Another Police Shooting when dude has his hands in the air

No thanks. I will wait for facts to come out though. And if it appears the cop is guilty, ill be pissed if he isnt charged and convicted.

The shooting victim has been offerred a settlement by the municipality already, so if that's not an admission of guilt on the part of the officer, I don't know what is.

The family of Freddy Gray was given $7M and now we see FOUR suspects who haven't been found to have done anything wrong.

The mayor of Baltimore should be brought up on charges for allowing the rioters to tear down the city.

you'd be throwing the Mayor of every city that wins a sporting event in jail too lol

Did those mayors instruct their police officers to stand down and let the rioters destroy the city?
That's no way to talk about your fellow Democrats.
You poor retard. You are so stupid you don't even know how stupid you sound.



The Klan was founded by you Dems and has been yours ever since.
It was founded by far right wing Christian Democrats. Your ignorance of the history of the Klan is pathetic. No wonder you sound like a parroting retard.

Dumbass, you Dems founded it and you own it. Your revisionist view is simply bullshit.
RIGHT WING CHRISTIAN Democrats, you willfully blind retard.

Nobody has ever accused you of being "bright" have they?
The Democratic Party of the Deep South was comprised of hardcore conservatives. They were gun loving, states rights, small government, anti-communist, right wing conservative Christians.

But you retards are completely ignorant of American history. A person has to be retarded to bleev those old time Democrats would support affirmative action, ObamaCare, gay rights, and amnesty for illegals.

I don't know how much antifreeze you dumb fucks had to drink to destroy enough brain cells to think the Klan is a pack of liberals, but it really amazes me you can be that brain damaged and still draw breath.

Those old Southern racist Democrats are your political ancestors. This is what your propaganda masters are doing everything they can to keep you from learning.

The only thing which has changed since then is the party affiliation.
If it comes out that the shooting was unjustified (not in the court of public opinion either) yes I'll wager on it.

No, I mean do you want to wager on whether or not he will face any charges. I say he will not face any charges. Want to bet? I'll put your choice of signatures on my profile if I lose
How the heck can I bet on something without getting/seeing all the details?

By using the details you have available.

Real question: Want to bet on it?
With 50/50 odds? That's a flip of the coin. Nah I'll wait ;)

Its actually 98% to 2%. 98% of cops get no charges ever. So I'm betting he wont. Want that sweet 2% chance?

You are obviously a racist with no support for your accusations. All you are doing is arguing about a bet you would welsh on in a heartbeat. You are too stupid for me to waste any more of my valuable time reading your tripe.

he was accidentally hit by a member of the swat team
It wasn't an accident. They handcuffed him after they shot him. You don't handcuff someone you "accidentally" shot.

so what that is procedure until it gets sorted out
It is not procedure to handcuff innocent bystanders you just shot, idiot.

just because you say so doesn't make it so dupe
Irony! Just because you say it is, doesn't make it so, retard.
From the why the shoot the motherfuckers Department

North Miami police shoot black man who had his hands up as he tried to help an autistic patient



I agree that your post is unbelievable: Edited video, appearance of gun, failure to obey lawful orders, accidental discharge, etc. Why can't you find a single example of an unarmed noncriminal who is cooperating with police being shot for no reason? Because it is so rare?
I cannot say that is rare or common. What I can say is that the video I saw was a man trying to help a patient and there was no gun in his hands, he was laying there and explaining what he was doing. There was no accidental discharge...the Cop admitted shooting and declared he did not know why.

That information came from the person shot, not the officer. That is not admissible in any court of law.

Do you still support Hillary and her quest to DISARM Americans?


The man who was killed by police a few weeks had a gun. He had a license to have a concealed weapon. He told the cop he had a gun. He didn't draw his weapon on the cop.

The cop shot and killed him.

So you were there?
No thanks. I will wait for facts to come out though. And if it appears the cop is guilty, ill be pissed if he isnt charged and convicted.

