Another Pet Project Of Obama's Grinds To A Halt: Volt Production Suspended

The definition of Fascism is when we let the corporations take over our government.

And remember Terminator? The FICTON movie about how one day non living things would take over our planet? Who knew that shit would actually happen. Life imitating art. Who knew the day they would take over already happened. It was the day Citizens United was passed. When they said Corporations are people and money is speech.

I even know Republicans don't agree with Citizens United but like pollution and war, they will go along with anything the GOP and Rush and Fox tell them to go along with. Brainwashed.

Because of Citizens United, Al Queda can now own a corporation in America and they can donate SECRETLY as much money as they want to any candidate they want and so now even they have a voice in our government. Congrats righties. Dumb fuckers.
The definition of Fascism is when we let the corporations take over our government.

And remember Terminator? The FICTON movie about how one day non living things would take over our planet? Who knew that shit would actually happen. Life imitating art. Who knew the day they would take over already happened. It was the day Citizens United was passed. When they said Corporations are people and money is speech.

I even know Republicans don't agree with Citizens United but like pollution and war, they will go along with anything the GOP and Rush and Fox tell them to go along with. Brainwashed.

Because of Citizens United, Al Queda can now own a corporation in America and they can donate SECRETLY as much money as they want to any candidate they want and so now even they have a voice in our government. Congrats righties. Dumb fuckers.

So when a corporation bribes Obama, he then gives said corporation taxpayer money to fund a project, and that project fails, that's facism right?
The government gives money to pharma companies for research. Do Republicans suggest the government not do this? Because if they don't, the Pharma's won't do the research. It isn't the governments goal to make money. Sometimes government does this. It takes on projects that may lead to a great discovery or cure and corporations didn't come up with it because they didn't see the immediate ROI. Government plays a big role in our lives and liberal governments are the best. No rules free trade kills the middle class. Lets be honest.

And Government has to build the refineries for the oil companies. Why? Because there is no money in building refineries. Only running them. So Republicans privatize the profits and socialize the losses. Get it?

GW Bush got the Texas taxpayers to build the stadium and then he sold his shares and made a profit. He did not put any of his own money into it. How is that not socialism? Its referse socialism.

According to the GOP, American workers make too much. Meanwhile, we haven't got a raise in 20 years and the CEO's pay is now 320 times what we make. 5 years ago it was 270 and righties said so what? At what point will that gap be too wide? And if you say never, then you don't have enough common sense to be discussing politics.

That's 4 good swings in one post in order to get a deflection from the thread topic. Sadly though your swings all whiffed.

Now, can we have your opinion on the blatant and obvious failure of Obama and friends Chevy Volt ideas?

Listen very carefully stupid. If the Government doesn't invest in things like the Volt and Solyndra, those technologies will never be developed. And so the oil barons will continue to have us over a barrell no pun intended, until the day we run out of oil. Don't be stupid. If it weren't for the government, no vaccine for polio and no internet.

But we should stop giving the oil companies tax breaks for research on alternative energy because they sure as hell aint doing the research. Any solutions ever invented they buy the patent and burn the blueprints. They want us addicted to oil. And giving them more land and drill baby drill doesn't lower the costs because they are gouging us. Oil speculators on Wallstreet. But no matter how much they fuck us, you continue to defend them. :cuckoo:
I think Chevy's are pieces of shit, but to see people happy about the failures of an American company that so many people rely on is truly quite sad.
The definition of Fascism is when we let the corporations take over our government.

And remember Terminator? The FICTON movie about how one day non living things would take over our planet? Who knew that shit would actually happen. Life imitating art. Who knew the day they would take over already happened. It was the day Citizens United was passed. When they said Corporations are people and money is speech.

I even know Republicans don't agree with Citizens United but like pollution and war, they will go along with anything the GOP and Rush and Fox tell them to go along with. Brainwashed.

Because of Citizens United, Al Queda can now own a corporation in America and they can donate SECRETLY as much money as they want to any candidate they want and so now even they have a voice in our government. Congrats righties. Dumb fuckers.

So when a corporation bribes Obama, he then gives said corporation taxpayer money to fund a project, and that project fails, that's facism right?

I think most Americans approve of government giving money to research. Much more than we do giving it to Defense Contractors and Oil companies and Healthcare Giants who are gouging us.

Lets face it. Republicans want to hand over the controls to Corporations. They already have. Who do you think writes their legilation? ALEC. Alec wrote that Stand your ground law in Florida and all the anti abortion laws and they are the ones who pushed for doing away with Collective bargaining. The Heritage Foundation.

I just wonder how/why you think you benefit from their plots. Are you that rich? Top 1% or are you just ignorant.
The government gives money to pharma companies for research. Do Republicans suggest the government not do this? Because if they don't, the Pharma's won't do the research. It isn't the governments goal to make money. Sometimes government does this. It takes on projects that may lead to a great discovery or cure and corporations didn't come up with it because they didn't see the immediate ROI. Government plays a big role in our lives and liberal governments are the best. No rules free trade kills the middle class. Lets be honest.

And Government has to build the refineries for the oil companies. Why? Because there is no money in building refineries. Only running them. So Republicans privatize the profits and socialize the losses. Get it?

