Another reason a lot of reputable business people try and avoid doing business with Trump

Ben Thomson

Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2020
Trump tried to bail out his failing Taj Mahal casino with a big boxing match but screwed that up by pulling a fast one....
Trump tried to bail out his failing Taj Mahal casino with a big boxing match but screwed that up by pulling a fast one....

I watched this video and found it interesting.

The maker of the youtube apparently wants to portray boxing promoters as "babes in the woods" that Donald J. Trump took advantage of.

What a load of crap. The Bob Arums and Don Kings of this world aren't fucking widows and orphans, they are hard nosed business people
Trump tried to bail out his failing Taj Mahal casino with a big boxing match but screwed that up by pulling a fast one....

Not for nothing Ben but people have been starting this thread for the past four years. I know you're new here but please try to get something at least VAGUELY original!
Trump tried to bail out his failing Taj Mahal casino with a big boxing match but screwed that up by pulling a fast one....

OK. And the main steam media ignores the humongous black on black violence that drives white police in the first place. It's like the chicken or the egg... a few bad cops or the HUGE bad black on black crime...

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