Another Police Shooting when dude has his hands in the air

Forgive and forget? Are you high?

I guess so? If as it looks, incompetent mistake? Forgive the guy, he probably did not mean to fire (allegedly). Make him go visit, apologize. Film it. Show it. Put him on other duties, move on.

If he's incompetent why the fuck is he a cop in the first place. Secondly if he was trying to shoot an unarmed person, who was not a threat, why is he not in jail?

OK, your all right, I am wrong. Life in prison start now. My point is a Police officrr is human. The guy appears go have freaked out, made mistake.

People get in cars and back over neighbor kids. Mistake. VA doctors kill patients out of incompetence/laziness while govt employee.

When you all don't make mistakes, then you can let us know. I don't have all the answers but good thing nobody will die. Appears to be minor. We have citizens walking around wit 30year record of "mistakes".

I am no troll either, I will watch out PW. I am not sure what troll is but it can't be good.

There's a huuuuge difference between making a "mistake" and SHOOTING AN UNARMED NON THREATENING PERSON.

I have a good feeling that if he intended to shoot the person lying on the ground, he wouldn't have shot him in the leg.

So his marksmanship was off enough to miss the entire person, but since he hit someone in the leg its ok?
Flesh wound. forgive and forget. Why were they in the street? I tried to find more info but can't? Why? Second shooter on grassy knoll? Why a minor wound only? Ricochet? Was it Cop bullet for sure? Bad day, bad luck, damn.

Seriously, don't pass smell test. Grown bastard layin in middle of street with "patient". Why they out there? More to story. Cop don't fire intentionally into surrender victim. Somebody running a scam......?

To be honest, I find it funny. Very funny. Makes me LOL! I don't care. No harm no foul.

Forgive and forget? Are you high?

I guess so? If as it looks, incompetent mistake? Forgive the guy, he probably did not mean to fire (allegedly). Make him go visit, apologize. Film it. Show it. Put him on other duties, move on.

Oh jeez, you really are a first class apologist, aren't you?

The cop should be fired and sued into poverty. And I am not anti-cop. But I do hold them to high standards, as we all should.

You won't wait for a trial? How very fascist of you!

I'm all for an actual trial. I'd be willing to bet money it never gets there.
The job is to prevent, stop or emliminate threat to safety. We could wait for facts? Early indicators, during his job he pulled gun, observed threat fired and missed. Yes mistake. Too bad. He did what he thought best or had brain cramp freaking out. He was there not me. Is this his first shoot?

It looks bad yeah. Also bad are criminals roaming streets with 50 mistakes recorded. Where is the outrage?bhai

When all you genius don't make mistake at your job let us know. 90% of you have probably made mistakes driving your car to your job. Some are near slink through and say "glad no cop saw that".

OK fire the guy, make him homeless with kids and wife on welfare. Will that make you genius happy? Monday morn QB on hard job.

Move the guy to non-lethal is not impossibility. The mgrs will deal with this guy, but I suppose they have to go 100% maassive punishment to keep you all from murder and mayhem on grand scale.

Mistake? Look, if I forget to call a customer or leave my testing gear at home, that is a mistake. If I ignore a stop light and hit a pedestrian, it is more than just a mistake.

The unarmed civilian was flat on the ground with his hands in the air YELLING that he is a behavioral therapist and he needs to help the, obviously, mentally disabled man sitting next to him.

The fact that the cop was pointing his gun at the man with his finger on the trigger is NOT a mistake. It is utter contempt for the safety of the men in front of him. To fire a weapon at two unarmed men, both on the ground, and neither showing ANY threatening behavior is beyond a mistake.

I get that no one is perfect. If a police officer forgets to return my license, misspells my name on the ticket or take the wrong turn (you know, harmless mistakes) I have no issue with him or her. But when deadly force is used when it is not even close to being warranted, I take issue. As should every other citizen.

