Another Police Shooting when dude has his hands in the air

Ferguson: "Hands up don't shoot...liberals lied and cops died."

Nobody lied about it, and no cops died there. Time to take your meds.

Yes another far left dor4ne that celebrated the death of cops being killed..

Didn't celebrate. Just said it was inevitable. And it will continue to be inevitable as long as the system protects its own.
It would seem like if there were so few bad cops the other cops would have no issue pointing them out. Whats keeping them from doing it? Seems to me like if they are being protected its either their peers in sheer numbers or higher ups in bureaucracy. Maybe its both.

I've seen two legit complaints that blacks can cry about.
Other than that they've all been legit shoots.
But then I could also point out the same amount of white shoots that were just as egregious.
No one asked or cares what you consider legit. Youre like the lice that frequent your scalp in relevancy to me.
Nobody lied about it, and no cops died there. Time to take your meds.

Yes another far left dor4ne that celebrated the death of cops being killed..

Didn't celebrate. Just said it was inevitable. And it will continue to be inevitable as long as the system protects its own.
It would seem like if there were so few bad cops the other cops would have no issue pointing them out. Whats keeping them from doing it? Seems to me like if they are being protected its either their peers in sheer numbers or higher ups in bureaucracy. Maybe its both.

I've seen two legit complaints that blacks can cry about.
Other than that they've all been legit shoots.
But then I could also point out the same amount of white shoots that were just as egregious.
No one asked or cares what you consider legit. Youre like the lice that frequent your scalp in relevancy to me.

Why the sudden lice infatuation these days?
Personal experience?
Yes another far left dor4ne that celebrated the death of cops being killed..

Didn't celebrate. Just said it was inevitable. And it will continue to be inevitable as long as the system protects its own.
It would seem like if there were so few bad cops the other cops would have no issue pointing them out. Whats keeping them from doing it? Seems to me like if they are being protected its either their peers in sheer numbers or higher ups in bureaucracy. Maybe its both.

I've seen two legit complaints that blacks can cry about.
Other than that they've all been legit shoots.
But then I could also point out the same amount of white shoots that were just as egregious.
No one asked or cares what you consider legit. Youre like the lice that frequent your scalp in relevancy to me.

Why the sudden lice infatuation these days?
Personal experience?
Yes. I had to kick a white guy out of a place of business one day that had hair lice like you. The hair stands up on the back of neck just recalling the incident.
Cell phones are finally validating what people have been saying about cops for decades.
Yes, they are.

They are showing that the vast, overwhelming majority of police encounters show no bias at all by the policeman.

They are showing that you're more likely to get hit by lightning, than to get shot by a cop who doesn't have a good reason.
Cell phones are finally validating what people have been saying about cops for decades.
Yes, they are.

They are showing that the vast, overwhelming majority of police encounters show no bias at all.

They are showing that you're more likely to get hit by lightning, than to get shot by a cop who doesn't have a good reason.
Bullshit. Getting shot is the worst thing. There is whole host of other things cops do and get away with. The stats bear that out.
Cell phones are finally validating what people have been saying about cops for decades.
Yes, they are.
They are showing that the vast, overwhelming majority of police encounters show no bias at all.
They are showing that you're more likely to get hit by lightning, than to get shot by a cop who doesn't have a good reason.
People who have lost the debate, often respond by cursing and swearing. Such as this poster.
Cell phones are finally validating what people have been saying about cops for decades.
Yes, they are.
They are showing that the vast, overwhelming majority of police encounters show no bias at all.
They are showing that you're more likely to get hit by lightning, than to get shot by a cop who doesn't have a good reason.
People who have lost the debate, often respond by cursing and swearing. Such as this poster.
I wasnt debating. I was correcting you. Thats why you left out the rest of my post.
Funny how the libs will say that the police are "racist" yet at the same time they want to disarm the citizenry and have ONLY the police armed. Lol. Great thinking folks!!! ;) Way to use your old noggins!
Only professional cops should be armed. The racists ones should be shot in the eye.
Didn't celebrate. Just said it was inevitable. And it will continue to be inevitable as long as the system protects its own.
It would seem like if there were so few bad cops the other cops would have no issue pointing them out. Whats keeping them from doing it? Seems to me like if they are being protected its either their peers in sheer numbers or higher ups in bureaucracy. Maybe its both.

I've seen two legit complaints that blacks can cry about.
Other than that they've all been legit shoots.
But then I could also point out the same amount of white shoots that were just as egregious.
No one asked or cares what you consider legit. Youre like the lice that frequent your scalp in relevancy to me.

Why the sudden lice infatuation these days?
Personal experience?
Yes. I had to kick a white guy out of a place of business one day that had hair lice like you. The hair stands up on the back of neck just recalling the incident.

Still cant post a complete surprise.
It would seem like if there were so few bad cops the other cops would have no issue pointing them out. Whats keeping them from doing it? Seems to me like if they are being protected its either their peers in sheer numbers or higher ups in bureaucracy. Maybe its both.

I've seen two legit complaints that blacks can cry about.
Other than that they've all been legit shoots.
But then I could also point out the same amount of white shoots that were just as egregious.
No one asked or cares what you consider legit. Youre like the lice that frequent your scalp in relevancy to me.

