Another Nfl Player (adrian Peterson) In Hot Water

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges deactivated for game - LA Times
Reportedly, Peterson used a switch on his 4 yo son's buttocks, back, legs and genitals, leaving wounds.

And yet, the usual RWs say it make no difference.

If this slime kills his baby, they'll still go to the games, wear the silly jersey, guzzle their pepsi and chow down on chips.

Is is possible for the right to sink any lower?

You don't think liberals watch football?

Show me one liberal who says this makes no difference to them. Show me one liberal here who says its okay to beat your wife or use a belt on your 4yo baby.

Just one.
Rachel Maddow stated that she's a big football fan, but can't watch after the Rice thing. Let's see if she comments about Peterson.
Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges deactivated for game - LA Times
Reportedly, Peterson used a switch on his 4 yo son's buttocks, back, legs and genitals, leaving wounds.

And yet, the usual RWs say it make no difference.

If this slime kills his baby, they'll still go to the games, wear the silly jersey, guzzle their pepsi and chow down on chips.

Is is possible for the right to sink any lower?

You don't think liberals watch football?

Show me one liberal who says this makes no difference to them. Show me one liberal here who says its okay to beat your wife or use a belt on your 4yo baby.

Just one.

What, you're holding this out as some kind of virtue? Look at what kind of society your mindless blowing of self esteem onto kids has created.

Peterson is an involved dad, he hasn't abandoned his kids, he actually cares enough to discipline rather than let them run wild. Most importantly he knows himself and how he used to be as a kid and he has his own experience with being physically punished and he can relate that to his young son.

If society has to send a message to black men that message should not be "refrain from disciplining your children" or "You had better think twice about disciplining your children."

The son is the child of the father. If the father has the self-awareness to realize that he was a hellion at a young age and benefited from discipline then he'd be an irresponsible father to let his own kid come to believe that being a hellion is fine, just fine.
Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges deactivated for game - LA Times
Reportedly, Peterson used a switch on his 4 yo son's buttocks, back, legs and genitals, leaving wounds.

And yet, the usual RWs say it make no difference.

If this slime kills his baby, they'll still go to the games, wear the silly jersey, guzzle their pepsi and chow down on chips.

Is is possible for the right to sink any lower?

You don't think liberals watch football?

Show me one liberal who says this makes no difference to them. Show me one liberal here who says its okay to beat your wife or use a belt on your 4yo baby.

Just one.

What, you're holding this out as some kind of virtue? Look at what kind of society your mindless blowing of self esteem onto kids has created.

Peterson is an involved dad, he hasn't abandoned his kids, he actually cares enough to discipline rather than let them run wild. Most importantly he knows himself and how he used to be as a kid and he has his own experience with being physically punished and he can relate that to his young son.

If society has to send a message to black men that message should not be "refrain from disciplining your children" or "You had better think twice about disciplining your children."

The son is the child of the father. If the father has the self-awareness to realize that he was a hellion at a young age and benefited from discipline then he'd be an irresponsible father to let his own kid come to believe that being a hellion is fine, just fine.

Peterson is a psychotic, sadistic pervert who needs to be tortured to death. All of his children should be irreversibly sterilized immediately upon reaching puberty. Break the cycle.
Links please.

Links to RWs being against paying wife/child beaters to play football and links to libs being in favor of wife/child beaters.
As usual you try to smear an entire demographic for your own insane political benefit, ignoring your own.

You are what is wrong with this country.
Way to go, people, way to go.

Take a topic worthy of serious discussion and make it a left/right, Dems/Repubs, we're better than you argument.

Do you people ever think before you click "Post Reply?"
Interesting, Charles Barkley speaks out:

Barkely: "I'm from the south. I understand Boomer's (Esiason) rage and anger ... but he's a white guy and I'm a black guy. I don't know where he's from (editor's note: Esiason grew up in Long Island), I'm from the south. Whipping -- we do that all the time. Every black parent in the south is going to be in jail under those circumstances."

Jim Rome: "It doesn't matter where you're from: Right is right and wrong is wrong."

Barkley: "I don't believe that because, listen, we spank kids in the south. I think the question about whether Adrian Peterson went overboard -- Listen, Jim, we all grow up in different environments. Every black parent in my neighborhood in the South would be in trouble or in jail under those circumstances."

In my day, a switchin' was for when you did something really bad, usually it was the belt or a specially made paddle with holes in it...
I don't spank my kids, I got better results taking away their favorite toy or game console...I will never beat a child, why pass on anger and pain when love is the what you want to teach a child...I only hope that people will someday see how you can alter a child for the worse by constantly beating...just to make a point..
I think the problem is that the NFL is being reduced to the lowest demagraphic now that the long term effects of brain injuries are becoming known.

Good parents are steering their kids away from professional football. The people who are left are the ones who slap around their spouses and kids like this is normal.

Seriously, I was listening to a pre-game show today and it sounded more like the Crime Blotter. They talked about this mook, they talked about Rice, and then they started talking about how the players union and NFL are trying to reach an agreement on performance enhancing drug punishments.
Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges deactivated for game - LA Times
Reportedly, Peterson used a switch on his 4 yo son's buttocks, back, legs and genitals, leaving wounds.