I agree, it looks really bad. I don't know why he would fire? Could they hear the guys story? How far away? Anyways it appesrs I am wrong gasp! At this time.

My apologies. I really got my tit in wringer on this one. I just can't believe any Cop would want to fire? Unless he thought truck was gun? No one died. He was not targeting Black man......
The job is to prevent, stop or emliminate threat to safety. We could wait for facts? Early indicators, during his job he pulled gun, observed threat fired and missed. Yes mistake. Too bad. He did what he thought best or had brain cramp freaking out. He was there not me. Is this his first shoot?

It looks bad yeah. Also bad are criminals roaming streets with 50 mistakes recorded. Where is the outrage?bhai

When all you genius don't make mistake at your job let us know. 90% of you have probably made mistakes driving your car to your job. Some are near slink through and say "glad no cop saw that".

OK fire the guy, make him homeless with kids and wife on welfare. Will that make you genius happy? Monday morn QB on hard job.

Move the guy to non-lethal is not impossibility. The mgrs will deal with this guy, but I suppose they have to go 100% maassive punishment to keep you all from murder and mayhem on grand scale.

Mistake? Look, if I forget to call a customer or leave my testing gear at home, that is a mistake. If I ignore a stop light and hit a pedestrian, it is more than just a mistake.

The unarmed civilian was flat on the ground with his hands in the air YELLING that he is a behavioral therapist and he needs to help the, obviously, mentally disabled man sitting next to him.

The fact that the cop was pointing his gun at the man with his finger on the trigger is NOT a mistake. It is utter contempt for the safety of the men in front of him. To fire a weapon at two unarmed men, both on the ground, and neither showing ANY threatening behavior is beyond a mistake.

I get that no one is perfect. If a police officer forgets to return my license, misspells my name on the ticket or take the wrong turn (you know, harmless mistakes) I have no issue with him or her. But when deadly force is used when it is not even close to being warranted, I take issue. As should every other citizen.

I agree, it looks really bad. I don't know why he would fire? Could they hear the guys story? How far away? Anyways it appesrs I am wrong gasp! At this time.

My apologies. I really got my tit in wringer on this one. I just can't believe any Cop would want to fire? Unless he thought truck was gun? No one died. He was not targeting Black man......

I respect admitting when you are wrong. Well done.
No thanks. I will wait for facts to come out though. And if it appears the cop is guilty, ill be pissed if he isnt charged and convicted.

The shooting victim has been offerred a settlement by the municipality already, so if that's not an admission of guilt on the part of the officer, I don't know what is.

The family of Freddy Gray was given $7M and now we see FOUR suspects who haven't been found to have done anything wrong.

You don't see the problem with that?
Obviously the city knew they fucked up and chose to settle. Yet the officers who actually did the fucking up have no legal repercussions at all.

So, they jumped to pay out millions in hush money for officers that have never been convicted of a crime?
Rodney King was the first to win the negro lottery. At the time, the jackpot was a paltry $2 million. Since then, the jackpot has been rising to 8 digits. It's very popular because the odds are much better than Powerball, and unlike Powerball winners, the winners of the negro lottery are also heroes, their record unsullied by the crimes they committed to instigate the chain of events leading to their good fortune.

Yep, nothing much here to warrant a payday. Just another career criminal receiving his due justice. No questionable actions by the police in any way right?

The shooting victim has been offerred a settlement by the municipality already, so if that's not an admission of guilt on the part of the officer, I don't know what is.

The family of Freddy Gray was given $7M and now we see FOUR suspects who haven't been found to have done anything wrong.

You don't see the problem with that?
Obviously the city knew they fucked up and chose to settle. Yet the officers who actually did the fucking up have no legal repercussions at all.

So, they jumped to pay out millions in hush money for officers that have never been convicted of a crime?
Rodney King was the first to win the negro lottery. At the time, the jackpot was a paltry $2 million. Since then, the jackpot has been rising to 8 digits. It's very popular because the odds are much better than Powerball, and unlike Powerball winners, the winners of the negro lottery are also heroes, their record unsullied by the crimes they committed to instigate the chain of events leading to their good fortune.