GW Bush got the Texas taxpayers to build the stadium and then he sold his shares and made a profit. He did not put any of his own money into it. How is that not socialism? Its referse socialism.

According to the GOP, American workers make too much. Meanwhile, we haven't got a raise in 20 years and the CEO's pay is now 320 times what we make. 5 years ago it was 270 and righties said so what? At what point will that gap be too wide? And if you say never, then you don't have enough common sense to be discussing politics.

That's 4 good swings in one post in order to get a deflection from the thread topic. Sadly though your swings all whiffed.

Now, can we have your opinion on the blatant and obvious failure of Obama and friends Chevy Volt ideas?

Listen very carefully stupid. If the Government doesn't invest in things like the Volt and Solyndra, those technologies will never be developed. And so the oil barons will continue to have us over a barrell no pun intended, until the day we run out of oil. Don't be stupid. If it weren't for the government, no vaccine for polio and no internet.

But we should stop giving the oil companies tax breaks for research on alternative energy because they sure as hell aint doing the research. Any solutions ever invented they buy the patent and burn the blueprints. They want us addicted to oil. And giving them more land and drill baby drill doesn't lower the costs because they are gouging us. Oil speculators on Wallstreet. But no matter how much they fuck us, you continue to defend them. :cuckoo:

The consumer has no say in the success or failure of green companies?

Jeepers I guess I am an idiot for thinking they did! Thanks for showing me the light!

Even after I point out your deflection, you keep trying to deflect. Tell your hero Obama to stop taking bribes from oil companies and that he should've made radical changes when he only had his democrat pawns in office with him.
The definition of Fascism is when we let the corporations take over our government.
fas·cism noun \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\

Definition of FASCISM

often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>

Nope, don't see anything in there about corporations. :dunno:
I think Chevy's are pieces of shit, but to see people happy about the failures of an American company that so many people rely on is truly quite sad.

That whole lie that foreign cars are better than American cars is not true. A least not anymore. The Big 3 have gained back huge market share. People are buying American again. They aren't successful just because the union took big concessions, although that is part of it.
The definition of Fascism is when we let the corporations take over our government.

And remember Terminator? The FICTON movie about how one day non living things would take over our planet? Who knew that shit would actually happen. Life imitating art. Who knew the day they would take over already happened. It was the day Citizens United was passed. When they said Corporations are people and money is speech.

I even know Republicans don't agree with Citizens United but like pollution and war, they will go along with anything the GOP and Rush and Fox tell them to go along with. Brainwashed.

Because of Citizens United, Al Queda can now own a corporation in America and they can donate SECRETLY as much money as they want to any candidate they want and so now even they have a voice in our government. Congrats righties. Dumb fuckers.

So when a corporation bribes Obama, he then gives said corporation taxpayer money to fund a project, and that project fails, that's facism right?

I think most Americans approve of government giving money to research. Much more than we do giving it to Defense Contractors and Oil companies and Healthcare Giants who are gouging us.

Lets face it. Republicans want to hand over the controls to Corporations. They already have. Who do you think writes their legilation? ALEC. Alec wrote that Stand your ground law in Florida and all the anti abortion laws and they are the ones who pushed for doing away with Collective bargaining. The Heritage Foundation.

I just wonder how/why you think you benefit from their plots. Are you that rich? Top 1% or are you just ignorant.

I hate the republican party, I hate the democratic party because they do the same things.

You're a hyperpartisan incapable of seeing the flaws in your own party. Your ability to think freely was killed long ago and now you just parrot talking points.
I think Chevy's are pieces of shit, but to see people happy about the failures of an American company that so many people rely on is truly quite sad.

Exactly what I was thinking.

But, this is what see from rw voters as well as pub congress. They won't be happy until our country is in complete financial collapse. That's what they work for, it's what say they want and it's how they vote.

Thank you, Mr President, for fighting the United States while the traitorous right cheers every problem and stumble.










You rightwing haters just don't have any priorities!


and don't forget Seamus and Ann Romney's blouse!!
The definition of Fascism is when we let the corporations take over our government.
fas·cism noun \&#712;fa-&#716;shi-z&#601;m also &#712;fa-&#716;si-\

Definition of FASCISM

often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality &#8212; J. W. Aldridge>

Nope, don't see anything in there about corporations. :dunno:

Corporations influecing gov't through bribery and the politicians obliging is a big part of facism.

But democrats are just as bought off as republicans. These idiots still think Al Gore did what he did for the principle and not the half billion he made off of it lol.

Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The odd thing though is wage control is also an aspect of facism, and democrats love minimum wages and the idea of putting a cap on CEO's wages so I have no idea why they're on here complaining about fascism.
The government gives money to pharma companies for research. Do Republicans suggest the government not do this? Because if they don't, the Pharma's won't do the research. It isn't the governments goal to make money. Sometimes government does this. It takes on projects that may lead to a great discovery or cure and corporations didn't come up with it because they didn't see the immediate ROI. Government plays a big role in our lives and liberal governments are the best. No rules free trade kills the middle class. Lets be honest.

