for decades to impose religion into our system of laws and despite their overwelming demographic majority - have failed, I think it's hysterical that anyone would be concerned about Sharia in this country.

The threat which shariah presents to the US is MOSTLY that some people consider that system DIVINE. Persons who adhere to
shariah law------do not see the killing of an
apostate as WRONG ---because divine law
allows it A person who adheres to shariah law is likely to HIDE ---a person who kills "legally"--------a phenomenon which marked the murder by one "BAZ"-----of Ari Halberstam-------and which galvanized the
murders committed at FORT HOOD.
There is no question that some people who have killed abortionists also believed
that they were doing something "divine"----but shariah law is not an aberration----it is considered DIVINE by hundreds of millions of people
yeah , but the few lefties that I mention in passing look at shariah as unthreatening to the USA but that's just my opinion as I read their cwazy comments Bodecca !!


Sharia offers no threat to the US. Our system of laws and constitution prevent that. There is virtually no (if any) support within the US Muslim community for the imposition of Sharia over state and constitutional law. Given that Christian groups have been trying for decades to impose religion into our system of laws and despite their overwelming demographic majority - have failed, I think it's hysterical that anyone would be concerned about Sharia in this country.

What religious laws have Christians tried to force upon us?
We've got to monitor the mosques and get a clear picture of what is being preached, and what is being discussed.
You've got something there. Every talk show on TV should have a "Five Minutes With a Muzzie" segment...with straight forward honest questions so they can be put on the record.
You should contact the major news networks and pitch your idea. ..... :lol: :lol:
What questions would you ask Sunniman?
Take it as a warning ....
Time to get that Concealed Carry Permit.
Be wary of those that try to disarm you.
too late-------for mosque monitoring------too little and too late. I have a better idea----teach teachers to LISTEN to what the children say.

remember------skip a rope la la la listen
to what the children say----kids on the
playground echo that which goes in their
ears at home
We've got to monitor the mosques and get a clear picture of what is being preached, and what is being discussed.
You've got something there. Every talk show on TV should have a "Five Minutes With a Muzzie" segment...with straight forward honest questions so they can be put on the record.
You should contact the major news networks and pitch your idea. ..... :lol: :lol:
What questions would you ask Sunniman?

No bestiality.
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