Another Progressive Success, Maine- Welfare recipients outnumber taxpayers

Another Progressive Success, Maine- Welfare recipients outnumber taxpayers


good news today

Finally, we have a success
h/t Moonbattery

Bangor Daily News

discovered that 445,074 Mainers paid state income tax, while 453,194 received some sort of state aid.

In Maine, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps and subsidies for education have a combined enrollment of 660,000.

Adjusting for overlap reduces the number to 453,194 — or 8,120 more people on state assistance than there are state income taxpayers in Maine.
what bull crap! children are included in welfare recipients that can not possibly be workers or tax payers....le page is a skunk, dumb, and a LIAR.....

Forbes: LePage welfare quotes inaccurate — Maine Politics — Bangor Daily News

Gov. Paul LePage on Wednesday told a crowd of 100 people that a Forbes representative told his office the state must cut spending, reduce energy costs and address structural problems — which LePage interpreted as “welfare” — or the state would continue to be “in the cellar” of the magazine’s rankings of the best states for business.

Forbes says it told the governor’s office no such thing.
“I certainly didn’t say anything about welfare costs, which has nothing to do with the ranking that we do,” said Forbes senior editor Kurt Badenhausen, who spoke to the governor’s office when it called the magazine. “I didn’t tell them they needed to reduce energy costs. I told them, basically, the best thing they could do, and that any local government could do, was just to try and create more jobs.”
I must have missed the part of the article that said only people who paid no taxes received welfare, while no tax payers received welfare. Could one of you geniuses point that out to me? Thanks.

"Taxpayers" and "People who receive aid from the State" aren't mutually exclusive groups.

You 2 must not have understood what this phrase means:
Adjusting for overlap reduces the number to 453,194

No, I do. It refers to people that receive more than one sort of aid. Perhaps you should re-read the article.
Another Progressive Success, Maine- Welfare recipients outnumber taxpayers


good news today

Finally, we have a success
h/t Moonbattery

Bangor Daily News
discovered that 445,074 Mainers paid state income tax, while 453,194 received some sort of state aid.

In Maine, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps and subsidies for education have a combined enrollment of 660,000.

Adjusting for overlap reduces the number to 453,194 — or 8,120 more people on state assistance than there are state income taxpayers in Maine.

Not True: Welfare recipients outnumber taxpayers

Maybe True: Maine has more welfare recipients than income tax payers.
Youu know....I realize now how this SPIN is working.

Subsidies for education?

That's not welfare.
The driving force for the nutters here is fear that someone who occupies a station in life that is lower than their trying to steal their shit.

In addition, they pretend that these thieves....who despite stealing for their entire lives, never seem to get any wealthier........are civic minded enough to vote in large numbers in favor of maintaing their meager existence.

The unending search for evidence that supports the idea that liberals promote human suffering as a means of getting people to vote for them motivates them to dishonesty as found in this thread.
Another Progressive Success, Maine- Welfare recipients outnumber taxpayers


good news today

Finally, we have a success
h/t Moonbattery

Bangor Daily News

discovered that 445,074 Mainers paid state income tax, while 453,194 received some sort of state aid.

In Maine, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps and subsidies for education have a combined enrollment of 660,000.

Adjusting for overlap reduces the number to 453,194 — or 8,120 more people on state assistance than there are state income taxpayers in Maine.

That's fucking nuts.

Unless Maine does something drastic, the rest of us are going to have to pay to keep them going.

It's the liberal play book though. Cloward-Piven strategy; over load the system with welfare and cause it to collapse.

so yes, the liberals are happy this has occurred.
The driving force for the fisters here is promoting the hatred and class envy that someone who occupies a station in life that is higher than their own... does not deserve it or thinks they entitled to keep it- they are greedy

In addition, they pretend that these greedy people.. who despite working and paying taxes, it never seems enough ... are evil minded enough to vote to keep them poor on purpose

The unending search for evidence that supports this idea that conservatives promote human suffering only as a means to keep their money from the poor motivates them to dishonesty as found in this tread

The Great Society was to end poverty
How is that working out for you?

