Another reason to abandon the demorat party

I dont consider who as republicans?
i did not quote you....
I do not care. I was addressing your wrong headed fool hardy, misguided faith in a party that has no Love for you, or any American. Their only love is for Socialism-Globalism-Totalitarianism & The Power that comes with that.
but yet you just cant seem to answer what i asked.....if i was so wrong then respond to what i asked.....are there intolerant and violent republicans/conservatives out there?...
I fail to see what point you are trying to make. Do people jaywalk?

But you have an entire political apparatus who have sworn Oaths of Destruction, Hatred Vitriol, Violence, and have Murder in their hearts.

We aren't talking about a random jay walker. We are talking about a MOB OF JAYWALKING SON OF A BITCHES who don't give a phuck about the law, our Republic, or anyone whom in their Self Righteous Indignation, does not deserve to live, or even have an independent thought apart from their collective, simply because they believe in The Constitution, and The Rule of Law, and Individual Freedoms.

The Democrat Party is a Real Life Version of "The Walking Dead." They only look human. They aren't human. They don't even make good pets.
and yet you cant see your own parties warts? cant even say "yes im sure there are righties out there who are intolerant of others and would resort to violence".....its called being a party person....i understand....

It doesn't benefit anyone to agree with your "exceptions" because exceptions to the rule are no defense for what is going on with your Nazified Hate Group, formally called "THE DNC".

So until you admit that the party as a whole has engaged in numerous egregious acts in this election, there is no point in allowing you to point the finger at a few rogue "so called" Conservatives, that most people would renounce and reject as Conservatives, and technically are sleeping in bed with The DNC.
you cant answer can you?....or should i say wont.....but then you party people are like that,can only see the shit the other side has,but just cant seem to see your own shit.....

Progressive dems are inherently violent.
still no answer.....

We all know the truth,one of us refuses to acknowledge that truth.
and that is you.....but then you party people cant see your own warts....

Show me the riots.
....cant answer can you....
You consider them Republicans, and that is all that matters. They are agents of destruction The Left uses to carry their message of Hate and Intolerance in to enemy territory. Their only job is to be Wolves in Sheep's clothing so that they may covertly advance the goals of a Grey Socialist Liberal Globalist Collectivist Agenda.
in other words if someone disagrees with you,and heaven knows we cant have that,they must be from the other side.....what else can they be?....which is what i have always said about the far right and left....."if you dont agree with with what i want,or dont believe in the same shit as me....fuck you".....

I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party. They are to be feared more than any Terrorist, or Foreign Nation.

Their goal is to destroy us from the inside. And there has been no more destructive champion of that cause, and no more divisive, bitter and vocal mouthpiece for The Liberal Agenda than Obama Bin Lying. And he was hoping to pass the torch to someone even more bitter and hateful, and dishonest than himself, in the form of a corrupt old lying hag?

The War on America by The Dem party will never end. The War on The Weimar Republic by The Nazis never ended until they took over the government, dismantled and outlawed Democracy, and Marched Germany in to Hell, leading to their own destruction.

America will have to suffer a similar tragic end to rid itself of The Democratic Party.
I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party.
neither do i,but i dont see one from your side either,its all a bunch of talk......and i assume you dont want to admit there are intolerant and violent people in your party....they are called the far right,no different than the far left,just different outlooks on life....but both are intolerant of anyone different than them and will use violence if needed to get their way....

Yet we dont see republicans rioting in the streets when they dont get their way.
keep dancing here we go....but at least let me put some music on for you.....dont worry your good friend dean does the same thing when he does not want to answer a question....

You refuse to acknowledge that democrats are far more violent than republicans.
Progressive dems are inherently violent.
still no answer.....

We all know the truth,one of us refuses to acknowledge that truth.
and that is you.....but then you party people cant see your own warts....

Show me the riots.
....cant answer can you....

Not going to answer because your stance is ludicrous.
You consider them Republicans, and that is all that matters. They are agents of destruction The Left uses to carry their message of Hate and Intolerance in to enemy territory. Their only job is to be Wolves in Sheep's clothing so that they may covertly advance the goals of a Grey Socialist Liberal Globalist Collectivist Agenda.
in other words if someone disagrees with you,and heaven knows we cant have that,they must be from the other side.....what else can they be?....which is what i have always said about the far right and left....."if you dont agree with with what i want,or dont believe in the same shit as me....fuck you".....