And Government has to build the refineries for the oil companies. Why? Because there is no money in building refineries. Only running them. So Republicans privatize the profits and socialize the losses. Get it?

GW Bush got the Texas taxpayers to build the stadium and then he sold his shares and made a profit. He did not put any of his own money into it. How is that not socialism? Its referse socialism.

According to the GOP, American workers make too much. Meanwhile, we haven't got a raise in 20 years and the CEO's pay is now 320 times what we make. 5 years ago it was 270 and righties said so what? At what point will that gap be too wide? And if you say never, then you don't have enough common sense to be discussing politics.

That's 4 good swings in one post in order to get a deflection from the thread topic. Sadly though your swings all whiffed.

Now, can we have your opinion on the blatant and obvious failure of Obama and friends Chevy Volt ideas?

Listen very carefully stupid. If the Government doesn't invest in things like the Volt and Solyndra, those technologies will never be developed. And so the oil barons will continue to have us over a barrell no pun intended, until the day we run out of oil. Don't be stupid. If it weren't for the government, no vaccine for polio and no internet.

But we should stop giving the oil companies tax breaks for research on alternative energy because they sure as hell aint doing the research. Any solutions ever invented they buy the patent and burn the blueprints. They want us addicted to oil. And giving them more land and drill baby drill doesn't lower the costs because they are gouging us. Oil speculators on Wallstreet. But no matter how much they fuck us, you continue to defend them. :cuckoo: that makes it OK to invest in a FireTurd instead of a FireBird......and then try to force the market....?:cuckoo:
The definition of Fascism is when we let the corporations take over our government.
fas·cism noun \&#712;fa-&#716;shi-z&#601;m also &#712;fa-&#716;si-\

Definition of FASCISM

often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>

Nope, don't see anything in there about corporations. :dunno:

Fascism is a radical authoritarian nationalist political ideology. Does that not describe the GOP? Where its individuals are united together as one people in national identity by connections of ancestry, culture, and blood. Sound familiar? Righties hate muslims and Mexicans, right? They hate the Iranians too. Not to mention the Russians and Chinese.

Fascism seeks to purify the nation of foreign influences that are deemed to be causing degeneration of the nation or of not fitting into the national culture. Sound familar?

Fascism's goal to promote the rule of people deemed innately superior while seeking to purge society of people deemed innately inferior is a prominent far-right stance.

Fascism promotes political violence and war. Sound familiar? Ted Nugent? Sarah Palin and her crosshairs?

Fascists commonly utilize paramilitary organizations for violence against opponents or to overthrow a political system. Michigan Militia???

Fascism rejects liberal democracy based upon majority rule and the parliamentary system but fascists deny that they are against democracy as a whole.

Fascists supports criminalization of strikes by employees and lockouts by employers because it deems these acts as prejudicial to the national community.

Ok you guys aren't exactly the "classical" definition of fascists, but darn close. Close enough. Fact is, you want corporations to rule over our government.
Only a fool would buy a horseless carriage!
There are no gas stations a horse can eat anywhere.

Says the shortsighted fool.
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did that' other car he gave a half billion dollars in tax payers money burn up to a crisp??? yes,, Friskers or Fish or Fishy or sumpin..

Too bad for 8 years instead of spending all that money on American infrastructure, Bush spent it all in Iraq and sent all the tax paying jobs overseas and then don't forget business owners hire illegals who don't pay taxes. And then there are the Bush tax breaks. No wonder we are broke.

Remember we had enough money to put a man on the moon? What would Paul Ryan said about that? Don't waste the money? Today the top 1% don't want to pay for shit like that.

poor old putrid democrat.. sucks to be ewe.
The definition of Fascism is when we let the corporations take over our government.
fas·cism noun \&#712;fa-&#716;shi-z&#601;m also &#712;fa-&#716;si-\

Definition of FASCISM

often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>

Nope, don't see anything in there about corporations. :dunno:

Fascism is a radical authoritarian nationalist political ideology. Does that not describe the GOP? Where its individuals are united together as one people in national identity by connections of ancestry, culture, and blood. Sound familiar? Righties hate muslims and Mexicans, right? They hate the Iranians too. Not to mention the Russians and Chinese.

Fascism seeks to purify the nation of foreign influences that are deemed to be causing degeneration of the nation or of not fitting into the national culture. Sound familar?

Fascism's goal to promote the rule of people deemed innately superior while seeking to purge society of people deemed innately inferior is a prominent far-right stance.

Fascism promotes political violence and war. Sound familiar? Ted Nugent? Sarah Palin and her crosshairs?

Fascists commonly utilize paramilitary organizations for violence against opponents or to overthrow a political system. Michigan Militia???

Fascism rejects liberal democracy based upon majority rule and the parliamentary system but fascists deny that they are against democracy as a whole.

Fascists supports criminalization of strikes by employees and lockouts by employers because it deems these acts as prejudicial to the national community.

Ok you guys aren't exactly the "classical" definition of fascists, but darn close. Close enough. Fact is, you want corporations to rule over our government.
I'm not a member of or a voter for the GOP, you stupid fuck.

The rest of your post is bullshit pablum unworthy of a response.

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