Another Police Shooting when dude has his hands in the air

Didn't celebrate. Just said it was inevitable. And it will continue to be inevitable as long as the system protects its own.
It would seem like if there were so few bad cops the other cops would have no issue pointing them out. Whats keeping them from doing it? Seems to me like if they are being protected its either their peers in sheer numbers or higher ups in bureaucracy. Maybe its both.

I've seen two legit complaints that blacks can cry about.
Other than that they've all been legit shoots.
But then I could also point out the same amount of white shoots that were just as egregious.
No one asked or cares what you consider legit. Youre like the lice that frequent your scalp in relevancy to me.

Why the sudden lice infatuation these days?
Personal experience?
Yes. I had to kick a white guy out of a place of business one day that had hair lice like you. The hair stands up on the back of neck just recalling the incident.
You got pubic hair on your head.
Dont bother, I've already attempted to bet every one of the "wait for all the facts" guys that the cop would face no charges. They dont seem confident enough to take it.

I'd take that bet, but you would have to be more specific. Not all the facts have come out, I will bet you that if the facts come out and the facts show that the cop was wrong, he will face charges. I will absolutely bet you on that.
Dont bother, I've already attempted to bet every one of the "wait for all the facts" guys that the cop would face no charges. They dont seem confident enough to take it.
I'm one of those that says, "wait for the facts." The picture told that story. The behavioral therapist had his hands up and yelled out who he was and what his intention was with his patient. However, he still was shot. According to news reports, Charles Kinsley asked the police officer why he shot him. "I don't know" was the answer.

That man did not belong in a police uniform. I can't say he was shooting a black man out of fear (of what?) or he was shooting a man who appeared to get the patient. If I was on this jury that should take place, I would vote "guilty" for assault with a hefty sentence to give the Police Departments a message. They need to vet their applicants for racial biases, emotional control and psychological problems.

Thank God Mr. Kinsley is going to be healthy soon. No thanks to that police officer.

Agreed. If the investigation shows what we know so far to be true, then he should and will be charged.
Dont bother, I've already attempted to bet every one of the "wait for all the facts" guys that the cop would face no charges. They dont seem confident enough to take it.
I'm one of those that says, "wait for the facts." The picture told that story. The behavioral therapist had his hands up and yelled out who he was and what his intention was with his patient. However, he still was shot. According to news reports, Charles Kinsley asked the police officer why he shot him. "I don't know" was the answer.

That man did not belong in a police uniform. I can't say he was shooting a black man out of fear (of what?) or he was shooting a man who appeared to get the patient. If I was on this jury that should take place, I would vote "guilty" for assault with a hefty sentence to give the Police Departments a message. They need to vet their applicants for racial biases, emotional control and psychological problems.

Thank God Mr. Kinsley is going to be healthy soon. No thanks to that police officer.

Agreed. If the investigation shows what we know so far to be true, then he should and will be charged.

AHAHAHAHA Yes we have a whole 2% possibility he will be charged. That percentage is so good that no one will place a bet on it. Because "wait for the investigation" is nothing more than cover for the inevitable conclusion that nothing happened.
Didn't celebrate. Just said it was inevitable. And it will continue to be inevitable as long as the system protects its own.
It would seem like if there were so few bad cops the other cops would have no issue pointing them out. Whats keeping them from doing it? Seems to me like if they are being protected its either their peers in sheer numbers or higher ups in bureaucracy. Maybe its both.

I've seen two legit complaints that blacks can cry about.
Other than that they've all been legit shoots.
But then I could also point out the same amount of white shoots that were just as egregious.
No one asked or cares what you consider legit. Youre like the lice that frequent your scalp in relevancy to me.

Why the sudden lice infatuation these days?
Personal experience?
Yes. I had to kick a white guy out of a place of business one day that had hair lice like you. The hair stands up on the back of neck just recalling the incident.

Who are you to kick anyone out of someone else's business?
But since we all know you're a liar we also know it never happened.

Shot the guy, on administrative leave while investigation happens.

No charges, my bad....Prayers and thoughts. x2 with a cherry on top

I think this will come out as a bad shooting and the cop will be charged. However, I don't recall another victim with his hands in the air. Michael Brown? Nope. After assaulting the cop he was running as fat as he could away from the cop whose gun he was trying to steal.
The job is to prevent, stop or emliminate threat to safety. We could wait for facts? Early indicators, during his job he pulled gun, observed threat fired and missed. Yes mistake. Too bad. He did what he thought best or had brain cramp freaking out. He was there not me. Is this his first shoot?

It looks bad yeah. Also bad are criminals roaming streets with 50 mistakes recorded. Where is the outrage?

When all you genius don't make mistake at your job let us know. 90% of you have probably made mistakes driving your car to your job. Some are near slink through and say "glad no cop saw that".

OK fire the guy, make him homeless with kids and wife on welfare. Will that make you genius happy? Monday morn QB on hard job.

Move the guy to non-lethal is not impossibility. The mgrs will deal with this guy, but I suppose they have to go 100% maassive punishment to keep you all from murder and mayhem on grand scale.