I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party. They are to be feared more than any Terrorist, or Foreign Nation.

Their goal is to destroy us from the inside. And there has been no more destructive champion of that cause, and no more divisive, bitter and vocal mouthpiece for The Liberal Agenda than Obama Bin Lying. And he was hoping to pass the torch to someone even more bitter and hateful, and dishonest than himself, in the form of a corrupt old lying hag?

The War on America by The Dem party will never end. The War on The Weimar Republic by The Nazis never ended until they took over the government, dismantled and outlawed Democracy, and Marched Germany in to Hell, leading to their own destruction.

America will have to suffer a similar tragic end to rid itself of The Democratic Party.
I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party.
neither do i,but i dont see one from your side either,its all a bunch of talk......and i assume you dont want to admit there are intolerant and violent people in your party....they are called the far right,no different than the far left,just different outlooks on life....but both are intolerant of anyone different than them and will use violence if needed to get their way....

Maybe you should take the wax out of your ears and listen to what is actually being said, instead of allowing it to filter through people who hate us, and hate this country, and hate the fact that they are delayed from turning America in to a Socialist Shit Hole Like Cuba.

Trump has reached out to The Black Community, and Hispanic community far more in the last two months than Obama has in his entire presidency.

The Democrat Party is always hoodwinking and bamboozling minorities. We want to give them real hope and real results. Not some cheap throw away phone and throw away promises, and no results.

Not a bunch of lies in exchange for share cropping the vote on The Dem Plantations.

But get down and dirty and do the hard work.....NOT make a positive direction.
take the wax out of your ears....i cant stand both parties,they have both been ruining this country.....and trump reaching out?.....maybe the guy should learn how to talk to people you are reaching out too......if he would have done that he would have buried hillary in the popular vote too....and you still are avoiding answering what i asked....

You listened to noise and propaganda from The Left. He did bury Hillary in The Popular Vote as our system is designed.
He won 84% of Electoral Districts and 33 states, vs her 16% and just 17 electoral districts.

You had Hillary Clinton pounding the pulpit nightly like Kruschev & Hitler, spewing hate and accusations, and an entire propaganda apparatus behind her in the MSM, plus 1.5 Billion Dollars in an all out 24-7 assault on The American voter. She outspent him 5-1.

And she lost to an Straight Talking, Coarse Talking, Blunt, Political Amateur who never ran for office.

Think about that for a minute.
i did not quote you....
I do not care. I was addressing your wrong headed fool hardy, misguided faith in a party that has no Love for you, or any American. Their only love is for Socialism-Globalism-Totalitarianism & The Power that comes with that.
but yet you just cant seem to answer what i asked.....if i was so wrong then respond to what i asked.....are there intolerant and violent republicans/conservatives out there?...
I fail to see what point you are trying to make. Do people jaywalk?

But you have an entire political apparatus who have sworn Oaths of Destruction, Hatred Vitriol, Violence, and have Murder in their hearts.

We aren't talking about a random jay walker. We are talking about a MOB OF JAYWALKING SON OF A BITCHES who don't give a phuck about the law, our Republic, or anyone whom in their Self Righteous Indignation, does not deserve to live, or even have an independent thought apart from their collective, simply because they believe in The Constitution, and The Rule of Law, and Individual Freedoms.

The Democrat Party is a Real Life Version of "The Walking Dead." They only look human. They aren't human. They don't even make good pets.
and yet you cant see your own parties warts? cant even say "yes im sure there are righties out there who are intolerant of others and would resort to violence".....its called being a party person....i understand....

It doesn't benefit anyone to agree with your "exceptions" because exceptions to the rule are no defense for what is going on with your Nazified Hate Group, formally called "THE DNC".

