ANOTHER Prop 8 Challenge: By A County Clerk This Time

I say again...

Whoopie! Back to the SCOTUS! I hope they find the Clerk has standing.

What will their defense of the law be? What "reasonable person standard" will they use in denying gay and lesbian couples equal access to legal, civil marriage? What's gonna convince the court? Sin? Ickyness? Your inability to talk to your children?

Come on, what will the San Diego Clerk's Argument be (in front of the SCOTUS) that can support violating tax paying American citizen's 14th Amendment right to equal protection?

They have always had equal protection, they want special privilege, there's a difference.

what is this special privilege? i mean ive heard it all before, but i need a good laugh.
I say again...

Whoopie! Back to the SCOTUS! I hope they find the Clerk has standing.

What will their defense of the law be? What "reasonable person standard" will they use in denying gay and lesbian couples equal access to legal, civil marriage? What's gonna convince the court? Sin? Ickyness? Your inability to talk to your children?

Come on, what will the San Diego Clerk's Argument be (in front of the SCOTUS) that can support violating tax paying American citizen's 14th Amendment right to equal protection?

They have always had equal protection, they want special privilege, there's a difference.

Really? What special privilege? Isn't it you who believes you have the special privilege and you don't want gay couples to have it?

Nope, I have the right, as every man does to marry any woman I chose assuming she is willing, gays have that same right and they always have and often do. Now as you progressives often do, you want me to have to subsidize and accept your unnatural behavior. Tell ya what, you let me deduct my cats as dependents on my taxes as my children, adopted of course and I'll allow you take your gay lover as a deduction. One makes as much sense as the other.
They have always had equal protection, they want special privilege, there's a difference.

Really? What special privilege? Isn't it you who believes you have the special privilege and you don't want gay couples to have it?

Nope, I have the right, as every man does to marry any woman I chose assuming she is willing, gays have that same right and they always have and often do. Now as you progressives often do, you want me to have to subsidize and accept your unnatural behavior. Tell ya what, you let me deduct my cats as dependents on my taxes as my children, adopted of course and I'll allow you take your gay lover as a deduction. One makes as much sense as the other.

that makes zero sense.
Really? What special privilege? Isn't it you who believes you have the special privilege and you don't want gay couples to have it?

Nope, I have the right, as every man does to marry any woman I chose assuming she is willing, gays have that same right and they always have and often do. Now as you progressives often do, you want me to have to subsidize and accept your unnatural behavior. Tell ya what, you let me deduct my cats as dependents on my taxes as my children, adopted of course and I'll allow you take your gay lover as a deduction. One makes as much sense as the other.

that makes zero sense.

Neither does gay marriage, you're starting to get it. Men and women are designed like a puzzle, they got parts that are designed to fit together, you start mixing puzzles and the pieces don't make sense.
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I'd hardly call the city/county of San Diego "the trailer park brigade". It's the 8th largest city in the US and one of the largest counties in California. It's very conservative, military and hispanic catholics. Apparently they're not amused by their votes being crushed like peanut shells...

Yes, I could just as easily say that gay marriage will be un-legalized in some states due to the blatant tyranny in California where gays are using their pocket-men in high places to force this Agenda on 7 million voters, and destroying their initiative system in the process..

Fag-bashers lost. That's just the way it is.

Yet the law remains enforce, go figure.

English, please.
They have always had equal protection, they want special privilege, there's a difference.

Really? What special privilege? Isn't it you who believes you have the special privilege and you don't want gay couples to have it?

Nope, I have the right, as every man does to marry any woman I chose assuming she is willing, gays have that same right and they always have and often do. Now as you progressives often do, you want me to have to subsidize and accept your unnatural behavior. Tell ya what, you let me deduct my cats as dependents on my taxes as my children, adopted of course and I'll allow you take your gay lover as a deduction. One makes as much sense as the other.

I do not wish to marry someone of the opposite sex. I'm legally married to someone of the same sex. The Federal Government should be treating both of our legal marriages equally.

My legally marrying someone of the same sex is not a "special right" since you too would be able to legally marry someone of the same sex. In the face of logic, all anti gay arguments fail.
Nope, I have the right, as every man does to marry any woman I chose assuming she is willing, gays have that same right and they always have and often do. Now as you progressives often do, you want me to have to subsidize and accept your unnatural behavior. Tell ya what, you let me deduct my cats as dependents on my taxes as my children, adopted of course and I'll allow you take your gay lover as a deduction. One makes as much sense as the other.

that makes zero sense.

Neither does gay marriage, you're starting to get it. Men and women are designed like a puzzle, they got parts that are designed to fit together, you start mixing puzzles and the pieces don't make sense.

sure it makes sense. Your argument is childish and backwards. We are a nation where people are equal. You want special rights for men and women. That doesnt fly here in America. You can not legally vote away a persons right.

You are on the wrong side of history and the argument. You will loose and that will be that. You can go kicking and screaming if you want, but it will be the norm here in America.

Your bigotry will only get you so far with this issue. Your Icky factor want wash legally, and your its not natural is a lie. You have nothing.
Fag-bashers lost. That's just the way it is.

Yet the law remains enforce, go figure.

English, please.

Prop 8 remains the law in CA, just as immigration laws remain in the US. Just because you have an executive or AG that refuse to uphold their oath and enforce them does not alter the fact that they remain the law. SCOTUS said gay marriage should be decided in the states, CA has decided, in the form of prop 8.
that makes zero sense.

Neither does gay marriage, you're starting to get it. Men and women are designed like a puzzle, they got parts that are designed to fit together, you start mixing puzzles and the pieces don't make sense.

sure it makes sense. Your argument is childish and backwards. We are a nation where people are equal. You want special rights for men and women. That doesnt fly here in America. You can not legally vote away a persons right.