Yep, nothing much here to warrant a payday. Just another career criminal receiving his due justice. No questionable actions by the police in any way right?

Yeah, the officer is sorry. He didn't mean to shoot the therapist laying on the ground with his hands in the air. He was trying to shoot the autistic guy with the toy truck in his hand, but missed.
The family of Freddy Gray was given $7M and now we see FOUR suspects who haven't been found to have done anything wrong.

You don't see the problem with that?
Obviously the city knew they fucked up and chose to settle. Yet the officers who actually did the fucking up have no legal repercussions at all.

So, they jumped to pay out millions in hush money for officers that have never been convicted of a crime?
Rodney King was the first to win the negro lottery. At the time, the jackpot was a paltry $2 million. Since then, the jackpot has been rising to 8 digits. It's very popular because the odds are much better than Powerball, and unlike Powerball winners, the winners of the negro lottery are also heroes, their record unsullied by the crimes they committed to instigate the chain of events leading to their good fortune.

Yep, nothing much here to warrant a payday. Just another career criminal receiving his due justice. No questionable actions by the police in any way right?

Yeah, the officer is sorry. He didn't mean to shoot the therapist laying on the ground with his hands in the air. He was trying to shoot the autistic guy with the toy truck in his hand, but missed.

I don't get the need to twist logic to such extremes in an attempt to validate the actions of the officers. It is what it is. Regardless of what the officers "believed" was happening, they were wrong.
You don't see the problem with that?
Obviously the city knew they fucked up and chose to settle. Yet the officers who actually did the fucking up have no legal repercussions at all.

So, they jumped to pay out millions in hush money for officers that have never been convicted of a crime?
Rodney King was the first to win the negro lottery. At the time, the jackpot was a paltry $2 million. Since then, the jackpot has been rising to 8 digits. It's very popular because the odds are much better than Powerball, and unlike Powerball winners, the winners of the negro lottery are also heroes, their record unsullied by the crimes they committed to instigate the chain of events leading to their good fortune.

Yep, nothing much here to warrant a payday. Just another career criminal receiving his due justice. No questionable actions by the police in any way right?

Yeah, the officer is sorry. He didn't mean to shoot the therapist laying on the ground with his hands in the air. He was trying to shoot the autistic guy with the toy truck in his hand, but missed.

I don't get the need to twist logic to such extremes in an attempt to validate the actions of the officers. It is what it is. Regardless of what the officers "believed" was happening, they were wrong.

But the common thread in all these cop hater threads is that the suspect is either fighting the cops, resisting arrest, or as in this case, not following instructions...never a case where the suspect was doing everything right and the cop just blew him away. Police have procedures in place to keep everyone safe and in order for them to work, people have to follow instructions. Whenever this doesn't happen, it escalates the risk to everyone involved. I'll just keep yawning until the cop haters come up with a genuine case of police abuse.
So, they jumped to pay out millions in hush money for officers that have never been convicted of a crime?
Rodney King was the first to win the negro lottery. At the time, the jackpot was a paltry $2 million. Since then, the jackpot has been rising to 8 digits. It's very popular because the odds are much better than Powerball, and unlike Powerball winners, the winners of the negro lottery are also heroes, their record unsullied by the crimes they committed to instigate the chain of events leading to their good fortune.

Yep, nothing much here to warrant a payday. Just another career criminal receiving his due justice. No questionable actions by the police in any way right?

Yeah, the officer is sorry. He didn't mean to shoot the therapist laying on the ground with his hands in the air. He was trying to shoot the autistic guy with the toy truck in his hand, but missed.

I don't get the need to twist logic to such extremes in an attempt to validate the actions of the officers. It is what it is. Regardless of what the officers "believed" was happening, they were wrong.