Except there never was a threat.
Leftist cop killers scouring the web with glee, looking for anything, any excuse to slaughter police officers. Sickening.
Dont bother, I've already attempted to bet every one of the "wait for all the facts" guys that the cop would face no charges. They dont seem confident enough to take it.
I'm one of those that says, "wait for the facts." The picture told that story. The behavioral therapist had his hands up and yelled out who he was and what his intention was with his patient. However, he still was shot. According to news reports, Charles Kinsley asked the police officer why he shot him. "I don't know" was the answer.

That man did not belong in a police uniform. I can't say he was shooting a black man out of fear (of what?) or he was shooting a man who appeared to get the patient. If I was on this jury that should take place, I would vote "guilty" for assault with a hefty sentence to give the Police Departments a message. They need to vet their applicants for racial biases, emotional control and psychological problems.

Thank God Mr. Kinsley is going to be healthy soon. No thanks to that police officer.

Agreed. If the investigation shows what we know so far to be true, then he should and will be charged.

AHAHAHAHA Yes we have a whole 2% possibility he will be charged. That percentage is so good that no one will place a bet on it. Because "wait for the investigation" is nothing more than cover for the inevitable conclusion that nothing happened.

I already told you I would place a bet on it.
The cops shot another black man. He was laying flat on the ground, with his arms in the air.

He was a therapist trying to help an autistic patient. Someone had called 9-1-1 claiming there was a man with a gun. They were talking about the autistic guy. It wasn't a gun. It was a toy truck.

The cops show up, and who do they shoot? The black one, of course. Even though he told them he was a therapist, even though he had his hands up.

This is fucked up.

Video at link: North Miami police allegedly shoot black man as he held hands up while lying on the ground
I'm pretty sure there will be another cop/cops shot shortly in retaliation.
Aren't you the guy that said he wouldn't go to the gop convention cause you were afraid of being shot? LOL
You must have me mixed up. I'm not a repub so why on earth would I be at the KKK rally?
The KKK are Democrats, Buckwheat.

Shot the guy, on administrative leave while investigation happens.

No charges, my bad....Prayers and thoughts. x2 with a cherry on top

I think this will come out as a bad shooting and the cop will be charged. However, I don't recall another victim with his hands in the air. Michael Brown? Nope. After assaulting the cop he was running as fat as he could away from the cop whose gun he was trying to steal.

LaVoy Finicum.

This guy:

This chick:
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Let's give up the cop bashing. Cops shoot bad guys, bad guys shoot back, cops get REALLY paranoid and do inexplicable things. Let's stop this game right now. Cops aren't the boogie man here, despite the hyperbole. Cops don't scare me as much as some of the posters on this board and their ignorant tirades.
Sorry, I bash cops who violate the constitution. I don't like our cop culture. It's unconstitutional, Cops are not gods, they don't get a free pass for murder, assault, and other illegal actions just because they're cops. I'm sick of the culture that claims that if you dare to criticize our OVER MILITARIZED, federally funded cop forces that are growing in size, in weaponry, and in scope, you're attacking all cops personally.

Our cops need to stop getting tactical gear, money and training from the feds. They need to stop shooting people. They need to stop monitoring and collecting from the citizenry...that is not their job. Their job is to serve and protect. And you don't serve and protect by shooting property owners, mentally ill people or their handlers, and anybody who MIGHT have a gun.

Those are the exact same tactics the stormtroopers used when Austria came under Nazi rule.
Sorry, I bash cops who violate the constitution. I don't like our cop culture. It's unconstitutional, Cops are not gods, they don't get a free pass for murder, assault, and other illegal actions just because they're cops. I'm sick of the culture that claims that if you dare to criticize our OVER MILITARIZED, federally funded cop forces that are growing in size, in weaponry, and in scope, you're attacking all cops personally.

Our cops need to stop getting tactical gear, money and training from the feds. They need to stop shooting people. They need to stop monitoring and collecting from the citizenry...that is not their job. Their job is to serve and protect. And you don't serve and protect by shooting property owners, mentally ill people or their handlers, and anybody who MIGHT have a gun.

Those are the exact same tactics the stormtroopers used when Austria came under Nazi rule.
Good for you. But a little heavy handed on the nazis stuff. If you think about this issue in total, you have nothing to fear from a bad cop any more than you do being struck by lightning. All the animus directed at police seems misdirected and a popular notion put into the heads of people by the media. Why the media is doing this, is the real question.
The job is to prevent, stop or emliminate threat to safety. We could wait for facts? Early indicators, during his job he pulled gun, observed threat fired and missed. Yes mistake. Too bad. He did what he thought best or had brain cramp freaking out. He was there not me. Is this his first shoot?

It looks bad yeah. Also bad are criminals roaming streets with 50 mistakes recorded. Where is the outrage?

When all you genius don't make mistake at your job let us know. 90% of you have probably made mistakes driving your car to your job. Some are near slink through and say "glad no cop saw that".

OK fire the guy, make him homeless with kids and wife on welfare. Will that make you genius happy? Monday morn QB on hard job.

