Another Police Shooting

Do you think the police behaved and/or reacted appropriately in this instance?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, they took the suspect into custody with minimal harm to everyone involved

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Yes, they took the suspect into custody with no harm to the police and minimal harm to the suspect

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, they allowed the suspect to endanger the lives of everyone around him before arrest

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, they allowed the suspect to endanger the lives of the officers and bystanders before arrest

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
So this guy got to lay on the ground with both hands in the air and not get shot up after firing at police. But he's not dead. Had he not been white, he'd be gone.
What I think? That idiot is lucky to be alive, and those officers need more range time. The idiot had warrants and came out of a motel room firing at officers with two handguns.

Video of officer-involved shooting released

Yes, obviously. They did wait too long, though; they should have shot the fat fuck when he first refused to come all the way out the door. they had an open window and could see him clearly enough. It was an end unit so their bullets wouldn't go through into another room and possibly hit bystanders from that angle.

Ah well, a couple more Darwin Awards in the mail.

Thanks for posting the link.
{blah, blah, blah..}
Nope. Another blind bat fires aimlessly and misses by a mile.

Mommy called and said for you to come home and take your meds.

In other news, fields of fire and not endangering bystanders is part of training, cops or civilians, halfwit.
A "shootout" implies gunfire from both sides so a "police shooting" is biased and incorrect.
You have tried justifying every police shooting.

Most police shootings are justified. And even the ones that aren't, could have easily been avoided if the shootee hadn't tried to be an idiot.

Do you want to know the difference between you and I? When you're out rolling along and you see a cop behind you, you get all scared and paranoid.

I don't. All I feel is reassurance and comfort.
Where is it 73 degrees? I'm jealous.

I can't see the vid so no material to vote in the poll on.

Idk if I'm even up to watching a human get shot right now.
What I think? That idiot is lucky to be alive, and those officers need more range time. The idiot had warrants and came out of a motel room firing at officers with two handguns.

Video of officer-involved shooting released

those officers need more range time

That’s no shit…the guy stood in one spot and then waddled around the corner when he ran out of bullets, then laid on the ground…the officers didn’t land one shot on him?

I feel sorry for the picnic table behind him…

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