But the common thread in all these cop hater threads is that the suspect is either fighting the cops, resisting arrest, or as in this case, not following instructions...never a case where the suspect was doing everything right and the cop just blew him away. Police have procedures in place to keep everyone safe and in order for them to work, people have to follow instructions. Whenever this doesn't happen, it escalates the risk to everyone involved. I'll just keep yawning until the cop haters come up with a genuine case of police abuse.

Exactly who was not following the police's instructions in this case?
Rodney King was the first to win the negro lottery. At the time, the jackpot was a paltry $2 million. Since then, the jackpot has been rising to 8 digits. It's very popular because the odds are much better than Powerball, and unlike Powerball winners, the winners of the negro lottery are also heroes, their record unsullied by the crimes they committed to instigate the chain of events leading to their good fortune.

Yep, nothing much here to warrant a payday. Just another career criminal receiving his due justice. No questionable actions by the police in any way right?

Yeah, the officer is sorry. He didn't mean to shoot the therapist laying on the ground with his hands in the air. He was trying to shoot the autistic guy with the toy truck in his hand, but missed.

I don't get the need to twist logic to such extremes in an attempt to validate the actions of the officers. It is what it is. Regardless of what the officers "believed" was happening, they were wrong.

But the common thread in all these cop hater threads is that the suspect is either fighting the cops, resisting arrest, or as in this case, not following instructions...never a case where the suspect was doing everything right and the cop just blew him away. Police have procedures in place to keep everyone safe and in order for them to work, people have to follow instructions. Whenever this doesn't happen, it escalates the risk to everyone involved. I'll just keep yawning until the cop haters come up with a genuine case of police abuse.

Exactly who was not following the police's instructions in this case?

The black guy. It's very convenient when only a partial video is released to enrage the public. That's why there was a divergence between the public's rage at the Rodney King video, which the media only showed a portion, and the jury's verdict which absolved the officers involved...because they saw the entire thing and had a proper frame of reference. Idiot Leftists like you see a video of a black man lying down with his hands up and assume that everything remained that way and the officer just shot him for no reason. It strains credibility with those of us in the real world, but for whacked out Leftists, officers shooting nggrs for no reason at all makes perfect sense. Like all your cop hater threads, the facts are going to come out and we're going to learn that either the gentle giant made a sudden move, reached behind him, fought for the officer's gun, or otherwise escalated the situation well beyond what was depicted in the placid video.
Yep, nothing much here to warrant a payday. Just another career criminal receiving his due justice. No questionable actions by the police in any way right?

Yeah, the officer is sorry. He didn't mean to shoot the therapist laying on the ground with his hands in the air. He was trying to shoot the autistic guy with the toy truck in his hand, but missed.

I don't get the need to twist logic to such extremes in an attempt to validate the actions of the officers. It is what it is. Regardless of what the officers "believed" was happening, they were wrong.

But the common thread in all these cop hater threads is that the suspect is either fighting the cops, resisting arrest, or as in this case, not following instructions...never a case where the suspect was doing everything right and the cop just blew him away. Police have procedures in place to keep everyone safe and in order for them to work, people have to follow instructions. Whenever this doesn't happen, it escalates the risk to everyone involved. I'll just keep yawning until the cop haters come up with a genuine case of police abuse.

Exactly who was not following the police's instructions in this case?

The black guy. It's very convenient when only a partial video is released to enrage the public. That's why there was a divergence between the public's rage at the Rodney King video, which the media only showed a portion, and the jury's verdict which absolved the officers involved...because they saw the entire thing and had a proper frame of reference. Idiot Leftists like you see a video of a black man lying down with his hands up and assume that everything remained that way and the officer just shot him for no reason. It strains credibility with those of us in the real world, but for whacked out Leftists, officers shooting nggrs for no reason at all makes perfect sense. Like all your cop hater threads, the facts are going to come out and we're going to learn that either the gentle giant made a sudden move, reached behind him, fought for the officer's gun, or otherwise escalated the situation well beyond what was depicted in the placid video.

