Another One Bites the Dust


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
East Japip
My brother just got his letter cancelling his individual health insurance policy. As of Jan 1 he can only get something from the exchanges. He pays $170/month for a catastrophic plan with limited small things covered. I'll update when he finds out what his new insurance plan offers.

If you want to keep the plan you're on, you can do that. - B. Obama

Liar, liar, liar.
My brother just got his letter cancelling his individual health insurance policy. As of Jan 1 he can only get something from the exchanges. He pays $170/month for a catastrophic plan with limited small things covered. I'll update when he finds out what his new insurance plan offers.

If you want to keep the plan you're on, you can do that. - B. Obama

Liar, liar, liar.

how did obama lie? seems the company has elected not to cover
My brother just got his letter cancelling his individual health insurance policy. As of Jan 1 he can only get something from the exchanges. He pays $170/month for a catastrophic plan with limited small things covered. I'll update when he finds out what his new insurance plan offers.

If you want to keep the plan you're on, you can do that. - B. Obama

Liar, liar, liar.

how did obama lie? seems the company has elected not to cover

See above quote. The company specifically states (in the letter) that it is due to the ACA that they are dropping him.
My brother just got his letter cancelling his individual health insurance policy. As of Jan 1 he can only get something from the exchanges. He pays $170/month for a catastrophic plan with limited small things covered. I'll update when he finds out what his new insurance plan offers.

If you want to keep the plan you're on, you can do that. - B. Obama

Liar, liar, liar.

how did obama lie? seems the company has elected not to cover

Its his law. He made a promise that it wouldnt do things like this. It is doing things like this.

There are two possible causes of this. 1) He is an idiot and didnt realize it would happen 2) He is an asshole, knew this would happen exacttly, and lied to the American People.
suddenly you think insurance companies are trustful and honest? really?

He has had his policy for five years. His physical state has improved over the last five years. If the insurance company were going to cancel his policy surely they would have done it when he was sick, no? The ACA is forcing the cancelling of his policy. Fact.

Obama lied when he said if you liked your plan you could keep your plan.
okay how is the aca forcing the insurance company to cancel....

look i am not a happy camper either..suddenly my lab fees have doubled...i could do without that...but how did the aca force this?
Who cancelled?

His employer?

What part of 'individual health insurance policy' didn't you understand? The insurance company cancelled his policy, citing ACA as the reason.


We revised ACA to drop the Government option to protect the insurance companies from competition. If Insurace companies start shedding customers, it is time to ressurect the Government option to pick up the slack
okay how is the aca forcing the insurance company to cancel....

look i am not a happy camper either..suddenly my lab fees have doubled...i could do without that...but how did the aca force this?

More than likely its because the policy doesnt meet the minimum level requirements stated under the act. Therefore they had to cancel it and probably offer him a plan that covers more and costs more, a plan that HE DOES NOT WANT.

He had a plan, he couldn't keep it. Thats a lie by Obama right there. The only question is the lie due to ignorance or malice.
Look at these bed wetters, they will never admit Obama was dead wrong.

"It's all the company's fault"...they will all parrot this in order to protect their Dear Leader.
Who cancelled?

His employer?

What part of 'individual health insurance policy' didn't you understand? The insurance company cancelled his policy, citing ACA as the reason.


We revised ACA to drop the Government option to protect the insurance companies from competition. If Insurace companies start shedding customers, it is time to ressurect the Government option to pick up the slack

That was the plan all along. Single payer is the end game, and the democrats lied thier way to get to this point.
okay how is the aca forcing the insurance company to cancel....

look i am not a happy camper either..suddenly my lab fees have doubled...i could do without that...but how did the aca force this?

From the various information I've read some individual policies do not qualify under the ACA law and therefore, are not allowed.

Just over half of the individual plans currently on the market do not meet the standards to be sold next year, when many key provisions of President Obama's Affordable Care Act kick in, according to a University of Chicago study. That's because the law sets new minimums for the basic coverage every individual health care plan must provide.

Most individual health insurance isn't good enough for Obamacare - Apr. 3, 2013

His plan is a catastrophic plan with limited 'small things' covered.

Both groups will be affected by the new Obamacare rules. Starting next year, nearly all individual plans -- both in and out of the exchanges -- will be required to cover an array of "essential" services, including medication, maternity and mental health care. Many plans don't currently offer those benefits.

Most individual health insurance isn't good enough for Obamacare - Apr. 3, 2013

Tell me again how if someone likes their plan they can keep it?

Obama is a liar.
Who cancelled?

His employer?

What part of 'individual health insurance policy' didn't you understand? The insurance company cancelled his policy, citing ACA as the reason.


We revised ACA to drop the Government option to protect the insurance companies from competition. If Insurace companies start shedding customers, it is time to ressurect the Government option to pick up the slack

And there we have it ladies and gentlemen....the one thing that conservatives opposed to this bill from the start have been warning about, and the one thing that the progressive shitbags pushing it promised would never happen....
Like an estimated 22 million other Americans, I am a self-employed small-business owner who buys health insurance for my family directly on the individual market. We have a high-deductible PPO plan that allows us to choose from a wide range of doctors.

Or rather, we had such a plan.

Last week, our family received notice from Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Colorado that we can no longer keep the plan we like because of “changes from health care reform (also called the Affordable Care Act or ACA).” The letter informed us that “to meet the requirements of the new laws, your current plan can no longer be continued beyond your 2014 renewal date.”

In short: Obama lied. My health plan died.

Remember? Our president looked America straight in the eye and promised: “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) also lied when she pledged: “Keep your doctor, and your current plan, if you like them.”

This isn’t just partisan business. It’s personal. Our cancellation letter states that Anthem is “not going to be selling new individual PPO plans.” When we asked whether we could keep our children’s doctors, an agent for Anthem told my husband and me that she didn’t know. The insurer has no details available yet on what exactly they’ll be offering. We either will be herded into the Obamacare federal health-insurance-exchange regime (launching October 1), a severely limited HMO plan, or we’ll be presented with costlier alternatives from another insurer. If they even exist.

My family is not alone. Across the country, insurers are sending out Obamacare-induced health-plan death notices to untold tens of thousands of other customers in the individual market. Twitter users are posting their Obamacare cancellation notices and accompanying rate increases:

Linda Deright posted the news she received from her insurance company, Regence of Washington State: “63 percent jump, old policy of 15 yrs. cancelled.” Karen J. Dugan wrote: “Received same notice from Blue Shield CA for our small business. Driving into exchange and no info since online site is down.” Chris Birk wrote: “Got notice from BCBS that my current health plan is not ACA compliant. New plan 2x as costly for worse coverage.” Small-business owner Villi Wilson posted his letter from HMSA Blue Cross Blue Shield canceling his individual plan and added: “I thought Obama said if I like my health care plan, I can keep my health care plan.”

Obama Lied, My Health Plan Died | National Review Online

We were promised by Barack Obama that if we liked our insurance plan we could keep it, that if we liked our doctor we could keep seeing them.

He, and the whole leftist shitbag contingency are nothing but lying asshats. Every. Single. One.

But you morons keep defending him. Go on, grab both of his balls and give a little squeeeze to show him just how much you adore him.
Remember how batshit crazy liberals went when he was first outted:

Joe Wilson was 100% correct. Obama is a liar.

(waiting for the "all politicians lie" excuse in 5, 4, 3 . . . .)

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