You are on the wrong side of history and the argument. You will loose and that will be that. You can go kicking and screaming if you want, but it will be the norm here in America.

Your bigotry will only get you so far with this issue. Your Icky factor want wash legally, and your its not natural is a lie. You have nothing.

Fuck your childish and backwards bullshit. It's biology, it's nature, I thought you commies were all about science. If you want to satisfy your hedonistic desires by engaging in sexual acts with someone of the same sex, fucking go for it, I don't care, but don't insist on teaching children that it is in any way natural because it is NOT.
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What will their defense of the law be? What "reasonable person standard" will they use in denying gay and lesbian couples equal access to legal, civil marriage? What's gonna convince the court? Sin? Ickyness? Your inability to talk to your children?

Come on, what will the San Diego Clerk's Argument be (in front of the SCOTUS) that can support violating tax paying American citizen's 14th Amendment right to equal protection?

There are no 'couple's rights', only individual rights. These are exactly the same in America for everyone. We recognize sex differences. Void that and so very much must crumble.
Yet the law remains enforce, go figure.

English, please.

Prop 8 remains the law in CA, just as immigration laws remain in the US. Just because you have an executive or AG that refuse to uphold their oath and enforce them does not alter the fact that they remain the law. SCOTUS said gay marriage should be decided in the states, CA has decided, in the form of prop 8.

That is incorrect. Prop 8 was ruled unconstitutional by a Federal court. Since the SCOTUS chose not to rule, it leaves the lower court's ruling as the final adjudication.
What will their defense of the law be? What "reasonable person standard" will they use in denying gay and lesbian couples equal access to legal, civil marriage? What's gonna convince the court? Sin? Ickyness? Your inability to talk to your children?

Come on, what will the San Diego Clerk's Argument be (in front of the SCOTUS) that can support violating tax paying American citizen's 14th Amendment right to equal protection?

There are no 'couple's rights', only individual rights. These are exactly the same in America for everyone. We recognize sex differences. Void that and so very much must crumble.

We once recognized race differently in marriage laws.
Gay marriage will be legal in all 50 states soon enough. Get over it.

If that is what each state individually wants it, then so be it. The federal government shouldn't be a part of the process.

Well, they still are tho' doncha know. Part of the unconstitutional DOMA is still in place. Only part of it was a question before the SCOTUS. We gotta get us the other part now, that Section 2 that says my legal marriage license can be treated differently in Alabama than it is in New York...but yers cain't.

Yep, and its the state that should decide how to treat the civil union.
Neither does gay marriage, you're starting to get it. Men and women are designed like a puzzle, they got parts that are designed to fit together, you start mixing puzzles and the pieces don't make sense.

sure it makes sense. Your argument is childish and backwards. We are a nation where people are equal. You want special rights for men and women. That doesnt fly here in America. You can not legally vote away a persons right.

You are on the wrong side of history and the argument. You will loose and that will be that. You can go kicking and screaming if you want, but it will be the norm here in America.

Your bigotry will only get you so far with this issue. Your Icky factor want wash legally, and your its not natural is a lie. You have nothing.

Fuck your childish and backwards bullshit. It's biology, it's nature, I thought you commies were all about science. If you want to satisfy your hedonistic desires by engaging in sexual acts with someone of the same sex, fucking go for it, I don't care, but don't insist on teaching children that it is in any way natural because it is NOT.

yawn...You dont have an argument. Being icky is not a valid reason. You are moving the goal posts. You do care otherwise you wouldnt be here. Now you are just trying to use the kids as an excuse for your bigotry.

How amateur.
"Being icky" isn't a reason. But voting it down is. The Supreme Court just said so.

Great avatar for this particular dicussion Papageorgio. Loved that movie. Gonna have to rent it again.
English, please.

Prop 8 remains the law in CA, just as immigration laws remain in the US. Just because you have an executive or AG that refuse to uphold their oath and enforce them does not alter the fact that they remain the law. SCOTUS said gay marriage should be decided in the states, CA has decided, in the form of prop 8.

That is incorrect. Prop 8 was ruled unconstitutional by a Federal court. Since the SCOTUS chose not to rule, it leaves the lower court's ruling as the final adjudication.

Link please, evidently this county clerk didn't get the memo.
If that is what each state individually wants it, then so be it. The federal government shouldn't be a part of the process.

Well, they still are tho' doncha know. Part of the unconstitutional DOMA is still in place. Only part of it was a question before the SCOTUS. We gotta get us the other part now, that Section 2 that says my legal marriage license can be treated differently in Alabama than it is in New York...but yers cain't.

Yep, and its the state that should decide how to treat the civil union.

What? You said the Feds shouldn't be involved...but they are. It's the Feds that say you're married in AL & CA and I'm not.
Link please, evidently this county clerk didn't get the memo.
Yes OKTexas, and his attorney who scoured through the pertinent documents "didn't get the memo"

Look out laymen, a concise legal rendering will soon be in the media.
What will their defense of the law be? What "reasonable person standard" will they use in denying gay and lesbian couples equal access to legal, civil marriage? What's gonna convince the court? Sin? Ickyness? Your inability to talk to your children?

Come on, what will the San Diego Clerk's Argument be (in front of the SCOTUS) that can support violating tax paying American citizen's 14th Amendment right to equal protection?

There are no 'couple's rights', only individual rights. These are exactly the same in America for everyone. We recognize sex differences. Void that and so very much must crumble.

We once recognized race differently in marriage laws.

This is a non sequitur. Wake and bake?

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