First off, I am not a leftist, so spare me that bullshit.

And if the black man did something wrong, why did the officer say he didn't know why he shot him and why did the spin from the police union say he was trying to shoot the other guy and missed?

You are the one ignoring the facts. You insist that what we don't know proves the cop innocent, but that is only your supposition based on your on biases.
Yeah, the officer is sorry. He didn't mean to shoot the therapist laying on the ground with his hands in the air. He was trying to shoot the autistic guy with the toy truck in his hand, but missed.

I don't get the need to twist logic to such extremes in an attempt to validate the actions of the officers. It is what it is. Regardless of what the officers "believed" was happening, they were wrong.
But the common thread in all these cop hater threads is that the suspect is either fighting the cops, resisting arrest, or as in this case, not following instructions...never a case where the suspect was doing everything right and the cop just blew him away. Police have procedures in place to keep everyone safe and in order for them to work, people have to follow instructions. Whenever this doesn't happen, it escalates the risk to everyone involved. I'll just keep yawning until the cop haters come up with a genuine case of police abuse.

Exactly who was not following the police's instructions in this case?
The black guy. It's very convenient when only a partial video is released to enrage the public. That's why there was a divergence between the public's rage at the Rodney King video, which the media only showed a portion, and the jury's verdict which absolved the officers involved...because they saw the entire thing and had a proper frame of reference. Idiot Leftists like you see a video of a black man lying down with his hands up and assume that everything remained that way and the officer just shot him for no reason. It strains credibility with those of us in the real world, but for whacked out Leftists, officers shooting nggrs for no reason at all makes perfect sense. Like all your cop hater threads, the facts are going to come out and we're going to learn that either the gentle giant made a sudden move, reached behind him, fought for the officer's gun, or otherwise escalated the situation well beyond what was depicted in the placid video.

First off, I am not a leftist, so spare me that bullshit.

And if the black man did something wrong, why did the officer say he didn't know why he shot him and why did the spin from the police union say he was trying to shoot the other guy and missed?

You are the one ignoring the facts. You insist that what we don't know proves the cop innocent, but that is only your supposition based on your on biases.
Correction, Leftist, the black man SAID the officer told him he didn't know why he shot him. I have a hard time believing any black witness after several of them lied about Michael Brown and that lie caused a far more lengthy investigation in which the forensic evidence proved that blacks lied. So no, it isn't established the cop said that.

By the way, I liked your old picture better. More character with that cigar.
I don't get the need to twist logic to such extremes in an attempt to validate the actions of the officers. It is what it is. Regardless of what the officers "believed" was happening, they were wrong.
But the common thread in all these cop hater threads is that the suspect is either fighting the cops, resisting arrest, or as in this case, not following instructions...never a case where the suspect was doing everything right and the cop just blew him away. Police have procedures in place to keep everyone safe and in order for them to work, people have to follow instructions. Whenever this doesn't happen, it escalates the risk to everyone involved. I'll just keep yawning until the cop haters come up with a genuine case of police abuse.

Exactly who was not following the police's instructions in this case?
The black guy. It's very convenient when only a partial video is released to enrage the public. That's why there was a divergence between the public's rage at the Rodney King video, which the media only showed a portion, and the jury's verdict which absolved the officers involved...because they saw the entire thing and had a proper frame of reference. Idiot Leftists like you see a video of a black man lying down with his hands up and assume that everything remained that way and the officer just shot him for no reason. It strains credibility with those of us in the real world, but for whacked out Leftists, officers shooting nggrs for no reason at all makes perfect sense. Like all your cop hater threads, the facts are going to come out and we're going to learn that either the gentle giant made a sudden move, reached behind him, fought for the officer's gun, or otherwise escalated the situation well beyond what was depicted in the placid video.

First off, I am not a leftist, so spare me that bullshit.

And if the black man did something wrong, why did the officer say he didn't know why he shot him and why did the spin from the police union say he was trying to shoot the other guy and missed?

