Another naïve politician, just what we need.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013

“We can decide to kneel to the mob and kneel to the state, cede all of our power over to the federal government, and then, you know, be confined to the ash heap of history," Cawthorn adds. "Or we can decide to come together and realize that we all want the same thing, which is a better America."

In what reality do liberals want "a better America"? They want a soviet America and only a vacuous drone believes that would be an improvement. If liberals wanted a "better America", why are they burning, looting and murdering in cities around the country? Why would they support and vote for criminal sociopaths that have NEVER DONE ANYTHING OTHER THAN ENRICH THEMSELVES IN PUBLIC OFFICE? Why would they openly loathe Trump, who managed to turn the economy around? Why would they be dedicated to disarming the citizens? Why would they get furious when minorities, gays and women embrace conservative politics, ostracize them and attempt to destroy them? Why do they exploit every aspect of our history that has negativity to it, and endeavor to silence those who exalt the incredible accomplishments our nation has achieved?

These ARE NOT "PEOPLE".... They're drones, and they DO NOT want America improved, they want us in decline and ultimately in ruins.

What America is missing now, Cawthorn tells Lahren, is the ability to just "sit down" and "have a real conversation" on issues. “I think we have got to have a strong economy," he says. "Got to have a strong military. We need to have good border security. Almost every American can agree on those things."

You cannot have a "conversation" with a parrot.


That is all these sniveling bed wetters are... PARROTS. Every REAL American wants a strong economy, a strong military, good border security as well as peaceful streets, a clean environment, legitimate elections, effective education and economic upward mobility. Every endeavor of the democrook party stifles or erodes progress towards those goals. I hope this kid wins the election, but he better get his head out of his ass because these democrook parasites ARE NOT just "fellow citizens" that he happens to disagree with. They're full blown traitors and their loyalty is to the collectivist global state marxists have been trying to establish for 150 years.

I have to bump this gain:

You cannot have a "conversation" with a parrot.
Word efficiency, people.

This business is well ended.
My liege and madam, to expostulate
What majesty should be, what duty is,
90Why day is day, night night, and time is time,
Were nothing but to waste night, day, and time.
Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,
I will be brief: your noble son is mad.
95Mad call I it, for, to define true madness,
What is ’t but to be nothing else but mad?
But let that go.

Translation (for the dumbasses):


Well, that turned out well in the end. Sir and madam, to make grand speeches about what majesty is, what service is, or why day is day, night is night, and time is time is just a waste of a lot of day, night, and time. Therefore, since the essence of wisdom is not talking too much, I’ll get right to the point here. Your son is crazy. “Crazy” I’m calling it, since how can you say what craziness is except to say that it’s craziness? But that’s another story.

“We can decide to kneel to the mob and kneel to the state, cede all of our power over to the federal government, and then, you know, be confined to the ash heap of history," Cawthorn adds. "Or we can decide to come together and realize that we all want the same thing, which is a better America."

In what reality do liberals want "a better America"? They want a soviet America and only a vacuous drone believes that would be an improvement. If liberals wanted a "better America", why are they burning, looting and murdering in cities around the country? Why would they support and vote for criminal sociopaths that have NEVER DONE ANYTHING OTHER THAN ENRICH THEMSELVES IN PUBLIC OFFICE? Why would they openly loathe Trump, who managed to turn the economy around? Why would they be dedicated to disarming the citizens? Why would they get furious when minorities, gays and women embrace conservative politics, ostracize them and attempt to destroy them? Why do they exploit every aspect of our history that has negativity to it, and endeavor to silence those who exalt the incredible accomplishments our nation has achieved?

These ARE NOT "PEOPLE".... They're drones, and they DO NOT want America improved, they want us in decline and ultimately in ruins.

What America is missing now, Cawthorn tells Lahren, is the ability to just "sit down" and "have a real conversation" on issues. “I think we have got to have a strong economy," he says. "Got to have a strong military. We need to have good border security. Almost every American can agree on those things."

You cannot have a "conversation" with a parrot.

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That is all these sniveling bed wetters are... PARROTS. Every REAL American wants a strong economy, a strong military, good border security as well as peaceful streets, a clean environment, legitimate elections, effective education and economic upward mobility. Every endeavor of the democrook party stifles or erodes progress towards those goals. I hope this kid wins the election, but he better get his head out of his ass because these democrook parasites ARE NOT just "fellow citizens" that he happens to disagree with. They're full blown traitors and their loyalty is to the collectivist global state marxists have been trying to establish for 150 years.


Indeed we are far past any point of return regarding the value of negotiating with the radical American left. The radical American left has shattered every law and rule of our government machinery, from their sanctuary cities and states to encouraging violent riots and starting massive wildfires. The radical American left is our greatest historical enemy.

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