So until you admit that the party as a whole has engaged in numerous egregious acts in this election, there is no point in allowing you to point the finger at a few rogue "so called" Conservatives, that most people would renounce and reject as Conservatives, and technically are sleeping in bed with The DNC.
i did not quote you....
I do not care. I was addressing your wrong headed fool hardy, misguided faith in a party that has no Love for you, or any American. Their only love is for Socialism-Globalism-Totalitarianism & The Power that comes with that.
but yet you just cant seem to answer what i asked.....if i was so wrong then respond to what i asked.....are there intolerant and violent republicans/conservatives out there?...
I fail to see what point you are trying to make. Do people jaywalk?

But you have an entire political apparatus who have sworn Oaths of Destruction, Hatred Vitriol, Violence, and have Murder in their hearts.

We aren't talking about a random jay walker. We are talking about a MOB OF JAYWALKING SON OF A BITCHES who don't give a phuck about the law, our Republic, or anyone whom in their Self Righteous Indignation, does not deserve to live, or even have an independent thought apart from their collective, simply because they believe in The Constitution, and The Rule of Law, and Individual Freedoms.

The Democrat Party is a Real Life Version of "The Walking Dead." They only look human. They aren't human. They don't even make good pets.
and yet you cant see your own parties warts? cant even say "yes im sure there are righties out there who are intolerant of others and would resort to violence".....its called being a party person....i understand....

It doesn't benefit anyone to agree with your "exceptions" because exceptions to the rule are no defense for what is going on with your Nazified Hate Group, formally called "THE DNC".
So until you admit that the party as a whole has engaged in numerous egregious acts in this election, there is no point in allowing you to point the finger at a few rogue "so called" Conservatives, that most people would renounce and reject as Conservatives, and technically are sleeping in bed with The DNC.
i have no problems saying both parties have people in them who are intolerant assholes of anyone who dont agree with them and would resort to come you cant?.....
in other words if someone disagrees with you,and heaven knows we cant have that,they must be from the other side.....what else can they be?....which is what i have always said about the far right and left....."if you dont agree with with what i want,or dont believe in the same shit as me....fuck you".....

I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party. They are to be feared more than any Terrorist, or Foreign Nation.

Their goal is to destroy us from the inside. And there has been no more destructive champion of that cause, and no more divisive, bitter and vocal mouthpiece for The Liberal Agenda than Obama Bin Lying. And he was hoping to pass the torch to someone even more bitter and hateful, and dishonest than himself, in the form of a corrupt old lying hag?

The War on America by The Dem party will never end. The War on The Weimar Republic by The Nazis never ended until they took over the government, dismantled and outlawed Democracy, and Marched Germany in to Hell, leading to their own destruction.

America will have to suffer a similar tragic end to rid itself of The Democratic Party.
I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party.
neither do i,but i dont see one from your side either,its all a bunch of talk......and i assume you dont want to admit there are intolerant and violent people in your party....they are called the far right,no different than the far left,just different outlooks on life....but both are intolerant of anyone different than them and will use violence if needed to get their way....

Maybe you should take the wax out of your ears and listen to what is actually being said, instead of allowing it to filter through people who hate us, and hate this country, and hate the fact that they are delayed from turning America in to a Socialist Shit Hole Like Cuba.

Trump has reached out to The Black Community, and Hispanic community far more in the last two months than Obama has in his entire presidency.

The Democrat Party is always hoodwinking and bamboozling minorities. We want to give them real hope and real results. Not some cheap throw away phone and throw away promises, and no results.

Not a bunch of lies in exchange for share cropping the vote on The Dem Plantations.

But get down and dirty and do the hard work.....NOT make a positive direction.
take the wax out of your ears....i cant stand both parties,they have both been ruining this country.....and trump reaching out?.....maybe the guy should learn how to talk to people you are reaching out too......if he would have done that he would have buried hillary in the popular vote too....and you still are avoiding answering what i asked....

You listened to noise and propaganda from The Left. He did bury Hillary in The Popular Vote as our system is designed.
He won 84% of Electoral Districts and 33 states, vs her 16% and just 17 electoral districts.

You had Hillary Clinton pounding the pulpit nightly like Kruschev & Hitler, spewing hate and accusations, and an entire propaganda apparatus behind her in the MSM, plus 1.5 Billion Dollars in an all out 24-7 assault on The American voter. She outspent him 5-1.

And she lost to an Straight Talking, Coarse Talking, Blunt, Political Amateur who never ran for office.

