Another notch for the collectivist state


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
Unity! Healing! (Probably not going to happen) - American Thinker

Aren't most people paying attention sick to death of our self-appointed betters calling for “unity” and “healing”? Talking heads on both sides of the aisle are dutifully repeating this mantra 24/7. The hapless Republicans like Lindsey Graham may think such a soundbite might succeed but no one in the real world does. Not to rehash recent history, but for over four years the Democrats used every dirty trick in their playbook in their attempt to destroy Donald Trump. We should have all realized from that moment that they were not going to let that happen again and indeed they did not.

The left has doubled down in order to put the doddering Joe Biden in the Oval Office. Their hatred, jealousy and fear of Trump’s popularity and success in office has transformed them from merely viciously intolerant into rabid dogs of venality.
When they (democrats) defund the police and I am fending off all those nice black murderous sociopaths I will keep thinking how " beneficent and well meaning" the democrats meant too be...Because...racism is bad. I am feeling like a sacrificial goat to the best intentions of the democratic party.
Unity! Healing! (Probably not going to happen) - American Thinker

Aren't most people paying attention sick to death of our self-appointed betters calling for “unity” and “healing”? Talking heads on both sides of the aisle are dutifully repeating this mantra 24/7. The hapless Republicans like Lindsey Graham may think such a soundbite might succeed but no one in the real world does. Not to rehash recent history, but for over four years the Democrats used every dirty trick in their playbook in their attempt to destroy Donald Trump. We should have all realized from that moment that they were not going to let that happen again and indeed they did not.

The left has doubled down in order to put the doddering Joe Biden in the Oval Office. Their hatred, jealousy and fear of Trump’s popularity and success in office has transformed them from merely viciously intolerant into rabid dogs of venality.

I agree and did you catch what he did on his first day?? It sure won't unite the country.

I'm going to sit back and watch the lefty loons on this board defend that jack ass. He's under the microscope now and he will get a taste of what Trump endured for four years.

I'll just sit back and LMAO. Hope they enjoy cause I sure will.

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