You are the one ignoring the facts. You insist that what we don't know proves the cop innocent, but that is only your supposition based on your on biases.
Correction, Leftist, the black man SAID the officer told him he didn't know why he shot him. I have a hard time believing any black witness after several of them lied about Michael Brown and that lie caused a far more lengthy investigation in which the forensic evidence proved that blacks lied. So no, it isn't established the cop said that.

By the way, I liked your old picture better. More character with that cigar.

Ok Fascist, let's clarify that the victim is not some street thug, but a professional behavioral therapist. He was cooperating with the officers. And your ENTIRE argument depends on him attacking officers after the camera was off. That is pure speculation that flies in the face of the evidence we have seen. And even the police union rep is not saying the black man did anything wrong. Your bias and imagination is doing that.
But the common thread in all these cop hater threads is that the suspect is either fighting the cops, resisting arrest, or as in this case, not following instructions...never a case where the suspect was doing everything right and the cop just blew him away. Police have procedures in place to keep everyone safe and in order for them to work, people have to follow instructions. Whenever this doesn't happen, it escalates the risk to everyone involved. I'll just keep yawning until the cop haters come up with a genuine case of police abuse.

Exactly who was not following the police's instructions in this case?
The black guy. It's very convenient when only a partial video is released to enrage the public. That's why there was a divergence between the public's rage at the Rodney King video, which the media only showed a portion, and the jury's verdict which absolved the officers involved...because they saw the entire thing and had a proper frame of reference. Idiot Leftists like you see a video of a black man lying down with his hands up and assume that everything remained that way and the officer just shot him for no reason. It strains credibility with those of us in the real world, but for whacked out Leftists, officers shooting nggrs for no reason at all makes perfect sense. Like all your cop hater threads, the facts are going to come out and we're going to learn that either the gentle giant made a sudden move, reached behind him, fought for the officer's gun, or otherwise escalated the situation well beyond what was depicted in the placid video.

First off, I am not a leftist, so spare me that bullshit.

And if the black man did something wrong, why did the officer say he didn't know why he shot him and why did the spin from the police union say he was trying to shoot the other guy and missed?

You are the one ignoring the facts. You insist that what we don't know proves the cop innocent, but that is only your supposition based on your on biases.
Correction, Leftist, the black man SAID the officer told him he didn't know why he shot him. I have a hard time believing any black witness after several of them lied about Michael Brown and that lie caused a far more lengthy investigation in which the forensic evidence proved that blacks lied. So no, it isn't established the cop said that.

By the way, I liked your old picture better. More character with that cigar.

Ok Fascist, let's clarify that the victim is not some street thug, but a professional behavioral therapist. He was cooperating with the officers. And your ENTIRE argument depends on him attacking officers after the camera was off. That is pure speculation that flies in the face of the evidence we have seen. And even the police union rep is not saying the black man did anything wrong. Your bias and imagination is doing that.
Your entire argument depends on a cop shooting a peaceful, cooperative man for no reason whatsoever.

Exactly who was not following the police's instructions in this case?
The black guy. It's very convenient when only a partial video is released to enrage the public. That's why there was a divergence between the public's rage at the Rodney King video, which the media only showed a portion, and the jury's verdict which absolved the officers involved...because they saw the entire thing and had a proper frame of reference. Idiot Leftists like you see a video of a black man lying down with his hands up and assume that everything remained that way and the officer just shot him for no reason. It strains credibility with those of us in the real world, but for whacked out Leftists, officers shooting nggrs for no reason at all makes perfect sense. Like all your cop hater threads, the facts are going to come out and we're going to learn that either the gentle giant made a sudden move, reached behind him, fought for the officer's gun, or otherwise escalated the situation well beyond what was depicted in the placid video.

First off, I am not a leftist, so spare me that bullshit.

And if the black man did something wrong, why did the officer say he didn't know why he shot him and why did the spin from the police union say he was trying to shoot the other guy and missed?