Oddly enough, it has created a permanent "underclass" that overwhelmingly votes for Democrats
It never ended it ..... in fact, the number of poor went up
funny how that works

The Left has no vested interest in truly helping people from being poor

A man with a free market job who has to pay taxes
-tends to vote less Democrat
A man who can create a successful business
-tends to vote less Democrat

We have nothing more than a modern day "panem et circenses"
It was true 2000 years ago and is true today

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact it is their worst enemy
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The driving force for the fisters here is promoting the hatred and class envy that someone who occupies a station in life that is higher than their own... does not deserve it or thinks they entitled to keep it- they are greedy

In addition, they pretend that these greedy people.. who despite working and paying taxes, it never seems enough ... are evil minded enough to vote to keep them poor on purpose

The unending search for evidence that supports this idea that conservatives promote human suffering only as a means to keep their money from the poor motivates them to dishonesty as found in this tread

The Great Society was to end poverty
How is that working out for you?

Oddly enough, it has created a permanent "underclass" that overwhelmingly votes for Democrats
It never ended it .....
funny how that works

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact it is their worst enemy

The TRUTH is you don't even understand your own OP article. :lol:

JosefK and TheDoctorIsIn are correct...The people who receive some form of State aid are not necessarily non income tax payers or non tax payers...

Bangor Daily News

discovered that 445,074 Mainers paid state income tax,

while 453,194 received some sort of state aid.

In Maine, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps and subsidies for education have a combined enrollment of 660,000.

Adjusting for overlap reduces the number to 453,194 — or 8,120

more people on state assistance than there are state income taxpayers in Maine.

The overlap mentioned is in those who receive more than one type of aid...The facts are being misrepresented to paint a picture and apparently to fit an agenda.

"more people on state assistance than there are state income taxpayers in Maine"

There are approximately 1.3 million people in Maine and 445,074 of them pay INCOME taxes. The fact that 453,194 of Maine residents receive some form of State aid, which includes education subsidies BTW, does NOT suggest the recipients do not earn taxable incomes, nor does is suggest recipients do not pay other State taxes.
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As one can see,
case in point
they censored out...

The Left has no vested interest in truly helping people from being poor

A man with a free market job who has to pay taxes
-tends to vote less Democrat
A man who can create a successful business
-tends to vote less Democrat

What part of

"Adjusting for overlap reduces the number to 453,194 — or 8,120
more people on state assistance than there are state income taxpayers in Maine."

do you not understand? the overlap is between people taking different assistance
not taxpayers vs non taxpayers

As for the rest, pure conjecture
unless you have some real numbers???

did not think so?

sorry it still stands

The real agenda here...

We have nothing more than a modern day "panem et circenses"
It was true 2000 years ago and is true today

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact it is their worst enemy
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What part of

"Adjusting for overlap reduces the number to 453,194 — or 8,120
more people on state assistance than there are state income taxpayers in Maine."

do you not understand?

Now you're just choosing not to see...The statistics are being manipulated and misunderstood.

A certain number of people live in Maine.

A certain number of people pay income taxes in Maine.

A certain number of people receive State aid in Maine.

The latter exceeds the former by a certain number... (8120)

FACT: 8,120 more people on state assistance than there are state income taxpayers in Maine."

NO WHERE does it say all people who receive some form of State aid do not pay income taxes. Because in FACT it's not true...The OP is spin with an agenda.
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Another Progressive Success, Maine- Welfare recipients outnumber taxpayers


good news today

Finally, we have a success
h/t Moonbattery

Bangor Daily News

discovered that 445,074 Mainers paid state income tax, while 453,194 received some sort of state aid.

In Maine, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps and subsidies for education have a combined enrollment of 660,000.

Adjusting for overlap reduces the number to 453,194 — or 8,120 more people on state assistance than there are state income taxpayers in Maine.

Wait, you mean capitalism failed and now people need help?

Crap. lower taxes and hurry!!! Those people need jobs!!
What part of

"Adjusting for overlap reduces the number to 453,194 — or 8,120
more people on state assistance than there are state income taxpayers in Maine."

do you not understand?

Now you're just choosing not to see...The statistics are being manipulated and misunderstood.

A certain number of people live in Maine.

A certain number of people pay income taxes in Maine.

A certain number of people receive State aid in Maine.

The latter exceeds the former by a certain number... (8120)

FACT: 8,120 more people on state assistance than there are state income taxpayers in Maine."

NO WHERE does it say all people who receive some form of State aid do not pay income taxes. Because in FACT it's not true...The OP is spin with an agenda.

What it clearly say is that there are more people getting some sort of support than there are people paying taxes.. It's very clear. that takers outnumber the givers. you can't spin it anyway but that way.
The statistics are being manipulated and misunderstood.
Indeed they are ...