Think about that for a minute.

lol, another dunce who thinks Trump won the popular vote.

Yet we dont see republicans rioting in the streets when they dont get their way.

No, they just bring in the Russian hackers.

exactly how did the wikileaks disclosures of corruption within the DNC change anyone's vote? Funny thing about voters and the truth, isn't it, NY?

Did the Russians hack voting machines? Did they hack the vote counters? NO.

First, there is no proof that the wikileaks disclosures came from Russia, second, all that was released was proof of democrat lies and corruption.
I do not care. I was addressing your wrong headed fool hardy, misguided faith in a party that has no Love for you, or any American. Their only love is for Socialism-Globalism-Totalitarianism & The Power that comes with that.
but yet you just cant seem to answer what i asked.....if i was so wrong then respond to what i asked.....are there intolerant and violent republicans/conservatives out there?...
I fail to see what point you are trying to make. Do people jaywalk?

But you have an entire political apparatus who have sworn Oaths of Destruction, Hatred Vitriol, Violence, and have Murder in their hearts.

We aren't talking about a random jay walker. We are talking about a MOB OF JAYWALKING SON OF A BITCHES who don't give a phuck about the law, our Republic, or anyone whom in their Self Righteous Indignation, does not deserve to live, or even have an independent thought apart from their collective, simply because they believe in The Constitution, and The Rule of Law, and Individual Freedoms.

The Democrat Party is a Real Life Version of "The Walking Dead." They only look human. They aren't human. They don't even make good pets.
and yet you cant see your own parties warts? cant even say "yes im sure there are righties out there who are intolerant of others and would resort to violence".....its called being a party person....i understand....

It doesn't benefit anyone to agree with your "exceptions" because exceptions to the rule are no defense for what is going on with your Nazified Hate Group, formally called "THE DNC".

So until you admit that the party as a whole has engaged in numerous egregious acts in this election, there is no point in allowing you to point the finger at a few rogue "so called" Conservatives, that most people would renounce and reject as Conservatives, and technically are sleeping in bed with The DNC.
I do not care. I was addressing your wrong headed fool hardy, misguided faith in a party that has no Love for you, or any American. Their only love is for Socialism-Globalism-Totalitarianism & The Power that comes with that.
but yet you just cant seem to answer what i asked.....if i was so wrong then respond to what i asked.....are there intolerant and violent republicans/conservatives out there?...
I fail to see what point you are trying to make. Do people jaywalk?

But you have an entire political apparatus who have sworn Oaths of Destruction, Hatred Vitriol, Violence, and have Murder in their hearts.

We aren't talking about a random jay walker. We are talking about a MOB OF JAYWALKING SON OF A BITCHES who don't give a phuck about the law, our Republic, or anyone whom in their Self Righteous Indignation, does not deserve to live, or even have an independent thought apart from their collective, simply because they believe in The Constitution, and The Rule of Law, and Individual Freedoms.

The Democrat Party is a Real Life Version of "The Walking Dead." They only look human. They aren't human. They don't even make good pets.
and yet you cant see your own parties warts? cant even say "yes im sure there are righties out there who are intolerant of others and would resort to violence".....its called being a party person....i understand....

It doesn't benefit anyone to agree with your "exceptions" because exceptions to the rule are no defense for what is going on with your Nazified Hate Group, formally called "THE DNC".
So until you admit that the party as a whole has engaged in numerous egregious acts in this election, there is no point in allowing you to point the finger at a few rogue "so called" Conservatives, that most people would renounce and reject as Conservatives, and technically are sleeping in bed with The DNC.
i have no problems saying both parties have people in them who are intolerant assholes of anyone who dont agree with them and would resort to come you cant?.....

I already told you, that I reject phony Conservatives. And most Mainstream Americans do too. That is why Trump ran against 16 of them and put them to sleep. He exposed each one of them one by one.

And when he ran in the general election, he ran against 4 major challengers, and about 1,700 other people on the ballot for president.

It was the most watered down presidential election in history, and yet he won the Electoral Vote in a Landslide.

You should be asking yourself why, not looking to deflect, and pivot and defend your point of view with a "Tu Quoque" Defense.

