Another reason to abandon the demorat party

This lady who cancelled singing at Trump's inauguration because of threats and racial insults from demorats and anti Trumpers. Not a word of moderation from the present occupant in the white house of course, because this is what he set out to accomplish, I do believe. How decent people can remain Democrat is beyond me. They need to abandon it in droves by either going republican or independent or forming a new party.

Black singer withdraws from Trump Inauguration after blacks call her ‘house n*gger’ and tell her to ‘kill yourself’

Did you renounce conservatism when two rightwingers murdered 2 cops a few years ago out in Nevada?
are you telling me that there are no intolerant and violent republicans?...
When is the last time Republicans blocked highways and roads? When is the last time Republicans shut down a political rally (as progressives did to Donald Trump in Chicago)? When is the last time Republicans brutally beat someone for voting Dumbocrat?
why dont you answer what i asked?......are there intolerant and violent republicans/conservatives out there?.....
You were asked first - my gentle little snowflake. Either answer the question or admit that you can't. Then we'll move on to your question. That's how civil discussions work.
i made a statement .....and it seems you cant counter rioting does not mean ALL Republicans are tolerant and non violent lets see respond to what i said....are there intolerant and violent republicans/conservatives out there?..
When's the last time republicans rioted in the streets?
are you telling me that there are no intolerant and violent republicans?...

There are plenty of them. We call them RINOs or Democrats in Sheep's Clothing.
you dont consider them republicans so you are just dancing around what i said....

You consider them Republicans, and that is all that matters. They are agents of destruction The Left uses to carry their message of Hate and Intolerance in to enemy territory. Their only job is to be Wolves in Sheep's clothing so that they may covertly advance the goals of a Grey Socialist Liberal Globalist Collectivist Agenda.
in other words if someone disagrees with you,and heaven knows we cant have that,they must be from the other side.....what else can they be?....which is what i have always said about the far right and left....."if you dont agree with with what i want,or dont believe in the same shit as me....fuck you".....

I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party. They are to be feared more than any Terrorist, or Foreign Nation.

Their goal is to destroy us from the inside. And there has been no more destructive champion of that cause, and no more divisive, bitter and vocal mouthpiece for The Liberal Agenda than Obama Bin Lying. And he was hoping to pass the torch to someone even more bitter and hateful, and dishonest than himself, in the form of a corrupt old lying hag?

The War on America by The Dem party will never end. The War on The Weimar Republic by The Nazis never ended until they took over the government, dismantled and outlawed Democracy, and Marched Germany in to Hell, leading to their own destruction.

America will have to suffer a similar tragic end to rid itself of The Democratic Party.
are you telling me that there are no intolerant and violent republicans?...

Answer the question.
rioting has jack shit to do with what i wont answer what i asked because you wont be able to say no.....

Where are the violent republicans rioting in the streets?
you cant answer can you?....or should i say wont.....but then you party people are like that,can only see the shit the other side has,but just cant seem to see your own shit.....

Progressive dems are inherently violent.
still no answer.....
This lady who cancelled singing at Trump's inauguration because of threats and racial insults from demorats and anti Trumpers. Not a word of moderation from the present occupant in the white house of course, because this is what he set out to accomplish, I do believe. How decent people can remain Democrat is beyond me. They need to abandon it in droves by either going republican or independent or forming a new party.

Black singer withdraws from Trump Inauguration after blacks call her ‘house n*gger’ and tell her to ‘kill yourself’

Did you renounce conservatism when two rightwingers murdered 2 cops a few years ago out in Nevada?
Did Barak Obama give them a medal, or commute their sentences? It's usually one or the other.
Answer the question.
rioting has jack shit to do with what i wont answer what i asked because you wont be able to say no.....

Where are the violent republicans rioting in the streets?
you cant answer can you?....or should i say wont.....but then you party people are like that,can only see the shit the other side has,but just cant seem to see your own shit.....