Again you have no numbers to offer as proof of your claim
and your claim must assume a net positive of taxes to be
supportive and weaken the OP

Being so,

if one pays say one hundred dollars in income tax but takes several thousands
in subsidies, they are not a positive tax payer, in terms of cash flow
They would not help your argument

Indeed, if one of these people, that you claim to exist, actually paid more
in income taxes than they took in subsidies

the state would be better off just letting them keep their money in the first place

Don' t fret
Our progressive future looks bright for us

[ame=]Planet of the Ape- Progressives - YouTube[/ame]
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What part of

"Adjusting for overlap reduces the number to 453,194 — or 8,120
more people on state assistance than there are state income taxpayers in Maine."

do you not understand?

Now you're just choosing not to see...The statistics are being manipulated and misunderstood.

A certain number of people live in Maine.

A certain number of people pay income taxes in Maine.

A certain number of people receive State aid in Maine.

The latter exceeds the former by a certain number... (8120)

FACT: 8,120 more people on state assistance than there are state income taxpayers in Maine."

NO WHERE does it say all people who receive some form of State aid do not pay income taxes. Because in FACT it's not true...The OP is spin with an agenda.

What it clearly say is that there are more people getting some sort of support than there are people paying taxes.. It's very clear. that takers outnumber the givers. you can't spin it anyway but that way.

All I'm saying is it's not that simple and the stats are being used for spin...

Some who receive State aid DO pay income taxes. Some who receive State aid DO pay property taxes. Some who receive State aid DO pay sales taxes and other various State fees. Some who receive State aid and do not pay income taxes in this current statistical year, had perhaps paid income taxes in Maine for previous decades, etc...

The combination of possibilities, of real life circumstances not included in this mere snapshot statistic, of what one puts into and then takes out of the State system is more complex than what people are suggesting here.
The article never said property taxes, state fee etc

Perhaps moving the "goal line" can help

one has to assume a positive cash flow of tax money
Another Progressive Success, Maine- Welfare recipients outnumber taxpayers


good news today

Finally, we have a success
h/t Moonbattery

Bangor Daily News

discovered that 445,074 Mainers paid state income tax, while 453,194 received some sort of state aid.

In Maine, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps and subsidies for education have a combined enrollment of 660,000.

Adjusting for overlap reduces the number to 453,194 — or 8,120 more people on state assistance than there are state income taxpayers in Maine.

Wait, you mean capitalism failed and now people need help?

Crap. lower taxes and hurry!!! Those people need jobs!!

How would we know?

The US does not have free markets?

Has not for a long time
As much as many of you want to complain about the Democrats creating a welfare state and an entitlement mentality, the GOP is just as guilty of that by pushing for all the Free Trade treaties that moved the good paying jobs off shore.

When I grew up, being on welfare was a stigma, as it should be. today it is an "entitlement", and that's part of the problem. But you can't blame people for doing what they have to do to survive if you limit their oppurtunities.

A pox on both their houses.
Another Progressive Success, Maine- Welfare recipients outnumber taxpayers


good news today

Finally, we have a success
h/t Moonbattery

Bangor Daily News

discovered that 445,074 Mainers paid state income tax, while 453,194 received some sort of state aid.

In Maine, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps and subsidies for education have a combined enrollment of 660,000.

Adjusting for overlap reduces the number to 453,194 — or 8,120 more people on state assistance than there are state income taxpayers in Maine.

Blame the victim. Funny how Republicans want to cut education then complain about all these uneducated people. Education isn't just math.

You have to invest in America to get a return. Just giving money to rich people won't do it.
Blame the victim. Funny how Republicans want to cut education then complain about all these uneducated people. Education isn't just math.

You have to invest in America to get a return. Just giving money to rich people won't do it.

We spend more per student than any country in the world on education. The problem isn't that enough money isn't being invested, it's that the money is being squandered on bullshit.

Bullshit usually advocated by the liberals.

When your kid can't tell you why Columbus came to America, but will tell you that he killed the native Americans, you know that that was not money well spent. (Honestly had this conversation with my 14 year old neice.)

When you can't fire a child molesting teacher after 14 years of him collecting a salary for no work, you have to wonder how many other malingerers and non-performers are out there that aren't even being bothered with. Let's keep throwing money at the problem. That'll do it.
So if you exclude everyone who pays sales taxes, property taxes, payroll taxes, and federal income taxes from the category of "taxpayers"....

And include everyone who gets financial aid for school, retired people, and children as "welfare recipients"...

Maine has more people on welfare than it has taxpayers.

Of course, if you include people who pay taxes as taxpayers that wouldn't be true. But then you you wouldn't have a pithy feel-good headline for Cons to drool over.

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