Trump himself is not a true Republican. He is a moderate, and independent, who used the GOP party to launch his candidacy. He high jacked it. The GOP has been undergoing reform, through pressure exerted by grass routes groups like The Tea Party, and Libertarians.

Americans want their country back.

Learn from that.
in other words if someone disagrees with you,and heaven knows we cant have that,they must be from the other side.....what else can they be?....which is what i have always said about the far right and left....."if you dont agree with with what i want,or dont believe in the same shit as me....fuck you".....

I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party. They are to be feared more than any Terrorist, or Foreign Nation.

Their goal is to destroy us from the inside. And there has been no more destructive champion of that cause, and no more divisive, bitter and vocal mouthpiece for The Liberal Agenda than Obama Bin Lying. And he was hoping to pass the torch to someone even more bitter and hateful, and dishonest than himself, in the form of a corrupt old lying hag?

The War on America by The Dem party will never end. The War on The Weimar Republic by The Nazis never ended until they took over the government, dismantled and outlawed Democracy, and Marched Germany in to Hell, leading to their own destruction.

America will have to suffer a similar tragic end to rid itself of The Democratic Party.
I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party.
neither do i,but i dont see one from your side either,its all a bunch of talk......and i assume you dont want to admit there are intolerant and violent people in your party....they are called the far right,no different than the far left,just different outlooks on life....but both are intolerant of anyone different than them and will use violence if needed to get their way....

Yet we dont see republicans rioting in the streets when they dont get their way.
keep dancing here we go....but at least let me put some music on for you.....dont worry your good friend dean does the same thing when he does not want to answer a question....

You refuse to acknowledge that democrats are far more violent than republicans.
did i disagree with that post where i said "so are many republicans"? i did not,i hate them as much as i hate republicans....but yet YOU cant seem to even acknowledge that there are intolerant republicans out there and that if given a reason would use violence as a come?...i have no problems saying they both have factions that are intolerant and can and would use violence....
still no answer.....

We all know the truth,one of us refuses to acknowledge that truth.
and that is you.....but then you party people cant see your own warts....

Show me the riots.
....cant answer can you....

Not going to answer because your stance is ludicrous.
in other words if you are truthful you would have to say yes there are.....kinda like what dean does....
I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party. They are to be feared more than any Terrorist, or Foreign Nation.

Their goal is to destroy us from the inside. And there has been no more destructive champion of that cause, and no more divisive, bitter and vocal mouthpiece for The Liberal Agenda than Obama Bin Lying. And he was hoping to pass the torch to someone even more bitter and hateful, and dishonest than himself, in the form of a corrupt old lying hag?

The War on America by The Dem party will never end. The War on The Weimar Republic by The Nazis never ended until they took over the government, dismantled and outlawed Democracy, and Marched Germany in to Hell, leading to their own destruction.

America will have to suffer a similar tragic end to rid itself of The Democratic Party.
I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party.
neither do i,but i dont see one from your side either,its all a bunch of talk......and i assume you dont want to admit there are intolerant and violent people in your party....they are called the far right,no different than the far left,just different outlooks on life....but both are intolerant of anyone different than them and will use violence if needed to get their way....

Yet we dont see republicans rioting in the streets when they dont get their way.
keep dancing here we go....but at least let me put some music on for you.....dont worry your good friend dean does the same thing when he does not want to answer a question....

You refuse to acknowledge that democrats are far more violent than republicans.
did i disagree with that post where i said "so are many republicans"? i did not,i hate them as much as i hate republicans....but yet YOU cant seem to even acknowledge that there are intolerant republicans out there and that if given a reason would use violence as a come?...i have no problems saying they both have factions that are intolerant and can and would use violence....

Of course there are.
The only reason you bring it up is to somehow show justification for the actions of democrats who by far are more violent than republicans.
I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party. They are to be feared more than any Terrorist, or Foreign Nation.

Their goal is to destroy us from the inside. And there has been no more destructive champion of that cause, and no more divisive, bitter and vocal mouthpiece for The Liberal Agenda than Obama Bin Lying. And he was hoping to pass the torch to someone even more bitter and hateful, and dishonest than himself, in the form of a corrupt old lying hag?