Progressive dems are inherently violent.
still no answer.....

We all know the truth,one of us refuses to acknowledge that truth.
are you telling me that there are no intolerant and violent republicans?...

There are plenty of them. We call them RINOs or Democrats in Sheep's Clothing.
you dont consider them republicans so you are just dancing around what i said....

I dont consider who as republicans?
i did not quote you....
I do not care. I was addressing your wrong headed fool hardy, misguided faith in a party that has no Love for you, or any American. Their only love is for Socialism-Globalism-Totalitarianism & The Power that comes with that.
but yet you just cant seem to answer what i asked.....if i was so wrong then respond to what i asked.....are there intolerant and violent republicans/conservatives out there?...
There are plenty of them. We call them RINOs or Democrats in Sheep's Clothing.
you dont consider them republicans so you are just dancing around what i said....

I dont consider who as republicans?
i did not quote you....
I do not care. I was addressing your wrong headed fool hardy, misguided faith in a party that has no Love for you, or any American. Their only love is for Socialism-Globalism-Totalitarianism & The Power that comes with that.
but yet you just cant seem to answer what i asked.....if i was so wrong then respond to what i asked.....are there intolerant and violent republicans/conservatives out there?...

When you can show me repeated riots and vandalism by republicans get back with me.
Democrats are intolerant and violent.
They are also Murderous and Greedy.

Oh and poor dressers. They have no style. Well, Hillary Clinton wore $5,000 Armani Clown Suits while trying to tell "The People" she was down for "the struggle."

So they had that going for them.
are you telling me that there are no intolerant and violent republicans?...

There are plenty of them. We call them RINOs or Democrats in Sheep's Clothing.
you dont consider them republicans so you are just dancing around what i said....

You consider them Republicans, and that is all that matters. They are agents of destruction The Left uses to carry their message of Hate and Intolerance in to enemy territory. Their only job is to be Wolves in Sheep's clothing so that they may covertly advance the goals of a Grey Socialist Liberal Globalist Collectivist Agenda.
in other words if someone disagrees with you,and heaven knows we cant have that,they must be from the other side.....what else can they be?....which is what i have always said about the far right and left....."if you dont agree with with what i want,or dont believe in the same shit as me....fuck you".....

I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party. They are to be feared more than any Terrorist, or Foreign Nation.

Their goal is to destroy us from the inside. And there has been no more destructive champion of that cause, and no more divisive, bitter and vocal mouthpiece for The Liberal Agenda than Obama Bin Lying. And he was hoping to pass the torch to someone even more bitter and hateful, and dishonest than himself, in the form of a corrupt old lying hag?

The War on America by The Dem party will never end. The War on The Weimar Republic by The Nazis never ended until they took over the government, dismantled and outlawed Democracy, and Marched Germany in to Hell, leading to their own destruction.

America will have to suffer a similar tragic end to rid itself of The Democratic Party.
I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party.
neither do i,but i dont see one from your side either,its all a bunch of talk......and i assume you dont want to admit there are intolerant and violent people in your party....they are called the far right,no different than the far left,just different outlooks on life....but both are intolerant of anyone different than them and will use violence if needed to get their way....
rioting has jack shit to do with what i wont answer what i asked because you wont be able to say no.....

Where are the violent republicans rioting in the streets?
you cant answer can you?....or should i say wont.....but then you party people are like that,can only see the shit the other side has,but just cant seem to see your own shit.....

Progressive dems are inherently violent.
still no answer.....

We all know the truth,one of us refuses to acknowledge that truth.
and that is you.....but then you party people cant see your own warts....
There are plenty of them. We call them RINOs or Democrats in Sheep's Clothing.
you dont consider them republicans so you are just dancing around what i said....