The shooting victim has been offerred a settlement by the municipality already, so if that's not an admission of guilt on the part of the officer, I don't know what is.

The family of Freddy Gray was given $7M and now we see FOUR suspects who haven't been found to have done anything wrong.

You don't see the problem with that?
Obviously the city knew they fucked up and chose to settle. Yet the officers who actually did the fucking up have no legal repercussions at all.

So, they jumped to pay out millions in hush money for officers that have never been convicted of a crime?
Rodney King was the first to win the negro lottery. At the time, the jackpot was a paltry $2 million. Since then, the jackpot has been rising to 8 digits. It's very popular because the odds are much better than Powerball, and unlike Powerball winners, the winners of the negro lottery are also heroes, their record unsullied by the crimes they committed to instigate the chain of events leading to their good fortune.
he was accidentally hit by a member of the swat team
It wasn't an accident. They handcuffed him after they shot him. You don't handcuff someone you "accidentally" shot.

so what that is procedure until it gets sorted out
It is not procedure to handcuff innocent bystanders you just shot, idiot.

just because you say so doesn't make it so dupe
Irony! Just because you say it is, doesn't make it so, retard.

the only problem with your response is that you are wrong
Flesh wound. forgive and forget. Why were they in the street? I tried to find more info but can't? Why? Second shooter on grassy knoll? Why a minor wound only? Ricochet? Was it Cop bullet for sure? Bad day, bad luck, damn.

Seriously, don't pass smell test. Grown bastard layin in middle of street with "patient". Why they out there? More to story. Cop don't fire intentionally into surrender victim. Somebody running a scam......?

To be honest, I find it funny. Very funny. Makes me LOL! I don't care. No harm no foul.

Forgive and forget? Are you high?

I guess so? If as it looks, incompetent mistake? Forgive the guy, he probably did not mean to fire (allegedly). Make him go visit, apologize. Film it. Show it. Put him on other duties, move on.

If he's incompetent why the fuck is he a cop in the first place. Secondly if he was trying to shoot an unarmed person, who was not a threat, why is he not in jail?

OK, your all right, I am wrong. Life in prison start now. My point is a Police officrr is human. The guy appears go have freaked out, made mistake.

People get in cars and back over neighbor kids. Mistake. VA doctors kill patients out of incompetence/laziness while govt employee.

When you all don't make mistakes, then you can let us know. I don't have all the answers but good thing nobody will die. Appears to be minor. We have citizens walking around wit 30year record of "mistakes".

I am no troll either, I will watch out PW. I am not sure what troll is but it can't be good.

There's a huuuuge difference between making a "mistake" and SHOOTING AN UNARMED NON THREATENING PERSON.

I have a good feeling that if he intended to shoot the person lying on the ground, he wouldn't have shot him in the leg.
Flesh wound. forgive and forget. Why were they in the street? I tried to find more info but can't? Why? Second shooter on grassy knoll? Why a minor wound only? Ricochet? Was it Cop bullet for sure? Bad day, bad luck, damn.

Seriously, don't pass smell test. Grown bastard layin in middle of street with "patient". Why they out there? More to story. Cop don't fire intentionally into surrender victim. Somebody running a scam......?

To be honest, I find it funny. Very funny. Makes me LOL! I don't care. No harm no foul.

Forgive and forget? Are you high?

I guess so? If as it looks, incompetent mistake? Forgive the guy, he probably did not mean to fire (allegedly). Make him go visit, apologize. Film it. Show it. Put him on other duties, move on.

Oh jeez, you really are a first class apologist, aren't you?

The cop should be fired and sued into poverty. And I am not anti-cop. But I do hold them to high standards, as we all should.

You won't wait for a trial? How very fascist of you!
The job is to prevent, stop or emliminate threat to safety. We could wait for facts? Early indicators, during his job he pulled gun, observed threat fired and missed. Yes mistake. Too bad. He did what he thought best or had brain cramp freaking out. He was there not me. Is this his first shoot?

