Another Reason NOT to Attend Oxford

He thinks alien abductions are due to climate change.

CAGW nutters are all fucking delusional, so this doesn't surprise me at all.
Considering the drooling retards that prestigious universities produce in copious numbers, I've never been so glad I never went to college; I didn't just dodge a bullet, I dodged an intellectual anti-matter bomb.

Here's an example of how brain-addled university students are: some years ago one of the reality TV shows (I think it was either Penn/Teller's Bullshit! Or Mythbusters) went to UC Berkeley of all places, with a petition to ban a dangerous substance called "dihydrogen monoxide." And guess what, they got hundreds of signatures from these brain-damaged millenial spoiled morons before a student finally had the brains to realize that "dihydrogen monoxide" equals H2O, water. Only a university student-retard would be FUCKING STUPID enough to want to ban a compound that is necessary for every species of life on this planet!
Well I don't know, but last night I think that was alien that I was with. That's the only explanation I can come up with.

Umm, I dunno, he could be correct in his hypothesis of aliens interbreeding with us.


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