I dont consider who as republicans?
i did not quote you....
I do not care. I was addressing your wrong headed fool hardy, misguided faith in a party that has no Love for you, or any American. Their only love is for Socialism-Globalism-Totalitarianism & The Power that comes with that.
but yet you just cant seem to answer what i asked.....if i was so wrong then respond to what i asked.....are there intolerant and violent republicans/conservatives out there?...
I fail to see what point you are trying to make. Do people jaywalk?

But you have an entire political apparatus who have sworn Oaths of Destruction, Hatred, Vitriol, Violence, and have Murder in their hearts towards good Americans that want to preserve America FOR EVERYONE.

We aren't talking about a random jay walker. We are talking about a MOB OF JAYWALKING SON OF A BITCHES who don't give a phuck about The Law, our Republic, or anyone whom in their Self Righteous Indignation, does not deserve to live, or even have an independent thought apart from their collective, simply because they believe in The Constitution, and The Rule of Law, and Individual Freedoms.

The Democrat Party is a Real Life Version of "The Walking Dead." They only look human. They aren't human. They don't even make good pets.
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you dont consider them republicans so you are just dancing around what i said....

I dont consider who as republicans?
i did not quote you....
I do not care. I was addressing your wrong headed fool hardy, misguided faith in a party that has no Love for you, or any American. Their only love is for Socialism-Globalism-Totalitarianism & The Power that comes with that.
but yet you just cant seem to answer what i asked.....if i was so wrong then respond to what i asked.....are there intolerant and violent republicans/conservatives out there?...

When you can show me repeated riots and vandalism by republicans get back with me.
nice dance.....was that a 2 step waltz or a rumba?....
There are plenty of them. We call them RINOs or Democrats in Sheep's Clothing.
you dont consider them republicans so you are just dancing around what i said....

You consider them Republicans, and that is all that matters. They are agents of destruction The Left uses to carry their message of Hate and Intolerance in to enemy territory. Their only job is to be Wolves in Sheep's clothing so that they may covertly advance the goals of a Grey Socialist Liberal Globalist Collectivist Agenda.
in other words if someone disagrees with you,and heaven knows we cant have that,they must be from the other side.....what else can they be?....which is what i have always said about the far right and left....."if you dont agree with with what i want,or dont believe in the same shit as me....fuck you".....

I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party. They are to be feared more than any Terrorist, or Foreign Nation.

Their goal is to destroy us from the inside. And there has been no more destructive champion of that cause, and no more divisive, bitter and vocal mouthpiece for The Liberal Agenda than Obama Bin Lying. And he was hoping to pass the torch to someone even more bitter and hateful, and dishonest than himself, in the form of a corrupt old lying hag?

The War on America by The Dem party will never end. The War on The Weimar Republic by The Nazis never ended until they took over the government, dismantled and outlawed Democracy, and Marched Germany in to Hell, leading to their own destruction.

America will have to suffer a similar tragic end to rid itself of The Democratic Party.
I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party.
neither do i,but i dont see one from your side either,its all a bunch of talk......and i assume you dont want to admit there are intolerant and violent people in your party....they are called the far right,no different than the far left,just different outlooks on life....but both are intolerant of anyone different than them and will use violence if needed to get their way....

Maybe you should take the wax out of your ears and listen to what is actually being said, instead of allowing it to filter through people who hate us, and hate this country, and hate the fact that they are delayed from turning America in to a Socialist Shit Hole Like Cuba.

Trump has reached out to The Black Community, and Hispanic community far more in the last two months than Obama has in his entire presidency.

The Democrat Party is always hoodwinking and bamboozling minorities. We want to give them real hope and real results. Not some cheap throw away phone and throw away promises, and no results.

Not a bunch of lies in exchange for share cropping the vote on The Dem Plantations.

But get down and dirty and do the hard work.....NOT make a positive direction.
you dont consider them republicans so you are just dancing around what i said....