It looks bad yeah. Also bad are criminals roaming streets with 50 mistakes recorded. Where is the outrage?

When all you genius don't make mistake at your job let us know. 90% of you have probably made mistakes driving your car to your job. Some are near slink through and say "glad no cop saw that".

OK fire the guy, make him homeless with kids and wife on welfare. Will that make you genius happy? Monday morn QB on hard job.

Move the guy to non-lethal is not impossibility. The mgrs will deal with this guy, but I suppose they have to go 100% maassive punishment to keep you all from murder and mayhem on grand scale.

Except there never was a threat.

... that you could see in the video.
Let's give up the cop bashing. Cops shoot bad guys, bad guys shoot back, cops get REALLY paranoid and do inexplicable things. Let's stop this game right now. Cops aren't the boogie man here, despite the hyperbole. Cops don't scare me as much as some of the posters on this board and their ignorant tirades.

Yes they are. Police are shooting unarmed civilians at an alarming rate - with no provocation. They are not serving and protecting. It's time to re-examine police culture and stop this insanity.

Yeah, they are mostly shooting white people. Got any stats to back up your alarming rate? No? I knew you didn't have anything but hatred.
Forgive and forget? Are you high?

I guess so? If as it looks, incompetent mistake? Forgive the guy, he probably did not mean to fire (allegedly). Make him go visit, apologize. Film it. Show it. Put him on other duties, move on.

If he's incompetent why the fuck is he a cop in the first place. Secondly if he was trying to shoot an unarmed person, who was not a threat, why is he not in jail?

OK, your all right, I am wrong. Life in prison start now. My point is a Police officrr is human. The guy appears go have freaked out, made mistake.

People get in cars and back over neighbor kids. Mistake. VA doctors kill patients out of incompetence/laziness while govt employee.

When you all don't make mistakes, then you can let us know. I don't have all the answers but good thing nobody will die. Appears to be minor. We have citizens walking around wit 30year record of "mistakes".

I am no troll either, I will watch out PW. I am not sure what troll is but it can't be good.

There's a huuuuge difference between making a "mistake" and SHOOTING AN UNARMED NON THREATENING PERSON.

I have a good feeling that if he intended to shoot the person lying on the ground, he wouldn't have shot him in the leg.

indeed considering he was a swat team member
It might has just been an accidental discharge. ...... :cool:

That's how most liberals get born.

no accidental discharge

he was accidentally hit by a member of the swat team

Police: Caller reported armed man
A 911 call about an armed man threatening suicide drew officers to the scene just after 5 p.m. Monday, North Miami police Chief Gary Eugene told reporters.
"Our officers responded to the scene with that threat in mind. We had witness statements that there was a gun. We had a 911 call with that same information," Eugene said Thursday. "However, I want to make it clear, there was no gun recovered."
Kinsey told WSVN that his patient was holding a toy truck, not a firearm. He said he tried to explain the situation to officers.
Cell phone footage showed Kinsey lying in the street with his hands in the air.
"All he has is a toy truck," he shouted. "I am a behavior therapist at a group home."
Rivera, the president of the local police union, said that the officers had not heard what Kinsey was yelling.

Police accidentally shot man in North Miami, union says -

Liberals are born because their fathers had an accidental discharge.
No, I mean do you want to wager on whether or not he will face any charges. I say he will not face any charges. Want to bet? I'll put your choice of signatures on my profile if I lose
How the heck can I bet on something without getting/seeing all the details?

By using the details you have available.

Real question: Want to bet on it?
With 50/50 odds? That's a flip of the coin. Nah I'll wait ;)

Its actually 98% to 2%. 98% of cops get no charges ever. So I'm betting he wont. Want that sweet 2% chance?

You are obviously a racist with no support for your accusations. All you are doing is arguing about a bet you would welsh on in a heartbeat. You are too stupid for me to waste any more of my valuable time reading your tripe.


Put your money where your mouth is lol. Or show everyone you don't believe the dookey that comes from it.

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