The War on America by The Dem party will never end. The War on The Weimar Republic by The Nazis never ended until they took over the government, dismantled and outlawed Democracy, and Marched Germany in to Hell, leading to their own destruction.

America will have to suffer a similar tragic end to rid itself of The Democratic Party.
I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party.
neither do i,but i dont see one from your side either,its all a bunch of talk......and i assume you dont want to admit there are intolerant and violent people in your party....they are called the far right,no different than the far left,just different outlooks on life....but both are intolerant of anyone different than them and will use violence if needed to get their way....

Yet we dont see republicans rioting in the streets when they dont get their way.
keep dancing here we go....but at least let me put some music on for you.....dont worry your good friend dean does the same thing when he does not want to answer a question....

You refuse to acknowledge that democrats are far more violent than republicans.
did i disagree with that post where i said "so are many republicans"? i did not,i hate them as much as i hate republicans....but yet YOU cant seem to even acknowledge that there are intolerant republicans out there and that if given a reason would use violence as a come?...i have no problems saying they both have factions that are intolerant and can and would use violence....

can you give us a few examples of violence by conservatives and republicans? We all know of thousands of examples of violence by liberals, progressives, socialists, and democrats, got any by republicans and conservatives?

I'll wait.
- It was not Republicans that burned Ferguson, Baltimore, and Charlotte
- It was not Republicans intimidating and assaulting Trump supporters at rallies in 2016
- It was not Republicans that raped, murdered, and assaulted police officers as part of Occupy
- When was the last time you saw physical destruction at a Tea Party?
in other words if someone disagrees with you,and heaven knows we cant have that,they must be from the other side.....what else can they be?....which is what i have always said about the far right and left....."if you dont agree with with what i want,or dont believe in the same shit as me....fuck you".....

I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party. They are to be feared more than any Terrorist, or Foreign Nation.

Their goal is to destroy us from the inside. And there has been no more destructive champion of that cause, and no more divisive, bitter and vocal mouthpiece for The Liberal Agenda than Obama Bin Lying. And he was hoping to pass the torch to someone even more bitter and hateful, and dishonest than himself, in the form of a corrupt old lying hag?

The War on America by The Dem party will never end. The War on The Weimar Republic by The Nazis never ended until they took over the government, dismantled and outlawed Democracy, and Marched Germany in to Hell, leading to their own destruction.

America will have to suffer a similar tragic end to rid itself of The Democratic Party.
I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party.
neither do i,but i dont see one from your side either,its all a bunch of talk......and i assume you dont want to admit there are intolerant and violent people in your party....they are called the far right,no different than the far left,just different outlooks on life....but both are intolerant of anyone different than them and will use violence if needed to get their way....

Maybe you should take the wax out of your ears and listen to what is actually being said, instead of allowing it to filter through people who hate us, and hate this country, and hate the fact that they are delayed from turning America in to a Socialist Shit Hole Like Cuba.

Trump has reached out to The Black Community, and Hispanic community far more in the last two months than Obama has in his entire presidency.

The Democrat Party is always hoodwinking and bamboozling minorities. We want to give them real hope and real results. Not some cheap throw away phone and throw away promises, and no results.

Not a bunch of lies in exchange for share cropping the vote on The Dem Plantations.

But get down and dirty and do the hard work.....NOT make a positive direction.
take the wax out of your ears....i cant stand both parties,they have both been ruining this country.....and trump reaching out?.....maybe the guy should learn how to talk to people you are reaching out too......if he would have done that he would have buried hillary in the popular vote too....and you still are avoiding answering what i asked....

You listened to noise and propaganda from The Left. He did bury Hillary in The Popular Vote as our system is designed.
He won 84% of Electoral Districts and 33 states, vs her 16% and just 17 electoral districts.

You had Hillary Clinton pounding the pulpit nightly like Kruschev & Hitler, spewing hate and accusations, and an entire propaganda apparatus behind her in the MSM, plus 1.5 Billion Dollars in an all out 24-7 assault on The American voter. She outspent him 5-1.

And she lost to an Straight Talking, Coarse Talking, Blunt, Political Amateur who never ran for office.

Think about that for a minute.
i dont listen to either side.....and if he beat her in the overall "votes" why cant i find anything saying that.....

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