You are the one ignoring the facts. You insist that what we don't know proves the cop innocent, but that is only your supposition based on your on biases.
Correction, Leftist, the black man SAID the officer told him he didn't know why he shot him. I have a hard time believing any black witness after several of them lied about Michael Brown and that lie caused a far more lengthy investigation in which the forensic evidence proved that blacks lied. So no, it isn't established the cop said that.

By the way, I liked your old picture better. More character with that cigar.

Ok Fascist, let's clarify that the victim is not some street thug, but a professional behavioral therapist. He was cooperating with the officers. And your ENTIRE argument depends on him attacking officers after the camera was off. That is pure speculation that flies in the face of the evidence we have seen. And even the police union rep is not saying the black man did anything wrong. Your bias and imagination is doing that.
Your entire argument depends on a cop shooting a peaceful, cooperative man for no reason whatsoever.


Except there is video of him cooperating. He was there to get a severely autistic man back to a group home. He said, numerous times, that he is a behavioral therapist.
So, they jumped to pay out millions in hush money for officers that have never been convicted of a crime?
Rodney King was the first to win the negro lottery. At the time, the jackpot was a paltry $2 million. Since then, the jackpot has been rising to 8 digits. It's very popular because the odds are much better than Powerball, and unlike Powerball winners, the winners of the negro lottery are also heroes, their record unsullied by the crimes they committed to instigate the chain of events leading to their good fortune.

Yep, nothing much here to warrant a payday. Just another career criminal receiving his due justice. No questionable actions by the police in any way right?

Yeah, the officer is sorry. He didn't mean to shoot the therapist laying on the ground with his hands in the air. He was trying to shoot the autistic guy with the toy truck in his hand, but missed.

I don't get the need to twist logic to such extremes in an attempt to validate the actions of the officers. It is what it is. Regardless of what the officers "believed" was happening, they were wrong.

But the common thread in all these cop hater threads is that the suspect is either fighting the cops, resisting arrest, or as in this case, not following instructions...never a case where the suspect was doing everything right and the cop just blew him away. Police have procedures in place to keep everyone safe and in order for them to work, people have to follow instructions. Whenever this doesn't happen, it escalates the risk to everyone involved. I'll just keep yawning until the cop haters come up with a genuine case of police abuse.

First of all, understanding the need to hold police accountable for their actions is not cop hating. They operate within the public trust. A violation of that trust must be dealt with lest that trust be damaged.
Which case are you referring to? The king case or the Miami case?
Exactly who was not following the police's instructions in this case?
The black guy. It's very convenient when only a partial video is released to enrage the public. That's why there was a divergence between the public's rage at the Rodney King video, which the media only showed a portion, and the jury's verdict which absolved the officers involved...because they saw the entire thing and had a proper frame of reference. Idiot Leftists like you see a video of a black man lying down with his hands up and assume that everything remained that way and the officer just shot him for no reason. It strains credibility with those of us in the real world, but for whacked out Leftists, officers shooting nggrs for no reason at all makes perfect sense. Like all your cop hater threads, the facts are going to come out and we're going to learn that either the gentle giant made a sudden move, reached behind him, fought for the officer's gun, or otherwise escalated the situation well beyond what was depicted in the placid video.

First off, I am not a leftist, so spare me that bullshit.

And if the black man did something wrong, why did the officer say he didn't know why he shot him and why did the spin from the police union say he was trying to shoot the other guy and missed?

You are the one ignoring the facts. You insist that what we don't know proves the cop innocent, but that is only your supposition based on your on biases.
Correction, Leftist, the black man SAID the officer told him he didn't know why he shot him. I have a hard time believing any black witness after several of them lied about Michael Brown and that lie caused a far more lengthy investigation in which the forensic evidence proved that blacks lied. So no, it isn't established the cop said that.

By the way, I liked your old picture better. More character with that cigar.