Why the sudden lice infatuation these days?
Personal experience?
Yes. I had to kick a white guy out of a place of business one day that had hair lice like you. The hair stands up on the back of neck just recalling the incident.

Still cant post a complete surprise.
You just posted a complete sentence. Dont be so hard on yourself.
Flesh wound. forgive and forget. Why were they in the street? I tried to find more info but can't? Why? Second shooter on grassy knoll? Why a minor wound only? Ricochet? Was it Cop bullet for sure? Bad day, bad luck, damn.

Seriously, don't pass smell test. Grown bastard layin in middle of street with "patient". Why they out there? More to story. Cop don't fire intentionally into surrender victim. Somebody running a scam......?

To be honest, I find it funny. Very funny. Makes me LOL! I don't care. No harm no foul.

Forgive and forget? Are you high?

I guess so? If as it looks, incompetent mistake? Forgive the guy, he probably did not mean to fire (allegedly). Make him go visit, apologize. Film it. Show it. Put him on other duties, move on.

If he's incompetent why the fuck is he a cop in the first place. Secondly if he was trying to shoot an unarmed person, who was not a threat, why is he not in jail?

OK, your all right, I am wrong. Life in prison start now. My point is a Police officrr is human. The guy appears go have freaked out, made mistake.

People get in cars and back over neighbor kids. Mistake. VA doctors kill patients out of incompetence/laziness while govt employee.

When you all don't make mistakes, then you can let us know. I don't have all the answers but good thing nobody will die. Appears to be minor. We have citizens walking around wit 30year record of "mistakes".

I am no troll either, I will watch out PW. I am not sure what troll is but it can't be good.

There's a huuuuge difference between making a "mistake" and SHOOTING AN UNARMED NON THREATENING PERSON.
Anyway, 1% looks to be laughable, almost as though there was an consensus that it is ok for US cops to go around shooting people:

Police killed at least 1,152 people in the United States from January 1 - December 15, 2015.

Mapping Police Violence
  • Police killed at least 102 unarmed black people in 2015, nearly twice each week. (See which police departments were responsible for these deaths)
  • Nearly 1 in 3 black people killed by police in 2015 were identified as unarmed, though the actual number is likely higher due to underreporting
  • 37% of unarmed people killed by police were black in 2015 despite black people being only 13% of the U.S. population
  • Unarmed black people were killed at 5x the rate of unarmed whites in 2015
  • Only 10 of the 102 cases in 2015 where an unarmed black person was killed by police resulted in officer(s) being charged with a crime, and only 2 of these deaths (Matthew Ajibade and Eric Harris) resulted in convictions of officers involved. Only 1 of 2 officers convicted for their involvement in Matthew Ajibade's death received jail time. He was sentenced to 1 year in jail and allowed to serve this time exclusively on weekends. Deputy Bates, who killed Eric Harris, will be sentenced May 31.
Flesh wound. forgive and forget. Why were they in the street? I tried to find more info but can't? Why? Second shooter on grassy knoll? Why a minor wound only? Ricochet? Was it Cop bullet for sure? Bad day, bad luck, damn.

Seriously, don't pass smell test. Grown bastard layin in middle of street with "patient". Why they out there? More to story. Cop don't fire intentionally into surrender victim. Somebody running a scam......?

To be honest, I find it funny. Very funny. Makes me LOL! I don't care. No harm no foul.

Forgive and forget? Are you high?

I guess so? If as it looks, incompetent mistake? Forgive the guy, he probably did not mean to fire (allegedly). Make him go visit, apologize. Film it. Show it. Put him on other duties, move on.

Oh jeez, you really are a first class apologist, aren't you?

The cop should be fired and sued into poverty. And I am not anti-cop. But I do hold them to high standards, as we all should.
The job is to prevent, stop or emliminate threat to safety. We could wait for facts? Early indicators, during his job he pulled gun, observed threat fired and missed. Yes mistake. Too bad. He did what he thought best or had brain cramp freaking out. He was there not me. Is this his first shoot?

It looks bad yeah. Also bad are criminals roaming streets with 50 mistakes recorded. Where is the outrage?

When all you genius don't make mistake at your job let us know. 90% of you have probably made mistakes driving your car to your job. Some are near slink through and say "glad no cop saw that".

OK fire the guy, make him homeless with kids and wife on welfare. Will that make you genius happy? Monday morn QB on hard job.

Move the guy to non-lethal is not impossibility. The mgrs will deal with this guy, but I suppose they have to go 100% maassive punishment to keep you all from murder and mayhem on grand scale.
There are two stupidities running in this incident. First is the stupidity that we mainstream crazy people. They were out in the street because the crazy, autistic guy was having a big fit in public. He had a paid handler with him trying to get him under control. Some idiot who I guarantee thinks we should have lunatics in our classrooms with our kids and on the streets, became alarmed at the actions of the crazed lunatic and called 911, and reported that the tard's truck was a gun.

So here come the pigs all het up and excited at the prospect of possibly killing someone. The worker lays on the ground with his hands up, all the while maintaining a dialogue with the cops and with his charge. Cops shoot him because they came to shoot someone, and that's all there is to it.

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