I dont consider who as republicans?
i did not quote you....
I do not care. I was addressing your wrong headed fool hardy, misguided faith in a party that has no Love for you, or any American. Their only love is for Socialism-Globalism-Totalitarianism & The Power that comes with that.
but yet you just cant seem to answer what i asked.....if i was so wrong then respond to what i asked.....are there intolerant and violent republicans/conservatives out there?...
I fail to see what point you are trying to make. Do people jaywalk?

But you have an entire political apparatus who have sworn Oaths of Destruction, Hatred Vitriol, Violence, and have Murder in their hearts.

We aren't talking about a random jay walker. We are talking about a MOB OF JAYWALKING SON OF A BITCHES who don't give a phuck about the law, our Republic, or anyone whom in their Self Righteous Indignation, does not deserve to live, or even have an independent thought apart from their collective, simply because they believe in The Constitution, and The Rule of Law, and Individual Freedoms.

The Democrat Party is a Real Life Version of "The Walking Dead." They only look human. They aren't human. They don't even make good pets.
and yet you cant see your own parties warts? cant even say "yes im sure there are righties out there who are intolerant of others and would resort to violence".....its called being a party person....i understand....
There are plenty of them. We call them RINOs or Democrats in Sheep's Clothing.
you dont consider them republicans so you are just dancing around what i said....

You consider them Republicans, and that is all that matters. They are agents of destruction The Left uses to carry their message of Hate and Intolerance in to enemy territory. Their only job is to be Wolves in Sheep's clothing so that they may covertly advance the goals of a Grey Socialist Liberal Globalist Collectivist Agenda.
in other words if someone disagrees with you,and heaven knows we cant have that,they must be from the other side.....what else can they be?....which is what i have always said about the far right and left....."if you dont agree with with what i want,or dont believe in the same shit as me....fuck you".....

I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party. They are to be feared more than any Terrorist, or Foreign Nation.

Their goal is to destroy us from the inside. And there has been no more destructive champion of that cause, and no more divisive, bitter and vocal mouthpiece for The Liberal Agenda than Obama Bin Lying. And he was hoping to pass the torch to someone even more bitter and hateful, and dishonest than himself, in the form of a corrupt old lying hag?

The War on America by The Dem party will never end. The War on The Weimar Republic by The Nazis never ended until they took over the government, dismantled and outlawed Democracy, and Marched Germany in to Hell, leading to their own destruction.

America will have to suffer a similar tragic end to rid itself of The Democratic Party.
I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party.
neither do i,but i dont see one from your side either,its all a bunch of talk......and i assume you dont want to admit there are intolerant and violent people in your party....they are called the far right,no different than the far left,just different outlooks on life....but both are intolerant of anyone different than them and will use violence if needed to get their way....

Yet we dont see republicans rioting in the streets when they dont get their way.
you dont consider them republicans so you are just dancing around what i said....

I dont consider who as republicans?
i did not quote you....
I do not care. I was addressing your wrong headed fool hardy, misguided faith in a party that has no Love for you, or any American. Their only love is for Socialism-Globalism-Totalitarianism & The Power that comes with that.
but yet you just cant seem to answer what i asked.....if i was so wrong then respond to what i asked.....are there intolerant and violent republicans/conservatives out there?...

When you can show me repeated riots and vandalism by republicans get back with me.
How about Organized, Paid For, Violence and Rioting with the specific intent to Affect The Election?

The Dems had armies of people, and still do, who accept payment to commit criminal acts against people they disagree with.

How very BROWN SHIRT of them.
you dont consider them republicans so you are just dancing around what i said....

You consider them Republicans, and that is all that matters. They are agents of destruction The Left uses to carry their message of Hate and Intolerance in to enemy territory. Their only job is to be Wolves in Sheep's clothing so that they may covertly advance the goals of a Grey Socialist Liberal Globalist Collectivist Agenda.
in other words if someone disagrees with you,and heaven knows we cant have that,they must be from the other side.....what else can they be?....which is what i have always said about the far right and left....."if you dont agree with with what i want,or dont believe in the same shit as me....fuck you".....