And yet, the usual RWs say it make no difference.

If this slime kills his baby, they'll still go to the games, wear the silly jersey, guzzle their pepsi and chow down on chips.

Is is possible for the right to sink any lower?

You don't think liberals watch football?

Show me one liberal who says this makes no difference to them. Show me one liberal here who says its okay to beat your wife or use a belt on your 4yo baby.

Just one.

What, you're holding this out as some kind of virtue? Look at what kind of society your mindless blowing of self esteem onto kids has created.

Peterson is an involved dad, he hasn't abandoned his kids, he actually cares enough to discipline rather than let them run wild. Most importantly he knows himself and how he used to be as a kid and he has his own experience with being physically punished and he can relate that to his young son.

If society has to send a message to black men that message should not be "refrain from disciplining your children" or "You had better think twice about disciplining your children."

The son is the child of the father. If the father has the self-awareness to realize that he was a hellion at a young age and benefited from discipline then he'd be an irresponsible father to let his own kid come to believe that being a hellion is fine, just fine.

Is THIS what you call "discipline"? The man is a monster. He may not have "abandoned" his kids but the kids need to be rescued and rescued right now.

‘I’m all tearing that butt up when needed’

According to authorities, Peterson beat his 4-year-old son with a tree branch this summer because the child pushed one of his other children off of a motorbike video game.

As punishment Peterson reportedly struck the child repeatedly with a tree branch — which he called a “switch” — after stripping the leaves off of it.

The injuries to the child, discovered during a check-up with the child’s doctor, included cuts and bruises to the boy’s back, buttocks, ankles, legs and scrotum, along with defensive wounds to his hands.

Following the beating, Peterson allegedly texted the child’s mother saying that he “felt bad after the fact when I notice the switch was wrapping around hitting I (sic) thigh.”

Peterson also acknowledged injuring the child’s scrotum, noting, “Got him in nuts once I noticed. But I felt so bad, n I’m all tearing that butt up when needed! I start putting them in timeout. N save the whooping for needed memories!”

According to police, Peterson also texted , “Never do I go overboard! But all my kids will know, hey daddy has the biggie heart but don’t play no games when it comes to acting right.”

Authorities said the child had a different story saying, “Daddy Peterson hit me on my face,” and that he was worried his father would punch him in the face if he told police what happened. He also added that Peterson put the branch’s leaves in his mouth while he was being beaten with his pants down.

In interviews with police, Peterson admitted to the beating saying the marks on the child were similar to those on his other children get when he “spanks them with a switch.”

I think the problem is that the NFL is being reduced to the lowest demagraphic now that the long term effects of brain injuries are becoming known.

Good parents are steering their kids away from professional football. The people who are left are the ones who slap around their spouses and kids like this is normal.

Seriously, I was listening to a pre-game show today and it sounded more like the Crime Blotter. They talked about this mook, they talked about Rice, and then they started talking about how the players union and NFL are trying to reach an agreement on performance enhancing drug punishments.

And notice that the RWs are a in favor of that particular union.


I'm in favor of it too but I'm certainly not in favor of this monster being anywhere near his children.
How stupid one must be to think that the NFL creates abusive people?

This guy deserves jail time. Has NOTHING to do with political leanings or the NFL and Luddy in particular is a piece of shit for insinuating that anyone is okay with this sort of behavior simply because he disagrees with them politically.
Is THIS what you call "discipline"? The man is a monster. He may not have "abandoned" his kids but the kids need to be rescued and rescued right now.

‘I’m all tearing that butt up when needed’

According to authorities, Peterson beat his 4-year-old son with a tree branch this summer because the child pushed one of his other children off of a motorbike video game.

As punishment Peterson reportedly struck the child repeatedly with a tree branch — which he called a “switch” — after stripping the leaves off of it.

The injuries to the child, discovered during a check-up with the child’s doctor, included cuts and bruises to the boy’s back, buttocks, ankles, legs and scrotum, along with defensive wounds to his hands.

Following the beating, Peterson allegedly texted the child’s mother saying that he “felt bad after the fact when I notice the switch was wrapping around hitting I (sic) thigh.”

Peterson also acknowledged injuring the child’s scrotum, noting, “Got him in nuts once I noticed. But I felt so bad, n I’m all tearing that butt up when needed! I start putting them in timeout. N save the whooping for needed memories!”

According to police, Peterson also texted , “Never do I go overboard! But all my kids will know, hey daddy has the biggie heart but don’t play no games when it comes to acting right.”

Authorities said the child had a different story saying, “Daddy Peterson hit me on my face,” and that he was worried his father would punch him in the face if he told police what happened. He also added that Peterson put the branch’s leaves in his mouth while he was being beaten with his pants down.

In interviews with police, Peterson admitted to the beating saying the marks on the child were similar to those on his other children get when he “spanks them with a switch.”

Hang Peterson from a post by his thumbs and remove every inch of skin between his neck and his ankles with a barbed-wire scourge.

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