Move the guy to non-lethal is not impossibility. The mgrs will deal with this guy, but I suppose they have to go 100% maassive punishment to keep you all from murder and mayhem on grand scale.

Mistake? Look, if I forget to call a customer or leave my testing gear at home, that is a mistake. If I ignore a stop light and hit a pedestrian, it is more than just a mistake.

The unarmed civilian was flat on the ground with his hands in the air YELLING that he is a behavioral therapist and he needs to help the, obviously, mentally disabled man sitting next to him.

The fact that the cop was pointing his gun at the man with his finger on the trigger is NOT a mistake. It is utter contempt for the safety of the men in front of him. To fire a weapon at two unarmed men, both on the ground, and neither showing ANY threatening behavior is beyond a mistake.

I get that no one is perfect. If a police officer forgets to return my license, misspells my name on the ticket or take the wrong turn (you know, harmless mistakes) I have no issue with him or her. But when deadly force is used when it is not even close to being warranted, I take issue. As should every other citizen.
Police are on "the edge" more so recently. Minor wound. Stuff happens.
Fuck you that's a million dollar wound. Especially after they made the "mistake" they handcuffed him. This is a perfect example of how cops need to be retrained and reformed and how your opinion doesn't really matter anymore. CLEARLY if cops were lynching blacks you'd even defend that.

This Nut he is a promoter of BLM...........
No I'm a member of cnr. Cops need reforming

I mean to say Numnut.,
Sorry, I bash cops who violate the constitution. I don't like our cop culture. It's unconstitutional, Cops are not gods, they don't get a free pass for murder, assault, and other illegal actions just because they're cops. I'm sick of the culture that claims that if you dare to criticize our OVER MILITARIZED, federally funded cop forces that are growing in size, in weaponry, and in scope, you're attacking all cops personally.

Our cops need to stop getting tactical gear, money and training from the feds. They need to stop shooting people. They need to stop monitoring and collecting from the citizenry...that is not their job. Their job is to serve and protect. And you don't serve and protect by shooting property owners, mentally ill people or their handlers, and anybody who MIGHT have a gun.

Those are the exact same tactics the stormtroopers used when Austria came under Nazi rule.
Good for you. But a little heavy handed on the nazis stuff. If you think about this issue in total, you have nothing to fear from a bad cop any more than you do being struck by lightning. All the animus directed at police seems misdirected and a popular notion put into the heads of people by the media. Why the media is doing this, is the real question.

The media is doing it.for the.same reason the admin is and the same reason the nazis facilitate the armed intervention by the feds, establishing a national police force. Just as the nazis did, the russians did, the chinese did. Wake up.

Let's give up the cop bashing. Cops shoot bad guys, bad guys shoot back, cops get REALLY paranoid and do inexplicable things. Let's stop this game right now. Cops aren't the boogie man here, despite the hyperbole. Cops don't scare me as much as some of the posters on this board and their ignorant tirades.

Yes they are. Police are shooting unarmed civilians at an alarming rate - with no provocation. They are not serving and protecting. It's time to re-examine police culture and stop this insanity.
The job is to prevent, stop or emliminate threat to safety. We could wait for facts? Early indicators, during his job he pulled gun, observed threat fired and missed. Yes mistake. Too bad. He did what he thought best or had brain cramp freaking out. He was there not me. Is this his first shoot?

It looks bad yeah. Also bad are criminals roaming streets with 50 mistakes recorded. Where is the outrage?bhai

When all you genius don't make mistake at your job let us know. 90% of you have probably made mistakes driving your car to your job. Some are near slink through and say "glad no cop saw that".

OK fire the guy, make him homeless with kids and wife on welfare. Will that make you genius happy? Monday morn QB on hard job.

Move the guy to non-lethal is not impossibility. The mgrs will deal with this guy, but I suppose they have to go 100% maassive punishment to keep you all from murder and mayhem on grand scale.

Mistake? Look, if I forget to call a customer or leave my testing gear at home, that is a mistake. If I ignore a stop light and hit a pedestrian, it is more than just a mistake.

The unarmed civilian was flat on the ground with his hands in the air YELLING that he is a behavioral therapist and he needs to help the, obviously, mentally disabled man sitting next to him.

The fact that the cop was pointing his gun at the man with his finger on the trigger is NOT a mistake. It is utter contempt for the safety of the men in front of him. To fire a weapon at two unarmed men, both on the ground, and neither showing ANY threatening behavior is beyond a mistake.

I get that no one is perfect. If a police officer forgets to return my license, misspells my name on the ticket or take the wrong turn (you know, harmless mistakes) I have no issue with him or her. But when deadly force is used when it is not even close to being warranted, I take issue. As should every other citizen.

I agree, it looks really bad. I don't know why he would fire? Could they hear the guys story? How far away? Anyways it appesrs I am wrong gasp! At this time.

My apologies. I really got my tit in wringer on this one. I just can't believe any Cop would want to fire? Unless he thought truck was gun? No one died. He was not targeting Black man......

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