I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party. They are to be feared more than any Terrorist, or Foreign Nation.

Their goal is to destroy us from the inside. And there has been no more destructive champion of that cause, and no more divisive, bitter and vocal mouthpiece for The Liberal Agenda than Obama Bin Lying. And he was hoping to pass the torch to someone even more bitter and hateful, and dishonest than himself, in the form of a corrupt old lying hag?

The War on America by The Dem party will never end. The War on The Weimar Republic by The Nazis never ended until they took over the government, dismantled and outlawed Democracy, and Marched Germany in to Hell, leading to their own destruction.

America will have to suffer a similar tragic end to rid itself of The Democratic Party.
I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party.
neither do i,but i dont see one from your side either,its all a bunch of talk......and i assume you dont want to admit there are intolerant and violent people in your party....they are called the far right,no different than the far left,just different outlooks on life....but both are intolerant of anyone different than them and will use violence if needed to get their way....

Maybe you should take the wax out of your ears and listen to what is actually being said, instead of allowing it to filter through people who hate us, and hate this country, and hate the fact that they are delayed from turning America in to a Socialist Shit Hole Like Cuba.

Trump has reached out to The Black Community, and Hispanic community far more in the last two months than Obama has in his entire presidency.

The Democrat Party is always hoodwinking and bamboozling minorities. We want to give them real hope and real results. Not some cheap throw away phone and throw away promises, and no results.

Not a bunch of lies in exchange for share cropping the vote on The Dem Plantations.

But get down and dirty and do the hard work.....NOT make a positive direction.
take the wax out of your ears....i cant stand both parties,they have both been ruining this country.....and trump reaching out?.....maybe the guy should learn how to talk to people you are reaching out too......if he would have done that he would have buried hillary in the popular vote too....and you still are avoiding answering what i asked....
Where are the violent republicans rioting in the streets?
you cant answer can you?....or should i say wont.....but then you party people are like that,can only see the shit the other side has,but just cant seem to see your own shit.....

Progressive dems are inherently violent.
still no answer.....

We all know the truth,one of us refuses to acknowledge that truth.
and that is you.....but then you party people cant see your own warts....

Show me the riots.
you dont consider them republicans so you are just dancing around what i said....

You consider them Republicans, and that is all that matters. They are agents of destruction The Left uses to carry their message of Hate and Intolerance in to enemy territory. Their only job is to be Wolves in Sheep's clothing so that they may covertly advance the goals of a Grey Socialist Liberal Globalist Collectivist Agenda.
in other words if someone disagrees with you,and heaven knows we cant have that,they must be from the other side.....what else can they be?....which is what i have always said about the far right and left....."if you dont agree with with what i want,or dont believe in the same shit as me....fuck you".....

I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party. They are to be feared more than any Terrorist, or Foreign Nation.

Their goal is to destroy us from the inside. And there has been no more destructive champion of that cause, and no more divisive, bitter and vocal mouthpiece for The Liberal Agenda than Obama Bin Lying. And he was hoping to pass the torch to someone even more bitter and hateful, and dishonest than himself, in the form of a corrupt old lying hag?

The War on America by The Dem party will never end. The War on The Weimar Republic by The Nazis never ended until they took over the government, dismantled and outlawed Democracy, and Marched Germany in to Hell, leading to their own destruction.

America will have to suffer a similar tragic end to rid itself of The Democratic Party.
I see no useful, positive, unifying message from The Democrat Party.
neither do i,but i dont see one from your side either,its all a bunch of talk......and i assume you dont want to admit there are intolerant and violent people in your party....they are called the far right,no different than the far left,just different outlooks on life....but both are intolerant of anyone different than them and will use violence if needed to get their way....

Yet we dont see republicans rioting in the streets when they dont get their way.
keep dancing here we go....but at least let me put some music on for you.....dont worry your good friend dean does the same thing when he does not want to answer a question....

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