Ok Fascist, let's clarify that the victim is not some street thug, but a professional behavioral therapist. He was cooperating with the officers. And your ENTIRE argument depends on him attacking officers after the camera was off. That is pure speculation that flies in the face of the evidence we have seen. And even the police union rep is not saying the black man did anything wrong. Your bias and imagination is doing that.
Your entire argument depends on a cop shooting a peaceful, cooperative man for no reason whatsoever.


In what way? What threat was found?
Rodney King was the first to win the negro lottery. At the time, the jackpot was a paltry $2 million. Since then, the jackpot has been rising to 8 digits. It's very popular because the odds are much better than Powerball, and unlike Powerball winners, the winners of the negro lottery are also heroes, their record unsullied by the crimes they committed to instigate the chain of events leading to their good fortune.

Yep, nothing much here to warrant a payday. Just another career criminal receiving his due justice. No questionable actions by the police in any way right?

Yeah, the officer is sorry. He didn't mean to shoot the therapist laying on the ground with his hands in the air. He was trying to shoot the autistic guy with the toy truck in his hand, but missed.

I don't get the need to twist logic to such extremes in an attempt to validate the actions of the officers. It is what it is. Regardless of what the officers "believed" was happening, they were wrong.

But the common thread in all these cop hater threads is that the suspect is either fighting the cops, resisting arrest, or as in this case, not following instructions...never a case where the suspect was doing everything right and the cop just blew him away. Police have procedures in place to keep everyone safe and in order for them to work, people have to follow instructions. Whenever this doesn't happen, it escalates the risk to everyone involved. I'll just keep yawning until the cop haters come up with a genuine case of police abuse.

First of all, understanding the need to hold police accountable for their actions is not cop hating. They operate within the public trust. A violation of that trust must be dealt with lest that trust be damaged.
Which case are you referring to? The king case or the Miami case?

The motivation for threads like these that spring up like wild grass is hatred for authority and by extension those who enforce the law. Not for a second do I entertain the notion that those pumping out these threads have any other agenda than to advertise their cop hate and solicit that hate in others.
Exactly who was not following the police's instructions in this case?
The black guy. It's very convenient when only a partial video is released to enrage the public. That's why there was a divergence between the public's rage at the Rodney King video, which the media only showed a portion, and the jury's verdict which absolved the officers involved...because they saw the entire thing and had a proper frame of reference. Idiot Leftists like you see a video of a black man lying down with his hands up and assume that everything remained that way and the officer just shot him for no reason. It strains credibility with those of us in the real world, but for whacked out Leftists, officers shooting nggrs for no reason at all makes perfect sense. Like all your cop hater threads, the facts are going to come out and we're going to learn that either the gentle giant made a sudden move, reached behind him, fought for the officer's gun, or otherwise escalated the situation well beyond what was depicted in the placid video.

First off, I am not a leftist, so spare me that bullshit.

And if the black man did something wrong, why did the officer say he didn't know why he shot him and why did the spin from the police union say he was trying to shoot the other guy and missed?

You are the one ignoring the facts. You insist that what we don't know proves the cop innocent, but that is only your supposition based on your on biases.
Correction, Leftist, the black man SAID the officer told him he didn't know why he shot him. I have a hard time believing any black witness after several of them lied about Michael Brown and that lie caused a far more lengthy investigation in which the forensic evidence proved that blacks lied. So no, it isn't established the cop said that.

By the way, I liked your old picture better. More character with that cigar.

Ok Fascist, let's clarify that the victim is not some street thug, but a professional behavioral therapist. He was cooperating with the officers. And your ENTIRE argument depends on him attacking officers after the camera was off. That is pure speculation that flies in the face of the evidence we have seen. And even the police union rep is not saying the black man did anything wrong. Your bias and imagination is doing that.
Your entire argument depends on a cop shooting a peaceful, cooperative man for no reason whatsoever.

Youre entire argument rest on something even the police says didnt happen.

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